
Friday, April 7, 2023
Facebook Live Video from 2023/04/07 - Business Branding and Marketing Online

Facebook Live Video from 2023/04/07 - Business Branding and Marketing Online


2023/04/07 - Business Branding and Marketing Online

[NEW EPISODE] Business Branding and Marketing Online

Fridays 12:00pm - 1:00pm (EDT)                              


What is the message of your brand? Who are your target consumers? How should you best deliver your message to them?


My guest, Jennifer Shaheen, is a masterful online marketer, who routinely helps small and mid-sized businesses to identify and reach their target audiences.  We will discuss the intangible assets of branding and messaging and how they are best delivered to target audiences.,

Tune in for this enlightening conversation at

Show Notes

Segment  1

Matthew discusses the initial steps in starting a business with David Irabian.

Segment 2

They discuss why and when a small business owner should consider a patent. Patents can be very expensive. David’s first question when considering acquiring a patent would be why do you want to get it in the first place? Having intellectual property is very personal. David is focused on making sure that does not happen.

Segment 3

They discuss how to help small businesses based on the internet. Small businesses on the internet are not always global businesses. Though they should always be thinking about protecting themselves in the global sphere. Trademarks are very important. Small businesses must anticipate what will be important in building their business. Patent Cooperation Treaty, PCT. This is a treaty that helps small business owners get patents that span across borders.

Segment 4

Matthew and David discuss the next steps in building a small business in hiring an IP attorney. They discuss how a small business owner can gauge when they should hire an attorney. A patent program is also important in building assets. This focuses on showing that you have something important and protecting it. A small business should be focused on protecting intellectual property. Patents can be important in doing this. They also discuss how a small business should go about hiring inside and outside counsel. Intellectual property and assignable assets are very important for entrepreneurs and small business owners.


00:00:32.910 --> 00:00:33.950 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Hi, there!

00:00:33.970 --> 00:00:37.240 Welcome to, and by.

00:00:42.800 --> 00:00:46.820 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Hi there, and welcome to and tang if i'm Matthew as well the hosts

00:00:47.010 --> 00:00:51.680 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: and tangible as where we talk about the intangible aspects of business.

00:00:51.730 --> 00:00:56.820 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: and my guest today is Miss Jennifer Shaheen

00:00:56.890 --> 00:01:05.710 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: happens to be a long time friend and colleague, and Jennifer is from the technology therapy group.

00:01:05.860 --> 00:01:11.230 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Does a lot of interesting things around education, branding and marketing

00:01:11.430 --> 00:01:18.660 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: and Jennifer, I'd love for you to introduce yourself and tell tell the audience a little bit about your background.

00:01:18.970 --> 00:01:36.700 Jennifer Shaheen: Sure. Well, thank you so much, Matt, for having me. I was so excited to be a guest because I do. I work a lot in the world of the invisible. So I'm jennifer jeanine My company is technology therapy group, and

00:01:36.760 --> 00:01:48.180 Jennifer Shaheen: we turned 25 last year I started the business, my junior year at Hoster University, and we specialize in helping growing businesses, leverage

00:01:48.380 --> 00:01:54.580 Jennifer Shaheen: technology. I think, since I was in my twenties. I really felt like

00:01:54.770 --> 00:02:11.400 Jennifer Shaheen: technology would be a competitive advantage for smaller businesses. And this was the nineties. So so I've just sort of grown that. And what we do now is, you know, we help businesses really just.

00:02:11.400 --> 00:02:18.750 Jennifer Shaheen: I understand how to leverage that, and across all the multi channels that we work in today.

00:02:19.080 --> 00:02:32.760 Jennifer Shaheen: So we do that through education training. We also do it in support and development. So everything we're gonna talk about today, Matt. You. Everyone can reach out to us at any time to talk about.

00:02:33.850 --> 00:02:49.420 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Thanks. Yeah, that this was a particularly easy episode to to to plan. I haven't gone through this exercise with you in in the past, and and having had a lot of the mutual experiences that we've had.

00:02:49.600 --> 00:02:53.270 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: so i'm glad, glad to have you here, and Thank you so much.

00:02:53.320 --> 00:03:02.100 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: You know. I I think you know just in terms of laying out for the for the audience what we what we wanted to kind of cover Today

00:03:02.110 --> 00:03:11.550 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: we talked a bit about. You know the beginnings, the beginnings of a brand establishing a brand creating, and why? Why you even need it, or if you need it.

00:03:12.970 --> 00:03:28.180 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: and I think that'll be a a for a little bit. We we also really talked about sort of the evaluation or auditing of the brand, and sort of you know. Is your message getting across, is it, you know, reaching the right person all that sort of thing?

00:03:28.340 --> 00:03:41.520 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: And then you know, as your business grows, I mean, how do you know your business is growing? And how do you know your brand is growing? But how do you grow your brand with your business? I think those were sort of the key things we wanted to chat about.

00:03:42.070 --> 00:03:43.640 Jennifer Shaheen: Yeah, absolutely.

00:03:45.010 --> 00:03:55.390 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: So. So you know, most of the audience are are entrepreneurs. Let's let's start out with that sort of beginning.

00:03:55.480 --> 00:03:59.600 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Where you know we need a brand. Do we need a brand? I don't know.

00:03:59.680 --> 00:04:00.850 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: What do you think?

00:04:00.930 --> 00:04:11.510 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: I had to come up with a name, you know, like it was like, you know. What am I gonna call? I don't know. What should I call it? Do I need a brand? What is it? What's it supposed to do

00:04:11.800 --> 00:04:13.060 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: so? What are your thoughts?

00:04:13.910 --> 00:04:17.440 Jennifer Shaheen: So I really feel like

00:04:17.550 --> 00:04:20.050 Jennifer Shaheen: the concept of Brand is

00:04:20.399 --> 00:04:32.270 Jennifer Shaheen: often misunderstood, and I I think that I have to be honest. I went to school for marketing. I, you know, understood brand equity that term that you here, but I didn't really get it.

00:04:33.130 --> 00:04:45.780 Jennifer Shaheen: and what I actually went to. I think you your listeners would find this interesting. I went to a web like a seminar in New York years ago, where someone talked about the fact that Brand is a dirty bird, and I

00:04:45.830 --> 00:04:47.080 Jennifer Shaheen: now

00:04:47.380 --> 00:05:03.330 Jennifer Shaheen: don't understand how anyone could say that, because Brand is not a logo I I think. really getting into, and I don't know if anyone's ever read the book from Simon, but you know, find your why, and that is really

00:05:03.420 --> 00:05:05.860 Jennifer Shaheen: the heart of a brand is

00:05:05.920 --> 00:05:18.560 Jennifer Shaheen: why we do something, whether you are an entrepreneur, or you've taken over, and you're, you know, running another person's business. If you don't have a why behind that.

00:05:19.010 --> 00:05:30.490 Jennifer Shaheen: that is what comes through in a brand. The and it's funny because I just posted something other day from Harvard Business School about how we all are. Look for connections. And

00:05:30.530 --> 00:05:39.170 Jennifer Shaheen: again we've been talking about brands in our ecosystem and communities for a really long time, but we don't always know that it's a brand.

00:05:39.190 --> 00:05:40.130 Jennifer Shaheen: and

00:05:40.360 --> 00:05:53.930 Jennifer Shaheen: the emotions that we feel whether it's a business to business that we will say, I read this publication over that one, or it's a consumer product. If we really look behind it.

