The Conscious Consultant Hour

Thursday, April 6, 2023
Facebook Live Video from 2023/04/06 - What is the Gaia Goddess Lifestyle?

Facebook Live Video from 2023/04/06 - What is the Gaia Goddess Lifestyle?


2023/04/06 - What is the Gaia Goddess Lifestyle?

[NEW EPISODE] What is the Gaia Goddess Lifestyle?

Thursdays 12:00pm - 1:00pm (EDT)


This week, on The Conscious Consultant Hour, Sam welcomes CEO, Founder and Healer, Maria Marshall.


Maria is CEO & Founder of Gaia Goddess, a women's eco-community for all ages. 


Maria is a conscious creative who utilizes social entrepreneurism, storytelling and community building to inspire, heal and empower women.


Additionally, Maria has worked as a holistic volunteer and gifts reiki and reiki training to the disadvantaged.


Maria also has a strong background in visual arts and was educated at Fashion Institute of Technology and Parsons School of Design


Join Sam and Maria as they discuss how women can come together to heal their wounds and inspire each other to greater heights.

Tune in for this enlightening conversation at

Show Notes

Segment  1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4


00:00:36.250 --> 00:00:48.090 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Good afternoon. Good morning. Good evening. Wherever you're tuning in from welcome to the conscious consulting hour awakening humanity. I am very, very pleased.

00:00:48.090 --> 00:00:58.160 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: You were all here with me today. We've got a wonderful show in store for you. But first I have a little bit of announcement.

00:00:58.340 --> 00:01:02.150 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I'm. Truly honored, pleased.

00:01:02.530 --> 00:01:03.710 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: humbled.

00:01:04.030 --> 00:01:18.010 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and joyful. You 2 have been asked to become the executive director of the Evolutionary Business Council, and it is a truly

00:01:18.250 --> 00:01:28.480 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: an amazing announcement. We we just announced it to the membership yesterday. There is some change of the organization in terms of ownership and leadership.

00:01:28.690 --> 00:01:35.230 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I was asked if I would be willing to step in and run it, which i'm

00:01:35.490 --> 00:01:46.500 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so pleased to do so. Many of you know I've had many guests from the Evolutionary Business Council on my show over the years I've been a member for

00:01:47.000 --> 00:01:56.930 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: probably 6 7 8 years, 9 years. I'm a I think i'm the last founding member who joined as a founding member. and so to

00:01:56.950 --> 00:02:09.590 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to be asked to run the organization with a big thrill for me. And you'll hear more about that in the future right now. For the next couple of months we're going to be going through a huge transition phase.

00:02:09.590 --> 00:02:18.960 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and once we get through the transition, and we have some systems in place and stuff. I'll. I'll start talking about that more.

00:02:19.880 --> 00:02:33.290 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: anyway. Welcome to today's show I am really thrilled and happy to get us started. But first, of course, we have our little section from my book.

00:02:34.890 --> 00:02:47.440 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Everyday Awakening, which of course, you can, and let's get into it, because this is kind of a long one. I haven't had a long section like this in a while.

00:02:47.820 --> 00:02:59.010 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and this section is entitled. How we Feel about life depends upon the projections we send out. This is an important one.

00:02:59.700 --> 00:03:10.820 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We see things in life all the time that we are sure are real. how someone says something to us, and the meaning behind it seems clear to us.

00:03:11.160 --> 00:03:15.450 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Our memories are also filled with moments that we are certain

00:03:15.470 --> 00:03:17.960 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: happened a specific way.

00:03:18.890 --> 00:03:24.050 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it's true. All these life experiences actually happened.

00:03:24.620 --> 00:03:30.910 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: yet our memories of them are filled with our own mental projections.

00:03:31.840 --> 00:03:42.610 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when our friend did was done, quote because they don't like us, quote what our partner said was said, quote because they're mad at us, quote

00:03:43.090 --> 00:03:50.600 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What? Why? Our parents acted as they acted, quote because they are not proud of us, quote.

00:03:51.110 --> 00:04:05.350 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We constantly think we know what is going on inside Someone else's mind. Yet what we are doing is projecting our own feelings and interpretations onto our experience.

00:04:06.390 --> 00:04:11.290 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Perhaps our friend was just in a rush and forgot to be polite.

00:04:11.800 --> 00:04:24.830 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Perhaps our partner got some bad news we don't know about, and they are mad about it. Perhaps our parents just learned that a friend of theirs died, and they're upset over it.

00:04:25.960 --> 00:04:32.410 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: How we interpret the world around us has less to do with the actual events

00:04:32.630 --> 00:04:44.840 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and more about how we feel about ourselves? Do we feel deep inside that we're not good enough? Do the things we experience make us feel less there?

00:04:45.720 --> 00:05:00.400 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Do we feel that there's something wrong with us? Do our relationships trigger those feelings? Do we feel that we don't deserve good things? Do we often feel that the other person is taking advantage of this.

00:05:01.260 --> 00:05:07.650 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It's not so cut and dry. Our perspective and self-image have a lot to do with it.

00:05:08.830 --> 00:05:16.470 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Perhaps when we get triggered we can use this feeling as an opportunity to look inside ourselves.

00:05:17.860 --> 00:05:31.460 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Perhaps when we feel someone is against us, we can check in and see if we are battling with ourselves. Perhaps, instead of assuming it's always about the other person.

00:05:31.530 --> 00:05:33.600 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We can take a step back

00:05:33.630 --> 00:05:39.410 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and look for the thoughts and feelings we are projecting on to them

00:05:39.710 --> 00:05:41.830 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and claim them as our own.

00:05:43.110 --> 00:05:53.090 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: As we begin to recognize the projections we put on others. we realize that there is so much we are making up ourselves.

00:05:53.940 --> 00:06:01.610 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: as we learn to drop those projections, we see a clearer picture of what and who is before us?

00:06:02.760 --> 00:06:07.550 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Can you begin to recognize some of your own projections.

00:06:08.820 --> 00:06:12.190 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So I I wrote this section back

00:06:12.400 --> 00:06:17.560 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: probably shortly after I started doing the ceremonial work that I do.

00:06:20.250 --> 00:06:29.560 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: because. although this this concept of projections, this isn't anything new, I mean, this is something I've known about for a while.

00:06:29.670 --> 00:06:38.930 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but somehow it it it just really struck me. I guess maybe my experience in in the ceremony

00:06:39.170 --> 00:06:43.520 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: really hit me in a deeper way.

00:06:45.430 --> 00:06:58.380 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but I just so got to see in my own life how much the stories. I make up the the reasons why I believe things happened.

