The Conscious Consultant Hour

Thursday, March 9, 2023
Facebook Live Video from 2023/03/09 - Who Is Maitreya The World Teacher?

Facebook Live Video from 2023/03/09 - Who Is Maitreya The World Teacher?


2023/03/09 - Who Is Maitreya The World Teacher?

[NEW EPISODE] Who Is Maitreya The World Teacher?

Thursdays 12:00pm - 1:00pm (EDT)


This week, on The Conscious Consultant Hour, Sam welcomes Teacher and Lecturer, Felicity Eliot.


Felicity is the Chief Editor of Share International magazine,

and is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She has worked as a teacher and lecturer. 

She joined Benjamin Creme’s group in London in 1976 and continues to be an active

member of the worldwide Share International group, giving

lectures and contributing articles to Share International



Join Sam and Felicity as they take a look at world challenges from a different perspective.

Tune in for this enlightening conversation at

Show Notes

Segment  1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4


00:00:38.390 --> 00:00:54.370 Good afternoon. Good morning. Good evening. Whenever you're tuning in. Welcome to the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. I am very, very pleased that you are all here with me today.

00:00:54.570 --> 00:01:17.700 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I am coming to you. Live from our satellite studio in San Diego, California. I'm out here for the next 6 weeks, so the next several shows i'll be doing from out here on the left coast. I hope you'll enjoy them. Did you catch my show last week I had a wonderful guest on Bob Russo, who was excellent. If you didn't get a chance to catch that up, so make sure

00:01:18.090 --> 00:01:25.130 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you go to talk radio done in Yc. And check it out. That was a wonderful conversation we had.

00:01:26.240 --> 00:01:40.320 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Hopefully my guest will be back to the she was here a moment ago, but she said her wi-fi is not very good. So before I introduce my guest of course, let's talk about my our little section from my book.

00:01:40.330 --> 00:01:50.900 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Everyday Awakening. and this week our section is entitled. Our Future lies in the vision we hold for ourselves.

00:01:52.290 --> 00:01:56.760 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What is it that pulls us forward into a better life.

00:01:58.710 --> 00:02:06.000 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It is not a better job or a better partner. It is not more money or more contacts.

00:02:06.470 --> 00:02:12.160 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It is the vision we hold of our future selves.

00:02:13.010 --> 00:02:24.590 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: How we envision ourselves in our future is what pulls us forward. It calls us to do more. be more serve, more

00:02:25.110 --> 00:02:40.700 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when we can imagine ourselves not only achieving more in our lives, but contributing more to the lives to the lives around us. It inspires us to become more of who we really are.

00:02:41.110 --> 00:02:55.250 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We can only grow to the extent that we envision ourselves changing. We only strive to the level that our minds I can see as achievable for us.

00:02:56.270 --> 00:02:57.720 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Our life

00:02:57.840 --> 00:03:06.460 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: is a creation of the vision we hold for ourselves and our belief that this vision is real

00:03:06.630 --> 00:03:08.230 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and possible.

00:03:11.560 --> 00:03:16.360 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and you see yourself a week. a month.

00:03:16.560 --> 00:03:25.790 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: or a year into the future. These days i'll tell you it's more difficult than ever before. Then you see the beauty you will create.

00:03:25.940 --> 00:03:30.920 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the good you will do. the inspiration you will spread.

00:03:32.840 --> 00:03:35.850 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It is time to envision it more.

00:03:36.280 --> 00:03:41.520 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: feel it more, and allow it to pull you forward.

00:03:42.850 --> 00:03:47.900 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So this section of my book I wrote a a while ago.

00:03:49.660 --> 00:03:59.640 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I I guess this kind of inspiration came from someone I knew who was a teacher, and someone asked him

00:04:00.130 --> 00:04:03.740 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: like, what's your method of working with people?

00:04:04.610 --> 00:04:05.940 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And he said.

00:04:06.780 --> 00:04:14.930 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I see people 5 min into the future. I see what they're going to be like.

00:04:15.730 --> 00:04:18.000 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and that's the way I treat them.

00:04:19.100 --> 00:04:21.390 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so this idea

00:04:22.720 --> 00:04:33.250 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: of of how the vision we hold for ourselves in the future is what actually pulls us forward. And I've heard different people talk about this at different times

00:04:33.690 --> 00:04:41.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that it's quite fascinating when we hold this vision of who we will become.

00:04:42.560 --> 00:04:50.520 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: whether it's next week, next month, next year, or tomorrow, or this afternoon, or this evening.

00:04:52.630 --> 00:04:56.910 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What whatever vision we hold for ourselves.

00:04:57.370 --> 00:05:01.020 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It actually connects us 2,

00:05:01.190 --> 00:05:07.890 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that image, that vision of who we are, and it actually pulls us towards that vision.

00:05:08.550 --> 00:05:15.380 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Now, a lot of people talk about visualizations and meditating on what you want to bring into your life.

00:05:15.560 --> 00:05:19.000 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But this is a little bit different. This is not about

00:05:19.470 --> 00:05:24.160 visualizing things. This is not about visualizing a better home.

00:05:24.250 --> 00:05:28.580 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: This is about visualizing a better you.

00:05:29.170 --> 00:05:35.040 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: This is about visualizing you, living more into your potential.

00:05:37.030 --> 00:05:52.660 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and when we do that it's quite fascinating that we actually activate the the neural pathways in our brain. The cells in our body we actually activate a part of us

00:05:53.220 --> 00:06:04.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that aligns up with that vision. and then we start living into that vision. And as we live into that vision.

00:06:04.740 --> 00:06:13.290 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: then suddenly the the physical world around us will start to line up to support that vision, to support

00:06:13.400 --> 00:06:19.860 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: where we want to go to support where our energy is drawing us forward into.

00:06:22.460 --> 00:06:33.760 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So that's why I decided to write this chapter because oftentimes I I see people in the self-help personal development spiritual development. World.

00:06:33.850 --> 00:06:44.160 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And they're so focused on things they're so focused on. Oh, you know, Get a bigger house, a nicer car, a better job, a more thriving business.

00:06:44.540 --> 00:06:48.230 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and i'm not saying any of that is bad. It's all fine.

00:06:48.290 --> 00:07:05.090 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so ultimately it's all just an excuse for us to feel better. Be happier and vibrate at a higher level. But what i'm saying is that there's a core fundamental thing that they kind of miss. When you focus on all the individual material things.

00:07:06.080 --> 00:07:07.200 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And that's

00:07:08.330 --> 00:07:17.650 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: how we live, how we bring our soul forward, how we bring our spirit forward, how we bring our energy forward into our lives!

00:07:19.480 --> 00:07:24.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so I felt it was important to kind of highlight, this in this section of the book.