00:05:54.000 --> 00:06:12.570 Jennifer Shaheen: It is all about how we connect, and that's not accidental. So I I kind of start from like being on 20 something in college. I don't think I truly really understood that. And so, when you say, does every business need a brand? Yes, it does, because

00:06:13.480 --> 00:06:32.240 Jennifer Shaheen: it defines us from the inside out. It really helps us all gain clarity on who we want to be. In the moments we launch our businesses, and then, as we talk a little more today we can evolve, you know. I think we all get a little ahead of ourselves

00:06:32.250 --> 00:06:44.570 Jennifer Shaheen: when it comes to building our businesses. I know I work with a lot of small growing businesses, and they're like I want to be here. Well, you'll get there, but you can't get there if you're not defined in the moment in time we're at

00:06:45.150 --> 00:06:56.960 Jennifer Shaheen: to grow, and to do that you really need to be clear, and that's why some of the most important components of a brand before we start with colors and design is.

00:06:57.180 --> 00:07:02.790 Jennifer Shaheen: you know. what is the goal of your business? What are your values?

00:07:02.880 --> 00:07:18.110 Jennifer Shaheen: And where are you trying to drive to like, what's the what's the vision? And that's why so many things. We start with our values Mission vision right? And that is the core of the brand.

00:07:19.580 --> 00:07:26.750 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: So I I I really want to say that it's on purpose that there's a why in intangify.

00:07:26.830 --> 00:07:38.680 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: but that would be a they set up. Unfortunately, i'm like so many businesses who who you know, I mean to the that you could call my podcast the business.

00:07:38.680 --> 00:07:49.020 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: I I am, you know, who who who picked the name? No, no, I did think about the meaning behind the name I did think about what I wanted to to convey.

00:07:50.420 --> 00:08:03.190 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: but but I sort of haven't wearing 2 hats here, because, on on on one hand, you know, I was tasked with hey, i'm doing a podcast. Why am I doing a podcast? And what am I going to call it? What am I gonna do on this?

00:08:03.520 --> 00:08:07.730 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: On the On the other hand, i'm an intellectual property lawyer

00:08:07.840 --> 00:08:14.690 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: and and and I have all so many clients and potential clients who come to me

00:08:14.870 --> 00:08:29.340 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: with their brands that they want protected what they do. So many of them come with. I want to own this name, which tells you exactly what they do.

00:08:30.120 --> 00:08:42.640 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: and that's the whole thing like in in my field. We're always on the other side of the marketers. The marketers want the nice, easy brand that tells the consumer exactly what the the the you know the product is.

00:08:42.679 --> 00:08:45.080 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: and we want the ones that

00:08:45.450 --> 00:08:49.190 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: do anything other than that. so that it can be protectable.

00:08:49.460 --> 00:08:51.730 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: But

00:08:52.350 --> 00:09:01.110 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: you know. But but I did think about the wine and tang, if I I guess in the sense that not not the actual letter, why, but the the purpose behind it.

00:09:01.690 --> 00:09:11.690 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: But you know what you know. I think the other thing I wanted to say about that is. when you are starting out going to someone for help

00:09:12.040 --> 00:09:17.230 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: with with this sort of problem. This idea of branding

00:09:17.890 --> 00:09:19.190 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: fuels.

00:09:19.740 --> 00:09:25.290 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: costly and out of pocket and and and challenging to want to do that.

00:09:25.370 --> 00:09:37.780 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: And I think so many entrepreneurs and small businesses are like all right. Well, I don't have. I'm not making money on this yet. I gotta come up with the brand. So let me just do it myself. Let me just figure it out. What what are some of the pitfalls that they make, and

00:09:38.070 --> 00:09:42.320 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: and when should they consider going for Co. Going for for help.

00:09:43.610 --> 00:09:46.540 Jennifer Shaheen: So I think that

00:09:46.680 --> 00:09:59.500 Jennifer Shaheen: one thing that I think is really important is there's a lot of opportunities out there for great tools that are either free or low cost. And

00:09:59.960 --> 00:10:14.960 Jennifer Shaheen: the biggest thing I would say is, you know, challenging yourself. So first off I just gave everyone a great book right, and Simon Sinac has website, and I want to be surprised if there's some downloadables out there

00:10:14.960 --> 00:10:30.440 Jennifer Shaheen: there for you to get started. One of my other favorites is Donald Miller. He actually wrote a book all about, you know, storytelling and building your brand around that. And he actually has a website that

00:10:30.440 --> 00:10:46.450 Jennifer Shaheen: I am learning a lot from, but also trying to emulate in some ways as well where you you log in and you get assets. So I do think that there is some really great ways for everyone to do this at this point early on the other thing is that

00:10:46.870 --> 00:11:04.360 Jennifer Shaheen: finding someone who challenges you and yes, I think it's wonderful to go to branding experts, but then you start up. It's hard right. So there's plenty of organizations like, you know. We work with score, which is part of the Sba and

00:11:04.360 --> 00:11:08.760 Jennifer Shaheen: and the American Marketing Association. I think

00:11:08.810 --> 00:11:25.320 Jennifer Shaheen: what's wonderful. And, by the way, also, everybody can remember that you know, small business development centers at a lot of universities, and you can also work a lot of times with the college professors who teach branding. So there's, I think, a lot of opportunities, and I agree.

00:11:25.320 --> 00:11:32.620 Jennifer Shaheen: you know, hiring a branding expert. It can get expensive, but I do think there's some ways to be smart about it. But

00:11:32.990 --> 00:11:38.640 Jennifer Shaheen: you as the owner, the entrepreneur, or the individual, have to know

00:11:38.730 --> 00:11:47.610 Jennifer Shaheen: very clearly what you want, and without clarity that's oftentimes why brands

00:11:48.130 --> 00:12:03.050 Jennifer Shaheen: messy, and it's often if you look at reviews that people write about businesses, it's because it's not a 100% clear of who they are and what they support and what they stand for. And so

00:12:03.280 --> 00:12:07.830 to your point, Matt, all the things you said right. We get caught up in the

00:12:07.890 --> 00:12:24.890 Jennifer Shaheen: business side of things. But we forget that this is that intangible element that really takes a business forward, and it's why one person is more connected to some cache brands that we can talk about today.

00:12:25.400 --> 00:12:28.330 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: I just did such a great job selling my brand.

00:12:31.180 --> 00:12:50.390 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: so i'm here for everybody. Thank you so much. Thank you so much, you know. So we we're. We're getting ready to to have a break. So I think what we'll do is we'll we'll go to break. But when we come back. You know what i'd like to talk to you about really is. You know what, when you do work with somebody in this sort of a consulting capacity for

00:12:50.390 --> 00:12:56.560 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: for branding purposes, and what that's like, because I've had pretty varied experiences there, and i'm sure you've heard some.

00:12:56.620 --> 00:13:05.980 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: So so we're gonna go to break. We'll be right back. You've been listening to in tang. If I on talk radio, dot Nyc and we'll see you shortly.

00:13:09.390 --> 00:13:28.810 Are you a business owner. Do you want to be a business owner? Do you work with business owners? Hi! I'm Steven fry your small and medium-sized business, or Smb Guy and i'm the host of the new show always Friday. While I love to have fun on my show, we take those Friday feelings of freedom and clarity to discuss popular topics on the minds of Smps today.