00:06:58.740 --> 00:07:01.050 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I I mean going from like

00:07:02.130 --> 00:07:16.590 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: things that happened 5 10 years ago to things that happened when I was a little child. How much of that is really all about what I was feeling

00:07:16.780 --> 00:07:24.450 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: about myself, and projecting onto the situation, not really about the situation itself.

00:07:25.450 --> 00:07:29.600 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and that when you really get to know the real truth of things

00:07:29.980 --> 00:07:42.200 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: A, and stop assuming we know why everyone did everything, and stop assuming that we know other people's motivations and and what they're thinking what they're feeling.

00:07:42.690 --> 00:07:43.450 Yeah.

00:07:43.780 --> 00:07:47.360 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when we can pull ourselves back from that

00:07:48.530 --> 00:07:53.190 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and just look at it for what it is, and stop making up

00:07:53.670 --> 00:08:00.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: these these stories about us. It so shifts our life.

00:08:00.390 --> 00:08:06.350 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and so shifts how we feel about life and what's going on, and and

00:08:06.870 --> 00:08:09.560 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and the interpretations we make from them.

00:08:11.490 --> 00:08:25.260 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and so I I I wrote this section to kind of express. I guess what what I had learned about myself and projections, and I hope that this can help people in some way to see

00:08:28.390 --> 00:08:31.360 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that we are the creators of our life.

00:08:32.150 --> 00:08:40.299 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and one of the ways in which we create our life is through the projections we put on to other people.

00:08:41.909 --> 00:08:53.290 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and that those projections. or often not so much about the other person. but about how we are feeling in the moment.

00:08:57.100 --> 00:08:58.150 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and

00:08:59.090 --> 00:09:05.970 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it it's something that I feel the more conscious we are the more mindful we are.

00:09:06.240 --> 00:09:07.600 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the more

00:09:08.980 --> 00:09:10.720 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we can at least

00:09:11.340 --> 00:09:19.210 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: consider the possibility that maybe we're projecting something on to some of them

00:09:19.390 --> 00:09:23.640 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that that can be the first step to

00:09:25.080 --> 00:09:31.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: being more awake. more where more conscious in our own life.

00:09:33.770 --> 00:09:43.030 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So I don't know if this resonates with you or not. but my my request. My invitation for this coming week

00:09:44.540 --> 00:09:53.030 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: is to just stop and and notice. When are you projecting on to someone else

00:09:53.720 --> 00:09:56.460 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: what they must be feeling, thinking.

00:09:56.990 --> 00:10:02.780 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Why, they're doing something. What are their motivations? Just notice when we do that.

00:10:03.900 --> 00:10:10.160 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and take a step back and ask ourselves. Is that really true?

00:10:11.230 --> 00:10:13.200 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And how do we know?

00:10:14.780 --> 00:10:20.300 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And just by at the being aware and asking those questions.

00:10:21.100 --> 00:10:27.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: perhaps just maybe we might notice something a little different.

00:10:28.540 --> 00:10:33.430 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So that's my invitation for you this week. I I hope you

00:10:33.880 --> 00:10:41.090 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: can can indulge me by trying that, and and let me know on next Week's show how you do

00:10:41.230 --> 00:10:56.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and again. So this was the the section from my book. Every day awakening the section is called. How we Feel about life depends on the projections we send out. and if you like that, and you'd like to read more of my writings.

00:10:56.190 --> 00:11:18.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: my book every day awakening it's available on Amazon. It's available on all major bookstores. If you go to everyday awakening it'll take you right to the Amazon listing. But if you're like me and you like to support the small independent bookstores. Just go in and ask them to order it for you. If they don't have it in stock, because we're in a major distributor, so all these bookstores can get. So

00:11:18.680 --> 00:11:33.650 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I hope you enjoyed that. Thank you so much for indulging me. And now it is my extreme pleasure to welcome to the show. CEO, founder and healer, Maria Marshall

00:11:33.820 --> 00:11:40.020 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Maria is the CEO and founder of Gaia, goddess, a woman's echo community for all ages.

00:11:40.080 --> 00:11:58.100 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Maria is a conscious creative who utilizes social entrepreneurism, storytelling, and community building. I love community builders to inspire heal and empower women. Additionally, Maria has worked as a holistic volunteer and gifts Riki and Riki training to the disadvantage.

00:11:58.240 --> 00:12:10.180 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Maria also has a strong background in the visual arts, and was educated at F. It. The fashion. It's to technology and Parsons School of Design. Welcome to the conscious consulting hour, Maria.

00:12:10.340 --> 00:12:38.580 Maria Marshall: and thank you so much for that beautiful introduction. And I also want to congratulate you, because in our last conversation you recommended the Evolutionary Business Council, and the fact that you've just been appointed is is just kind of mind blowing. So that's wonderful accomplishment, and I can tell you're so thrilled and proud, and i'm so happy for you. I also really loved the excerpt from your book that you shared.

00:12:38.580 --> 00:12:54.320 Maria Marshall: I started delving into consciousness with access consciousness years for my kind of real awakening, let's say, and i'm a such a big believer in question creates awareness, and

00:12:54.510 --> 00:13:06.220 Maria Marshall: you know we create our lives with our own stories that we tell ourselves, and so we have the power to shape our reality, and i'm as guilty as the next person. Yesterday I had some

00:13:06.310 --> 00:13:11.090 Maria Marshall: kind of disappointing news, and it triggered very deep grief.

00:13:11.200 --> 00:13:15.360 Maria Marshall: and sometimes your life will use a circumstance

00:13:15.700 --> 00:13:33.810 Maria Marshall: to bring up an energy that you no longer serves you, that you need to let me. So you can hold more light and love in your heart, and I had to process that yesterday and this morning I did some breath work around grief, and you, I think, practice some shamanistic practices? Or have

00:13:34.180 --> 00:13:51.770 Maria Marshall: I know they have some wonderful grief rituals. So I love that you also are. I love Shamanism so I love that you're also well versed in that, and that those beautiful modalities that reconnect us to our planet and the wisdom

00:13:51.770 --> 00:14:02.660 Maria Marshall: of the earth. And that's part of what I got is, is bringing to the world as well through the healing is to reconnect the women to themselves and to the

00:14:03.040 --> 00:14:11.280 Maria Marshall: yeah. So we just finished our Maui retreat, which is extraordinary.

00:14:11.290 --> 00:14:40.100 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: wonderful, wonderful. So, Maria, I I want to take our first break, because because when we come back I want to kind of dive into your background a little bit, because I always like to give my audience some context of of why you ended up doing it. How you ended up coming to be doing what you're doing today. So i'd love to kind of just just, you know, a thumbnail sketch of like. How did you go from from being sort of a visual arts, major and college, and doing all that stuff to

00:14:40.100 --> 00:14:46.990 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to starting a a woman's Echo community and and doing these wonderful retreats. Okay.

