The Conscious Consultant Hour

Thursday, December 15, 2022
Facebook Live Video from 2022/12/15 - Making The Impossible Possible

Facebook Live Video from 2022/12/15 - Making The Impossible Possible


2022/12/15 - Making The Impossible Possible

[NEW EPISODE] Living Like the Future Matters

Thursdays 12:00pm - 1:00pm (EDT)


This week, on The Conscious Consultant Hour, it’s just you and Sam as he shares with you about this past year and how to make the impossible possible. 

We have all had dreams, hopes, desires for something that seemed apparently impossible. They seemed so out of reach that we weren’t even sure if we should bother to try.

Yet that is exactly the time when we need to try the most. That is the time when trust and faith come into play, and can be the only thing that we can hold onto.

That hope and trust may one day be rewarded. However, it might not look the way we expect it to be. Holding the space for the possibility while lightening our grip on how it can come about is essential.

Tune in and share your own experiences on our YouTube livestream. What in your life do you feel is impossible?

This is our last live show for the year, so please join us!


Tune in for this enlightening conversation at

Show Notes

Segment  1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4


00:00:13.530 --> 00:00:23.889 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Good afternoon, my conscious co-creators. Good morning, Good evening. Wherever and whenever you're listening to the show this week.

00:00:23.920 --> 00:00:25.749 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Thank you for tuning in.

00:00:25.770 --> 00:00:32.449 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I am very, very pleased that you are all here with me today. It's one of those shows

00:00:32.659 --> 00:00:50.409 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it's one of those shows where it's just me and you so no guest. It's just the 2 of us for the hour. So please, if you're listening, live, go to our Youtube Channel, slash, talking alternative, and

00:00:51.310 --> 00:01:05.399 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: join us for the conversation. Let me know your thoughts. Let me know your questions. Happy to discuss with you anything related to our topic today that you would like to bring up which today is

00:01:05.519 --> 00:01:09.380 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: making the impossible possible.

00:01:10.020 --> 00:01:11.320 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And this

00:01:11.410 --> 00:01:18.199 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: topic kind of came up when I decided. You know that last show with the year, and this is my last live show

00:01:18.790 --> 00:01:28.440 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to do something to kind of do like a year and review of what's kind of happened. But really I was looking at what's the lesson to take in all of this?

00:01:28.520 --> 00:01:31.359 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so because there's some very

00:01:31.490 --> 00:01:37.109 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: unexpected things that happen this year. I decided on the theme, making the impossible possible.

00:01:37.820 --> 00:01:45.370 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but of course, first we have my little section from my book

00:01:45.570 --> 00:01:54.699 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: everyday awakening and this week, and I think this is actually a very good section to end the year on

00:01:55.300 --> 00:01:56.940 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: is entitled

00:01:57.570 --> 00:02:01.760 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to be honest with others, we must first.

00:02:01.870 --> 00:02:04.730 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: The honest with ourselves.

00:02:05.500 --> 00:02:10.100 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Being truthful is not about telling the truth to others.

00:02:10.479 --> 00:02:15.309 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Being truthful is not not telling lies.

00:02:15.770 --> 00:02:20.599 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Being truthful is about being honest with yourself.

00:02:20.950 --> 00:02:25.550 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Now, before we can begin to be authentic in public.

00:02:25.880 --> 00:02:30.530 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we must get in to alignment within ourselves.

00:02:31.290 --> 00:02:38.970 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: How, for instance, can we speak truth to a tribe of followers if we do not even know it ourselves?

00:02:39.530 --> 00:02:44.469 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Too many people say one thing in private and another in public.

00:02:44.760 --> 00:02:55.500 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: regardless of the validity of the statements. If we are not sharing the same message in private and in public, we are not being truthful.

00:02:56.270 --> 00:03:00.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Does this mean. We have to tell everyone everything.

00:03:00.240 --> 00:03:02.360 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: No, of course not.

00:03:02.570 --> 00:03:08.899 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What it means is that we are clear in our intent and with our presence

00:03:09.130 --> 00:03:15.949 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it means we are being the same person with our families, our friends, our business associates.

00:03:16.120 --> 00:03:17.640 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and our tribe.

00:03:18.070 --> 00:03:21.179 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Our essence is what matters

00:03:21.800 --> 00:03:24.839 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: our presence conveys, our essence.

00:03:24.970 --> 00:03:28.500 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: our words reflect our essence.

00:03:29.200 --> 00:03:36.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the truer to ourselves about ourselves. We are the truer we can be with other people.

00:03:38.640 --> 00:03:42.929 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Is there some place in your life? You can be truthful to yourself.

00:03:43.410 --> 00:03:48.959 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Can you see where you've been? Not completely honest with yourself?

00:03:52.280 --> 00:03:54.130 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So

00:03:55.840 --> 00:04:04.500 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: trying to remember you? You know there's so many sections of my book that I wrote at different times over the years.

00:04:05.990 --> 00:04:11.610 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but this one about being honest, I I believe this came about because

00:04:11.820 --> 00:04:12.840 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: of

00:04:13.660 --> 00:04:15.410 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: learning about

00:04:15.560 --> 00:04:18.999 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: certain teachers that I've worked with in the past.

00:04:19.610 --> 00:04:28.799 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: who I learned we're not being so honest, who appeared one way in public, but in private. There was something else going on entirely.

00:04:31.970 --> 00:04:36.189 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so it really kind of struck me that

00:04:38.690 --> 00:04:42.789 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when we speak to people when we talk to people about things

00:04:43.300 --> 00:04:48.459 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: No, we don't always tell the truth 100% of the time.

00:04:50.110 --> 00:04:52.440 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and i'm not saying that we shouldn't. But

00:04:52.660 --> 00:04:56.850 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: there are times, especially with family members, especially with friends.

00:04:58.050 --> 00:05:04.180 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: There are those little white lies or those things we just decide not to tell them

00:05:05.580 --> 00:05:09.650 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: right. We we don't have to lie. We can just omit the truth.

00:05:11.150 --> 00:05:15.909 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and sometimes that's necessary for various reasons.

00:05:19.970 --> 00:05:24.499 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But it's not really about what we say or what we don't say

00:05:26.130 --> 00:05:30.049 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it's really about being true to ourselves.

00:05:32.210 --> 00:05:34.190 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: If people know

00:05:34.570 --> 00:05:35.430 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that

00:05:35.520 --> 00:05:38.850 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we're kind, that we're compassionate.

00:05:39.940 --> 00:05:41.989 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that we want the best

00:05:42.100 --> 00:05:44.979 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: for everyone, not just ourselves.

00:05:46.580 --> 00:05:54.060 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Then, if we happen to make a mistake, or we don't quite tell the full truth about something, or we

00:05:55.510 --> 00:05:56.410 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we just.

00:05:56.610 --> 00:06:01.700 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know, bend the truth a little bit, because we don't want to hurt someone's feelings.

00:06:03.490 --> 00:06:05.549 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and someone eventually finds out.

00:06:06.040 --> 00:06:09.189 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: You know you can talk it through. You have to own up to it.

00:06:09.570 --> 00:06:13.149 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but things will be forgiven because people understand our essence.

00:06:13.440 --> 00:06:17.469 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: They see who we are when we're being truly honest

00:06:17.720 --> 00:06:18.970 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: with who we are.

00:06:20.020 --> 00:06:29.500 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: See, the real challenge is when we're not being honest with who we are when we're not truly being in alignment with ourselves.

00:06:30.910 --> 00:06:36.999 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And you see that that is, is a much greater challenge for us.

00:06:38.990 --> 00:06:44.170 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: because when we're not in alignment with ourselves. Nothing's gonna work right.

00:06:45.430 --> 00:06:47.539 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Nothing is going to

00:06:47.650 --> 00:06:51.240 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: really make up for that lack of

00:06:51.780 --> 00:06:55.170 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: authenticity, that lack of alignment.