00:13:28.940 --> 00:13:35.160 Please join me and my various special guests on Friday at 11 am. On talk, radio and Nyc.

00:13:37.620 --> 00:14:07.890 Are you a conscious co-creator? Are you on a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness I'm Sam Leibowitz, your conscious consultant. and on my show the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity, we will touch upon all these topics and more. Listen. Live at our new time on Thursdays, at 12 noon Eastern time that's the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. Thursday's 12 noon on Talk Radio Nyc.

00:14:13.140 --> 00:14:41.680 Are you on edge? Hey? We live in challenging edgy time. So let's Lean in I'm. Sandra Bardman, the host of the edge of every day, which airs each Monday at 7 P. M. Eastern time on talk, radio and Nyc. Tune in live with me and my friends and colleagues, as we share stories of perspectives about pushing boundaries and exploring our rough edges. That's the edge of every day on Mondays at 7 Pm. Eastern time on top radio and Nyc

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00:14:43.320 --> 00:14:44.420 The

00:14:44.600 --> 00:14:50.130 you're listening to talk radio, Nyc: uplift, educate and power

00:14:51.250 --> 00:14:52.440 the

00:15:09.620 --> 00:15:10.270 me

00:15:15.680 --> 00:15:18.630 Welcome back to the

00:15:19.020 --> 00:15:37.330 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: welcome back to in Tang. If I on talk radio, dot Nyc: i'm your host, Matthew, as well. My guess is Jennifer technology therapy group, and we're talking about branding before our last break we were talking about, You know the the creation of a brand, and whether business is needed, and

00:15:37.420 --> 00:15:50.490 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: A. And you know how they deal with that sort of stress of doing to hire somebody to, to to work with me on on, on on the brand. Once you figured out what your what your purposes, what you're trying to do behind the brand.

00:15:51.780 --> 00:15:58.850 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: and you know I I've had a little experience with that, and and I, and I also want to say, sort of as

00:15:59.310 --> 00:16:10.750 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: as a as a, as a consumer, as an entrepreneur. The concept of it is sort of evades me a little bit, because I I kind of feel like i'm going to go to somebody and what they're going to come up with a bunch of names for me.

00:16:10.810 --> 00:16:14.130 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: They're gonna. They're going to show me

00:16:14.250 --> 00:16:22.510 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: what my proposed logo colors look like compared to all the other competitors in the marketplace.

00:16:23.860 --> 00:16:41.850 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: You know what they're gonna tell me about the meaning of the color Green it it it! It feels so removed from the purpose, and I and Jennifer, i'd love to get your take on the idea of you know what what is, what is the branding consultant do

00:16:41.850 --> 00:16:50.720 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: for you know, for the entrepreneur in those early days. And what should they expect or or ensure that they don't do?

00:16:51.580 --> 00:17:04.270 Jennifer Shaheen: That's a great question, Matt. And I love the way you talked about this, because I think that's exactly the way people see branding, and that's the mistake, actually. And it's funny, because

00:17:04.670 --> 00:17:09.920 Jennifer Shaheen: before break, we talked about some places that people could get started on their own. But

00:17:10.240 --> 00:17:21.359 Jennifer Shaheen: what I would say is, if you're sitting there when you're interviewing people to help you, you should ask them what the exercise of branding is all about and what they're gonna go what you're going to go through.

00:17:21.480 --> 00:17:22.300 Jennifer Shaheen: If

00:17:22.460 --> 00:17:40.500 Jennifer Shaheen: the first words out of their mouth are we're going to present you. I want you to stop right there because it's not about presenting you. If the first words out of their mouth are, we're going to learn about you and your business and understand your

00:17:40.500 --> 00:17:48.080 Jennifer Shaheen: vision, your goals, your values. You're going to hear me say these words a lot today, because

00:17:48.240 --> 00:18:00.590 Jennifer Shaheen: it really does need to sink in without that guidance you won't be able to come up with the right color or the right name, because

00:18:00.900 --> 00:18:05.350 Jennifer Shaheen: mission vision and values are part of that

00:18:05.560 --> 00:18:23.860 Jennifer Shaheen: personality. And if we could agree, Matt, would you say that brands have a personality like? When you look at something, you can tell if that brand before you even read it. You can look at a logo at many times, and know if the brand is very

00:18:23.870 --> 00:18:25.360 Jennifer Shaheen: sophisticated.

00:18:25.520 --> 00:18:28.110 Jennifer Shaheen: right or playful.

00:18:28.320 --> 00:18:44.300 Jennifer Shaheen: or and before we walk in the door it's it's funny. It's one of the reasons why some businesses have some issues that they have is because their perception to the outside world, even from just a visual loco

00:18:44.350 --> 00:19:03.790 Jennifer Shaheen: communicates a lot. So before you even get into colors and design, and any of that the exercise that you go through to be clear about what is the value you're trying to communicate, and the personality of your business, ie. Your brand.

00:19:03.790 --> 00:19:05.620 Jennifer Shaheen: That is extremely important.

00:19:08.270 --> 00:19:11.710 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Yeah, you know, I I I agree.

00:19:13.070 --> 00:19:14.100 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: but

00:19:14.420 --> 00:19:16.540 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: you know it's sort of like art.

00:19:16.590 --> 00:19:34.200 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: It's like the interpretation of the art, and there are those of us who are really visually oriented, who, you know, will go and look at the painting or the photograph, or whatever, and we we will study it, and we will understand every different aspect of it. And there's those who are more like me.

00:19:34.200 --> 00:19:39.960 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: who who, you know, going up looks nice. A. And

00:19:40.350 --> 00:19:47.490 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: I, I think, at least for those of us who are sort of on the latter side of that group. this concept of okay. Well.

00:19:47.880 --> 00:19:55.160 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: this brand is a personality, and it conveys something. You can tell me that in the course of discussing my own brand.

00:19:55.520 --> 00:20:02.220 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: I would be I I feel like I'm hyper-focused like Nobody's gonna get that

00:20:02.260 --> 00:20:14.010 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: i'm like oh, I picked green, you know. I picked it because you know it conveys ripeness. So I I don't know and and I really need to show that

00:20:15.190 --> 00:20:23.120 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: A. A. And I feel like I'm. So Hyper focused on that. But nobody looking at the brand is gonna is gonna is gonna get that. Does it matter?

00:20:23.980 --> 00:20:33.930 Jennifer Shaheen: Yeah, it I mean it does. Let's let's talk through this a little bit. I think there's some fun things Matt would do. You know the 2 Brands Home Depot, and Lows

00:20:33.980 --> 00:20:47.980 Jennifer Shaheen: never heard of them, of course. So if you you know, there's some fun conversation there, right? But in general, let's talk about Home Depot for a second. You've been. Have you been in a home depot?

00:20:48.060 --> 00:20:49.020 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: I have.

00:20:49.180 --> 00:20:55.970 Jennifer Shaheen: Okay. And when you walk around Home Depot, Would you say it has the same feel as a load.

00:20:56.980 --> 00:21:00.790 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: You know. I don't spend a lot of time in loads.