00:07:25.690 --> 00:07:31.750 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that if we're not visualizing, if we're not being mindful and intentional

00:07:32.120 --> 00:07:40.670 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: about where we see ourselves going. then we're missing out on a great opportunity.

00:07:41.260 --> 00:07:45.460 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But if we're only using that vision

00:07:45.590 --> 00:07:49.090 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to improve our material.

00:07:50.680 --> 00:07:56.320 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: a a situation. then we're also limiting ourselves.

00:07:56.330 --> 00:08:02.070 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We're also then just limiting ourselves to I,

00:08:02.850 --> 00:08:12.040 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: A. A a. It's not a bad existence, but it's not our full existence. We're limiting our potential. We're limiting on who we can become

00:08:12.510 --> 00:08:22.120 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: no one thing I always say when I talk about, you know, in envisioning our future and looking towards the future

00:08:22.300 --> 00:08:27.790 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in and and being intentional with things is to always

00:08:28.010 --> 00:08:32.789 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: hold that vision lightly. Don't grip it so tightly.

00:08:33.350 --> 00:08:39.630 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: because when we become too attached to that vision, it actually creates resistance.

00:08:40.250 --> 00:08:42.679 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And then actually, when we

00:08:42.919 --> 00:08:51.620 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: open it. And and as my friend Jennifer Huff likes to say we, we, we always add the or something better to that vision

00:08:51.740 --> 00:09:04.160 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that life can bring us amazing things, and can bring us places and situations, and and help us to grow in ways we could not have even imagined ourselves

00:09:05.740 --> 00:09:14.090 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so. Yes, let's let's hold a vision for ourselves in the future, and so that we can be pulled towards that vision.

00:09:14.250 --> 00:09:16.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But let's also hold it lightly.

00:09:16.900 --> 00:09:25.330 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so that we can be open to the magic and the beauty of life, and what life has in store for us.

00:09:26.330 --> 00:09:38.040 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So yeah, I hope you liked it. That's my section of my book. Everyday Weakening. That section is entitled Our Future lies

00:09:38.070 --> 00:09:41.230 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in the vision we hold for ourselves.

00:09:41.520 --> 00:09:56.260 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and that's that just takes you straight to our Amazon listing. And of course, if you like me and you like to get your book from a local independent bookstore.

00:09:56.260 --> 00:10:04.610 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: They can always order it just on the order every day awakening by Samuel. It's we're in a major distributor, so we can that they can get that

00:10:04.690 --> 00:10:09.460 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: all right. Awesome. So and now it is my pleasure

00:10:09.480 --> 00:10:19.780 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to welcome to the show. Hopefully, her Internet is stable from around the globe, from the other side of the pond, as the Brits like to say.

00:10:19.920 --> 00:10:24.240 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: my pleasure to welcome teacher and lecturer.

00:10:24.480 --> 00:10:53.460 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Felicity Elliot Felicity is the chief editor of Sh of Share International Magazine, which is based in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. She has worked as a teacher and lecturer, and she joined a Benjamin Creme's group share International in London back in 1,976 so She's been involved. This organization a long, long time, and continues to be an active member of the world, Wide organization, giving lectures and contributing articles

00:10:53.460 --> 00:10:58.730 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to the share International Magazine. Welcome to the conscious consultant or felicity.

00:10:59.340 --> 00:11:00.780 Felicity Eliot: Thank you so much.

00:11:00.870 --> 00:11:10.220 Felicity Eliot: and I hope that I wasn't too disturbing. We seem to be having some Internet problems here. I hope that it wasn't too disturbing for you.

00:11:10.520 --> 00:11:21.960 Felicity Eliot: No, I'm i'm fine. I've been doing this long enough. I I've learned to roll with the punches

00:11:21.960 --> 00:11:33.550 Felicity Eliot: what we are and what we become, and how we become that I love that it reminded me of something that, but that we can come to that later, something that the World teacher said to someone

00:11:33.660 --> 00:11:44.250 Felicity Eliot: someone in New York one day he's they would They were worrying about something. Well, perhaps i'll just finish right now. They were worrying about their life and how the work was going, and so on.

00:11:44.310 --> 00:11:45.560 Felicity Eliot: And he said.

00:11:45.580 --> 00:11:49.030 Felicity Eliot: Just let life let life I love you.

00:11:49.080 --> 00:12:01.320 Felicity Eliot: Don't try and live life. Don't try and make things happen. You've you know what you need. You know what you but let life. And it was a great lesson. But I love the way you put it to.

00:12:01.660 --> 00:12:03.520 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yes, yes, it it's

00:12:03.820 --> 00:12:23.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I. I I remember the hearing that the the the Buddhist principle of that suffering comes from resisting what is. and so sometimes we just need to be open to what life brings us. Not try and fix it, not try and change it, but just look at it. Go. Okay, this is

00:12:23.500 --> 00:12:35.010 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: where we are now. This is what's happening now, and not resisting. Sometimes I find that we're so attached to wanting things to be to be the way we want them to be

00:12:35.770 --> 00:12:39.590 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that that that that attachment sort of causes us trouble.

00:12:42.240 --> 00:12:52.350 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So you know, we just kind of minute before break. I think maybe we'll. We'll do. We'll go to break first, and then when we come back I want to have you talk a little bit about

00:12:52.430 --> 00:12:55.860 Felicity Eliot: It's

00:12:56.370 --> 00:13:00.670 Felicity Eliot: one of the principles that I would say, that is.

00:13:00.870 --> 00:13:01.500 Yeah.

00:13:01.920 --> 00:13:13.140 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: yeah. So. And when we come back let's talk about how you discovered share international back all those years ago in London.

00:13:13.150 --> 00:13:16.490 You know what what brought you to the organization

00:13:16.960 --> 00:13:23.710 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and what you've You've learned over the years of being such a a an important part of it. Okay, Felicity.

00:13:24.960 --> 00:13:25.780 Felicity Eliot: right

00:13:26.370 --> 00:13:56.370 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: wonderful. And I do see Paddy checking on live stream on Facebook. Thanks so much for checking in Paddy. They'll let us know throughout the show. If you have any questions on that, we'll get to them. So everybody, please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consult now awakening the humanity. We do this live every Thursday, 12 noon to one Pm. Eastern time, right here in talk radio and Nyc. And Wednesday mornings 10 am on Kmt and Palm Springs, California, and we'll be right back with our

00:13:56.370 --> 00:13:59.660 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It's just Felicity Elliot in just a moment.