00:14:47.350 --> 00:15:00.050 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: sounds great, wonderful. Thank you so much. And and thank you for the kind words about the being appointed to the Evolutionary Business Council. It it's definitely a thrill. And it's something I never

00:15:00.150 --> 00:15:19.640 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: imagine when when I first joined the organization, because I they're just such successful, amazing, truly transformational leaders in the organization that I I I never considered myself of their caliber. So it's. It's really quite an honor.

00:15:19.720 --> 00:15:32.170 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So, anyway, everyone, please stay tuned. You are listening to the conscious consultant hour of weakening humanity, and we will be right back with our guest, Maria Marshall, in just a moment, and a quick shout out.

00:15:32.170 --> 00:15:44.770 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Happy Passover, Happy Easter, and Spring equinox. All that wonderful good stuff that's happening right now. It's a full moon last night, and we will be right back

00:15:44.800 --> 00:15:46.340 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in just a moment.

00:15:49.700 --> 00:16:09.120 Are you a business owner? Do you want to be a business owner? Do you work with business owners? Hi! I'm Stephen, fry your small and medium-sized business, or Smb Guy and I'm, the host of the new Show, always Friday, while I love to have fun on my show, we take those Friday feelings of freedom and clarity to discuss popular topics in the minds of SMS today.

00:16:09.250 --> 00:16:15.470 Please join me and my various special guests on Friday at 11 am on talk radio and Nyc.

00:16:17.920 --> 00:16:48.200 Are you a conscious Co-creator? Are you on a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness? I'm Sam Leibowitz, your conscious consultant, and on my show the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity, we will touch upon all these topics and more. Listen. Live at our new time on Thursdays, at 12 noon, Eastern time. That's the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. Thursday's 12 noon on talk, Radio and Nyc.

00:16:53.450 --> 00:17:21.990 Are you on edge? Hey? We live in challenging edgy times. So let's lean in. I'm. Sandra Bardman, the host of the edge of every day, which airs each Monday at 7 P. M. Eastern time on talk radio and nyc tune in, Live with me and my friends and colleagues, as we share stories and perspectives about pushing boundaries and exploring our rough edges. That's the edge of every day on Mondays at 7 P. M. Eastern time on top Radio and Nyc.

00:17:22.109 --> 00:17:23.079 Christian.

00:17:23.630 --> 00:17:24.730 the

00:17:24.920 --> 00:17:32.740 you're listening to talk radio, nyc uplift, educate, and power the

00:17:49.920 --> 00:17:54.660 you Okay. you.

00:18:03.240 --> 00:18:13.710 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and welcome back to the conscious consultant our awakening humanity. We're speaking this hour with Maria Marshall, a founder of Gaugatis.

00:18:13.710 --> 00:18:32.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so, Maria, you you you obviously you're you're a New Yorker like myself. You went to f it, and Parsons. So so how did you go from being sort of someone focused on the visual arts and the I'm. Assuming you were a graphic designer of some kind or commercial artist. How did you go from that to

00:18:32.530 --> 00:18:35.760 doing this amazing work with women today.

00:18:36.160 --> 00:18:54.440 Maria Marshall: Well, you know, before I went to f it I was at Emerson, a musical theater major, and I studied that as a child. Every Saturday I was in plays and singing lessons, and I left being on the stage, and it was funny at 1 point, I guess, after I I left

00:18:54.440 --> 00:19:15.810 Maria Marshall: my marriage of 26 years of my life in Florida and came to New York, and I said, Gee! I have. I've had so many detours along the road, you know musical theater. I I still love it, and I write. You know the visual Arts interior design, and yes, I've been able. I've always loved fashion, I as a form of expression

00:19:15.810 --> 00:19:32.580 Maria Marshall: and the visual arts, and then I I remember hearing a quote from Paul Saleig's guide to said Nothing you do, and no experience you ever have, no matter how painful, is wasted. Every bit of it is like in a compost pile. It gets used.

00:19:32.590 --> 00:19:49.080 Maria Marshall: and even painful traumas from your past that you could feel victimized from, or you could say, Wow! Look what this led me to create. So that's part of the answer to the question is, I had all of these educational experiences, but I see

00:19:49.080 --> 00:19:59.430 Maria Marshall: I know i'm doing fashion down the road. I know that the visual parsons, the balance, the symmetry, helped me create my brand, my colors, my pitch texts.

00:19:59.490 --> 00:20:16.440 Maria Marshall: I know that everything I learned, including, you know, musical theater. I love to be on a stage. I love to talk, I love to express. I love, I love energy right when you're on a stage. You're actually drawing the audience's energy to you. If you're a good performer.

00:20:16.440 --> 00:20:29.880 Maria Marshall: they can't take their eyes off you. So I realized it was all part and parcel of the preparation for this business, which I believe is my spiritual mission. I

00:20:29.880 --> 00:20:50.210 Maria Marshall: went through a very disempowered childhood, and, like you, said, the projections of what did it mean to have a father that was abusive? Oh, he must not have loved me! Was what the child thought so. My inner child never felt love or worthy of loved. How can you manifest anything in this world if you don't feel worthy of love, and

00:20:50.210 --> 00:21:07.100 Maria Marshall: you know how you know, when we talk about self love? Well, you can't really get there until you healed everything that stands in the way of that, including programming, including Commercials Vogue Magazine. You're You're not a worthy woman if you don't look like this. So I had to literally go back

00:21:07.300 --> 00:21:10.490 Maria Marshall: from the time I left

00:21:10.560 --> 00:21:24.170 Maria Marshall: a man I loved, and a family unit that meant the world to me, and with the replacement for the unit that I lost when my dad died and I was 7, you know I had to walk away from.

00:21:24.500 --> 00:21:36.090 Maria Marshall: and it's scared that, you know, scared me to be like leaving something that I felt anchored to me in this world because of all the trauma I had in my childhood, and I had to unravel.

00:21:36.120 --> 00:21:50.490 Maria Marshall: and I had to reprogram, and I had to dig every piece of that up. And yes, I work with shamans. I am a Riki master. I work with sound and color vibration. I study spiritual teachers.

00:21:50.490 --> 00:22:00.860 Maria Marshall: you know. I, when my mother died, was my awakening, and I literally dove into deep end of the pool. I don't even think I had my arms out in this case I just.

00:22:00.900 --> 00:22:02.060 Maria Marshall: and

00:22:02.590 --> 00:22:12.110 Maria Marshall: I was looking for signs of life after death. So was that the was that the incident your mom doing? Was that? What kind of

00:22:12.110 --> 00:22:29.080 Maria Marshall: brought you to kind of consider all the spiritual stuff? Or was it something that you had always had? You know what? As a child. I had this existential loneliness, deep sadness, and feeling. I didn't belong on this planet.

