The Mind Behind Leadership

Thursday, July 8, 2021
Facebook Live Video from 2021/07/08 - Being Conscious Of What We Do

Facebook Live Video from 2021/07/08 - Being Conscious Of What We Do


2021/07/08 - Being Conscious Of What We Do

[NEW EPISODE] Being Conscious Of What We Do

With guest, Dr. Rowshanak Hashemiyoon.

Tune in for this insightful conversation at or watch the Facebook Livestream by clicking here.

Show Notes

Segment 1

Graham begins today’s episode by introducing his guest, Dr. Rowshanak Hashemiyoon, behavioral neuroscientist and transformational advisor. Diving into how she arrived at her current career, Dr. Rowshanak talks about how she was fascinated by how the world worked as a child. She describes a story in which she learned about atoms and how they could be split at the young age of four years old. Continuing on, she talks about how at age twelve she started studying behavior and psychology then entered college at age sixteen. She graduated with a B.S. in neuroscience before going on to earn her PhD. As she practiced as a neuroscientist, she realized how much she loved helping people, but she wanted to reach a larger audience. In order to do this, she also realized that she could combine her background in spirituality and science in order to help more people.

Segment 2

After the break, Graham asks Dr. Rowshanak about what she believes going through life consciously versus unconsciously means. She explains, when we live unconsciously, we are not intentional about how we go through life, but instead simply reactive. To be conscious, on the contrary, is to be intentional. This leads Graham to ask: why do people make poor decisions, such as trusting fake news? Dr. Rowshanak explains that the reason behind this is because while we have the capacity to make rational decisions, we mostly make emotional decisions. Emotions play a huge role in decision making, she elaborates. She then continues that, especially in the West, we aren’t taught how to handle our emotions, but instead how to push them down or ignore them, and thus, generally become bad at managing our emotions. Citing another reason behind why people believe fake news, she talks about how algorithms on social media confirm our biases. Finally, she explains that when we’re wrong, we often don’t want to admit it and lose connection with those around us.

Segment 3

Returning to the podcast, we talk about how, because Dr. Rowshanak’s parents deeply cared for people, she understood the importance of being a leader who serves. Describing how her parents frequently performed acts of kindness, she launches into one specific story in which her dad, who is a physician, asked to stop charging a patient for his services. He received a paycheck from this patient for twenty dollars, and instead of accepting it, and “putting bread on his table at the sake of taking bread from another person’s table” as he put it, he simply decided to stop charging this patient. Because of her parents, Dr. Rowshanak now feels that she needs to do good with every fiber of her being and focuses on how to elevate others. She ends this segment by emphasizing that leaders need both emotional and spiritual intelligence.

Segment 4

After the last break of the podcast, Dr. Rowshanak talks about workplace mental health. She believes the most important thing to workplace mental health is to educate leaders to practice emotional and spiritual intelligence. She says this is because, as a company, one needs to really take care of their employees. Dr. Rowshanak and Graham then talk about how using the word “together” when speaking to employees about work leads to intrinsic motivation, and overall, allows employees to feel better about their work and be more productive. They then discuss the ways in which a leader would get involved in learning about neuroscience, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence.


00:00:38.580 --> 00:00:45.870 Graham Dobbin: Welcome to the mind behind leadership you're listening to talk radio dot nyc my name is Graham dobbin and.

00:00:46.230 --> 00:00:52.860 Graham Dobbin: Sydney one of the things that we're going to be talking about this afternoon is New York I keep on forgetting one of the things i'm doing is i'm.

00:00:53.250 --> 00:01:05.190 Graham Dobbin: coming in, live from Sydney although we're live in New York today so um one of the things we're going to be doing is looking at getting views and perspectives on leadership we do this kind of every week.

00:01:05.700 --> 00:01:15.510 Graham Dobbin: And and it's on modern leadership, most of the time so we'll look at things such as conscious leadership i'm what the basis of that is.