00:14:03.180 --> 00:14:22.590 Are you a business owner? Do you want to be a business owner. Do you work with business owners? Hi, I'm. Steven. Fry your small and medium-sized business or Smb Guy and i'm the host of the new show always Friday. While I love to have fun on my show, we take those Friday feelings of freedom and clarity to discuss popular topics in the minds of Smes today.

00:14:22.730 --> 00:14:28.940 Please join me and my various special guests on Friday at 11 am. On talk radio and Nyc.

00:14:31.390 --> 00:15:01.700 Are you a conscious Co-creator, are you on a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness? I'm. Sam leeblich your conscious consultant, and on my show, the conscious consultant hour? Awakening humanity, we will touch upon all these topics and more. Listen. Live at our new time on Thursdays, at 12 noon, Eastern time. That's the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. Thursday's 12 noon on talk Radio and Nyc.

00:15:06.950 --> 00:15:35.490 Are you on edge, hey? We live in challenging edgy time. So let's lean in. I'm Sandra bargeman, the host of the edge of every day, which airs each Monday at 7 P. M. Eastern time on talk, Radio and Nyc. Tian in live with me and my friends and colleagues, as we share stories and perspectives about pushing boundaries and exploring our rough edges. That's the edge of every day. On Mondays at 7 P. M. Eastern time on top radio and Nyc

00:15:35.610 --> 00:15:36.530 Christian.

00:15:37.120 --> 00:15:38.220 And

00:15:38.400 --> 00:15:43.920 you're listening to talk radio, Nyc: uplift, educate and power.

00:15:45.020 --> 00:15:46.250 You

00:16:04.890 --> 00:16:08.320 Okay. you

00:16:17.540 --> 00:16:22.220 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and welcome back to the conscious, consulting our weakening humanity.

00:16:22.280 --> 00:16:35.800 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So, felicity you! You joined the organization quite a long time ago in 1,976. How did you first learn about share international? And what was it that attracted you to the organization? Initially?

00:16:35.990 --> 00:16:40.130 Felicity Eliot: Hmm. It gives the game away, doesn't it? It's so long ago.

00:16:40.400 --> 00:16:57.810 Felicity Eliot: 19 in 1,976. Well, I think that I suppose I fall into the category of people, probably like yourself and many of your listeners. I'm sure, who has always been searching from from a very early age, looking for meaning, looking for purpose, because

00:16:57.810 --> 00:17:01.520 even as a child and I have to say I

00:17:01.590 --> 00:17:14.720 Felicity Eliot: I was born in South Africa, and that was wonderful. I absolutely hated the idea for many years that I had been born in South Africa, because I looked around me and saw injustice, and disliked it intensely.

00:17:14.720 --> 00:17:43.320 Felicity Eliot: and rebelled against that. But i'm so pleased now because it gave me a sense of injustice, and it gave me a sense of what poverty is like and what suffering is like for people. And so i'm, now delighted, but as a as a child, as a very young child. I remember having certain sort of experiences from very early, which made me think there is something more. There's something more. There's more than what I see, more than I'm told. Is life.

00:17:43.440 --> 00:17:53.650 So my inner experience already said. we have to find that we have to search. We have to be on the lookout to see what

00:17:53.840 --> 00:18:11.200 Felicity Eliot: are there signs? Is there something? Is there something that tells me there's something more? What would confirm my inner sense of this. So I think, like a lot of people, I started searching, and being in South Africa, I first looked at politics.

00:18:11.200 --> 00:18:16.350 Felicity Eliot: and of course, because, being an idealistic person again, I'm sure, like many of your listeners.

00:18:16.410 --> 00:18:29.980 Felicity Eliot: I also looked at things like religion, and so on. Philosophy and various approaches to life and ways of trying to make sense of things that you, as a young person, and it's

00:18:30.330 --> 00:18:49.500 Felicity Eliot: they all were partial answers, but not the whole answer, and then eventually I found myself in London and travelling around, and so I found myself in London. I had been doing a lot of reading up to. Then I read a lot of a lot of of all sorts of things, but nothing had quite

00:18:49.610 --> 00:19:08.080 Felicity Eliot: clicked yet to bring the whole thing together, and I went to a lecture by Benjamin Creme in London, and the moment I sat down I felt as if I was listening to a checklist, and that everything I heard got a tick. Yeah, reincarnation. Yes.

00:19:08.080 --> 00:19:18.660 Felicity Eliot: evolution of consciousness. Yes, we we're all one. We we all are interconnected. Everything I do has has an impact

00:19:18.670 --> 00:19:21.970 Felicity Eliot: has an effect. Everything that anyone else that

00:19:22.110 --> 00:19:22.710 Felicity Eliot: as

00:19:23.370 --> 00:19:26.440 Felicity Eliot: has an impact

00:19:27.860 --> 00:19:35.350 Felicity Eliot: it it brings together science. It brings together the ancient mystical writings. It bring

00:19:36.030 --> 00:19:42.640 Felicity Eliot: this together science, and, for example, what we have read in dunters and in the

00:19:43.060 --> 00:19:50.720 Felicity Eliot: at the teeth, and so on, be together, and say how one of the connectedness and all of life.

00:19:51.170 --> 00:19:56.100 Felicity Eliot: the universe, our our solar system, the Universe galaxy upon.

00:19:56.430 --> 00:19:57.990 Felicity Eliot: I see.

00:19:59.820 --> 00:20:04.160 Felicity Eliot: is all all interconnected, and we all have

00:20:04.270 --> 00:20:17.760 Felicity Eliot: the ability, we that it was evolution of consciousness. Oh, we grow, we develop reincarnation, fantastic, and so on, and so on. Oh, there are people who are more evolved.

00:20:17.790 --> 00:20:30.700 Felicity Eliot: That's that's to say they're not better than others, but they've in. They have developed more of themselves. They know themselves, I think, in the East people call these people self realized.

00:20:30.710 --> 00:20:33.800 Felicity Eliot: We call them the Masters of wisdom. So

00:20:33.920 --> 00:20:52.170 Felicity Eliot: are we all getting become massive? Yes, we are. We are all on a process, on a path of development. And so what we're talking about is the evolution of consciousness, and this gives meaning and purpose to life, and it also brings in great.

00:20:53.840 --> 00:20:54.540 Felicity Eliot: Oh.

00:20:58.760 --> 00:21:07.050 Felicity Eliot: your internet's going. I'm: okay.

00:21:11.380 --> 00:21:12.350 Felicity Eliot: was in.

00:21:15.130 --> 00:21:16.000 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Oh.

00:21:16.310 --> 00:21:18.210 Felicity Eliot: right?

00:21:18.840 --> 00:21:33.520 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, you you you doing okay. But the Internet kind of is wobbly, and it's cutting in and out a little bit. So we we. We like that most of that. But then you start talking about certain laws.