00:21:01.070 --> 00:21:09.190 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: but maybe I step in the lows once or twice. I think it has a similar feel. I mean they're both sort of where housy, you know, being

00:21:09.400 --> 00:21:14.140 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: big giant hardware warehouses with wood and tools.

00:21:15.490 --> 00:21:35.100 Jennifer Shaheen: you know. I can remember the colors of Home Depot. I can't remember the color of lows that's really funny. So the color of Home Depot is our orange. Right? So let's go back to this mission vision and values for a second Within that there's an important piece that we Haven't talked about, Which is, who are we talking to? Right

00:21:35.520 --> 00:21:37.790 Jennifer Shaheen: the end customer? So

00:21:38.890 --> 00:21:57.630 Jennifer Shaheen: Home Depot is more targeted to the male buyer that they've been really open about that. That's You'll notice that that doesn't mean that men don't shop at low right. But you've actually just perfectly. And I did not set you up. But you just said you're you know you don't go into most. I

00:21:57.830 --> 00:22:11.060 Jennifer Shaheen: I will be honest loses more. They do target, you know, all homeowners, but they definitely went more into focusing on connecting more with the female buyer. And if you go into those you'll actually

00:22:11.060 --> 00:22:30.000 Jennifer Shaheen: that is a little different, and you'll see what they carry. Aesthetically, there's more aesthetic elements for the home in a lows than there is, and on depot, Ironically, that's where some of the color choices come from.

00:22:30.210 --> 00:22:40.270 Jennifer Shaheen: So if we go back to our mission, vision and values, and we say, this is who we are, then we also know who we often want to work with whose problems we're trying to solve.

00:22:40.370 --> 00:22:56.190 Jennifer Shaheen: And that's where we talk about personas, and this is a very common term you here in Mark giving this personas and just a little plug. If you go to technology, we actually have a free download right now on understanding your target audiences and

00:22:56.220 --> 00:23:12.470 Jennifer Shaheen: getting a worksheet to work through. Who are your customers, i. E. Their personas cause I can talk to multiple audiences. I just need to be clear about who i'm talking to them, and how I talk to them. But I still need to be true to myself.

00:23:12.600 --> 00:23:19.650 Jennifer Shaheen: So that's where that brand component comes back because you don't want to be made up and uncomfortable

00:23:19.920 --> 00:23:40.240 Jennifer Shaheen: when you're talking to 2 different audiences you need to be yourself, and that's why branding is so important is because whether you're having a conversation with the male buyer, or the female buyer, or a millennial, or a Gen. Z. Or Alpha. You need to be true to who you are so

00:23:40.420 --> 00:23:54.520 Jennifer Shaheen: kind of going through that it's also where some of color choices will come from. So orange is a color that connects very much with males. It actually is something that women might wear the color orange, but we don't

00:23:54.540 --> 00:24:05.120 Jennifer Shaheen: emotionally connect to it, and that's where some of the psychology behind color choices comes from is being clear about who your target customer is on the other side.

00:24:05.300 --> 00:24:08.760 Jennifer Shaheen: So so why you can see some brands. Don't put any color in there at all.

00:24:10.320 --> 00:24:21.510 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: so i'm going to admit something to you and the world at least the world that listens to me.

00:24:21.600 --> 00:24:30.010 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: But but you know. as as as a lawyer in this, in in the public intellectual property.

00:24:30.040 --> 00:24:35.190 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: I've been told I need my to identify my target audience.

00:24:36.440 --> 00:24:40.770 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: And you know, people we talk about. How do you identify them?

00:24:42.610 --> 00:24:45.440 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: And it is a real struggle.

00:24:45.690 --> 00:24:52.010 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: because I think that part of my brand as a lawyer is about versatility.

00:24:52.020 --> 00:25:02.730 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: It's about being able to change my tune, depending on the audience and and and speak their speak and and understand where they're coming from

00:25:02.970 --> 00:25:14.540 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: a a and and and if that's the case, then then then picking, you know a particular industry, or a type of person or a demographic feels

00:25:14.650 --> 00:25:16.290 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: very artificial.

00:25:16.300 --> 00:25:25.650 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: you know. I like all kinds of people. I like men. I like women. I don't care what race I don't, you know, like I I mean it's it's it's not

00:25:25.830 --> 00:25:32.170 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: this idea of having to target down to a particular persona when

00:25:32.750 --> 00:25:37.030 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: what you're selling is versatility and accessibility.

00:25:37.050 --> 00:25:38.840 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: and and

00:25:39.050 --> 00:25:41.930 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: you know well competence

00:25:42.140 --> 00:25:46.530 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: it it it it seems alien to me what it what are your what's your response to that?

00:25:46.910 --> 00:25:50.780 Jennifer Shaheen: I I I completely understand that. And I

00:25:50.820 --> 00:25:54.210 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: I want to continue to challenge that because

00:25:54.540 --> 00:26:06.590 Jennifer Shaheen: I I worry that we all do that, Matt, like we all try to be everything to everyone, and you'll notice that the brands that succeed

00:26:07.040 --> 00:26:18.790 Jennifer Shaheen: are the ones that really clearly say they can talk to. So there is versatility, and I think you know. I know we got a great coming up, so also we can do this a bit more. But when

00:26:18.790 --> 00:26:37.410 Jennifer Shaheen: we come back we can kind of talk about the fact that I think we all have to be clear about the fact that we do want to be clear about the multiple targets we talk to, and but we need to be ourselves when we talk to them, so that doesn't feel artificial. But we have to be clear on what connects those

00:26:37.520 --> 00:26:40.170 Jennifer Shaheen: 2 audiences and be honest that

00:26:40.240 --> 00:26:44.110 Jennifer Shaheen: not everyone is going to connect with

00:26:44.150 --> 00:26:46.230 Jennifer Shaheen: our brand. And that's okay.

00:26:47.790 --> 00:27:01.420 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: That's great. Thanks so much, Jeff: alright. We're gonna go to a break you've been listening to in Tang. If I on talk radio, Dot Nyc, we will be back after this break. Thanks so much.

00:27:02.850 --> 00:27:17.200 Are you passionate about the conversation around racism. Hi I'm. Reverend Dr. Tlc. Host of the disnatural Racism show which airs every Thursday at 11 a M. Eastern on talk Radio and Nyc

00:27:17.200 --> 00:27:29.730 join me and my amazing guest. As we discussed ways to uncover dismantle and eradicate racism. That's Thursday at 110'clock a. M on talk radio and Nyc.

00:27:32.390 --> 00:28:00.150 In that post movement world. You may have many unanswered questions regarding your health. Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you have a desire to learn more about mental health and enhance your quality of life? Or do you just want to participate in self understanding and awareness? I'm. Frank R. Harrison, host of Frank about health, and each Thursday I will tackle these questions and work to enlighten you. Tune in every 3 at 5 P. M. On talk radio. And Nyc. And I will be frank about help to advocate for all of us.

00:28:05.430 --> 00:28:29.540 Everybody. It's Tommy deed and non-profit sector connector coming at you from my attic each week here on talk radio and Nyc, I hosted program the land of being focused nonprofits in cocktails each and every day, and it's my focus to help them amplify their message and tell their story. Listen: Each week at 10 a. M. Eastern standard time until 11 a. M. Is from standing time right here on talk radio, Dot Nyc.

00:28:30.580 --> 00:28:40.960 You're listening to talk radio and Yc: at Www: talk radio and Livec: now broadcasting 24 hours a day.