00:22:29.080 --> 00:22:38.990 Maria Marshall: you know, when I would see a you know a show on aliens or something like I was jump out of my seat, and I always just like Mom, what happens when we die?

00:22:38.990 --> 00:22:52.900 Maria Marshall: And she never gave me a satisfactory answer, and certainly religion, my faith did not feel. I'm Greek orthodox. I didn't feel like religion held the answers for me. Because why would God allow this to happen to me.

00:22:52.900 --> 00:23:05.830 Maria Marshall: Why would God let a little girl go through this? So I was enraged. And so, prior to her death, I started working with access consciousness tools which are super, you know, a great foundation.

00:23:06.150 --> 00:23:16.740 Maria Marshall: and I still work with them today, and I give them to my other people. But I have an arsenal right of we an an integrative practice, let's say. But my mother's death.

00:23:17.040 --> 00:23:24.170 Maria Marshall: I think, certainly put the fire under me, because there was so much unresolved trauma between us.

00:23:24.200 --> 00:23:28.720 Maria Marshall: and and not expressed. He I didn't get to heal.

00:23:28.990 --> 00:23:30.660 Maria Marshall: So then she died.

00:23:31.050 --> 00:23:36.850 Maria Marshall: and I loved her so much, and it felt like such a gaping hole in my soul. And

00:23:36.850 --> 00:23:53.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it's what started me. Yeah, it's what really got it moving. Let's just say. But you had already been so. So. So you're kind of like me where where you were brought up in a certain religion. But you didn't really feel the spirit. You didn't really feel it in the religion. So then you started.

00:23:53.870 --> 00:24:05.320 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I guess, being open to to other things, and I know for myself, like I had a number of experiences when I was in high school and college like kinda opened me up to the idea that, like oh, like

00:24:05.540 --> 00:24:25.380 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: this, physical reality is not all there is like. There are a lot of unexplainable things going on in this world, and and that's what kind of opened me up to it. So W. Was it with with yourself? Was it more like just kind of a gradual curiosity of you kept finding things here? And there? Was there a particular incident that made you go. Oh.

00:24:25.450 --> 00:24:32.130 Maria Marshall: there's really something weird going on here. Oh, I will, I mean i'll say my mother's death made me

00:24:32.450 --> 00:24:43.520 Maria Marshall: so hungry for information on near death experiences. I wanted proof. It made no sense to me as a child, and no sense as an adult, that we would come.

00:24:43.610 --> 00:24:58.390 Maria Marshall: live, and then cease to exist, makes no sense right, and that was cruelty to me to even fathom that reality. So you know I know religion offers another. You know, salute another

00:24:58.390 --> 00:25:14.360 Maria Marshall: idea, but also it also offers judgment and things that I couldn't buy into in my faith. So I was in between a crossroads. But what did make sense to me was that we come. We choose to create.

00:25:14.360 --> 00:25:28.340 Maria Marshall: We are powerful like that makes sense to me. So I started looking for the valid. The information. Edgar Casey, Ruth Montgomery, near death experiences, you know, communicators with the angelic realms, whatever.

00:25:28.880 --> 00:25:44.070 Maria Marshall: Well, it felt like chicken soup for my soul. After my mother passed that these things all soothed me, they soothed me because there was a little girl and someone and a woman that had been through so much

00:25:44.380 --> 00:25:53.610 Maria Marshall: that I I could have come unraveled. Really, if I didn't seek for myself the healing that I needed at that moment.

00:25:53.930 --> 00:26:04.570 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Interesting. Interesting. Yeah, it's it's kind of so curious to me, because so many people that I bring on to my show that there's some kind of inner calling like. There's some

00:26:04.690 --> 00:26:08.110 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: event, Usually that happens. That

00:26:08.210 --> 00:26:15.780 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it is challenging is is difficult to get through it. It can be painful. It can be traumatic.

00:26:15.860 --> 00:26:31.880 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but somehow that they are seeds in that event that that bring us to look for answers in places that we wouldn't normally look otherwise, and that opens us up to like a whole new world, almost a whole new universe

00:26:32.100 --> 00:26:34.890 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: of possibilities, of of what

00:26:34.950 --> 00:26:47.810 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: of of what could be? And that often brings us back to ourselves Doesn't it. It brings us back to that place of looking at what is our part in all of this, and the recognition that we

00:26:47.810 --> 00:27:01.070 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we are so much more powerful than we we give ourselves credit for, or that society even gives the individual credit for

00:27:01.120 --> 00:27:14.840 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: well. And and you know, if you have any kind of a an anthropology, or or or sociological kind of education. You know what you know how much of this stuff all comes from survival.

00:27:14.840 --> 00:27:34.790 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and it's so ancient. It's so old from when we're hunter-gatherers wandering on the planes and that we had to work together as a cohesive group just to survive, yet we're not wandering on the planes anymore. We're not in that situation anymore, but our nervous system still acts like we're there.

00:27:34.900 --> 00:27:37.860 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so it's it's a process of

00:27:38.210 --> 00:27:45.570 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: sort of civilizing ourselves, bringing ourselves up into the modern era of where we are.

00:27:45.600 --> 00:27:47.120 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and not just

00:27:47.760 --> 00:27:50.790 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: acting instinctually, that you know

00:27:51.330 --> 00:27:54.720 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that that we have to do all these things just to survive.

00:27:56.410 --> 00:27:57.370 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So

00:27:59.470 --> 00:28:02.440 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I I I Well, I I want to

00:28:02.560 --> 00:28:27.320 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: then ask you kind of what got you to start, guy it got us, but we have a break in like a minute, so i'd rather go to break. First we'll go out a little early, and then we come back. I want you to tell our audience like what was the inspiration? What was the the vision that you had that got you to start Guy, a goddess? And then what is it all about? You know? How does it serve people? How does it serve women? And and what is your vision for it. Okay.

00:28:27.840 --> 00:28:28.900 Maria Marshall: sounds great.

00:28:29.040 --> 00:28:44.130 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: wonderful. And I see loyal listener, Paddy checking in, probably from Tucson unless she's traveling. So thank you, Patty. I see on the Facebook live. Let's let us know if you have any questions or comments, and we will be right back with Maria Marshall in just a moment.

00:28:45.750 --> 00:29:00.090 Are you passionate about the conversation around racism. Hi I'm. Reverend Dr. Tlc. Host of the disnatural Racism show which airs every Thursday at 11 a M. Eastern on talk Radio and Nyc

00:29:00.090 --> 00:29:12.650 join me and my amazing guest. As we discuss ways to uncover, dismantle and eradicate racism. That's Thursdays at 110'clock a. M on talk radio and Nyc.