00:21:36.840 --> 00:21:38.440 Felicity Eliot: Yes, what I was

00:21:38.440 --> 00:22:00.590 Felicity Eliot: saying was that the law of Internet is not working in our favor at all at the moment, is it? I was talking so I was talking about the fact that we, as you grow, you you gradually realize that this is not a a random thing, that life on our planet and in our solar system is not something random. It's not just a

00:22:00.590 --> 00:22:08.670 Felicity Eliot: yes, a little accident of chemistry, and the right amount of oxygen, and so on.

00:22:08.760 --> 00:22:26.610 Felicity Eliot: is a planned, purposeful, conscious existence, and we are part of that existence, and so that existence is also governed by certain universal laws which are the laws of, for example, the law of cause and effect that that's a scientific law. But you find it

00:22:26.720 --> 00:22:36.780 Felicity Eliot: in all of the ancient religions as well, and philosophies, and that's simply put, is as you so social.

00:22:37.580 --> 00:22:43.120 Felicity Eliot: I really well, we do one to others.

00:22:43.400 --> 00:22:51.170 Felicity Eliot: etc. And this law, important laws governing our lives, and the more we learn to live in harmony

00:22:51.960 --> 00:22:52.750 Felicity Eliot: with.

00:22:53.970 --> 00:22:57.680 Felicity Eliot: and I know so

00:22:58.080 --> 00:22:59.050 Felicity Eliot: with

00:23:01.260 --> 00:23:07.910 Felicity Eliot: the purpose and the laws of a part of this God Force or God.

00:23:08.320 --> 00:23:09.180 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Hmm.

00:23:09.540 --> 00:23:19.760 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And and you know one of the things I think that people tend to forget or not necessarily appreciate

00:23:20.040 --> 00:23:21.290 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: is that

00:23:21.570 --> 00:23:36.880 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in in in Western civilization there tends to be a a big separation between Creator and created, and it's like God or Spirit. Whatever you want to call it, is something else that's out there.

00:23:37.200 --> 00:23:55.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and the in the Eastern philosophy and religions. It's we're all part of this greater whole, and that it's not that God is something out there, but it's something in here

00:23:55.490 --> 00:24:09.320 Felicity Eliot: and brilliantly put, and you know that's exactly why it's so interesting to be alive at the moment, and I think it's a great privilege. I mean. It's a terrible time to be alive, and it's a brilliant time to be alive. One of the brilliant things that is happening is that

00:24:09.340 --> 00:24:11.480 Felicity Eliot: so many people

00:24:11.890 --> 00:24:31.150 Felicity Eliot: are beginning to have exactly what you're talking about, the sense of themselves as being somehow a spirit divine, a a great being in themselves, and realizing that in a connectedness with everything else, gives a completely different

00:24:31.150 --> 00:24:50.230 Felicity Eliot: way of looking at life and approaching it, and it allows us to Well, it absolutely transforms our lives. If you begin to see yourself as one with everything, and you can identify with absolutely everything I mean, even as a simply as a theory.

00:24:50.410 --> 00:25:06.820 Felicity Eliot: And many people are beginning to have that sense as something empirical, something as really something they begin to experience. This begins to change our civilization, and makes for a very different world

00:25:07.380 --> 00:25:12.940 Felicity Eliot: if we manage to implement what we're beginning to sense as our true nature

00:25:13.290 --> 00:25:19.150 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: right now, no share International was started by Benjamin Creme right.

00:25:19.200 --> 00:25:34.500 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: correct? And and so what was it about Benjamin when you first heard him lecture? Was it just what he was saying, or was there something more that really spoke to you that got you to say, oh, there, there's something here that really touches me.

00:25:34.500 --> 00:25:51.700 Felicity Eliot: Hmm. That's a brilliant question, and the answer is 2 things: One is that he was a pretty advanced person, so he that meant that he was. He had been trained for many years by his master, a master who was in the Himalayas at the.

00:25:51.740 --> 00:26:07.880 Felicity Eliot: and has been for centuries. But they were in telepathic contact with each other moment. To moment. So he had to 24 h it were for a moment to moment contact telepathically with his master, who had trained him and trained him for the job that he had undertaken to do

00:26:08.170 --> 00:26:22.920 Felicity Eliot: so. That's one thing so, but something else that is extraordinarily convincing. And it happens when my colleagues coworkers of share international if they give talks and so on. This happens to you.

00:26:22.920 --> 00:26:36.310 Felicity Eliot: since the energy and I don't simply mean in a kind of emotional way. It's a literally and many of us. And I I think this happens to many people around the world in particular circumstances, and we can come to that.

00:26:36.320 --> 00:26:47.930 Felicity Eliot: You actually feel the energy you. It is palpable, experiencedable energy and the the outflow of that energy. And

00:26:48.690 --> 00:27:03.320 Felicity Eliot: I don't want people to misunderstand this, an outflow of energy of love in the broadest, most inclusive way possible the love that you senses at the heart of being, of of existence.

00:27:03.400 --> 00:27:20.480 Felicity Eliot: that love. You begin to have a a little sense of that. It's not in the full blown form that you would find in a but enough to be able to be convincing and to to tell you this is something different, because it touches me

00:27:20.480 --> 00:27:29.240 Felicity Eliot: at my deepest and highest self. It touches me there, and at the same time you have your own intuition

00:27:29.650 --> 00:27:33.840 Felicity Eliot: and intuition is really.

00:27:34.300 --> 00:27:47.570 Felicity Eliot: I would say, is the voice of the soul is the sense of yeah, that's right. And people have are beginning to find out ways of saying intuitively to them, oh, oh! Saying.

00:27:47.580 --> 00:27:50.590 Felicity Eliot: to make concrete something that is intuitive.

00:27:50.650 --> 00:27:58.820 Felicity Eliot: you might suddenly have an insight into something and hear something all, and you feel the the

00:27:58.980 --> 00:28:06.230 Felicity Eliot: imprint and the downpouring of particular energy from your soul, and it indicates Yes, this is correct.

00:28:06.240 --> 00:28:17.540 Felicity Eliot: This is right. I know it. I know it from a intuitively. And this is not a sense of, you know. I've got a hunch that No, it's more than that. It's a a concrete, deliberate

00:28:17.840 --> 00:28:35.610 Felicity Eliot: conscious, knowing of something from a particular. And so all of that was present when I first heard Benjamin Cram talking, and it just was, as I said, like hearing a list, a checklist of everything that suddenly went. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, I get that. Yeah, I know that. Yeah, yeah.

00:28:35.610 --> 00:28:41.950 Felicity Eliot: It confirmed for me what I was looking for, and the best part of it was that it brought together.