00:01:17.310 --> 00:01:32.640 Graham Dobbin: today's guest is a doctor a Russian ag hashimi mood Hashmi Yun How should we use you're going to correct me on this you're going to create me this and we'll catch up with a Russian back in a moment, but just to give a little bit of a background.

00:01:34.620 --> 00:01:40.620 Graham Dobbin: and Russia is a behavioral neuroscientist and the funder of access to the path.

00:01:41.880 --> 00:01:50.100 Graham Dobbin: she's a highly trained scientific researcher who combines the modern science with emotional and spiritual intelligence.

00:01:50.400 --> 00:01:58.890 Graham Dobbin: to generate compelling innovative innovative strategies that help people businesses become more purposeful effective and prosperous.

00:01:59.250 --> 00:02:05.760 Graham Dobbin: Our passion has always been understanding, improving the human condition so we're going to be digging into that significantly today.

00:02:06.570 --> 00:02:22.800 Graham Dobbin: before launching access to pass she was the founder and chief of the human brain and behavior laboratory and the Department of stereotactic in functional neurosurgery the University Hospital or kobo and I am being tested today.

00:02:27.510 --> 00:02:29.490 Graham Dobbin: Thank you for that um.

00:02:31.200 --> 00:02:52.800 Graham Dobbin: I Russia is a train computation new clinic clinical and behavioral neuro scientists is a PhD in physiology and biophysics her work has spanned studies of the physical senses social neuroscience and the path to physiology underlie the noodle psychiatric disorders was this.

00:02:53.460 --> 00:02:54.150 Rowshanak: Is a.

00:02:54.750 --> 00:02:55.380 Deliberate.

00:02:58.500 --> 00:03:04.470 Graham Dobbin: is absolutely not easy for me to say, and I practice this good afternoon, how are you.

00:03:05.130 --> 00:03:07.980 Rowshanak: Hello it's lovely to be here, how are you.

00:03:08.070 --> 00:03:11.880 Graham Dobbin: i'm good, thank you, we can hear you we can't see you yet we'll get that sorted out later.

00:03:12.000 --> 00:03:20.370 Graham Dobbin: Oh, but but i'm one of the things so i've just mentioned i'm calling in from Sydney but live in New York quitter you based video at the moment.

00:03:21.270 --> 00:03:26.610 Rowshanak: At the moment, I am in fact in Cologne, Germany, but i'm a new yorker usually i'm there.

00:03:27.120 --> 00:03:29.190 Graham Dobbin: Well, as you can hear i'm a new yorker as well.

00:03:29.520 --> 00:03:41.070 Graham Dobbin: i've not lost my accent in any way, shape or form and look we've got we've got a lot in here and i'm kidding, can I just clarify as well, your second name how she be Yun.

00:03:41.820 --> 00:03:42.870 Rowshanak: hashing yes.

00:03:42.960 --> 00:03:44.550 Graham Dobbin: Okay, good Okay, but.

00:03:45.540 --> 00:03:46.200 Graham Dobbin: It was it was.

00:03:46.440 --> 00:03:49.320 Graham Dobbin: It was the word your neuroscience I struggled with.

00:03:51.810 --> 00:04:04.020 Graham Dobbin: You know we'll talk about how this how your work, how your research and how your approach deals with business how he deals with leaders really curious about how you got to this point.

00:04:05.460 --> 00:04:15.990 Rowshanak: Okay, I know it's not a while, like most people's trajectories it's not linear so um when I was a kid it started really as a child and it sort of.

00:04:16.410 --> 00:04:25.080 Rowshanak: went very all over the place, and then I ended up right, where I was supposed to be as a child, I was always fascinated with.

00:04:26.040 --> 00:04:34.950 Rowshanak: The way that the world work, the way that humans work, the way that we saw things the way that the universe worked so it started when I was about four years old.

00:04:35.580 --> 00:04:42.660 Rowshanak: I learned about atoms and that they were the fabric of the universe, they were this tiniest element of the universe, and then.