00:29:15.240 --> 00:29:43.060 In a post-profit world. You may have many unanswered questions regarding your health are you looking. To live a healthier lifestyle. Do you have a desire to learn more about mental health, and enhance your quality of life? Or do you just want to participate in self-understanding and awareness? I'm. Frank R. Harrison host of Frank about health, and each Thursday I will tackle these questions and work to enlighten you. Tune in every Thursday 5 P. M. On talk radio and Nyc and I will be frank about help to advocate for all of us.

00:29:48.330 --> 00:30:12.420 Hey, everybody! It's Tommy deed and non-profit sector, Connecticut, coming at you from my attic each week here on top radio and Nyc, I hosted program for land, but in focus non-profits in cocktails each and every day, and it's my focus to help them amplify their message and tell their story. Listen: Each week at 10 a. M. Eastern standard time until 11 a. M. Is from standing time right here on talk radio, Dot: Nyc.

00:30:13.470 --> 00:30:23.920 You're listening to talk radio and Yc: at Www: talk, radio and live. C. Now broadcasting 24 h a day.

00:30:34.300 --> 00:30:38.070 Okay. okay.

00:30:48.780 --> 00:30:58.910 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and welcome back to the conscious consultant our awakening humanity. We're speaking this out with Maria Marshall, founder of Gaya, goddess. So.

00:30:58.940 --> 00:31:02.870 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Maria, E. After the death of your mom, you went on this

00:31:02.980 --> 00:31:08.180 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: spiritual quest almost, we'll call it where you really to dove into the deep end of the pool.

00:31:08.230 --> 00:31:13.100 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: How did that lead you to starting this this community of Gaia goddess?

00:31:15.500 --> 00:31:25.420 Maria Marshall: Well, what happened was shortly after my mother's passing with all of the study that I was doing and healing work.

00:31:25.650 --> 00:31:38.830 Maria Marshall: I I had to leave a relationship of a marriage of of 26 years, and I realized I didn't know when I was married.

00:31:38.830 --> 00:32:06.250 Maria Marshall: How much of that marriage I had chosen disempowerment! As I say, I had chosen! I may not have realized where I was giving up my power. But I certainly was, and where I was living, a small existence, and where I had lack of self worth, and where I was even unable to dream big dreams for fear of failure. And where did all that come from?

00:32:06.250 --> 00:32:18.420 Maria Marshall: As you talk about the the pain and the trauma of the childhood, the inner child is where it begins. We don't have the cognitive skills to say, oh, is this really true? Am I projecting.

00:32:18.420 --> 00:32:38.250 Maria Marshall: or is it my fault? My parents are divorcing the the 5 year old who hears their parents fighting thinks it's their fault. So whatever trauma I went through, and there it was substantial, you know, abuse, and I I I like all kinds of women's trauma that can be very

00:32:38.250 --> 00:32:49.200 Maria Marshall: lead to choosing to be disempowered because you're not in your worth, and you don't know your power. And so you just choose a safe existence to stay safe.

00:32:49.350 --> 00:33:08.650 Maria Marshall: because the child will do whatever it can to stay safe that includes not set boundaries that includes, not speak their truth. That includes, you know, not making demands that they know that they are entitled to because of the conditioning of If I do this, I won't be safe.

00:33:08.650 --> 00:33:21.060 Maria Marshall: So all of that had to be unraveled, and i'm. And honestly some of it started before I left. There were conditions of my marriage that were just felt unsafe

00:33:21.200 --> 00:33:35.840 Maria Marshall: when I started to look when I started to see how I would have to live a limited existence for the rest of my life to stay and maintain that relationship. So I wasn't choosing for me, and I wasn't an an empowered woman

00:33:35.840 --> 00:33:54.320 Maria Marshall: chooses for herself. She chooses to love herself, and she chooses to fill her cup because she knows. In doing so she shows up as a light in the world that affects others and inspires others. But not only that if she has children she's energetically connected to her children throughout her life

00:33:54.320 --> 00:34:18.000 Maria Marshall: any healing. She does any upgrade. She gets any work she does on transforming her story, or the ancestral lineage is automatically transferred to her kids. So if you're one of those moms. It's all about your kids. That's enough of a reason to work on yourself. I saw all of the ways that women are not supported

00:34:18.000 --> 00:34:19.770 Maria Marshall: through transition.

00:34:19.780 --> 00:34:30.090 Maria Marshall: You know I went through a transition through financial literacy also in business, you know, women are not supported the way men are in business and in a world that needs to change.

00:34:30.190 --> 00:34:49.219 Maria Marshall: as you know. How can a world change if 90% of the businesses are owned by men? And I think it's more than that. And if you know, all of these women are now having these women in business meetings, my friend just hosted one in Miami. My dear friend Daisy Cannabis, you know women are talking about.

00:34:49.219 --> 00:34:51.280 Maria Marshall: We need to

00:34:51.790 --> 00:35:07.550 Maria Marshall: start our own businesses, run our own businesses and also support women. Mothers. You know the legislation needs to happen. So I saw a plot. Guy, a goddess, is a platform, and I would call it a movement, but also a community to support

00:35:07.560 --> 00:35:12.800 Maria Marshall: all of women in all of the stages of being a woman, because

00:35:13.050 --> 00:35:30.740 Maria Marshall: you know not, and I I i'm a feminist, but not to make the masculine wrong, because everything's a choice. You can't victimize yourself, because then you stick yourself in that story. So what I choose to say is, we, as women have allowed ourselves and chosen disempowerment

00:35:30.810 --> 00:35:33.680 Maria Marshall: through thousands of years. Still

00:35:34.020 --> 00:35:46.800 Maria Marshall: the the scales are not balanced. So if we want this world to be healthy, if we want humanity to be balanced and healthy. If we want a a better future for our children, how do we do that?

00:35:46.840 --> 00:35:52.080 Maria Marshall: And and there's a lot of areas that that we need to support women and women in business

00:35:52.250 --> 00:36:01.460 Maria Marshall: women, in transition, and women in healing and and women's. Empowerment means all of that. It means. Do you love yourself?

00:36:01.990 --> 00:36:19.610 Maria Marshall: Okay, you don't. I I just was speaking to somebody who said they were in a oh, it was a television an Emmy Television award producer who wants to do a Tell TV documentary series on Guy got us this summer, she said. I was in spiritual psychology, school college.

00:36:19.610 --> 00:36:24.280 Maria Marshall: and the pro professor asked an auditorium of 300 woman

00:36:24.410 --> 00:36:26.740 Maria Marshall: how many women love themselves?