00:06:58.260 --> 00:07:00.230 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But when people see us.

00:07:00.390 --> 00:07:10.500 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and we're really truly being ourselves, and we're not being fake, and we're not being phony, and we're not putting on airs because of

00:07:10.560 --> 00:07:15.610 whatever reason, sometimes to make ourselves feel better, sometimes to make others feel better.

00:07:18.380 --> 00:07:21.960 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But when we're just being true to ourself.

00:07:22.810 --> 00:07:23.840 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: people

00:07:23.880 --> 00:07:25.020 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: feel it.

00:07:25.900 --> 00:07:28.919 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: they don't have to hear a word out of our mouths.

00:07:29.730 --> 00:07:31.160 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: how we show up

00:07:31.270 --> 00:07:35.990 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: with our presence, with our body, language with our energy.

00:07:36.860 --> 00:07:39.240 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: with small gestures.

00:07:40.670 --> 00:07:42.999 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It actually speaks volumes.

00:07:43.460 --> 00:07:47.319 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It actually says quite a lot about us.

00:07:50.360 --> 00:07:52.390 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Do we keep up with our word

00:07:52.760 --> 00:07:57.410 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when we say something? Do we follow through, and if we don't follow through?

00:07:58.760 --> 00:08:00.220 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Do we own up to it?

00:08:01.560 --> 00:08:02.780 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And do we

00:08:04.000 --> 00:08:06.360 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: hold ourselves accountable

00:08:06.560 --> 00:08:07.790 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: for what we

00:08:08.300 --> 00:08:09.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: don't live up to?

00:08:11.220 --> 00:08:15.120 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It's one of those things that I've learned over the years

00:08:16.480 --> 00:08:18.709 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to really pay attention to

00:08:19.400 --> 00:08:21.590 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when people say one thing.

00:08:22.810 --> 00:08:25.469 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and they don't follow up with it.

00:08:26.600 --> 00:08:28.150 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It. Actually

00:08:32.530 --> 00:08:35.509 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it actually makes things worse.

00:08:39.030 --> 00:08:40.559 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I I I

00:08:41.650 --> 00:08:44.130 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: remember this incident. No, probably

00:08:44.360 --> 00:08:46.540 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: mentioned it before.

00:08:47.940 --> 00:08:48.780 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that

00:08:49.620 --> 00:08:51.609 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when my mom passed away

00:08:51.940 --> 00:08:53.789 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I went to Israel

00:08:54.950 --> 00:08:56.199 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: for the funeral.

00:08:57.510 --> 00:08:58.750 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and

00:08:59.710 --> 00:09:07.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: there was someone there who I haven't really been keeping in touch with. But when I get to Israel I we talk on the phone, and

00:09:07.700 --> 00:09:11.580 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know he had done some things here in the States that were

00:09:11.670 --> 00:09:13.659 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: very, not good.

00:09:14.320 --> 00:09:15.890 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and I,

00:09:16.020 --> 00:09:20.260 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know, had been working with him at the time. I didn't really know what was going on, and

00:09:20.360 --> 00:09:23.339 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when he left it was felt like a betrayal.

00:09:24.640 --> 00:09:32.650 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so I I would talk to him once in a while if the mutual Friend kind of put us back in touch when I went to Israel once, and we'd talk

00:09:34.820 --> 00:09:35.810 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and

00:09:36.090 --> 00:09:37.430 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in Israel.

00:09:37.790 --> 00:09:43.780 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when it, when an a family member passes away, especially an immediate family member passes away.

00:09:44.140 --> 00:09:55.750 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Is this Jewish tradition we call sitting Shiva, where you kind of stay home. People come and visit, and they talk to you and and it it's it's a very

00:09:56.220 --> 00:09:58.360 ingrained Jewish custom.

00:09:58.860 --> 00:10:04.810 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and here in the United States we do it too. But in Israel. It's a much more.

00:10:05.730 --> 00:10:08.000 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It's much more part of the society.

00:10:08.270 --> 00:10:17.049 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It's much more something that's expected. When you know somebody who who's lost an immediate family member. You go and you visit them when they're sitting. Shiva.

00:10:18.060 --> 00:10:21.350 And it was interesting how I had one person who

00:10:21.420 --> 00:10:36.119 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I didn't really I knew, but I didn't know that Well, we met each other a couple of times who came from from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and and visit me when I was sitting shiver, and it meant so much to me that he came out that he made the effort. I really didn't expect him to.

00:10:36.580 --> 00:10:38.280 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But this other gentleman

00:10:38.560 --> 00:10:41.410 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: who i'd worked with here in the United States.

00:10:42.670 --> 00:10:49.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: said, oh, i'll come! I'll come. I'll come making excuses. Oh, I can't come this day. Oh, I can't come that way.

00:10:50.380 --> 00:10:51.340 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Oh.

00:10:51.530 --> 00:10:58.249 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I'm sorry. I just can't make it today like maybe later today. No, we ended up not making it.

00:10:58.840 --> 00:11:00.240 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And for me

00:11:01.850 --> 00:11:05.320 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that was sort of the end of

00:11:05.580 --> 00:11:08.520 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: my wanting to have anything to do with him.

00:11:09.390 --> 00:11:12.310 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it's not even so much because

00:11:12.800 --> 00:11:16.460 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: he didn't come and see me when I was sitting shiver for my mom.

00:11:17.590 --> 00:11:19.570 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It was the way he did it.

00:11:19.670 --> 00:11:25.159 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It was the oh, yes, i'm coming. Oh, yes, i'm coming. Oh, Yes, i'm coming, and then never showing up.

00:11:26.210 --> 00:11:28.100 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And then I realized

00:11:28.710 --> 00:11:29.870 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: how

00:11:29.950 --> 00:11:31.480 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: symbolic

00:11:31.620 --> 00:11:33.120 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that was

00:11:33.660 --> 00:11:35.230 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: of the way he is.

00:11:36.500 --> 00:11:37.560 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and that

00:11:39.260 --> 00:11:42.010 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so often he would say things.

00:11:42.200 --> 00:11:47.359 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Oh, let's get together for breakfast. Let's get together for lunch and like it would never happen.

00:11:48.320 --> 00:11:52.869 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And how much he was really out of alignment with himself.

00:11:55.300 --> 00:12:01.359 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so, because he was so out of alignment with himself, he was out of alignment with everyone else.

00:12:03.890 --> 00:12:06.010 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so I realized that.

00:12:06.980 --> 00:12:11.450 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: as much as it was a hard lesson because you did have some beautiful gifts.

00:12:13.260 --> 00:12:15.110 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: No, I

00:12:15.870 --> 00:12:20.000 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I have enough people in my life. I really don't have room for people

00:12:20.270 --> 00:12:22.219 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: who are are

00:12:22.610 --> 00:12:24.799 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so out of alignment.

00:12:25.220 --> 00:12:28.220 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: That's something so important.

00:12:29.150 --> 00:12:30.210 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: They can't

00:12:30.320 --> 00:12:31.330 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: even

00:12:31.610 --> 00:12:33.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: live up to their word.

00:12:34.010 --> 00:12:43.359 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: or they can't even say from the beginning, hey, I wish I could come. It's too far too much time. I got too much going on. I'm sorry, but we'll get together next time.

00:12:43.430 --> 00:12:50.059 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Even that would have been better than oh, i'm coming! Oh, I'm coming! Oh, i'm coming and never showing up

00:12:53.180 --> 00:12:55.790 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so that to me was really the

00:12:56.060 --> 00:12:57.350 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: epitome of it.

00:12:59.710 --> 00:13:02.829 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I feel it's an important lesson for everyone.

00:13:03.680 --> 00:13:15.900 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And yes, it. Of course. Sometimes we make promises. Sometimes we say things, and we can't live up to them. It happens to all of us, it's not about being 100% perfect. All human beings

00:13:17.910 --> 00:13:24.650 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it's about do we own up to it when we don't live up to our word? Do we apologize? Do we make an effort?