00:04:42.960 --> 00:04:49.290 Rowshanak: And then I found out that they could be split boy for four year old brain I just went wow that's what I want to do.

00:04:49.650 --> 00:04:58.350 Rowshanak: So, so I am I was always interested with the fabric of the universe, and the way that the human mind received it and.

00:04:58.950 --> 00:05:11.460 Rowshanak: And the difference between the brain and the mind, because you will tell someone i'm going to give you a piece of my mind, but you would never tell them i'm going to give you a piece of my brain that would just be wrong right so what's the difference right.

00:05:13.080 --> 00:05:18.660 Rowshanak: Right so what's the difference between the brain the mind I was fascinated and How does this fit into this whole.

00:05:19.110 --> 00:05:26.250 Rowshanak: framework of this universe in these atoms how do they come together, how does, what is the connection between everything you know how do we exist.

00:05:26.790 --> 00:05:37.170 Rowshanak: And so I started studying at a very young age behavior and psychology and then I went to study genetics, you know because that's also the braces yeah, of course.

00:05:39.210 --> 00:05:41.940 Graham Dobbin: Well i'm just i'm just double checking what were you about six at this point.

00:05:45.300 --> 00:05:46.200 Graham Dobbin: This is good.

00:05:47.220 --> 00:05:53.820 Rowshanak: No, but I did start studying psychology at 12 I went off to college at 16.

00:05:54.480 --> 00:05:54.900 Rowshanak: I went to.

00:05:54.930 --> 00:05:58.920 Rowshanak: A 15 but you know I didn't want to miss my senior year and um.

00:05:59.880 --> 00:06:16.650 Rowshanak: And then I was among the first to graduate with a bachelor of science and behavioral neuroscience and by then I had already studied gene cloning and genetics, because every single thing that i'm speaking about here, if you think about it is really foundational what makes it work.

00:06:17.760 --> 00:06:25.860 Rowshanak: It really boils down to that whether it's an atom whether it's the brain whether it's the genetics, what are the foundations and so that's what I was always looking at you know.

00:06:26.220 --> 00:06:33.540 Rowshanak: And so, eventually, I went on, and got a PhD and became a computational neuroscientist.

00:06:33.960 --> 00:06:44.490 Rowshanak: And, and then went on to work in neuro psychiatric disorder so from studying the normal brain to studying dysfunctional brain as a sort of a fast track.

00:06:44.730 --> 00:06:53.910 Rowshanak: To be able to understand normal function, because when something is it sort of like when something is broken, and you can see what the mechanism is a little bit more quickly and.

00:06:54.960 --> 00:07:05.100 Rowshanak: And at some point you started, but basically the height of my career, I realized that I really needed to do a lot more with what I had, and what I was doing it was amazing.

00:07:05.490 --> 00:07:16.800 Rowshanak: To be helping my patients I loved it and to be helping people who had these different disorders, because I was able to to study into offer some.

00:07:17.670 --> 00:07:28.680 Rowshanak: insights into the different functions, the basis the mechanisms of these different disorders, because we don't understand them, but I wanted to reach a larger audience.

00:07:29.700 --> 00:07:42.120 Rowshanak: And so I started to realize that with with my background that i've been saying, philosophy and spirituality and psychology, and all this hard science chemistry physics neuroscience.

00:07:42.510 --> 00:07:53.610 Rowshanak: That really just as they used to be, you know 1000 2000 3000 years ago, science and spirituality were one in the same in fact science and magic or one in the same.

00:07:54.240 --> 00:08:03.630 Rowshanak: And so I realized this convergence point again going to the foundation of everything, and I was very much interested in bringing that forth.

00:08:03.930 --> 00:08:13.620 Rowshanak: To people because I started to see that it was you know I went into science, I come from a family of people who really cared about other people in society and.

00:08:15.420 --> 00:08:23.580 Rowshanak: And I really had gone into science in order to be able to serve, and I did in what I was doing, but I wanted to do it on a larger scale.