00:36:26.960 --> 00:36:29.370 Maria Marshall: 2 hands went up

00:36:30.390 --> 00:36:34.340 Maria Marshall: because, saying an affirmation, I am worthy.

00:36:34.600 --> 00:36:53.590 Maria Marshall: It's just the beginning. It plants the seeds, and the universe starts listening. But what else has to happen for that? You to really align is you have to go to every layer where the onions right. The grief, not feeling, loved, the feeling, shame, the feeling.

00:36:53.790 --> 00:36:59.610 Maria Marshall: non forgiveness of yourself for choosing so much. I had so much non forgiveness.

00:36:59.710 --> 00:37:12.130 Maria Marshall: I have find it easier to forgive other people that them myself. And I was like, Why did I choose this? Why did it? This is so painful! What happened to me as a little girl? Oh, my God! I'm i'm just

00:37:12.350 --> 00:37:29.000 Maria Marshall: days and days and days of of of of releasing. They caught say, dark night of the soul. I I just hosted a retreat, or one of the one was like, I have 12 years of dark night at the, and I wanted to know why I was coming here, and you know there was like

00:37:29.000 --> 00:37:36.400 Maria Marshall: massive releases coming from the massage hot. She's still releasing. So what a journey! Right that we're all!

00:37:36.760 --> 00:37:41.740 Maria Marshall: And I want to support women on that journey, because

00:37:42.350 --> 00:37:51.090 Maria Marshall: most of our society doesn't know even what you just mentioned today about projections

00:37:51.270 --> 00:37:52.360 Maria Marshall: basic

00:37:52.800 --> 00:37:57.520 Maria Marshall: so that can change your mood and your reality

00:37:57.820 --> 00:37:59.030 Maria Marshall: and your life.

00:37:59.400 --> 00:38:16.920 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, and just how you feel about yourself right? Because when you come from a place of okay, I'm creating this, even if it's uncomfortable. You've put yourself in a creator. You're in a much more powerful position than if you you say, oh, why is this happening to me?

00:38:16.920 --> 00:38:34.780 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: You know one of my teachers, Jennifer Huff always uses the phrase Life happens for us not to us, and just that little shift that one more shift makes a huge, huge difference.

00:38:34.780 --> 00:38:44.330 Maria Marshall: I believe everything painful, everything traumatic. Had I chose it. I had to have had that experience.

00:38:44.540 --> 00:38:52.140 Maria Marshall: and I still am transmuting shadow, and I still it's dealing with grief. But every time I release that

00:38:52.380 --> 00:38:53.690 Maria Marshall: more light.

00:38:53.790 --> 00:39:12.850 Maria Marshall: more power, more love comes to me, and I believe that translates to my business as well. I feel like i'm i'm i'm connected to my business. So what I do for me happens for the business as well, you know. And and I saw that clearly in Maui with these amazing women that came together, and

00:39:13.100 --> 00:39:22.300 Maria Marshall: the sense of like. Oh, I never felt comfortable around women, you know, in California. It's very competitive amongst women, you know. And here

00:39:22.410 --> 00:39:37.990 Maria Marshall: I I made friends. I I lowered my barriers. I was comfortable in my vulnerability. I could cry next to another woman, and and not, you know, have to be the strong, amazing healer like healers, need healing too.

00:39:37.990 --> 00:39:55.440 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Absolutely, absolutely. I mean it. It. It's the old phrase of like it's it's the the people go into the healing professions of the one who need the most healing and and and and also just one thing I wanted to say is what you were talking about before, about how.

00:39:55.530 --> 00:40:07.510 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when you work with women, you change like the whole society like it's an old adage that if you want to raise up a village, you have to first educate the women.

00:40:07.900 --> 00:40:26.110 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: because if you educate the men, they're off doing things they're not really passing on to the children what they've learned as much. But the women who are raising the children. When you educate the women and empower the women, then the children become more empowered, and then you raise up the whole village, not just the woman.

00:40:26.400 --> 00:40:35.890 Maria Marshall: Yeah. And also the fact that we are collectively connected right? We here we feel that during the pandemic in New York City. The

00:40:35.960 --> 00:40:47.120 Maria Marshall: was palpable. I couldn't in my apartment. I had to go out to the country because it was so dense for me, and i'm very empathic and sensitive, but also, you know, when you.

00:40:47.340 --> 00:40:49.130 Maria Marshall: when you love yourself.

00:40:49.150 --> 00:41:02.210 Maria Marshall: you are connected to the oneness. So if you're working on you, you're doing the best job you can, for everybody else is just by working on you, and if everybody took the time and had the awareness.

00:41:02.210 --> 00:41:30.870 Maria Marshall: you know, part of it is understanding that there's something to work on. How much of pain and trauma is repressed in our childhood. I didn't see a lot of it until the pandemic. I I was so enraged at God most of my life I did, and I I call God, goddess, Creator, source consciousness. That's for me. It's all in the same, but I was so enraged as a child. I never prayed, and I never asked for help, but I started writing, and in the pandemic

00:41:31.160 --> 00:41:34.710 Maria Marshall: I started saying, You know I need to see.

00:41:34.830 --> 00:41:47.870 Maria Marshall: Please show me. And one by one they started coming. These memories, these feelings started coming up to be revealed to be felt. Yeah, sadness thing to feel it. You gotta feel it.

00:41:48.070 --> 00:41:53.040 Maria Marshall: So you know you do have to feel it. But then you get to let it go if you choose.

00:41:53.070 --> 00:42:01.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and if it's in alignment with your highest good right? Right? Yeah, it's always our choice. And oftentimes we kind of avoid

00:42:01.820 --> 00:42:19.780 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: dealing these things because we think like, oh, my God! If I open the floodgates, it's gonna be overwhelming. It's going to be too much. But we actually don't have to make it too much. We can. We can throttle back the valve and and and experience it and process what we're able to in the moment, and that's

00:42:19.780 --> 00:42:30.270 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: kind of part of the work that I do when I work with people. It's like, okay, let's go as far as we can go, but not to a point where it's overwhelming your nervous system.

00:42:30.620 --> 00:42:35.100 Maria Marshall: Yeah, and I I I've always felt that my higher self

00:42:35.930 --> 00:42:42.530 Maria Marshall: plans my releases perfectly. So if I have a flight, or I have an interview on TV.

00:42:42.640 --> 00:43:01.700 Maria Marshall: I'm not going to have that release. Then my higher self is like she's cut like a 2 h window before her next zoom call. We're gonna have we're gonna have all our shockers shut down and she's gonna feel terrible, and she's gonna go in her room and do breathwork, and that's exactly what happens. I want to say, you know.