00:28:41.160 --> 00:28:42.490 You

00:28:52.220 --> 00:28:52.880 me

00:29:02.100 --> 00:29:10.480 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: welcome back to in Tang. If I on talk radio, dot Nyc: i'm. Matt, you asked about your post. My guess is Jennifer shaken from Technology therapy group.

00:29:10.630 --> 00:29:30.260 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: We've been talking about branding and and Jennifer, you know. Let's let's let's say that you persuaded me, you know, I, in in in in building my in starting my business, I should, I should know the reasoning, and you know you use some some language

00:29:30.260 --> 00:29:34.910 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: which I've already forgotten out like it was. And then the was it

00:29:35.020 --> 00:29:54.900 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: the mission and vision and values Andv right mission vision and values? I understand what those are. I've I've adopted a brand with that in mind that hopefully conveys to the right audience to the right personas that we've been discussing.

00:29:54.900 --> 00:29:58.860 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: you know, and they feel welcome and and everything.

00:30:00.120 --> 00:30:00.690 Yeah.

00:30:00.930 --> 00:30:06.200 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Now i'm going on in my business, and I guess my concern is

00:30:07.400 --> 00:30:13.470 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: having figured out what my brand is, and who and who i'm, who i'm trying to reach.

00:30:13.600 --> 00:30:21.550 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: How do I ensure that I stay on Brand? How do I evaluate that my brand is? Is is getting the message across to the right people.

00:30:21.690 --> 00:30:32.680 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: You know. Where. Where do we? Where do we start with staying on Brand? Especially in a world where the many which ways which we communicate, you know, kind of all at once

00:30:32.690 --> 00:30:41.600 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: can can be so divergent, right? I'm on social media. I'm on a podcast from when writing articles for journals or doing television commercials.

00:30:41.930 --> 00:30:52.180 Jennifer Shaheen: No, it's great, and I I do think that we we have to have some of these core items because they become

00:30:52.210 --> 00:31:06.620 Jennifer Shaheen: almost like little litmus tests. So, for example, you know, when you're doing on something on social media. If your brand

00:31:06.680 --> 00:31:25.860 Jennifer Shaheen: is based around the notion and valued education, then you're going to put things out that are more on that topic or on those connection points. Whereas if you're a brand that's more playful and entertaining.

00:31:27.040 --> 00:31:32.010 Jennifer Shaheen: you're going to do things like that. And when you consistently do

00:31:32.090 --> 00:31:49.070 Jennifer Shaheen: that and have that kind of personality and connection with your customers, then that's something they hold on to, and they connect to. So like, for example, Really, interestingly enough, i'm doing some brand audits recently. And

00:31:49.070 --> 00:32:02.720 Jennifer Shaheen: one thing that I found really fascinating is that we're seeing this. A lot going on in social right now is Some brands have been departing from certain platforms because they feel as though in no longer

00:32:02.720 --> 00:32:13.650 Jennifer Shaheen: connects with who they are. They know that there's customers out there that are on those platforms, but they are stepping away from those platforms because they don't feel as though they fit

00:32:13.690 --> 00:32:25.560 Jennifer Shaheen: their values anymore, or they don't feel like it fits their connection. So when you think about things like that, you will notice. That's why some brands

00:32:25.680 --> 00:32:26.940 Jennifer Shaheen: won't even

00:32:27.410 --> 00:32:44.250 Jennifer Shaheen: touch Twitter anymore, and some actually have completely departed from Facebook. Now, because they just don't feel as though that's where their audience is growing right. And so we talk about evaluating and looking at a brand.

00:32:44.250 --> 00:32:54.680 Jennifer Shaheen: You know those are some of the ways that you'll do that is, you know where my customers, but also these channels have control over you, too.

00:32:54.750 --> 00:32:56.870 Jennifer Shaheen: So you have to make sure that

00:32:56.910 --> 00:33:02.640 Jennifer Shaheen: they fit within who you are as well right as as a brand.

00:33:03.190 --> 00:33:15.660 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Well, the channels have their own target audiences, demographic personalities, and so it's sort of like, you know. Who do you want to be associated with like who your friends are. Essentially.

00:33:16.230 --> 00:33:20.990 Jennifer Shaheen: Yeah. Well, it's funny a. M. Because one thing that we'll talk about with like.

00:33:21.220 --> 00:33:26.940 Jennifer Shaheen: when you think about even shopping channels. So let's take social media off the table for a moment. But

00:33:28.030 --> 00:33:35.660 Jennifer Shaheen: you don't see authentic high end brands on Amazon.

00:33:36.230 --> 00:33:45.350 Jennifer Shaheen: You see, they're not gone, but you don't see them. So that's you know a perfect example of, You know

00:33:45.850 --> 00:33:54.300 Jennifer Shaheen: a place where a brand would say, Well, do you know 80% of the buyers journeys that's on Amazon for shopping, but it's.

00:33:54.360 --> 00:33:57.380 Jennifer Shaheen: you know, shopping for what

00:33:57.650 --> 00:34:08.370 Jennifer Shaheen: persona target Audience: now, don't get me wrong. There is, by the way, people on Amazon who have plenty of money, but they're not shopping for their high end products there.

00:34:09.429 --> 00:34:22.260 Jennifer Shaheen: So so that's kind of a a good example of of like another channel that you know. Brands can say. Well, I could hit a lot of people there. But what does it say about my brand

00:34:22.300 --> 00:34:24.070 Jennifer Shaheen: if i'm on that platform.

00:34:25.050 --> 00:34:29.400 Jennifer Shaheen: Does that make sense from a brand evaluation perspective?

00:34:29.690 --> 00:34:38.679 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Yeah, it it does, although i'm, i'm just thinking about all the All all the times that I I I I kind of made mistakes about about where I ought to, you know.

00:34:38.710 --> 00:34:45.580 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: be selling something or or whatever. But you know I You know it's like when you're not in touch with that stuff.

00:34:45.820 --> 00:34:56.380 Jennifer Shaheen: It's absolutely true. Yeah, no, you're right. And I think that's that's actually, one of the things that startups have a really hard time with is they're focused on

00:34:56.650 --> 00:35:10.790 Jennifer Shaheen: growing their bottom line, and I completely understand that. And so when you talk about for me, brand evolution is something that's very important. And if you started that way, and now you're realizing

00:35:11.150 --> 00:35:19.170 Jennifer Shaheen: okay, i'm doing really well. But if you really look at it, you we've all heard the 80 20 role, right? We get

00:35:19.170 --> 00:35:33.950 Jennifer Shaheen: 80 of our business from oftentimes 20% of our market right? So what we often do is if we took step back, that might be a perfect time to do a brand evaluation. What 20 of

00:35:33.950 --> 00:35:41.630 Jennifer Shaheen: your audience is really contributing to more of your purchasing. And now you start to look at that and say.

00:35:42.030 --> 00:35:46.360 Jennifer Shaheen: Wow! Those are the types of people I like to work with.

00:35:46.480 --> 00:36:09.520 Jennifer Shaheen: and so I need to find more of them. And that's that persona's conversation, which is you? Maybe didn't do that at the beginning. So how do I look at this now, and reevaluate things, and almost start to build out the brand more effectively is by saying, these are the clients that I work well with. These are the customers I notice we work well with. We need more of that.