00:28:42.580 --> 00:28:52.420 Felicity Eliot: It's, synthesized everything that I had so far studied, looked into it synthesized it into one coherent

00:28:52.430 --> 00:28:59.710 Felicity Eliot: whole. That made sense. It gave purpose, it gave meaning. It was coherent, it was intelligent, it was thoughtful.

00:29:00.160 --> 00:29:01.220 Felicity Eliot: it

00:29:02.300 --> 00:29:05.790 Felicity Eliot: It appealed to a a critical mind, because

00:29:05.890 --> 00:29:11.030 Felicity Eliot: I wasn't. I'm not a gullible person, and yet I choose to believe this stuff.

00:29:11.100 --> 00:29:29.450 Felicity Eliot: How strange! But it sense to me inwardly, and it's makes sense to me, because I see what we need to do to change the world, and I see that I can play a a very tiny part in that. And if we all do that in our own way.

00:29:29.450 --> 00:29:31.310 we shift things forward

00:29:31.390 --> 00:29:41.670 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Right? Right? Exactly. Exactly. So obviously like you had a very strong experience, and things continued because you've stayed involved for for so many years.

00:29:41.700 --> 00:29:59.830 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It's time for us to take our second break when we come back. I just would like to talk a little bit about what is the purpose of Share International, you know. Why did Benjamin create this organization? And then and then he's already transitioned or left this earth.

00:30:00.410 --> 00:30:03.990 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: You know. What is its mission going forward. Okay, Felicity.

00:30:06.220 --> 00:30:25.570 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So everybody, please stay with us. You're listening to the conscious consultant hour, a weakening humanity. We do this every Thursday, 12 noon to one Pm. Eastern time right here and talk radio, dot Nyc. And 10 am on Wednesdays at Kmt Palm Springs, California, and we'll be right back

00:30:25.740 --> 00:30:28.470 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: with Felicity Elliot in just a moment.

00:30:30.140 --> 00:30:44.500 Are you passionate about the conversation around racism? Hi i'm! Reverend Dr. Tlc. Host of the Dismantle Racism show which airs every Thursday at 11 a. M. Eastern on talk Radio and Nyc.

00:30:44.500 --> 00:30:57.040 Join me and my amazing guest, as we discussed ways to uncover, dismantle and eradicate racism that's Thursdays at 110'clock a. M. On talk radio and Nyc.

00:30:59.670 --> 00:31:27.480 In a post movement, for you may have many unanswered questions regarding your health. Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you have a desire to learn more about mental health, and enhance your quality of life? Or do you just want to participate in self-understanding and awareness i'm Frank R. Harrison, host of Frank about health and each Thursday I will tackle these questions and work to enlighten you. Tune in every Thursday 5 P. M. On talk radio and Nyc. And I will be frank about help to advocate for all of us.

00:31:32.730 --> 00:31:56.840 Hey, everybody! It's Tommy Deed a nonprofit sector connector coming at you from my attic each week here on talk radio and Nyc. I hosted program for the lamb became focused nonprofits in cocktails each and every day, and it's my focus to help them amplify their message and tell their story. Listen: Each week at 10 a. M. Eastern Standard time until 11 a. M. Is from standing time right here on talk radio Dot: Nyc.

00:31:57.850 --> 00:32:08.320 You're listening to talk radio and yc@wwwtalkradio.and live Scene: now broadcasting 24 h a day.

00:32:20.990 --> 00:32:22.500 Okay.

00:32:23.550 --> 00:32:24.430 you

00:32:33.570 --> 00:32:53.280 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and welcome back to the conscious consult now, or weakening humanity. Hopefully, Felicity, your Internet will stay a little bit stable for the rest of the show. So, so, following up to what I I said I wanted to talk about, which is what is the purpose of share. International. Hmm.

00:32:53.550 --> 00:33:10.550 Felicity Eliot: Right? I should also say that we're not exactly an organization, and i'll explain why we are a movement throughout the world, and it is quite deliberate. It is quite deliberately so. We're all volunteers.

00:33:10.550 --> 00:33:18.740 Felicity Eliot: and we give our time to this because we believe it's very important to make known certain principles and certain information.

00:33:18.750 --> 00:33:38.120 Felicity Eliot: So we're not an organization, although we do have a magazine, we publish books, and so on, and I can say we're truly non-profit. But so why, what is the purpose of sharing international? Well, it was to the work of Benjamin Kremlin started in London

00:33:38.120 --> 00:33:53.330 Felicity Eliot: at the time, You know. He was an artist, by the way, and, as I said, he was in training. He was a a senior disciple, if you want to put it that way, and he was trained by his master to do this work and our work, and his work is simply to to do

00:33:53.590 --> 00:34:12.330 Felicity Eliot: a number of things. Firstly, to make known our information, Benjamin Clems information, which came from his master, a master in the Himalayas and the Master, and works together with other masters. And let's, say the Master of all masters, which is.

00:34:12.330 --> 00:34:22.100 Felicity Eliot: who is Metrea, the World Teacher, who is here for all humanity. So our one of our our main jobs was to let people know around the world

00:34:22.139 --> 00:34:37.510 Felicity Eliot: whoever would listen. It's not the religion. It's simply information. We put it out there as as that people accept it or not. Either it chimes with your intuition or or it's something that you might care to consider as as a theory.

00:34:37.510 --> 00:34:49.139 Felicity Eliot: But so our in our job is to let people know about. Let's say the possibility that such a being exists as the Buddha or

00:34:49.260 --> 00:34:55.710 one of the great teachers, the Buddha, the Christ Jesus, Mohammed. Whoever

00:34:55.909 --> 00:34:59.750 Felicity Eliot: it's the idea of a cyclic return of a teacher.

00:34:59.800 --> 00:35:08.450 Felicity Eliot: and he comes this time not as a Saviour, certainly not as a religion. But to look at what humanity needs at the moment

00:35:08.630 --> 00:35:24.710 Felicity Eliot: the problem is, and I think you in your book, I'm sure you've touched on. This is the the fact that lot of a lot of the world is suffering from crises, and these crises are brought really brought on by the fact that we actually don't know

00:35:25.040 --> 00:35:40.570 Felicity Eliot: who we are, what we are, what our purpose is, and so on. And you and so we have all these constant crises. We make short term decisions about things. It always ends up badly for the planet and for the public

00:35:40.570 --> 00:35:51.620 Felicity Eliot: it's not for the common good. It's often for the the fat cats and the the big money and big, you know all of the big concerns. So our job was to make known the fact that

00:35:51.710 --> 00:35:55.030 Felicity Eliot: there is a conscious, deliberate

00:35:55.160 --> 00:36:13.090 Felicity Eliot: plan. This is a planned life. This is an organized existence, our solar system, and it has consciousness on every level, and we are never alone. We have never been without help. We have the help and the guidance from behind the scenes

00:36:13.090 --> 00:36:19.590 Felicity Eliot: of the masters of metre. The World Teacher, whose focus. because of the crises

00:36:20.680 --> 00:36:24.610 Felicity Eliot: and those are brought about by our not knowing our true nature.