00:43:01.790 --> 00:43:05.160 Maria Marshall: off and on, but sometimes every day of my week.

00:43:05.260 --> 00:43:17.770 Maria Marshall: and then it might be 5 day break. But you know we we, we have active stages, and then we can have little breaks and not making ourselves wrong, you know, knowing it's

00:43:18.130 --> 00:43:33.390 Maria Marshall: What is the golden? You know? What is the rainbow at the end? What is the the nuggets? What? What's the incentive to going in that on that journey, and to embark on it, you know, and sometimes our souls will tap us on the shoulder to get us to wake up, and

00:43:33.390 --> 00:43:41.590 Maria Marshall: it gets louder if we ignore, and then tap turns into a 2 by 4 of the If you don't listen to it.

00:43:41.590 --> 00:44:04.140 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So I I I would love to hear a little bit more about like what actually happens on these retreats. But we we gotta take our last break of the show when we come back. Well, let's just dive into a little bit more about. You know. What are these retreats like, you know? Why would a woman be interested in coming to one of these retreats, and then we'll close off You'll give out your information of how people can find out more. Okay, Maria.

00:44:04.140 --> 00:44:26.040 Maria Marshall: Wonderful. Thank you so much. So everyone. Please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consult now. Are weakening humanity. We do this every Thursday, 12 noon to one Pm. Eastern time right here and talk radio that Nyc. And 10 am. On Wednesdays at Kmt and Pons Rings, California, and we will be right back to finish up with Maria Marshall in just a moment.

00:44:29.150 --> 00:44:53.220 Everybody it's Tommy D, the non-profit sector connector coming at you from my attic each week. Here on talk radio and Nyc. I hosted program for Lambda can focus. Nonprofits impact us each and every day, and it's my focus to help them amplify their message and tell their story. Listen: Each week at 10 a. M. Eastern Standard time until 11 a. M. Is from standing time right here on talk radio, dot Nyc.

00:44:54.060 --> 00:45:21.870 In the comments world. You may have many unanswered questions regarding your health. Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you have a desire to learn more about mental health, and enhance your quality of life? Or do you just want to participate in self-understanding and awareness I'm. Frank R. Harrison, host of Frank about health, and each Thursday I will tackle these questions and work to enlighten you. Tune in every 3 day 5 P. M. On talk, radio and Nyc. And I will be frank about help to advocate for all of us.

00:45:25.390 --> 00:45:55.680 Are you a conscious Co-creator? Are you on a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness. I'm. Sam Leibowitz, your conscious consultant, and on my show, the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity, we will touch upon all these topics and more. Listen, Live at our new time on Thursdays at 12 noon Eastern time. That's the conscious consultant hour. Awakening humanity Thursday's 12 noon on talk radio and Nyc

00:46:00.060 --> 00:46:10.000 You're listening to talk radio Nyc: at Www. Top, radio and Yc: now broadcasting 24 h a day.

00:46:20.040 --> 00:46:25.270 you. I you

00:46:34.250 --> 00:46:46.720 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and welcome back. Okay, Maria. So you mentioned like you just came back from a retreat. And Maui, and this is this is what you do with Gaia Goddess. Right? I mean this is that you bring women together to have an experience.

00:46:46.970 --> 00:46:52.870 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What happens at these retreats? What? Why, if I was a woman, Why would I be interested in coming to one of these.

00:46:52.900 --> 00:46:56.990 Maria Marshall: Thank you for the question, and I just also like to clarify that

00:46:57.020 --> 00:47:15.650 Maria Marshall: in addition to retreats, there would be one day events we offer virtual sanctuary for a free membership. The next one is on conscious dating and relationships which should be fantastic. But Dr. Tranquility. So, in addition to classes and courses and

00:47:15.650 --> 00:47:27.890 Maria Marshall: supportive groups supporting mothers or women in transition. We do have retreats, and the in-person experiences are very important. You can get to a lot online, as you know, but

00:47:27.890 --> 00:47:37.340 Maria Marshall: you know how important feeling the energy around you. So Maui was magical. We had a lot of very

00:47:37.440 --> 00:47:46.120 Maria Marshall: conscious beings there, people that have understood breathwork, and understood some of the modalities we were using the

00:47:46.730 --> 00:48:06.600 Maria Marshall: what we had. 5 days of movement. Yoga, you know, restorative practices for the body to calm the nervous system. We offered a beautiful caucus ceremony. As you know, Caucus is a heart opener also has all of these, you know, serotonin, and

00:48:06.600 --> 00:48:24.400 Maria Marshall: you know cardiovascular benefits. So it's. It's really great, but set with intention and ceremonies you're very used to doing with Shamanism. People can open their hearts and ask to have more love, but also ask to release

00:48:24.400 --> 00:48:37.600 Maria Marshall: It's pain. Say somebody just passed, you know grief unresolved, grief unresolved things that we stuff in our bodies, things that we hold on our blockages to our energetic system. So we had that we had

00:48:37.620 --> 00:48:55.120 Maria Marshall: amazing hula hoop class, which was fun and got us connected to our inner child, taught by Lindsay, who was a rocket for 16 years, and it was so fun! I don't think I ever did a whole loop in my life, but it was also important for women to move their hips.

00:48:55.120 --> 00:49:09.680 Maria Marshall: We have to move our hips. We have to do hip circles. So for Greece. We're probably going to do a belly dancing class. So there's a way to make it fun. There's a way to talk about intuition. And how do we use it. We had an intuition class we had.

00:49:09.680 --> 00:49:37.700 Maria Marshall: dear. We we did. Uasha. One of the practitioners, has this amazing gusha practice and tools, and one night we were all in our robes, and we just went into the tension points in our face, and we worked on one side first, and then looked at the other, and we're like oh, my God, it's totally different! The left side of my face. I I got to get the other side looking like this, and my friend woke up in the morning, and her face swelling, went down. We had people

00:49:37.700 --> 00:50:07.610 Maria Marshall: breaky circle, and I sang and used an instrument, and I felt the spirits of of Maui, and one of them, even, you know, saw and got a message who are all protected and welcome. And thank you for coming, you know. It was like we were almost ready. It it felt like the energy, even elevated and lumaria has crystals all around, and the plants and the vibration. The vortex is definitely a great spot for healing. So the idea of the retreat is to take women to places

00:50:07.700 --> 00:50:13.150 Maria Marshall: where our our fun to go to Greece is the next. It's gorgeous.

00:50:13.150 --> 00:50:42.090 Maria Marshall: People love Greece in the summer. In July our dates, July twentieth to 20 fifth. We can't wait the owners of the Retreat center are also healers. They're going to be talking about the goddess energy, the Greek goddess energy, you know, and it's just really interesting to combine education tools with healing modalities, and also a take away. You know there's an integration that happens afterwards. So we want to support women when they come on. These retreats.