00:13:24.860 --> 00:13:35.119 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But most of all are we internally in alignment with who and what we are? Because if we're internally in alignment with who in what we are.

00:13:39.040 --> 00:13:42.450 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: then we naturally wouldn't say things.

00:13:43.200 --> 00:13:47.660 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and if something unexpected comes up something beyond our control.

00:13:49.480 --> 00:13:51.949 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: then people will understand, because

00:13:52.010 --> 00:13:53.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when we're in alignment

00:13:53.810 --> 00:14:03.089 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the vast majority of the time we do live up to our word, our our actions do follow our words, and we don't say anything we don't really mean.

00:14:04.410 --> 00:14:05.240 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So.

00:14:05.640 --> 00:14:12.950 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that's my take on this section of my book. To be honest with others, we must first be honest with ourselves.

00:14:13.000 --> 00:14:16.799 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and again, that's from my book. Everyday Awakening.

00:14:17.450 --> 00:14:38.540 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: which you can find it Everyday Awakening That'll just take you straight to the Amazon listing. but if you like going to and supporting independent bookstores, which I highly highly recommend, we're in all the major distributors, so you can always ask them to order it for you every day awakening. You are more powerful than you know by Sam.

00:14:38.550 --> 00:14:39.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Thank you.

00:14:40.140 --> 00:14:43.999 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: All Righty. we're gonna go take a quick break.

00:14:44.300 --> 00:14:53.589 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Oh, oh, I see a couple of loyal listeners there, Celeste. Oh, so less thanks for joining us. And William. Oh, good to see you loyal. Listen to William.

00:14:53.960 --> 00:15:01.819 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and then when we come back we'll get into our topic of the day, which is making the impossible

00:15:01.960 --> 00:15:07.800 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: possible. This is kind of a a retrospective of 2022 for myself.

00:15:07.960 --> 00:15:33.449 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And I hope, some of this will resonate with you as well. So everyone please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consult now, or awakening humanity. We do this every Thursday here on talk radio, dot Nyc: at 12 noon Eastern time, and we're also airing every Wednesday on Kmt. And Palm Springs, California, at 10 am. And we will be right back

00:15:33.480 --> 00:15:35.200 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in just a moment.

00:15:38.500 --> 00:15:57.930 Are you a business owner. Do you want to be a business owner? Do you work with business owners? I I'm. Steven, fry your small and medium sized business or Smb. Guy and i'm the host of the new show always Friday. While I love to have fun on my show, we take those Friday feelings of freedom and clarity to discuss popular topics on the minds of Smes today.

00:15:58.130 --> 00:16:04.279 Please join me at my various special guests on Friday at 11 am. On talk radio, dot nyc.

00:16:06.670 --> 00:16:08.890 Are you a conscious Co-creator?

00:16:08.910 --> 00:16:13.140 Are you on a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness

00:16:13.170 --> 00:16:32.630 Sam Leble it your conscious consultant, and on my show the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. We will touch upon all these topics and more. Listen. Live at our new time on Thursdays, at 12 noon Eastern time. That's the conscious consultant hour of weakening humanity.

00:16:32.640 --> 00:16:37.050 Thursday's 12, noon on Talk Radio Nyc.

00:16:42.310 --> 00:16:47.390 Are you on edge? Hey? We live in challenging edgy time. So let's lean in.

00:16:47.400 --> 00:17:11.749 I'm. Sander Bargeman, the host of the edge of every day, which airs each Monday at 7 P. M. Eastern time on talk radio dot Nyc. Tune in, live with me and my friends and colleagues, as we share stories of perspectives about pushing boundaries and exploring our rough edges. That's the edge of every day on Mondays at 7 P. M. Eastern time on top radio. Nyc.

00:17:13.790 --> 00:17:19.249 You're listening to talk radio, Nyc: uplift, educate, empower

00:17:23.890 --> 00:17:24.790 you.

00:17:26.180 --> 00:17:27.450 you

00:17:27.910 --> 00:17:28.490 you

00:17:28.920 --> 00:17:29.570 you.

00:17:29.870 --> 00:17:30.610 you

00:17:32.770 --> 00:17:33.560 okay.

00:17:35.920 --> 00:17:36.480 you.

00:17:51.950 --> 00:18:04.310 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and welcome back to the conscious consultant hour, awakening humanity all right. Time for us to get into the main topic of the day which is making the impossible possible.

00:18:04.780 --> 00:18:11.640 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And i'd like to kind of go over this topic by way of sort of talking about some of the things that

00:18:11.660 --> 00:18:14.279 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: happened over the past 12 months.

00:18:14.300 --> 00:18:18.569 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and how I see it as making the impossible possible.

00:18:19.980 --> 00:18:22.109 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So one of the things.

00:18:22.150 --> 00:18:28.310 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and really one of the big things that I've talked about this before on the show. for myself.

00:18:30.020 --> 00:18:32.510 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: well, before I get to that.

00:18:34.680 --> 00:18:36.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the beginning of the year

00:18:36.890 --> 00:18:43.190 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I was really being very open. I wasn't quite sure the direction I wanted to go in this year.

00:18:43.940 --> 00:18:45.989 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: How I wanted to develop things.

00:18:47.530 --> 00:18:49.730 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Excuse me

00:18:50.120 --> 00:18:52.500 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: with the business with the radio station.

00:18:54.110 --> 00:19:04.669 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and then I was at the Virtual Conference for the Evolutionary Business Council, which I've been a member of for many years, and I'm very active. I sit on the board.

00:19:05.300 --> 00:19:06.380 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and

00:19:07.290 --> 00:19:11.579 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: a gentleman by the name of a man of Guy gave a talk.

00:19:11.680 --> 00:19:33.829 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and there was something he said that just really struck chord with me, and I decided to start working with him. I I I actually I had him come. I I done a weekend deep dive for the Ebc. Where he came and spoke, and he was very generous and gifted me into his program. But I never really took it. It's all about online course creation.

00:19:34.790 --> 00:19:38.140 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so I finally took the course in March.

00:19:38.190 --> 00:19:43.240 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I decided to start working with him and joined his advance program in April

00:19:43.350 --> 00:19:50.449 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and took this course that I had created a couple of years ago, called Podcast your passion.

00:19:50.660 --> 00:19:57.409 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and take it, and sort of update it, and and kind of follow his business model with it a bit.

00:19:57.550 --> 00:20:01.979 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and so I changed around the structure of the chorus. I I I

00:20:02.460 --> 00:20:16.529 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: changed how I did it. I got a few people to come and take my sort of beta-long relaunch of it, and I got tremendous testimonials, great reviews. People really like the way I did. It was a lot of work.

00:20:18.710 --> 00:20:30.280 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And it was something I didn't really expect to be doing this year, but I saw a lot of potential a lot of possibility in in doing this course and and working it in with the

00:20:30.780 --> 00:20:32.389 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: with the business.

00:20:32.900 --> 00:20:35.390 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Do you really expect to be doing that?

00:20:35.680 --> 00:20:39.120 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But also I didn't expect the community that I met

00:20:39.200 --> 00:20:41.440 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: through working with him. The fellow

00:20:41.510 --> 00:20:50.549 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: other entrepreneurs who are in his program, and and some of the people who I really like and and really connected with.

00:20:51.300 --> 00:20:55.320 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so it's just that sense of community

00:20:55.390 --> 00:20:57.580 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: sort of meant a lot to me.

00:20:59.450 --> 00:21:02.309 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Now one thing that's happened, and

00:21:02.560 --> 00:21:04.550 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: this is something I know.

00:21:05.330 --> 00:21:07.170 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But oftentimes

00:21:07.420 --> 00:21:09.139 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: do you know something?

00:21:10.000 --> 00:21:15.840 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But it's until you really experience it. Sometimes you forget it until you experience it.