00:36:24.700 --> 00:36:37.240 Felicity Eliot: His focus is on the politics, the political problems of the world, and the economic problems of the world, because they are where we are expressing our our, let's say.

00:36:37.300 --> 00:36:52.750 Felicity Eliot: the the worst aspects of ourselves, the greed of the commercialization, the competition competition rather than cooperation, greed rather than sharing greed rather than a fair deal for all

00:36:52.750 --> 00:37:04.690 Felicity Eliot: right. How? How is it possible and mature the World Teacher says this himself: how can we bear to let some of the the terrible injustices continue

00:37:04.730 --> 00:37:15.280 Felicity Eliot: that happen daily, and we see them on our screens. We see them on our mobile phones. We we know that their most terrible things are happening, and yet

00:37:15.370 --> 00:37:21.690 Felicity Eliot: either we feel incapable and unable, perhaps simply as a little individual, to do something about it.

00:37:22.400 --> 00:37:36.710 Felicity Eliot: or we're inured to it, and we let it happen. We don't care, and we see it as our job to make known a the fact that there are masters, and that there is a master of all masters in the world

00:37:36.710 --> 00:37:45.970 Felicity Eliot: that we can call on them for for help, for guidance, etc., and we can come to how and etc. in a minute. but also to make known that

00:37:45.990 --> 00:37:51.120 Felicity Eliot: these changes I've just sketched briefly, are urgently necessary

00:37:51.280 --> 00:38:08.680 Felicity Eliot: for us to bring in new systems, so that we give people a fair deal, so that we don't have millions of people starving, so that we don't have in huge cities in the States in the Uk. In in Germany, in Europe, where you have people

00:38:09.180 --> 00:38:11.430 Felicity Eliot: dying sometimes on the street.

00:38:11.570 --> 00:38:12.430 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah.

00:38:12.600 --> 00:38:20.080 Felicity Eliot: homeless people. How is that possible when we have the wherewithal there is enough

00:38:20.330 --> 00:38:23.210 Felicity Eliot: if we think about how we can.

00:38:23.380 --> 00:38:40.980 Felicity Eliot: and it's not. I don't mean people should rush out and start sort of handing out aid, and so on. Age is fine. It's needed at at times, but it is not the solution. We really have to think of different ways of organizing our lives. So share international through Share International Magazine.

00:38:41.240 --> 00:38:59.710 Felicity Eliot: which you mentioned earlier on, and I'll give the website details later on through Share International magazine, through his books and through our lectures, and so on through Youtube, through Webinars, that we do. We try to make known the urgency of the need for change

00:38:59.720 --> 00:39:03.080 Felicity Eliot: to bring about a world that we can all

00:39:03.820 --> 00:39:13.230 Felicity Eliot: finally be ourselves in, and finally say a world that I want, a world where I can be happy, and I know everyone else is flourishing

00:39:13.280 --> 00:39:17.410 Felicity Eliot: right right where the human spirit can flourish.

00:39:17.700 --> 00:39:34.130 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: You know one of the things that I find that people aren't talking enough about is also the ecological crisis. We're in it. It it's the severe weather is, is getting more severe every year.

00:39:34.230 --> 00:39:51.860 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I I I know there are people who deny climate change, which is just unfathomable to me, because the evidence is all around us and our impact on this world. And I've heard that Even the Secretary General of the UN. This year said that as as early as this summer or

00:39:51.860 --> 00:39:59.370 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: or or later this year, millions of people could be facing famine exactly because of this

00:39:59.500 --> 00:40:12.360 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so. But still, as a collective people, we're not making. We're making some changes, but they're very little. They're they're not. And they're coming way too late.

00:40:14.190 --> 00:40:34.340 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Why is it that as as a as a race, as a species, we're almost being a a suicidal in a sense, in terms of the way we treat our environment, polluting our environment to the point where it it'll just become too harsh and to challenging for us as human beings to survive in.

00:40:34.350 --> 00:40:51.580 Felicity Eliot: Yeah, you know, I I i'm so pleased that you've mentioned this because, according to Benjamin Crem's master, something like 80% of the global warming has been caused by human activity. You know it. We know it. We all know it. The problem is that we have

00:40:51.930 --> 00:41:11.390 Felicity Eliot: vested interest. We have big agriculture. We have various interests which really big oil, etc., etc., who which really do not want to to think about what it, what they need to give up in order to save the planet. So it's literally. People are choosing

00:41:11.390 --> 00:41:26.560 Felicity Eliot: to destroy ourselves, to destroy our planet, to rob their children and their grandchildren of a future because of greed and mainly power. And there is really in the hands of

00:41:26.630 --> 00:41:29.270 Felicity Eliot: people, in in in the

00:41:29.350 --> 00:41:48.650 Felicity Eliot: and and this is relevant as well in the military complex, in the big oil, etc., etc. In big money there are interest there which really are holding things back, and you see, time after time we have a conferences around the world. We come together, and we try, for example, the cop.

00:41:48.650 --> 00:42:06.910 Felicity Eliot: 2020, 26, 7 coming up, and yet they're there. They come to more or less. Nothing. Why? Because there are interests working against them. Now, why is it that humanity does this. I think there are 2 reasons. I think one is that I think that people see themselves as

00:42:07.140 --> 00:42:10.360 Felicity Eliot: i'm a little individual. What can I do?

00:42:10.480 --> 00:42:17.000 Felicity Eliot: And I think there's another thing that happens, and that is that people feel overwhelmed by

00:42:17.100 --> 00:42:25.050 Felicity Eliot: the enormity of the problems. Then, of course, we've got a war going on which is taking huge amounts of money

00:42:25.150 --> 00:42:37.670 Felicity Eliot: from the treasury. In the States. It's been used. It's public money, but it's going into the military, and in other countries it is same.