00:36:10.060 --> 00:36:15.430 Jennifer Shaheen: Where did they come from? Well, now, how do I attract more of them.

00:36:15.820 --> 00:36:23.220 Jennifer Shaheen: And you you can learn from that. And that's a great way to start evolving your brand, because where you started

00:36:24.110 --> 00:36:37.320 Jennifer Shaheen: right, I told you we're 25 years old, and I, you know, before we did today's call, I said, we're about to go through a new rebranding ourselves this year, because we're evolving ourselves and realizing

00:36:37.500 --> 00:36:43.110 Jennifer Shaheen: what we love to do, and who we want to talk to, and it's not an uncommon thing to evolve

00:36:44.590 --> 00:36:51.000 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: it. It's also, but it it's not only that the evolution of your brand.

00:36:51.040 --> 00:37:07.100 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: you know, or the or the growth of your business that triggers that sort of thing in my line of work. Of course, sometimes we force people to rebrand, or or my clients have to rebrand, because others are forcing them to rebrand.

00:37:07.280 --> 00:37:23.280 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: and that's a little bit more like ripping off the band. Aid. It's a little bit less like we. We've learned over time that this is where we belong, or this is what we were. Who our target is. That's well. We know who who who we are and who we want to target.

00:37:24.070 --> 00:37:29.870 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Now we have to come up with a new brand that will reach the same.

00:37:30.260 --> 00:37:33.150 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: you know, group and demograph. I guess

00:37:33.430 --> 00:37:37.240 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: I don't know what comments do you have about a rebrand for companies.

00:37:37.880 --> 00:37:44.100 Jennifer Shaheen: Well, I mean, I think rebranding is often happening because

00:37:44.150 --> 00:38:02.440 Jennifer Shaheen: brands of hit a plateau. So if your business is at this point, where you can't seem to grow. It's because something is flat in your organization, and it's a great time to re look at it. And oftentimes when you re-look at your business. You start to realize

00:38:02.550 --> 00:38:21.570 Jennifer Shaheen: why you've planned, and that's a great trigger for rebranding, because it gives you an opportunity to say, Well, we want to get more aggressive about going after, maybe audiences that you have a smaller market in, and that you shouldn't.

00:38:21.570 --> 00:38:35.170 Jennifer Shaheen: But the reason you have a smaller market is because you're not connecting with them, and that might be why you need to rebrand is you? Because you know that there is a portion of that market that likes you already. But you got.

00:38:35.210 --> 00:38:36.770 Jennifer Shaheen: you know. Lucky you got

00:38:37.120 --> 00:38:54.440 Jennifer Shaheen: connected to them, and they are sort of the as you say, with data like they're the outliers. But you want more of those outliers so to do that. How do we connect with them so that can sometimes be? Why you end up. Rebranding is because you're looking for more of a particular target that you just

00:38:54.440 --> 00:39:00.830 Jennifer Shaheen: can't seem to connect with, and it could be because of the way your brand is positioned.

00:39:01.960 --> 00:39:04.830 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Well, what if the what if the listeners

00:39:04.850 --> 00:39:06.470 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: are more like me?

00:39:06.560 --> 00:39:09.940 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: They are in that there

00:39:10.100 --> 00:39:12.620 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: disconnected from this information?

00:39:12.660 --> 00:39:32.100 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: You know I have lots of different kinds of clients, I I mean. I can't see that I enjoy working with all of them exactly at the same level. But there are definitely many, very, very different clients that with whom I very much enjoy my relationships working, and and they're not the same as each other.

00:39:32.160 --> 00:39:47.930 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: I don't know where to where to begin to evaluate my my brand message, or or how well i'm reaching my my target audience, because I I struggle with who my target.

00:39:49.640 --> 00:39:53.730 Jennifer Shaheen: So I think a couple of great places to start is

00:39:53.770 --> 00:40:00.700 Jennifer Shaheen: I. I actually run a program for clients where we call it taking stock of your business, and we look at

00:40:00.750 --> 00:40:20.490 Jennifer Shaheen: on the key areas of your fine, your financials, and then looking at your financials. And you could probably do this yourself, Matt. Right like you could look at the types of businesses that often you enjoy working with, but also have more repeat and recurring

00:40:20.490 --> 00:40:22.160 Jennifer Shaheen: revenue components.

00:40:22.210 --> 00:40:33.580 Jennifer Shaheen: So that's that's one way, and this is a the very B to be way. But even if you are working in the consumer space, you might also notice that with

00:40:33.590 --> 00:40:49.350 Jennifer Shaheen: the types of products people buy or the services. So I do want to stress that because I know our listeners are not all it just B to be. They can be B to C business to consumer. So I would start there, and that's a

00:40:49.450 --> 00:40:56.290 Jennifer Shaheen: one. It's a great way, because we all want to grow our bottom line and start looking at

00:40:56.370 --> 00:41:15.580 Jennifer Shaheen: what you see is similarities in those groupings, and from there it's easier to have a next level conversation about. Okay? Well, do I see those people, or did those people see themselves in my business? So this is where you know photography and imagery

00:41:15.580 --> 00:41:21.600 Jennifer Shaheen: makes a difference is, I need to see myself as in the potential client.

00:41:21.710 --> 00:41:40.610 Jennifer Shaheen: in working with your organization or your business, or you as an individual, and part of that is learning how they like to hear things, not just see things. So it's not just about the the face, right, but it's also about word choices.

00:41:40.920 --> 00:41:43.150 Jennifer Shaheen: how we say something in our.

00:41:43.620 --> 00:41:57.040 Jennifer Shaheen: how we articulate, where this is, how we speak, that can be one of those components. And then again, it goes back to you. You have to be comfortable with that as well.

00:41:57.430 --> 00:42:00.470 Jennifer Shaheen: So those are some places to start.

00:42:01.070 --> 00:42:11.750 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: I mean. It sounds a lot of sort of reminiscent back to earlier. In our conversation we were sort of talking about brand consultants, and this idea of art, and and the way in which you see the art.

00:42:11.830 --> 00:42:16.560 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: but the the piece that I was thinking about as you were talking about there was.

00:42:16.780 --> 00:42:24.210 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: you know. Okay, I've established. This is what I think my brand should be, or this is what the message I want to get across. I'm all focused on myself.

00:42:24.340 --> 00:42:37.700 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: I'm all focused on the what I want to convey. And I've got to also spend time understanding who the recipient of the message is, and and how they receive it, and what they care about, because they're not necessarily meeting.

00:42:37.810 --> 00:42:48.570 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: They're probably not me at all correct. So there's this. There's this element just like in any relationship of thinking about the other person thinking about

00:42:48.620 --> 00:42:59.060 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: the you know, the recipient of the message, and adjusting the message and the way in which delivered to that recipient that target, that ideal person.

00:42:59.230 --> 00:43:00.620 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: whatever it might be.

00:43:01.040 --> 00:43:02.200 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Yeah, correct.

00:43:02.250 --> 00:43:03.410 Jennifer Shaheen: You're getting it.

00:43:04.340 --> 00:43:06.140 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: I knew I would. Eventually

00:43:06.150 --> 00:43:14.040 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: we're going to go to break You've been listening to in tangify on talk radio dot Nyc. And we'll be back short.