00:08:23.880 --> 00:08:30.450 Rowshanak: And I knew that I had the tools and strategies that would be able to help a larger population and so.

00:08:31.350 --> 00:08:38.820 Rowshanak: Finally, sort of that circuitous path, I came back to my roots, which is let's go to the foundation of understanding human behavior.

00:08:39.270 --> 00:08:52.710 Rowshanak: And what makes us all light up and apply all the knowledge that i've gathered throughout the years personally and professionally and apply that to these new strategies that are really old strategies but with new information.

00:08:55.470 --> 00:09:01.230 Graham Dobbin: you're going to hear me saying this, a lot i'm curious about this, because one of the things you said at the very beginning, is this is foundational.

00:09:01.920 --> 00:09:09.270 Graham Dobbin: Yes, so if it's foundational we should surely expect most people to understand the except to an explorer.

00:09:10.800 --> 00:09:11.400 Rowshanak: Now.

00:09:14.670 --> 00:09:16.140 Graham Dobbin: I don't feel you are going to say that.

00:09:20.610 --> 00:09:21.180 Graham Dobbin: be doing.

00:09:22.560 --> 00:09:29.340 Rowshanak: Because, first of all, and this is going to make me unpopular with some some powers that be, but i'm going to have.

00:09:29.340 --> 00:09:31.200 Graham Dobbin: So much, as always, just it's just you.

00:09:31.200 --> 00:09:32.730 Graham Dobbin: And I nobody else is listening it's just a.

00:09:32.730 --> 00:09:33.780 Graham Dobbin: Private organization.

00:09:33.840 --> 00:09:34.290 Graham Dobbin: Wrong good.

00:09:34.410 --> 00:09:36.060 Rowshanak: And I believe every word you're saying.

00:09:38.460 --> 00:09:55.380 Rowshanak: No, but it's true, I mean look neuroscience your brain is your brain and body you each of us is the greatest feat of engineering in the known world it's absolutely phenomenal and you know we live in a more or less capitalist society, certainly in the West.

00:09:56.670 --> 00:10:08.730 Rowshanak: And so many of these companies and certainly marketers are using the power of neuroscience in order to promote their own causes.

00:10:09.180 --> 00:10:20.520 Rowshanak: And I feel like most people are being put into the ring into the arena, you know, like the gladiators were with like you know really going in there with a stick.

00:10:21.630 --> 00:10:23.280 Rowshanak: against these lines against these.

00:10:23.280 --> 00:10:28.200 Rowshanak: giants and that's just not fair, when you don't understand how your brain and body work when.

00:10:28.860 --> 00:10:37.620 Rowshanak: You need to you need to get that owner's manual right, I need to get that instruction book and i'm not saying that I have it, nobody does, but to the extent that I do know something's.

00:10:38.040 --> 00:10:47.490 Rowshanak: it's at least let's level the playing field a little bit and so gamers social media all these people they're using cutting edge neuroscience.

00:10:47.910 --> 00:10:54.060 Rowshanak: i'm sorry to say this, but really to destabilize society and guess what when you look around you see society is destabilized fragmented.

00:10:54.360 --> 00:11:02.430 Rowshanak: People are feeling really stressed out anxiety is off the charts the pandemic hasn't helped at all, we were facing a global mental health crisis.

00:11:02.790 --> 00:11:08.070 Rowshanak: Long before the pandemic, I was writing about this, I was working on this, I was speaking about it around the world.

00:11:08.550 --> 00:11:20.580 Rowshanak: And now it's gotten much worse, and you know understanding these foundational things for which oftentimes we don't have time for there's an imbalance wherever you look and things have been really fragmented.

00:11:21.150 --> 00:11:35.700 Rowshanak: So one thing that the pandemic has shown, if nothing else, is how well connected, we are sure things have been siloed even academically so that we can understand them better and make them more tractable but to leave them siloed has been a mistake.

00:11:36.090 --> 00:11:46.470 Rowshanak: And to to focus on how you look how you speak, how do you this how you that without balancing it, you know with the other information.