00:50:42.200 --> 00:51:12.200 Maria Marshall: Check back in with us, and there, aren't any companies that are doing this? What are you doing? How have you integrated like making offerings to Gaia for supporting us. We gave back, we offer prayer, we we did a womb ceremony by the ocean, and went into the ocean afterwards, and had, you know, roses and use the petals, and like it was so beautiful. If you went on our Instagram Gaia goddess, lifestyle, many of the women that came posted reels, recapping.

00:51:12.200 --> 00:51:22.040 Maria Marshall: and with such amazing things they all had incredible incredible experiences. It's superseded my expectations. I knew it would be amazing.

00:51:22.160 --> 00:51:37.130 Maria Marshall: I didn't I just i'm blown away. Honestly, I'm blown away, and that's why I know that this work is so needed and so supported because of what just happened. That was really magical.

00:51:37.130 --> 00:51:48.070 Maria Marshall: And so anybody considering Greece, should check out the Maui retreat on our Instagram, because they'll get the energy of what we did, and they'll see if it's for them or not

00:51:48.090 --> 00:52:05.070 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: wonderful. And i'm so glad you've mentioned integration, because that's kind of a big deal in my world at the moment. I'm actually in the process of doing some market research and and creating an integration program for people who engage in psychedelic work.

00:52:05.070 --> 00:52:31.120 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And it just you know. So, and it's so appropriate, not just for psychedelics, but for anyone who does deep transformational work you go. You have this tremendous experience. But okay, now, how Are you integrating that into your day to day life? Because that's where the real gold is. Isn't it? Yes, yes, and also it can be very unsettling. So I love that you're talking about this. I mean, I've done some of that work myself, and and even in my own breath, work

00:52:31.120 --> 00:52:49.540 Maria Marshall: with grief like I feel really shaken, and I sometimes I I want a break, You know. I want to just a time out. Okay, Can I just focus on my energies for a moment, and then go back in. So I Guidance in that area, I think, is very, very important, and

00:52:49.720 --> 00:53:10.540 Maria Marshall: I don't know how many people are actually guiding people, so that they're not in a state of overwhelm where too much comes up. I mean, I do believe our higher selves don't give us more than we can handle. But maybe maybe it's not true. Maybe people have gotten themselves into a sticky situation because they've taken on too much at once, especially through the psycho.

00:53:10.540 --> 00:53:13.360 Maria Marshall: You know the whatever kind of

00:53:13.360 --> 00:53:33.450 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: yeah, yeah, because again, we do have free will, and if we choose to overdo it, then we'll get the results of what it means to overdo it, no matter what kind of what that means, No matter what we're over doing, it can happen in life and and sort of normal stuff can happen with healing, energy work, psychedelics, anything.

00:53:33.650 --> 00:53:48.900 Maria Marshall: Yeah, people get depressed right. And why do they get depressed and people become addicts because it's too much energy for them to handle, and so they want to numb it down. So I think you're right on point there.

00:53:49.110 --> 00:53:49.860 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that's cool.

00:53:50.540 --> 00:54:01.970 Maria Marshall: Wonderful. So if if people want to learn more about Guy got us, if people want to get in touch with you, what's the website, how would people find that they learn more about All this

00:54:01.970 --> 00:54:29.500 Maria Marshall: is very well developed. It's Gaia goddess, lifestyle. Our Instagram is Gaya goddess lifestyle. We post on linkedin. We post on Tik Tok on Instagram a lot of the information on our grid about virtual sanctuaries coming up also, we offer a free membership, and along with that free membership is a very large content library of podcasts

00:54:29.500 --> 00:54:32.610 Maria Marshall: of free self-love meditations that

00:54:32.610 --> 00:55:00.860 Maria Marshall: I recorded one. And when I listen to it, I cried, so I know that if I can listen to something, and it touches my heart and something I did I it. It works, and this 3. I always want to have something for everybody, and even a a woman that doesn't have a dollar to spend because I worked with the homeless for 5 years, and I know they're limited resources, and everybody deserves information, education, healing, respect, and self love.

00:55:01.080 --> 00:55:26.450 Maria Marshall: Every human on the planet deserves that. So I will always endeavor to supply experiences to those that maybe can't afford it, and you know, to give funds to the underserved, and so on and so forth. One way I can start. That is, through the free membership. It's available now, and it comes with a lot of information. A lot of interesting conversations we've had on podcasts and

00:55:26.450 --> 00:55:48.960 Maria Marshall: beautiful newsletters and blogs and recipes. So it's up. It's running, and we'll be doing. We'll be announcing when we do events here in New York. We're gonna be doing one day events. I even spoke to an investor about something for one of his, his, his adult children that Don't have 5 days

00:55:49.160 --> 00:55:52.780 Maria Marshall: a and their friends that are mothers at work to go to Greece.

00:55:52.780 --> 00:56:15.100 Maria Marshall: A. Can we? Can we do a one day healing and you absolutely can. You can go a lot done in one day or just one experience. So we will be creating those experiences, and we're stacking content for a paid subscription of weekly wellness that will support women with yoga movement, breath.

00:56:15.100 --> 00:56:32.700 Maria Marshall: astrology, the different things to tap into, because I feel that having a regular practice of supportive weekly with a community you trust and has your back, and that you can tap into and even communicate with

00:56:32.700 --> 00:56:38.550 Maria Marshall: is something I don't think exists right now, and it can only grow out from there.

00:56:38.780 --> 00:56:53.270 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: No, I see it one day being around the world, and we just launched November second. So

00:56:53.270 --> 00:56:58.840 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But thank you for the work that you're doing. I I appreciate it, and and that I know

00:56:58.880 --> 00:57:14.570 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: women do need so much support, and i'm glad that there's a resource out there like I got this lifestyle for them. So so thank you, Maria. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come on the show. I appreciate it with. Let's be in touch.

00:57:14.570 --> 00:57:51.300 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and of course thank you, my loyal listeners, for tuning in every week, Patty, I I see, sending some hearts and flowers out for you, Maria. and and thank you for tuning in week after week. Without you there is no show, and if you missed any part of today's show. Remember, you can always catch the replay on talk radio data. Nyc: You can go to the talking alternative, Youtube Channel to get the the video and we're on all the major podcasting platforms. Apple Google, Stitcher, Spotify, Pandora, I heart radio wherever their podcast you should be able to find the conscious consult now, and if you can't let me know, and I will get us there.

00:57:51.440 --> 00:57:56.180 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Thank you all for tuning in today. We will talk to you all next week.

00:57:56.620 --> 00:57:57.260 Take care.

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