00:42:37.670 --> 00:42:51.460 is going into feeding the war machine, whether it's in Ukraine or in Syria or Afghanistan. Wherever it is, there's a war going on, usually, which means that we are distracted, and we do not have the funds

00:42:51.460 --> 00:43:09.670 Felicity Eliot: erez Agmoni to put into saving our planet. And that is one of the major things that we in share international, called on to make known. It is the the climate crisis which is causing untold suffering to millions of people. There last year, 150

00:43:09.670 --> 00:43:26.880 Felicity Eliot: in part of Madagascar, for example, people were driven to such a limits of of their ability to exist. They were actually boiling up old bits of shoes to eat and to feed their children

00:43:26.880 --> 00:43:41.870 Felicity Eliot: in one part of, and that that's just off the coast of Africa. Okay, there are plenty of places in Africa which are also suffering from and having to move huge movement migration of people away from areas which are

00:43:41.880 --> 00:43:46.350 Felicity Eliot: suffering increasing desertification.

00:43:46.620 --> 00:43:56.500 Felicity Eliot: but we can do something about it, but we have to act collectively, and we have to see ourselves as a collective. Luckily

00:43:56.920 --> 00:44:02.980 Felicity Eliot: the voice of the people is making itself hurt more and more throughout the world. And the young people

00:44:03.180 --> 00:44:16.040 Felicity Eliot: I certainly know in in Europe, and i'm thinking the States are pretty pretty sure there's plenty going on in the in. The States, too, are asking people to give more attention to the needs of our planet

00:44:16.220 --> 00:44:29.130 Felicity Eliot: without a planet. There's no future, you know, but this is the short termism of so many people who are in power. I'm afraid the media is not playing its part as well as it should.

00:44:29.130 --> 00:44:44.510 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, yeah, all right, it it's time for us to take our last break when we come back. I just we all only have a few minutes, but I do want to talk about a little bit more about who Metreya is and about some of the things Benjamin said around metre. Okay.

00:44:45.340 --> 00:44:55.390 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So everyone please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consult now, or weakening humanity, and we'll be right back with our guest. Felicity Elliot, in Just a moment.

00:44:58.570 --> 00:45:22.660 everybody. It's Tommy Dee, the nonprofit sector connector, coming at you from my attic each week here on talk radio and Ny: Z. I hosted program for a lamp of game. Focus non-profits in cocktails each and every day, and it's my focus. To help them amplify their message and tell their story listen. Each week at 10 a. M. Eastern standard time until 11 a. M. Is from standing time right here on talk radio, dot Nyc.

00:45:23.470 --> 00:45:51.310 In a comments. World. You may have many unanswered questions regarding your health. Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you have a desire to learn more about mental health, and enhance your quality of life? Or do you just want to participate in self-understanding and Awareness, I'm Frank R. Harrison, host of Frank about health and each Thursday. I will tackle these questions and work to enlighten you. Tune in every 3 at 5 P. M. On talk, radio and Nyc. And I will be frank about help to advocate for all of us.

00:45:54.810 --> 00:46:25.090 Are you a conscious Co-creator? Are you on a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness? I'm. Sam Leibowitz, your conscious consultant, and on my show, the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity, we will touch upon all these topics and more. Listen. Live at our new time on Thursdays at 12 noon, Eastern time. That's the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. Thursday's 12 noon on talk radio and Nyc.

00:46:29.480 --> 00:46:39.420 You're listening to talk radio Nyc: at Www. Top Radio Andyc. Now broadcasting 24 h a day.

00:46:47.840 --> 00:46:52.790 you you okay

00:47:03.610 --> 00:47:22.220 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and welcome back to the conscious consult. Now, are we giving humanity. So felicity the term Maitreya, if i'm not mistaken, is it? Is it a Sanskrit term, or a Buddhist term? Yep, a Buddhist name a Buddhist name which means the happy one, or the fortunate one.

00:47:22.220 --> 00:47:41.550 Felicity Eliot: the happy one. Yes, and metre is the world Teacher who will hold the office of World Teacher for the next 2,000 years, and it's really to do with the cyclic return and teachers, as I mentioned. So before you had the Buddha and various other great teachers.

00:47:41.550 --> 00:48:02.020 Felicity Eliot: The Buddha actually foretold the coming of Metrea Buddha, and said that the next Buddha would be Metrea, Buddha, and he is the world teacher, and wants to be known simply as the World Teacher. I must make sure that people don't think that I mean he's God, and that he's come to do it for us, Benjamin Creme would say.

00:48:02.020 --> 00:48:05.480 Felicity Eliot: All of us are God. Every single one of us is divine.

00:48:05.500 --> 00:48:20.020 Felicity Eliot: So the masters are not here to, you know, wave a magic wand and do it all for us. Not at all. We have to to take the responsibility, grow up and make the changes we see, but he will be enunciating.

00:48:20.030 --> 00:48:33.850 Felicity Eliot: and will be coming more and more known. And I personally hope that, and and believe that we we may see more of metre. This year he has in the past been interviewed. He has, under a different.

00:48:33.850 --> 00:48:41.200 Felicity Eliot: not known as Metrea, really speaking as an ordinary member of the public, but

00:48:41.330 --> 00:48:55.050 Felicity Eliot: beginning to inspire and persuade people that he's rather different and unusual, and he has some extraordinary qualities through his wisdom, through his insight, through his ability to present

00:48:55.680 --> 00:49:01.650 Felicity Eliot: possible solutions which would appeal to all of us, and we need all of us.

00:49:01.760 --> 00:49:14.840 Felicity Eliot: So he's not appearing, as i'm, a prayer. I'm the world teacher i'm here to tell you. No, he's speaking first, and it's rather low-key, and it will gradually build up and he will make his appeal to all of us. And

00:49:14.840 --> 00:49:25.550 Felicity Eliot: really the idea is that we respond from ourselves, and we want the best for all of human to. We want the best for the common good, the highest good for all of us.

00:49:25.610 --> 00:49:28.540 Felicity Eliot: and that is what he is talking about as well.

00:49:28.570 --> 00:49:36.400 Felicity Eliot: bringing about the changes that make for a decent world. So we don't have refugees dying and drowning

00:49:36.760 --> 00:49:49.600 Felicity Eliot: in the the the the English Channel, or in the Mediterranean, or people trekking hundreds of miles to find a piece of red for their their child, and so on and so on. So those changes

00:49:49.730 --> 00:49:59.710 Felicity Eliot: saving our planet, putting to rights all of that that needs to be done, so he will be talking in those terms. And if you, whoever it is, who is listening

00:49:59.710 --> 00:50:10.230 Felicity Eliot: here's that, and he and it appeals to them. Then you begin. You'll know, and you will probably say that one is somebody interesting, and gradually he will make himself

00:50:10.250 --> 00:50:24.130 Felicity Eliot: more accessible, more available, and you'll see more and more of his quality as that great Teacher that he is, and then events will gradually unfold, so that humanity begins to understand. Aha!

00:50:24.620 --> 00:50:28.860 Felicity Eliot: There is help. There is advice. There are advanced beings.