00:21:17.030 --> 00:21:18.890 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so what happened was

00:21:19.120 --> 00:21:24.939 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I was putting my focus all on creating this course and launching it and trying to get people to come to the course.

00:21:25.490 --> 00:21:28.839 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I put all my focus on that, and I forgot to

00:21:28.950 --> 00:21:42.000 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: really pay attention to the core business, to pay attention to the radio station and keep talking to people and working to get people to join the station, and because my energy was focused elsewhere.

00:21:43.460 --> 00:21:51.379 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: things did not go very well over the radio station. Let's just say we've consolidated a little bit, which is okay.

00:21:52.970 --> 00:21:55.609 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but it got me to realize that

00:21:55.740 --> 00:21:58.499 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: really our focus and our energy

00:21:59.200 --> 00:22:00.170 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when we

00:22:00.190 --> 00:22:05.240 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: not just divide it, but just shift it from one thing to another really does make a difference.

00:22:05.380 --> 00:22:06.640 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Big difference.

00:22:08.990 --> 00:22:15.860 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: however, working with Eman has really opened me up to some new relationships, some new possibilities.

00:22:16.020 --> 00:22:24.819 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And now I I have something different. I'm going to use this model for for next year, and you'll hear me talking about it in in the New Year.

00:22:27.470 --> 00:22:28.340 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Now.

00:22:28.580 --> 00:22:30.749 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in the middle of all this

00:22:31.430 --> 00:22:37.909 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Well, actually, even just before all this, I forgot, like one of the biggest events of the year for me

00:22:38.530 --> 00:22:40.760 was giving up our office space.

00:22:41.630 --> 00:22:42.570 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: You see.

00:22:42.670 --> 00:22:47.790 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we had just signed a 5 year lease for our office

00:22:48.030 --> 00:22:53.640 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in September of 2,019. That's right, like less than 6 months before the pandemic hit.

00:22:55.240 --> 00:23:10.159 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and the reason we signed a 5 year at least. Usually we do. A 2 or 3 year at least is we had moved twice in 2 years, and I just felt like I don't want to go through this again. I don't want to move the office again. It's an expense we lose, you know. Spend all this money each time.

00:23:10.400 --> 00:23:16.590 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so we decided to sign a 5 year lease at this office space, and it was great. We used it for 6 months.

00:23:17.010 --> 00:23:18.440 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Then the pandemic hit.

00:23:19.140 --> 00:23:20.520 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and

00:23:20.800 --> 00:23:23.619 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: with both what I do, and what my wife does.

00:23:23.740 --> 00:23:28.689 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: You can't social distance in a small office. So we went all virtual, like most people did.

00:23:31.220 --> 00:23:41.560 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it's so funny because I had resisted going virtual with the radio station for so many years, because I just felt like it wouldn't be the same quality as doing it in studio.

00:23:43.050 --> 00:23:49.010 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but somehow it worked, and not only did it work with more and more people came to to work with me on it.

00:23:50.810 --> 00:23:58.569 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but at the beginning of this year both me and my wife decided. Look, we we're not planning on going back to being in person, and each time soon

00:23:59.380 --> 00:24:03.980 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we're paying all this money each and every month for an office we're not using.

00:24:04.840 --> 00:24:11.489 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Let's find a way to get out of it. So I went, and I spoke with the landlord or the landlords representative.

00:24:12.140 --> 00:24:22.280 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and he was like, okay, you're gonna You gotta do a buy out on the lease. I'm like, okay, what do I got to do to buy out police. It goes well. You have to surrender your deposit, which keep in mind is 3 months red.

00:24:22.300 --> 00:24:23.270 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: plus

00:24:23.460 --> 00:24:26.610 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: pay a 6 months right, and we'll let you out of the lease.

00:24:26.680 --> 00:24:30.159 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: This is crazy. I mean it's 9 months worth of rent.

00:24:30.540 --> 00:24:31.970 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and for nothing.

00:24:33.000 --> 00:24:42.940 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but maybe couldn't negotiate them down. So finally, in February, the end of February of this year, we we moved everything out, and I have to tell you

00:24:43.220 --> 00:24:45.439 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that month of February.

00:24:45.550 --> 00:24:56.309 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I was working so hard to empty out the office. I really didn't think that we'd be able to get everything out that we'd find places to put stuff, and

00:24:56.370 --> 00:25:01.240 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it just amazed me how smoothly things went

00:25:02.020 --> 00:25:04.060 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to get rid of the office space.

00:25:05.360 --> 00:25:14.639 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We we posted flyers in the building. I put it up on social media. People would come. I sold stuff. I gave stuff away

00:25:15.460 --> 00:25:23.060 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and literally up, until, like the last day, people came and took the last bookcase. There was only 2 pieces of furniture left

00:25:23.380 --> 00:25:28.810 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that we broke apart. It was a desk in the table, and that was it. Everything else was gone.

00:25:29.530 --> 00:25:40.089 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I was really shocked. It was a lot of work, I mean. I was going there almost every other day, and and working packing things up boxing, stuff up

00:25:41.860 --> 00:25:51.960 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and I I ended up. We ended up putting a lot of stuff in the storage locker that I have in another building. I'm an apartment that that my sister owns

00:25:52.230 --> 00:25:59.039 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so I was able to use that storage locker. But I I was just shocked at how I was able to get rid of so much furniture and so much stuff.

00:26:00.380 --> 00:26:03.759 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and so that went so smoothly it I i'm

00:26:03.810 --> 00:26:06.890 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: really surprised me, really amazed me.

00:26:07.820 --> 00:26:12.209 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and at the end of the month gave them back the keys, gave him the last check

00:26:12.580 --> 00:26:13.960 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: done done.

00:26:14.650 --> 00:26:23.639 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And yeah, it cost a lot, but at least we're out of it, and we still had 2 and a half years to go on the lease which we don't have any more. So in the long run.

00:26:23.950 --> 00:26:26.319 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: saving a lot of money, and

00:26:26.440 --> 00:26:40.580 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know, beginning of the year. I wasn't sure how we were going to get out of it. I didn't know if he would let us out of it. I didn't know if we were going to have to, you know, declare bankruptcy or something in order to get out of it. So that was sort of the first big thing

00:26:40.780 --> 00:26:46.489 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: of making something that seemed. And this is the key word seemed impossible possible.

00:26:48.560 --> 00:26:50.509 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I want you to kind of

00:26:51.230 --> 00:26:52.630 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: think about that

00:26:53.500 --> 00:26:56.210 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: is how often in our life

00:26:56.740 --> 00:27:00.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: does something seem to be impossible.

00:27:01.000 --> 00:27:03.469 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but actually turns out to be possible.

00:27:03.730 --> 00:27:06.300 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So it wasn't really impossible.

00:27:06.540 --> 00:27:09.860 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Just in our mind's eye we thought it was impossible.

00:27:11.300 --> 00:27:14.089 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so for me that was just the first thing.

00:27:16.220 --> 00:27:22.829 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I know we're coming up on a break. So what I think I'm going to do is I'm going to take a pause there.

00:27:23.510 --> 00:27:37.139 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and when we come back i'm gonna sort of continue my story of like, okay, we now we got rid of our office space. Now what now? What was the next thing? That sort of seemed impossible. That turned possible.

00:27:37.750 --> 00:27:39.180 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and

00:27:39.220 --> 00:27:53.619 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: i'll take you through the the rest of it. So everybody please stay tuned You're listening to the conscious consultant now awakening humanity. Do this every Thursday at on top. Radio dot Nyc: 12 noon to one Pm. Eastern time.

00:27:53.700 --> 00:28:11.970 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And of course, you can always catch us on demand, and on all the podcasting networks. And let's not forget Kmt out of Palm Springs, California. Very appreciative and grateful that they're carrying my show this year. So everyone, please stay tuned. We'll be right back

00:28:12.140 --> 00:28:13.359 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in just a moment.