00:11:47.040 --> 00:11:54.450 Rowshanak: You know, if you look to the West there's one level of imbalance when you look to the east it's another level of imbalance and and so.

00:11:55.260 --> 00:12:01.590 Rowshanak: Really people haven't had a chance to just trying to catch up with themselves they're just trying to catch their breath and also who's going to tell them.

00:12:02.160 --> 00:12:19.170 Rowshanak: who's been talking to them where they getting the information, the problem is that we are drowning in information, but what we need is knowledge which is usable information which is not a scholar i'm gonna start talking physics now, which is not a scalable vector scale is just a quantity.

00:12:20.790 --> 00:12:23.250 Rowshanak: But a vector is a quantity with direction.

00:12:24.840 --> 00:12:26.130 Rowshanak: And so.

00:12:27.870 --> 00:12:28.830 Rowshanak: If you.

00:12:29.940 --> 00:12:35.190 Rowshanak: If you can understand some of the basics of how things are happening from a reliable source.

00:12:35.490 --> 00:12:42.630 Rowshanak: As opposed to everyone out there is now just got an opinion and they're all repeating the other because people are really thirsty for this.

00:12:42.960 --> 00:12:56.310 Rowshanak: And who has time to sort through all this and now we've got fake news on top of it it's just a lot going on and and people are amazing and they want the knowledge and they care.

00:12:56.940 --> 00:13:15.180 Rowshanak: But you know between the time and the level of what's out there, including some that's misdirected it's going to be very hard for us to get that Foundation, which is why I felt that calling to come forth and being able to do what I do um.

00:13:15.900 --> 00:13:24.240 Graham Dobbin: You mentioned big business, yet you mentioned kind of influencers we talked about gamers and social media and that type of thing um.

00:13:25.410 --> 00:13:28.530 Graham Dobbin: So huge question, what do you think the end goal is that.

00:13:30.270 --> 00:13:31.740 Rowshanak: You know, I think that as.

00:13:33.480 --> 00:13:36.240 Rowshanak: All of us have really been guilty of being short sighted.

00:13:37.920 --> 00:13:46.320 Rowshanak: And so I cannot speak for others and what their end goal is I can't know that, but I can tell you what's going on everybody else can see it as well as me.

00:13:46.440 --> 00:13:47.430 Rowshanak: Probably do that again.

00:13:47.670 --> 00:13:50.130 Graham Dobbin: You don't have an opinion okay oh.

00:13:50.490 --> 00:14:03.510 Rowshanak: You know I think just just like we're starting to wake up to a lot of the things that we were asleep to before, because most people have been leading their lives unconsciously or non consciously.

00:14:04.380 --> 00:14:09.720 Rowshanak: And, and so it's we're waking up and that's a beautiful thing.

00:14:10.140 --> 00:14:19.650 Rowshanak: And if there are silver lining to the pandemic it's given us an opportunity to sit quietly and to have the time that we needed to be able to look.

00:14:20.010 --> 00:14:34.890 Rowshanak: And to study those foundations and to see what's been happening so I really appreciate that everyone's got a different opinion and I think that you know, nobody wants to really hurt anybody else.

00:14:35.970 --> 00:14:48.780 Rowshanak: You know people aren't intrinsically bad as long as they feel safe they're actually quite Nice, so I would say that the focus would be on feeling safe and making people stabilized feel stabilized and then everybody's gonna do a little bit better.

00:14:49.980 --> 00:14:54.720 Graham Dobbin: And we're about to go to break when we come back from the break it kind of want to explore a little bit more about the.

00:14:56.040 --> 00:15:02.190 Graham Dobbin: drifting through consciously and unconsciously, as it is that a difference there just kind of notice the two words there.

00:15:02.640 --> 00:15:08.280 Graham Dobbin: And, and certainly having a look at science spirituality in magic let's just.