00:50:29.420 --> 00:50:39.310 Felicity Eliot: men, just people like us, people like us who've been through the evolutionary process, and they're here to help and guide, and humanity has never been learned. We've always had the

00:50:39.510 --> 00:50:43.860 Felicity Eliot: in, but always behind the scenes inspiring people.

00:50:44.000 --> 00:50:46.220 Felicity Eliot: Now they are gradually coming out.

00:50:46.460 --> 00:50:52.970 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So So metre is an actual individual that Didn't Benjamin actually predict

00:50:53.010 --> 00:51:19.850 Felicity Eliot: certain things about him coming out, being interviewed World TV that he would make himself known. But people feel like that. Ha! Has that really happened? I mean it was a prediction. No, no, no, it hasn't happened unfortunately. So it has happened Piecemeal, that is to say Mature has had a dozens and dozens of interviews, and he's often but very low key, sometimes as part of a panel discussion, and so on.

00:51:19.850 --> 00:51:38.930 Felicity Eliot: He's been seen, and he's appeared to people around the world. He's appeared to religious groups, and so on, but Benjamin Creme. Yes, we and I was part of a part of all of that in 1,982 predicted, and that was the first possible. It was it was a long shot, but it was the first possible that Matrae could come out into the world

00:51:38.930 --> 00:51:56.420 Felicity Eliot: and be invited by humanity to speak to the world and start putting the world to rights to help us out of the the misery that we've created for ourselves, and that didn't happen partly because immediately, at the same, at the same time the Falklands war started.

00:51:56.590 --> 00:52:13.810 Felicity Eliot: Now some people say to me, how can you go on believing this crazy story? You've been at it for 40 years, or whatever, and it still Hasn't happened. How can you believe it? Well, the strange thing is because it's real. It takes its time. And what does it depend on it depends on

00:52:13.810 --> 00:52:16.690 Felicity Eliot: as humanity. We have free will.

00:52:16.690 --> 00:52:39.390 Felicity Eliot: so we can grad. We can either start changing how we do things and invoke that, and hope that more than hope actually demand the changes from our leaders, etc., which would make a space which would make a platform and make it possible for him to come, and because it's real, it takes the time it takes.

00:52:39.390 --> 00:52:55.550 Felicity Eliot: So every time he and I must say that I personally believe that Metreya was due to make himself more known to the public. I believe this privately and personally, subjectively. I don't know what my colleagues would say, but I think that he was.

00:52:55.550 --> 00:53:21.770 Felicity Eliot: there was a possibility, a window of opportunity from the point of view of the energetic balance in the world at the time a point from the point of view of the perhaps humanity's openness just at the time after Covid, and perhaps just beginning to think, maybe, that we need to think about life differently after the 2 years of Lockdown and Covid, and so on, and those so that suffering

00:53:21.770 --> 00:53:37.060 Felicity Eliot: people were just open enough, and May, and there was an opportunity. This is my opinion. A window of opportunity which would have allowed Mature to come forward somewhat more, and perhaps also be invoked more by humanity. After the suffering of the 2 years

00:53:37.140 --> 00:53:56.140 Felicity Eliot: of Covid, and again a war broke out. I choose to go on believing this because it's not only belief in my case, and as many of my colleagues know, it really is to do with an inner experience experience of the energies. But it's more experience over the years that you've met

00:53:56.140 --> 00:54:04.010 Felicity Eliot: spokes, people you have. I think you mentioned it earlier on hints and signs and

00:54:04.010 --> 00:54:18.470 Felicity Eliot: little little hints that something's going on, that something's more more than you than it appears at first, and so on. And this has kept me going. So, despite the 40 odd years, or whatever it is that I've been involved.

00:54:18.470 --> 00:54:31.200 Felicity Eliot: This is still as real to me, and, in fact, more real than it was when I started when I started. It was an idea. Now it is an empirical something that is, has become part of me.

00:54:31.340 --> 00:55:00.940 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And and you would say that that this idea of metre like this is an actual individual person, not an idea, because it's been many teachers who tend to have embodied some of these ideas, like Wayne Dyer was one that comes to mind. Matt Khan is somebody who is all about love, that they were men, and those are just 2. I can come off the top of my head. But there are many people who who talked about this. But you're saying like this is an actual individual person, but he's not necessarily

00:55:00.940 --> 00:55:10.890 Felicity Eliot: showing up as this quarterboat Spiritual teacher. You're saying he's just kind of showing up as a regular human being so far, so far. But that is to give us the time and space

00:55:10.890 --> 00:55:24.560 to recognise his qualities, and to to see the sense of what he's saying, and that we then say, yeah, that's what I want. I want to hear more of that guy, and this will gradually help us to move forward to what we need to be 150.

00:55:24.680 --> 00:55:34.740 Felicity Eliot: He embodies the energy of the let's call it the Christ consciousness. It's the energy of love, so he embodies that. So he is.

00:55:34.740 --> 00:55:54.330 Felicity Eliot: Rudolph Steiner always said there would be a sort of Christ principle at Christ consciousness. And that is true. Metre embodies that he actually anchors that energy on our planet. For us. At the same time he is here as a real human being, a person, and you can see him on television, I hope, as soon as possible.

00:55:54.330 --> 00:56:06.400 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Alright, Well, Unfortunately, we have to leave it there. We're out of time, Felicity. Thank you so much for coming on the show. If people want to learn more about share international about the magazine. Where would they go? How would they find out more

00:56:06.400 --> 00:56:24.080 Felicity Eliot: right? So in the States you should go well in general share hyphen, That's the main website. Share hyphen, resources to the magazine, and there's also there are some free downloads. If you go to share ecart

00:56:24.180 --> 00:56:25.270 Felicity Eliot: share.

00:56:25.550 --> 00:56:37.560 Felicity Eliot: hyphen,, and there you can purchase. Benjamin comes books, or you can get for free downloadable books. Just look under free download, and you'll find them. And

00:56:38.450 --> 00:56:49.570 Felicity Eliot: I would say to people just, you don't have to believe it. But investigate, see if it chimes with with your your part, with your intuition and your longing for a better world for all.

00:56:49.570 --> 00:57:15.000 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Thank you so much. You're welcome. Thank you. Felicity. Yes, as always, you have to tune into what feels right in your body for yourself personally, and and really take what you can, and learn from what you can. Thank you so much, and Thank you, my loyal listeners, for tuning in, Paddy. I see you on the on the live stream. Yeah, she says, if everyone would do their part, that's what makes it so overwhelming?

00:57:15.000 --> 00:57:17.130 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Not everyone is doing their part, but

00:57:17.280 --> 00:57:24.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: my loyal listeners, you know, do your part. Thank you all for tuning in. We will talk to you all next week.

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