00:28:14.950 --> 00:28:18.409 Are you passionate about the conversation around racism?

00:28:18.420 --> 00:28:41.800 Hi! I'm Reverend Dr. Tlc. Host of the dismantled racism show which airs every Thursday at 11 am. Eastern on top radio dive in Rice B. Join me and my amazing guest as we discuss ways to uncover, dismantle and eradicate racism. That's Thursday at 11 o'clock, am. On top radio, dot Nyc.

00:28:45.510 --> 00:28:50.509 But you have small business trying to navigate the COVID-19 related employment laws.

00:28:50.520 --> 00:29:10.539 Hello, I'm. Eric Sovereign employment, law, business law, attorney and host of the New Radio Show employment law today. On my show we'll have guests to discuss the common employment. Wide challenges business owners are facing during these trying times tune in on Tuesday things from 5 Pm. To 6 Pm Eastern time on talk radio and Nyc.

00:29:16.780 --> 00:29:40.750 Hey, everybody! It's Kami Dee, the nonprofit sector connector coming at you from my attic each week here on talk radio and Nyc: I hosted program Philanthropy in focus. Nonprofits impact us each and every day, and it's my focus to help them amplify their message and tell their story. Listen: each week at 10 a. M. Eastern standing time right here on talk radio and Myc.

00:29:41.930 --> 00:29:51.210 You're listening to talk radio and y seat at Www: dot radio and livec, now broadcasting 24 h a day

00:30:16.610 --> 00:30:21.629 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and welcome back to the conscious, consulting our awakening humanity.

00:30:21.650 --> 00:30:23.870 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So let's continue on our story.

00:30:27.700 --> 00:30:32.509 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So one of the things that after we got rid of the office

00:30:34.040 --> 00:30:40.049 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that my wife and I decided is we would like to travel a little bit more now

00:30:41.210 --> 00:30:47.089 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the last couple of years we've done little tiny bit of traveling, but really not much traveling.

00:30:48.160 --> 00:30:50.580 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And and actually

00:30:50.590 --> 00:31:09.070 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the end of last year we we took a a short trip, and I discussed all about it, and shows earlier in the year to this island called Monster out, and it wasn't it. It was a comedy of errors. It was really a a some ways a nice experience other ways. W. Was really hard experience.

00:31:10.840 --> 00:31:12.470 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so

00:31:14.460 --> 00:31:20.359 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we we decided to take a trip to the Caribbean Island in May, and that went really really well.

00:31:21.200 --> 00:31:21.960 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But

00:31:22.390 --> 00:31:26.939 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and at the beginning of the year a a friend of my wife's

00:31:27.110 --> 00:31:30.329 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: told her, had had started to.

00:31:30.810 --> 00:31:36.040 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I found this website, and it started to do this thing where she would PET it for people

00:31:36.640 --> 00:31:38.050 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in other places.

00:31:38.250 --> 00:31:42.120 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it was sort of an exchange where you would stay in their home.

00:31:42.830 --> 00:31:47.899 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: keep an eye on their animals and take care of them; and while they are away, and then they come back and you move on.

00:31:49.080 --> 00:31:58.969 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so her friend had started doing it, and was going several different places. And so we thought we would try it out, and and maybe we try and do something. So we initially

00:31:59.030 --> 00:32:11.500 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: did a little PET sitting in in April, I think, after the winter time we just wanted to get out of New York City for a little while, you know, being in New York City, and the heart of Manhattan throughout the whole pandemic

00:32:11.880 --> 00:32:13.200 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: has been

00:32:13.690 --> 00:32:15.260 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: challenging.

00:32:15.470 --> 00:32:21.559 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: not in an overt way, but in a subtle way, and I think, after 2 years

00:32:21.660 --> 00:32:24.909 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we both started to sort of feel the stress of that.

00:32:26.090 --> 00:32:38.980 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so we did this one little pets it up in Vermont for one week up in Burlington, Vermont, and it was really nice. I mean. It was cold, even snowed one time, and this was in April.

00:32:39.340 --> 00:32:53.420 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but it was still nice just to be out of the city, and to be in some place, you know, surrounded by nature and a more natural environment. And it was a beautiful little cat, Bella, a little Tuxedo cat, black and White cat. And so it was really nice to do that.

00:32:55.560 --> 00:32:56.650 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And

00:32:57.960 --> 00:33:03.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: after that we thought, Well, let's try and do something like that for the summertime.

00:33:04.250 --> 00:33:05.520 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and

00:33:06.290 --> 00:33:12.850 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: at first we we we, My wife, was one mostly, and we were applying, You know you kind of apply for different positions.

00:33:12.890 --> 00:33:18.389 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but we only had that one sort of review now that we did. But it was a good review. We did a good job.

00:33:18.850 --> 00:33:25.909 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and this one possibility came up for staying at this couple's house in the middle of California and the hills of

00:33:25.940 --> 00:33:29.659 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: California kind of out in the middle of nowhere.

00:33:30.720 --> 00:33:47.969 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: They were going away, for, I think, like 6 weeks, maybe at the time. So we thought, oh, we'll just go out. We'll just do that? They didn't have any. They were taking their dogs with them. We really just had to feed the birds and take care of the grounds and the property really looked like a a really nice opportunity.

00:33:49.980 --> 00:33:59.969 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it looked, and we had a couple of calls with them, you know, video calls and seemed like, you know, they were going to give us the the opportunity, and then

00:34:00.280 --> 00:34:08.999 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it fell through. They They met somebody who had family locally in the area, and they decided Well, that would probably be a better fit for them.

00:34:09.350 --> 00:34:14.880 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so we were kind of disappointed because it looked like a real nice opportunity. Now keep in mind that

00:34:15.650 --> 00:34:24.359 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: although I've been to California many times, I have lots of friends in California. I like California. My wife had only been there, I think, once

00:34:24.500 --> 00:34:33.340 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: with a friend before we were married for a conference, and she didn't really go around and see that much, so she never really liked California.

00:34:33.409 --> 00:34:38.789 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so it's like I had to do a little convincing to say, oh, but let's try and get to California this summer.

00:34:39.770 --> 00:34:41.819 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but that one fell through.

00:34:41.870 --> 00:34:46.830 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but they were a couple was very, very nice about it. Oh, and then there was another

00:34:47.219 --> 00:34:54.419 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: possibility up in Connecticut. We decided not to take that one just a little challenging situation.

00:34:57.490 --> 00:34:58.189 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but

00:34:58.930 --> 00:35:09.699 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: they were so nice, and they said, oh, there's this other website which which you can also get PET sitting opportunities. And so they gave my wife this other one, and she set up profile on it.

00:35:10.490 --> 00:35:19.600 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it was so fascinating that this couple actually reached out to her like we didn't even get a chance to apply. Or maybe we did apply for something. But didn't come through.

00:35:20.300 --> 00:35:23.919 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and so this couple reached out to us and said, hey.

00:35:24.060 --> 00:35:33.859 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: my husband and I are gonna go away for 4 weeks. Would you be willing to watch our 2 dogs in San Diego when we go away in the San Diego area.

00:35:37.070 --> 00:35:46.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so we we we talk with them online. We said, Sure. And we thought, okay, great we'll. We'll go to San Diego and spend a month there and come back.

00:35:48.760 --> 00:35:50.070 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Well, what happened

00:35:50.860 --> 00:35:52.970 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: after that? I happen to be

00:35:53.140 --> 00:35:56.890 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in a meeting, a virtual meeting with with people I know.

00:35:56.980 --> 00:36:13.880 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I mentioned, though you know i'm doing this, and this is a meeting for people who had gone through a man's class, you know, trying to tie it back to a man's class. And these are people that we knew each other from before, and we just started to get together once a week and or once every other week, and help each other.

00:36:15.690 --> 00:36:17.040 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so

00:36:17.790 --> 00:36:24.169 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I mentioned what we're doing, what me, my wife, are doing, and one of the people in the meeting was like, oh.