00:43:17.400 --> 00:43:41.480 Hey, Everybody it's Tommy D the non-profit sector connector coming at you from my adding each week here on talk radio and Nyc: I host the program for landlady focus. Nonprofits impact us each and every day, and it's my focus to help them amplify their message and tell their story. Listen: each week at 10 a. M. Eastern standard time until 11 a. M. Is from standard time. Right here on talk radio.

00:43:42.340 --> 00:44:10.160 You may have many unanswered questions regarding your health. Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you have a desire to learn more about mental health and enhance your quality of life? Or do you just want to participate in self-understanding and awareness I'm Frank R Harrison, host of Frank about health and each Thursday I will tackle these questions and work to enlighten you. Tune in every Thursday 5 P. M. On talk radio and Nyc. And I will be frank about help to advocate for all of us.

00:44:13.630 --> 00:44:39.520 Are you a conscious co-creator? Are you on a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness? I'm Sam Libelich, your conscious consultant, and on my show, the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity, we will touch upon all these topics and more. Listen. Live at our new time on Thursdays at 12, noon, Eastern time. That's the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity.

00:44:39.520 --> 00:44:43.930 Thursday's 12 noon on talk radio. Nyc.

00:44:48.310 --> 00:44:58.240 You're listening to talk radio Nyc: at Ww: talk radio and Yc. Now broadcasting 24 h a day

00:45:11.710 --> 00:45:12.320 to

00:45:18.560 --> 00:45:27.330 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: welcome back to in Tang. If I on talk radio, dot Nyc: i'm your host, Matthew, as well. My guest is Jennifer Shaheen from Technology therapy group.

00:45:27.430 --> 00:45:36.740 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: We've been talking a bit about branding and it, you know, before our our break we were we were talking a little bit about.

00:45:37.260 --> 00:45:51.030 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: you know not only the message, but the recipient and and and you know the message has to be adjusted to the recipient that you know I I sort of was laughing to myself a little bit during the break.

00:45:51.120 --> 00:46:01.410 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: because, you know, this is a podcast. So you know, Jennifer, I can sit and talk, but you know nobody can call in. I can't get that feedback, you know, like there's no feedback

00:46:01.710 --> 00:46:11.460 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: but but that you know that that's the circumstance. Maybe we should have done a call instead of a up.

00:46:11.730 --> 00:46:25.180 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: But but but you know I I think you know we have. We have our brand? We've we've thought about our message and the recipients, and and how we deliver it. We've checked to see if we're staying on brand.

00:46:25.310 --> 00:46:39.530 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: and you know now I think what I want to know is, how do I know that my brand is? Is? Is is changing evolving? Oh, you know what are some easy ways to get that kind of information to evaluate.

00:46:39.640 --> 00:46:41.000 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: You know.

00:46:41.440 --> 00:46:43.560 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: You know where where things go from here.

00:46:44.580 --> 00:47:02.580 Jennifer Shaheen: Yeah. So I mean, there's a couple of things. So first off one thing you'll know that your your brand is doing well and growing is obviously. You'll see it in your bottom line, of course, but one of the fun things that I always talk to people about is

00:47:02.580 --> 00:47:17.070 Jennifer Shaheen: you've ever looked at, especially if you have a unique name Matt. Right? This is a little harder. If your brand name is similar, I mean it. It's funny, because if we think about it actually a lot of brands that people connect with often do have

00:47:17.230 --> 00:47:20.160 Jennifer Shaheen: a very unique name, right? But

00:47:20.200 --> 00:47:22.760 Jennifer Shaheen: one way you can look at that is.

00:47:22.920 --> 00:47:34.880 Jennifer Shaheen: you've ever spent time looking at your organic search terms. So Google has this great tool called Search Console, and in there it actually has records, and a

00:47:35.040 --> 00:47:45.130 Jennifer Shaheen: your website has been up. You should have it registered in there, anyway, a little plug for that to understand. But you can actually see how many people Google

00:47:45.370 --> 00:47:46.770 Jennifer Shaheen: on your

00:47:46.830 --> 00:48:02.430 Jennifer Shaheen: company name on its own, because nowadays very rarely does anyone even type in a domain anymore. They just go to Google, it type the company. And if they remember to put on the end It just takes you to the website. But

00:48:02.470 --> 00:48:18.650 Jennifer Shaheen: the at least the searching for your company name, i. E. Hopefully your brand, because just because you have a company name doesn't mean you have a brand right? I think we've we've kind of established that day. You can see really a difference in the growth

00:48:19.010 --> 00:48:26.420 Jennifer Shaheen: of how much people are interested in who you are. So this is something we keep an eye on.

00:48:26.420 --> 00:48:39.030 Jennifer Shaheen: I have the trademark on technology therapy. So of course I keep an eye on that. And I have Google Alerts set up anytime. Anyone uses the term. But it is a fun way to look at that.

00:48:39.510 --> 00:48:45.660 Jennifer Shaheen: Another thing that I think is important to know that your your brand is doing well is.

00:48:45.980 --> 00:48:53.420 Jennifer Shaheen: I. I feel businesses have had a hard time in the last few years with the employees, and

00:48:53.530 --> 00:48:57.280 Jennifer Shaheen: when you're looking at growing, you'll find that

00:48:57.640 --> 00:49:17.230 Jennifer Shaheen: recruiting talent, or even hiring. It goes back to really like people feeling like they're coming to work with someone that is communicating something that connects to them not only very different than a customer, and I I have to confess that

00:49:17.370 --> 00:49:33.630 Jennifer Shaheen: when we readjusted our approach to marketing and branding for ourselves, we started to attract a much better candidate because they spent time looking at us. And how we're putting our message out there. What a difference it really made.

00:49:33.630 --> 00:49:44.790 Jennifer Shaheen: and bringing quality people to our firm, and I I don't know if you can talk to that as well, Matt. If there's anything you've seen on that side of things

00:49:45.950 --> 00:49:58.990 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: I don't know that I can. You know I I think it at least in the legal field. You know I I don't know how that there are. There are definitely some lawyers and firms that are, are.

00:50:00.110 --> 00:50:02.460 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: you know, educated about

00:50:02.590 --> 00:50:05.080 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: how to brand and market.

00:50:05.200 --> 00:50:14.860 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: and and they try. They try to educate us. I mean we, you know we we, we, we definitely try. But

00:50:15.400 --> 00:50:34.500 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: but there, there's a struggle there, there's a struggle there As to really being a differentiator. I feel like every law firm website says. You know we're the best. Trust us. We know our stuff, we do everything you need, you know, and

00:50:34.530 --> 00:50:36.850 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: and in the end. It's just kind of

00:50:36.860 --> 00:50:42.480 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: I I mean I could be completely wrong, but in the end it kind of comes out that that that

00:50:42.900 --> 00:50:46.570 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: lawyers don't really market themselves

00:50:47.120 --> 00:50:58.660 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: primarily as as their website. Their website is more like a verifier where people can go and find out stuff about them and go. Oh, Yes, this sort of aligns with what I know about them. I kind of want to hire them then.

00:50:58.800 --> 00:51:02.590 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: but not because of the message necessarily on the law firm website.

00:51:02.610 --> 00:51:04.340 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: at least for my experience.

00:51:04.800 --> 00:51:24.120 Jennifer Shaheen: Interesting. See? And I'm working with an unemployment. Well employment law firm actually in the Boston market right now, and we're working on some of that. Just differentiate them so both because, of course, they talk to the end employee.