00:36:24.450 --> 00:36:32.829 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I need to go to Germany to see my my husband's family this summer. Would you be willing to come up to Berkeley and watch our little dog for a month

00:36:33.030 --> 00:36:35.200 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: like Berkeley? A month sure.

00:36:35.750 --> 00:36:38.089 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So all of a sudden, from being away

00:36:38.210 --> 00:36:40.950 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: from one month to 2 months

00:36:41.690 --> 00:36:57.099 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: like Wow! And then I said to my wife, I go. You know I have a ton of friends up in Vancouver. I was there for a weekend before workshop. I really didn't get to see it. It's supposed to be so beautiful. Let's go to Vancouver from Berkeley and we'll figure out what we're going to do. We said, okay.

00:36:58.160 --> 00:37:07.280 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So what initially started off as just getting away from the city for a month, turned into getting away from the leaving the city for a total of 3 months.

00:37:09.790 --> 00:37:19.100 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And for me this was a brand new experience, because I've only never been away from home more than 3 weeks, probably at the most, 3 and a half weeks

00:37:19.290 --> 00:37:21.270 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: at the most at one time.

00:37:22.200 --> 00:37:23.660 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And not only that.

00:37:24.830 --> 00:37:35.430 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I've always wanted to see what it's like to live someplace else. I'm a native New Yorker. I've lived in in and around New York City my entire life.

00:37:37.220 --> 00:37:45.599 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but when I was much younger I always thought i'd end up living somewhere else. I always thought, you know, somewhere else at away from the city.

00:37:45.760 --> 00:37:48.419 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But one thing after another kind of kept me here.

00:37:50.980 --> 00:37:52.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So

00:37:53.420 --> 00:38:03.640 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when this opportunity came up it was like, oh, like i'm actually gonna get to live in another place and someone else's house. I mean, yeah, we're kind of visiting. It's not permanent, but

00:38:03.700 --> 00:38:10.370 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we're not staying in a hotel the whole time we're living in someone's house. We're going to local grocery stores, eating out at the local restaurants

00:38:10.530 --> 00:38:15.290 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: really like getting a feel for what it's like to live someplace else.

00:38:16.120 --> 00:38:22.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: which was a whole new experience for me, and, believe me, I never imagined in a 1 million years

00:38:22.700 --> 00:38:26.509 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that we even could go away for 3 months at a time.

00:38:27.110 --> 00:38:33.999 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and the truth is, if our businesses hadn't been virtual. If we hadn't gotten rid of the office, we never would have been able to do it.

00:38:34.330 --> 00:38:36.049 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but because

00:38:36.100 --> 00:38:39.979 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: of the pandemic, and because of it sort of forcing us.

00:38:40.260 --> 00:38:51.769 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Some take our businesses virtual. We are actually able to do this and keep working. We went away for 3 months. It wasn't a 3 month vacation. We worked through almost all time. I mean, yeah. We took a few days off here and there.

00:38:53.390 --> 00:38:57.499 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But but really we were working all every week.

00:38:59.750 --> 00:39:02.249 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so this was something again that

00:39:02.540 --> 00:39:04.029 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: something that that

00:39:04.360 --> 00:39:09.500 would have been impossible 3 4 years ago for us to even consider

00:39:10.430 --> 00:39:12.489 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: became possible this year.

00:39:14.470 --> 00:39:15.419 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Now

00:39:15.700 --> 00:39:18.560 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we did have to be open to the opportunity.

00:39:18.610 --> 00:39:23.600 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We did have to be open to the idea of taking care of someone else's pets. Now keep in mind.

00:39:24.630 --> 00:39:26.050 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We don't have pets.

00:39:26.460 --> 00:39:28.519 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We don't have a cat. We don't have a dog.

00:39:28.990 --> 00:39:33.689 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know. I've never really had a dog. When I was younger I had a cat.

00:39:34.710 --> 00:39:54.419 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But I never really had to take care of a dog, and when we went to San Diego. These are not just 2 dogs. These were 2 big dogs, and Airedell and a black lab. And so it was kind of like our our first really big PET sitting adventure was was like being thrown into the fire was like, you know. Here's like the the the tough one right away.

00:39:54.750 --> 00:39:56.129 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and so

00:39:57.000 --> 00:40:01.169 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I learned to laugh from it, and everything after that was was was a breeze.

00:40:02.500 --> 00:40:04.700 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And you know the funny part is.

00:40:04.810 --> 00:40:18.019 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the couple was so nice, and we really connected with them, and they were very appreciative. When they came back they saw that house was in really good shape, and and the and the dogs were good. They were like. Oh, it

00:40:18.030 --> 00:40:24.959 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: if if we go awake, and would you be interested in coming back? And my wife at first was like, Well, I don't know I was like, yeah, sure, absolutely.

00:40:25.530 --> 00:40:29.319 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And they just recently contacted us

00:40:29.440 --> 00:40:39.150 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and said, hey, we're thinking of going away in January for 4 weeks. Would you be interested in coming back? We've moved into a new house. We're now in Del Mar instead of in Someitas.

00:40:40.010 --> 00:40:48.590 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and i'm like Well, I got a conference the end of January in San Diego. I I would be interested in doing it, and I spoke to my wife, and we got to get back to them.

00:40:48.660 --> 00:40:52.210 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But it looks like we're going to go back to San Diego for a month

00:40:53.670 --> 00:40:56.050 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in January from New York City.

00:40:56.080 --> 00:40:57.709 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Not a bad gig

00:40:58.590 --> 00:41:04.929 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: getting away from New York City, and like the coldest month of the year, and going to a place like so San Diego area.

00:41:05.000 --> 00:41:06.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I can deal with that.

00:41:06.870 --> 00:41:13.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And that's because of the relationship we developed with the couple. And because we did such a good job, taking care of everything.

00:41:15.000 --> 00:41:17.350 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I never would have imagined

00:41:17.630 --> 00:41:22.679 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that I would have friends on the other side of the country that I keep in touch with

00:41:22.710 --> 00:41:24.749 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and take care of their dogs for them.

00:41:24.990 --> 00:41:39.670 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and as much as the Airdale is, likes to bark a lot, and they can get very excited easily. I I I still like the dogs when when I what I was out walking them. I don't know this is something by walking 2 big dogs as a man it just feels really good.

00:41:40.720 --> 00:41:42.129 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So that was

00:41:42.590 --> 00:41:43.600 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: another

00:41:44.050 --> 00:41:47.140 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: something that seemed impossible

00:41:48.170 --> 00:41:49.809 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that was made possible.

00:41:52.120 --> 00:41:53.310 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And then I had

00:41:54.000 --> 00:41:57.420 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: one other really significant event

00:41:57.510 --> 00:42:00.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that happened this year. That for me

00:42:00.990 --> 00:42:06.379 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: was another instance of something that in the past seemed impossible.

00:42:06.400 --> 00:42:10.550 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but was made possible this year, and i'll tell you all about that

00:42:11.170 --> 00:42:12.410 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when we come back.

00:42:12.680 --> 00:42:31.169 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So everyone, please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consultant hour. It's just me and you for the hour. So if you're listening, live on the Youtube Stream. Please put your comments in, Celeste. I'm really glad that you enjoyed the part that you listen to, and hope you'll come back and and listen again, and we will be right back.

00:42:31.180 --> 00:42:35.719 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and we'll finish up the show. Our lash live, show for the year

00:42:35.790 --> 00:42:37.349 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: In just a moment.

00:42:40.540 --> 00:43:04.450 everybody. It's Tommy D, the nonprofit sector connected coming at you by my adding each week here on talk radio that Nyc: I hosted program the lab of the focus. Nonprofits impact us each and every day, and it's my focus to help them amplify their message and tell their story. Listen: Each week at 10 am. Eastern Stand in time until 11 am. In some standard time. Right here on talk radio, Dot: Nyc.

00:43:06.390 --> 00:43:20.609 Yeah. Thanksgiving Boy. You may have many unanswered questions regarding your health. Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you have a desire to learn more about mental health, and enhance your quality of life? Or do you just want to participate in self-understanding and awareness?

00:43:20.620 --> 00:43:33.340 I'm. Frank R. Harrison, host of frank about health, and each Thursday I will tackle these questions and work to enlighten you. Tune in every Thursday. 5 Pm. On talk radio. Nyc: and I will be frank about help to advocate for all of us.

00:43:36.810 --> 00:43:43.169 Are you a conscious co-creator? Are you on a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness?

00:43:43.270 --> 00:44:07.059 I'm Sam Leibo, it's your conscious consultant, and on my show the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity, we will touch upon all these topics and more. Listen. Live at our new time on Thursdays, at 12 noon Eastern time that's the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. Thursday's 12 noon on Talk radio, Nyc.

00:44:11.440 --> 00:44:21.339 You're listening to talk radio Nyc: at Www. Top radio and yc now broadcasting 24 h a day.

00:44:35.760 --> 00:44:36.350 you.

00:44:45.270 --> 00:44:51.739 and welcome back last segment of the last live show of 2,022.

00:44:53.540 --> 00:44:54.620 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So

00:44:55.990 --> 00:44:58.209 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: another significant thing

00:44:58.580 --> 00:45:00.740 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that really happened this year.

00:45:01.200 --> 00:45:02.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it really

00:45:02.980 --> 00:45:07.020 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the way the whole thing happened just really surprised me.

00:45:07.610 --> 00:45:08.540 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So.

00:45:09.880 --> 00:45:13.830 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: as many of you know, I I do this ceremonial work

00:45:14.630 --> 00:45:20.329 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: on weekends, and I hold groups now and then actually have a group this weekend

00:45:20.710 --> 00:45:24.120 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and the mentor I've been working with

00:45:24.450 --> 00:45:28.529 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: for the last 5 years or so.

00:45:31.150 --> 00:45:38.580 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We'd never really had a good relationship. We always kind of butt heads, and never really understood why.

00:45:38.800 --> 00:45:48.920 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I mean from my perspective. I knew why I didn't like working with him. I never really got why he always seemed to be so difficult, and why he seemed to not to like to work with me.

00:45:49.920 --> 00:45:53.940 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But he was the only mentor in this lineage in the New York City area.

00:45:54.950 --> 00:45:57.140 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so I really didn't have much of a choice

00:45:59.270 --> 00:46:03.819 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and then, when the pandemic came, and we started to do things virtually.

00:46:03.880 --> 00:46:11.110 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I've worked with him, and now I don't know. Maybe it was a little bit easier when, not having to see him in person. But then

00:46:11.300 --> 00:46:22.880 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I I graduated, and I didn't have to be doing things with them so directly anymore, and started holding my own groups.

00:46:23.810 --> 00:46:27.200 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But then, in the spring of this year.

00:46:27.450 --> 00:46:36.919 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: he started, giving me a hard time about not having seen me. Now things were opening up, and i'm like i'm sorry I'm going away for 3 months. I'm not going to be in New York City.

00:46:37.020 --> 00:46:45.199 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I I I don't know what to tell you. And and he said, Well, you know I'm not going to allow you to keep doing groups if you, if I don't see you and I just

00:46:45.670 --> 00:46:57.459 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: after all this time, and and after really doing everything he had asked me to do, I said no way, and I went and spoke to the woman who's in charge of facilitators, and I said.

00:46:57.780 --> 00:47:01.320 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I need to work with another mentor. This is not going to work for me.

00:47:02.870 --> 00:47:04.000 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and

00:47:04.330 --> 00:47:07.069 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it turned out that one of my friends

00:47:07.230 --> 00:47:14.049 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: who I've been doing this work with for the last 8 and a half years, who was there? My very first ceremony

00:47:14.150 --> 00:47:21.120 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that just recently, just this past year he had become a mentor himself, and he's out in New Jersey, and I thought, great.

00:47:21.320 --> 00:47:28.649 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I want to work with this guy. I know him. We know each other. We we have a relationship. We understand each other.

00:47:29.460 --> 00:47:30.700 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And

00:47:31.450 --> 00:47:35.869 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: she said, okay. And so then he became my new mentor.

00:47:36.260 --> 00:47:41.300 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and he said, You know, Sam, before you go away, it would be really good for me to see you.

00:47:41.370 --> 00:47:59.719 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: He didn't say I have to see you. He didn't say I got to see you, or else he just said it would be really good if you could. He invited me. And so the thing is is the only thing coming up was Memorial Day weekend. He was doing a a group down in Miami, and I said, okay, I I cashed in some frequent flyer mileage points.

00:47:59.870 --> 00:48:07.890 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: booked a flight down to Miami, and and assisted and participated in in a ceremony down in Miami.

00:48:08.580 --> 00:48:12.159 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And I have to tell you it was such a home coming for me.

00:48:12.430 --> 00:48:22.160 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I could feel what a heart-centered space he was holding. There were several other people there, and actually the person who had invited me into this work.

00:48:22.580 --> 00:48:28.300 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: He used to be up here in New York. He moved down to Florida. He was in Miami. He was actually there.

00:48:28.610 --> 00:48:37.740 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So they were like 3 or 4 people that I knew that it was such a wonderful feeling I felt like, oh, my God! I made such the right decision

00:48:37.940 --> 00:48:41.040 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to work with this person to leave the other mentor.

00:48:43.920 --> 00:48:44.930 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and

00:48:45.060 --> 00:48:59.960 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: 3 years ago I couldn't I couldn't have done it. I mean. First of all, he wasn't a mendo back then, but but just the the environment. And now, with things being so virtual and being able to do stuff. It just seemed impossible. I didn't know what to do.

00:49:03.850 --> 00:49:08.750 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and not only now it was possible, now I had an alternative.

00:49:11.480 --> 00:49:14.769 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but it was the best alternative for me. I found

00:49:16.670 --> 00:49:19.770 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: those who know me know i'm a very heart-centered person.

00:49:21.520 --> 00:49:22.410 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I

00:49:22.840 --> 00:49:26.739 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: don't do well under harsh criticism. I'm the kind of guy

00:49:27.200 --> 00:49:32.499 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know I may make mistakes, but you keep supporting me. I'll do better. I'll do better. I'll do better.

00:49:34.320 --> 00:49:48.810 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and for so long it just seems impossible that I would be able to work with another mentor. Also I worked with him for so long. I thought, oh, my God! I'm going to have to start over again if I work with someone else, and there'll be another God knows how many years. But

00:49:50.130 --> 00:49:52.990 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: thankfully it's not. And and

00:49:54.060 --> 00:49:56.120 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it was another case of

00:49:57.130 --> 00:49:58.629 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: really that that

00:49:59.620 --> 00:50:03.620 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: things that seemed impossible made possible.

00:50:05.590 --> 00:50:07.900 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And and even up to recently.

00:50:08.040 --> 00:50:10.339 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: even up to just this last week.

00:50:11.530 --> 00:50:17.190 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: my wife and I have a very close friend who lives upstairs from us, who's also Chinese, like my wife.

00:50:18.700 --> 00:50:26.429 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and like 2 years ago, her and and she's an American citizen, even though her families in China. Most of her friends are in China.

00:50:26.590 --> 00:50:45.329 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but when the lockdown happened in Covid happened, they weren't allowing foreigners back into China, and her mom's health took a turn for the worst, and she was really concerned about her family. Wanted to get back, and there's no way to do it. And then her mom had a a medical incident, and they got the doctor

00:50:46.430 --> 00:50:52.829 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to write a special letter, and she was able to apply for a special visa and go back home so she could be with her family.