00:51:24.120 --> 00:51:25.000 Jennifer Shaheen: And

00:51:25.030 --> 00:51:44.040 Jennifer Shaheen: so we have conversations on both sides of why we understand, and then it it is actually something that makes a difference. So but I I also mentioned it, because I know you work with growing businesses, and I don't know if you've heard it anecdotally. But I've heard this not only from

00:51:44.100 --> 00:51:50.840 Jennifer Shaheen: experiencing it myself, but I've heard it from many other companies. They say, you know oftentimes one day

00:51:50.870 --> 00:52:00.260 Jennifer Shaheen: really understood who they were and what they were about, what a difference it really truly made in connecting with the right customers.

00:52:00.530 --> 00:52:10.250 Jennifer Shaheen: but also building the right people and finding people who would be as passionate about their business as they are.

00:52:11.790 --> 00:52:18.130 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Yeah, no, I I mean, I I I definitely. I definitely think it. It. It's there, and

00:52:18.290 --> 00:52:24.200 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: and I think lawyers are probably just not the best example. But there are some who who

00:52:24.220 --> 00:52:38.210 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: who have done it, and and and certainly on the clientele. You know that those businesses that we're representing are much more mindful of of those issues. I mean they come to us if they're coming to me for for trademark help.

00:52:38.220 --> 00:52:42.000 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: right? They're not really looking for my

00:52:43.080 --> 00:52:53.300 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: personal or artistic view as to whether their brand reaches their audience, and you know, and and whether they have those differentiators. They're really looking

00:52:53.340 --> 00:52:57.830 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: a to to the point you raised earlier. As to is this.

00:52:57.900 --> 00:53:14.260 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Is this protectable? Can I own this exclusively? Can I keep others from using a similar name, so that really the only one that's being found when you're searching for this is me, and you know, and and obtaining those rights in the Us. And around the world.

00:53:14.480 --> 00:53:28.150 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: But it's sort of it's interesting, because I always had this view of sort of the lawyer on one side of the coin in the market or on the other, because the marketer wanted to pick names that told the

00:53:28.810 --> 00:53:37.410 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: consumer what the product is, or the services, or you know, or something about it. to make it, because it was easier to sell that way.

00:53:37.780 --> 00:53:41.120 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: But your comments, really.

00:53:41.380 --> 00:53:59.530 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: you know, suggest that it's not just that that sometimes we're on the same side of the coin in that having that unique name, you know ultimately is more valuable because people looking for you. We'll we'll find you and you'll You'll be. You'll be different enough from the others around you.

00:54:00.720 --> 00:54:05.540 Jennifer Shaheen: right, and I I think, when brands are starting out, or

00:54:05.940 --> 00:54:20.350 Jennifer Shaheen: even if you're going through rebranding, if part of reason why you're going through rebranding is because you can't stand out. That might be another time. Where you are looking at, you know. Maybe we do need to look at

00:54:20.490 --> 00:54:23.690 Jennifer Shaheen: what's out there and

00:54:24.070 --> 00:54:41.860 Jennifer Shaheen: start to say, Well, we still need to make sure our messaging is on who we are and connecting with our end consumer. But we we may find that we adjust names and designs to make sure that we're pulled away from the pack a bit. I know that

00:54:41.860 --> 00:55:01.250 Jennifer Shaheen: a lot of times people will do things to be familiar when they're starting out. We designed this so it felt like another company. I I get that a lot as a company. People will come to me all the time and say, Well, we've identified that our market is

00:55:01.330 --> 00:55:08.990 Jennifer Shaheen: the same people who shop at whole foods. Okay, so we want to have a feel that is like that.

00:55:09.040 --> 00:55:14.890 Jennifer Shaheen: And I understand that. But there's also other components where you really want to say, okay, Well.

00:55:15.060 --> 00:55:22.940 Jennifer Shaheen: that's a great starting point. But let's understand why the people shop at whole foods. What is it about that

00:55:22.990 --> 00:55:40.520 Jennifer Shaheen: experience? Because I think at the end of the day. What we always have to remember is, it is about the experience, and whether it is a law firm or a technology digital agency like ours, or a soap company.

00:55:40.570 --> 00:55:44.440 The experience we have with the products and services.

00:55:44.490 --> 00:55:47.640 Jennifer Shaheen: and how we feel, and we connect with it.

00:55:47.780 --> 00:55:53.140 Jennifer Shaheen: That's what really, at the end of the day is connecting to growing the brand.

00:55:54.350 --> 00:56:13.880 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Yeah, I mean very briefly on the on the law firm side. Right? It it's an uneven playing field, because some States require the law firm to have the names of the partners as the name of the firm, and so it becomes. You, Don't, have a lot of flexibility in certain states as to what your name might be. You have some flexibility, but not a lot.

00:56:13.880 --> 00:56:22.360 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: You can't just necessarily in some States can't just necessarily pick a name that's has no meeting, or has a different meaning from any of the of the partners.

00:56:22.370 --> 00:56:24.000 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: But in some sense you can.

00:56:24.120 --> 00:56:36.230 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Yeah, but that's law firms. Probably not that many of our listeners are law firms, but the the the other thing that I was thinking as you were speaking is.

00:56:36.710 --> 00:56:39.770 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: you know there's an element of

00:56:41.370 --> 00:56:48.330 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: the clients who come to us come to us when they're in when they are inspired by other people's

00:56:48.430 --> 00:57:04.480 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: branding and businesses and and and materials also in a very different way. Right? They want to make sure they're not running a foul of somebody's rights, if they, if they, how much inspiration can they have right, how much is copying? And when does it get to a point where they're infringing

00:57:04.640 --> 00:57:05.870 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: or

00:57:05.890 --> 00:57:21.480 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: the opposite? When the this is our name. This is our brand, and we want to let people use it, and we need to make sure that they use it, and they use it correctly, right? So so there there are parallels. But

00:57:22.090 --> 00:57:35.740 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: but yeah, the you, I think you're right. You You don't want to just like you don't want to take somebody else's privacy policy. You don't want to take somebody else's branding or materials you you you can find some inspiration. And then you gotta think about

00:57:36.080 --> 00:57:39.480 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: what your messages and who your people are and etc.

00:57:40.410 --> 00:57:41.580 Jennifer Shaheen: Exactly

00:57:41.980 --> 00:57:53.390 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: so, Jennifer: yeah, I would say, I just ask if you're any final message you'd like to convey to our listen, particularly the entrepreneurs in our audience. What should they think about when they think about Brand?

00:57:54.460 --> 00:58:03.000 Jennifer Shaheen: They should think about working from the inside out. It needs to be true to who they are, but it also needs to connect with

00:58:03.100 --> 00:58:05.110 Jennifer Shaheen: who they want to work with.

00:58:05.120 --> 00:58:14.400 Jennifer Shaheen: So that's, I think, the best place to start. And then, if you have any other questions or anything comes up by technology, or connect with me on Linkedin.

00:58:15.350 --> 00:58:26.980 Matthew D. Asbell, Esq: Thanks so much. Been a pleasure having you. My guest has been Jennifer shaken from Technology therapy group. This is Matthew as well on in tang. If on talk radio, dot Nyc: have a great weekend

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