00:50:53.130 --> 00:51:09.649 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: The only thing is, she couldn't leave the country, because if she left at the time she would be able to get back in. So she's literally been away for 2 years, and she's like my wife's best friend. She's a very good friend of myself. We haven't seen her for 2 years. We had no idea when we were going to see her.

00:51:10.380 --> 00:51:15.200 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and you know, of course I want her to be happy. I wanted to be with her family, but you know I missed her, too.

00:51:16.120 --> 00:51:35.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and so we found out, just like a couple of months ago, that she was a she was going to be coming back, that she had a a business dealings with her boyfriend, that she was gonna do, and so she came back. We we, when she initially came back like a month ago. We just saw her for like a few minutes, and then they were off and running and going across the United States all these business meetings. But this

00:51:35.830 --> 00:51:39.739 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: past week they were back in New York, and

00:51:40.180 --> 00:51:48.910 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and so we had an opportunity to spend some time with them last weekend and saw them last night. And they're leaving today actually to go back to China.

00:51:49.700 --> 00:51:52.579 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But again another incidence of

00:51:52.950 --> 00:51:57.329 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: no idea, no idea. When we were going to see our friend.

00:51:58.060 --> 00:52:05.440 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and really like our best friend. You know my wife and I really a best friend. No idea. When we're going to see her now.

00:52:05.760 --> 00:52:17.840 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We had a chance to see her, and now turns out she got a jury duty notice. So she so she's gonna come back in May because she's gonna have to do jury duty for a day. So now we know at least oh, okay, we'll see you again in May.

00:52:19.150 --> 00:52:21.260 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But it's just so funny how

00:52:21.700 --> 00:52:32.729 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in our minds we build up these expectations and we build up these things that make stuff seem impossible. We can't see no idea, no way. How can we

00:52:32.910 --> 00:52:35.620 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: move forward, or how can something happen?

00:52:39.780 --> 00:52:42.460 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And so here's really the

00:52:42.560 --> 00:52:49.309 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: trick. Here's the secret. Here's the clue to pay attention to, of how to make the impossible possible.

00:52:51.470 --> 00:52:55.280 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: The first thing is to know that nothing is truly impossible.

00:52:56.550 --> 00:52:59.040 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Things may be very unlikely.

00:52:59.260 --> 00:53:02.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but very unlikely and impossible, or 2 different things.

00:53:04.390 --> 00:53:05.700 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and also

00:53:05.950 --> 00:53:13.559 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: sometimes things might be impossible the way we want them to happen, the way we want it to unfold.

00:53:14.020 --> 00:53:17.079 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but it doesn't mean it's impossible all together.

00:53:18.710 --> 00:53:22.280 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So the way to make the impossible possible

00:53:22.520 --> 00:53:29.749 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: is just to be open to the possibility that it can happen in some way, shape or form.

00:53:31.710 --> 00:53:36.389 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I had no idea i'd be able to spend 3 months on the West Coast this summer.

00:53:38.070 --> 00:53:44.169 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: No idea i'd be able to get rid of the office. No idea these opportunities that would show up

00:53:44.430 --> 00:53:46.020 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: no idea.

00:53:46.220 --> 00:53:50.260 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: The things now that we're working towards and planning for next year

00:53:50.590 --> 00:53:52.580 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: no idea that that

00:53:52.700 --> 00:53:54.519 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: they would even be possible.

00:53:58.300 --> 00:53:59.140 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But

00:53:59.700 --> 00:54:00.870 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: i'm open.

00:54:02.430 --> 00:54:04.050 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but i'm willing

00:54:04.300 --> 00:54:07.760 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to be present to what life will bring me.

00:54:09.090 --> 00:54:10.620 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and i'm willing

00:54:11.100 --> 00:54:11.979 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to

00:54:12.230 --> 00:54:16.149 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: at least say there's some possibility.

00:54:18.180 --> 00:54:30.510 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and you know oftentimes You've probably heard me say it on the show before. I believe the universe has a much better imagination for my life than I do. It's one of the reasons why I always try and stay open

00:54:33.650 --> 00:54:35.359 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so next year.

00:54:35.880 --> 00:54:39.189 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What's impossible. I have no idea

00:54:39.650 --> 00:54:48.660 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so funny. I had a conversation yesterday with someone he says, like, so where are you going to be in 10 years? I'm like 10 years. I don't know where I'm going to be in 6 months.

00:54:51.710 --> 00:54:53.390 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: because life

00:54:53.930 --> 00:55:00.460 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: can take me to amazing new places and things that I thought were possible yesterday

00:55:00.810 --> 00:55:03.260 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: can be very possible tomorrow.

00:55:04.340 --> 00:55:10.919 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So think about what in your own life do you feel is so impossible? Oh, I can't imagine. How can this happen?

00:55:11.610 --> 00:55:20.820 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: You know what to worry about the how? This is really what I've learned throughout this last year. Do not worry about the how.

00:55:22.090 --> 00:55:29.729 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Leave that up to the universe, to life, to God. Whatever word you want to use for, leave it up to life to figure out the how

00:55:30.890 --> 00:55:32.700 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: just focus on the what?

00:55:33.530 --> 00:55:38.720 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What impossible thing would you love to see happen this coming year?

00:55:39.060 --> 00:55:48.640 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What would lift up your spirits? What would open your heart? What would make you feel so juiced and turned on and excited for life.

00:55:52.830 --> 00:55:54.839 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Just focus on the what

00:55:55.510 --> 00:55:57.369 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: don't worry about the how

00:55:58.490 --> 00:56:06.319 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Now this is not to say you shouldn't take actions, not to say that if you can figure out the how, or if you can see a how way go for it.

00:56:08.730 --> 00:56:13.379 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I wouldn't put too much emphasis on it, because the how will show up

00:56:17.400 --> 00:56:19.249 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it may not show up

00:56:19.640 --> 00:56:24.220 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the way we expect it to show up may not look the way we expect it to look.

00:56:25.480 --> 00:56:28.499 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: which is why I say, just say yes to life.

00:56:31.740 --> 00:56:42.370 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Know what makes you feel amazing. Know what opens up possibilities, for you know what just feels right? And again going back

00:56:42.530 --> 00:56:50.979 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to the idea of being honest with ourselves. No, really be truly honest with ourselves. What do we love? What do we like?

00:56:53.490 --> 00:56:57.560 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Hold that in our hearts, and hold that as our possibility.

00:57:00.710 --> 00:57:05.759 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and give it time? Hold it loosely, Don't, hold it tightly. Hold it loosely.

00:57:06.440 --> 00:57:08.779 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and the how we'll show up

00:57:09.570 --> 00:57:11.029 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So

00:57:11.260 --> 00:57:14.090 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: thank you, my loyal listeners. I see Paddy

00:57:14.640 --> 00:57:18.250 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: catching the talent. Thanks, Daddy, for tuning in the last little bit.

00:57:19.560 --> 00:57:27.770 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Thank you all. I so appreciate you all. Please share If you're watching the video, share the video with your friends.

00:57:27.840 --> 00:57:36.640 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: share it on your social media platforms encourage people to subscribe. The more people that subscribe to the Channel, the more people will see it.

00:57:36.910 --> 00:58:00.799 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Thank you all. It's been a wonderful years I've spent doing these amazing shows with you. I have amazing people coming on my show next year. It's going to be a really fun year. I hope you'll continue to stay tuned. And remember, if you missed any part of the show, you can always catch the replay on talk radio that Nyc. Or on any of the major podcasting platforms.

00:58:00.840 --> 00:58:05.990 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Apple Google Stitcher, Spotify Pandora, I heart radio. We're everywhere.

00:58:06.230 --> 00:58:10.419 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And if you use a favorite podcasting platform, we're not on let me know we'll get on it

00:58:11.580 --> 00:58:20.280 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: from my heart to your heart. I am wishing you all an amazing New Year's eve a tremendous start to the new year.

00:58:21.120 --> 00:58:30.280 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I will see you and talk to you in 2,023. Take care, everybody, have a great rest of the year.

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