00:15:09.030 --> 00:15:22.650 Graham Dobbin: pause there and you're listening to the mind behind leadership will live on talk radio dot nyc my name is Graham dobbin we are with Dr oceanic hashimi human and we're speaking conscious leadership will be back strict after these.

00:17:44.340 --> 00:17:51.060 Graham Dobbin: Welcome back to the mind behind leadership we've got another band so we've always got a dancer with that theme chin I think we should be voting on that one Sam.

00:17:52.200 --> 00:18:11.670 Graham Dobbin: We are with Dr Russian hack actually me and we're talking conscious leadership, something you said just before the break that we drift, or we sorry you didn't say we drift, so people go through their lives unconsciously or non consciously is it a difference there.

00:18:13.320 --> 00:18:26.100 Rowshanak: Well, I mean, yes, as a neuro scientist i'm very careful with some of those words and most of all consciousness, has not been we haven't agreed upon a definition of consciousness scientifically and consciousness is different.

00:18:27.360 --> 00:18:42.960 Rowshanak: is defined differently by scientists, as is by the medical community and then colloquially it's used quite differently so I was referring to the colloquial use an incorrect the scientific he's a little bit more so the idea is that.

00:18:45.480 --> 00:18:56.070 Rowshanak: culturally speaking, that we are not attentive enough to what is going on and intentional about the way we are moving through our lives.

00:18:56.730 --> 00:19:06.870 Rowshanak: This is what I meant most people are being reactive less responsive and definitely much less intentional we're just trying to keep up it's like a treadmill.

00:19:08.400 --> 00:19:10.080 Graham Dobbin: So it's about being less intentional.

00:19:11.280 --> 00:19:22.050 Graham Dobbin: So this is something that's niggle me for for a while now we've got more information than ever, this is something you touched on as well we've got more information than ever we've got.

00:19:22.740 --> 00:19:30.480 Graham Dobbin: We can check facts, we can go in and check news we can verify things for lots of different sources, and we can do that in seconds.

00:19:31.530 --> 00:19:40.080 Graham Dobbin: Through forms through through whatever we want just without interconnectivity and yet we still talk about fake news influencing people.

00:19:40.770 --> 00:19:42.870 Graham Dobbin: We talked about, we talk about.

00:19:44.220 --> 00:19:55.500 Graham Dobbin: You know the the wrongs that have passed or the influences of the past and past experiences still coming back and still seeing patterns of human behavior and.

00:19:56.280 --> 00:20:10.020 Graham Dobbin: Maybe you can give some insight I don't know, maybe again maybe that's a really big question, but what is happening, I just don't get when people have got access to so much information to create knowledge that we can find ourselves in this position at times.

00:20:11.040 --> 00:20:13.290 Rowshanak: Oh well, that's because you think you're rational.

00:20:17.190 --> 00:20:27.330 Rowshanak: um so I talked about this a lot, we have a rational brain right we have executive function and its job is to do good decision making.

00:20:28.410 --> 00:20:31.530 Rowshanak: We also have what's known as the limbic system, and this is where our emotions live.

00:20:32.040 --> 00:20:40.800 Rowshanak: And people often think I think most people think that emotions are just kind of there, and probably don't realize that they're significant in the brain.

00:20:41.250 --> 00:20:49.470 Rowshanak: And us being creatures nature are prone to exactly what nature is all about, which is efficiency and optimization.

00:20:49.800 --> 00:20:55.500 Rowshanak: there's nothing that we're going to have that is an absolutely necessary, so our emotions are very, very important.

00:20:55.950 --> 00:21:15.300 Rowshanak: And they are specifically important also for drawing our attention, where it needs to go, so we do have the ability to make decisions rational, however, number one decision making relies on emotion and number two things like stress and fear can cause the.

00:21:16.800 --> 00:21:31.020 Rowshanak: Nice correlation between the frontal cortex and thoughts actions and emotions that that Nice tight correlation starts to sort of go wonky let's just say.

00:21:31.710 --> 00:21:41.010 Rowshanak: And so, even though we are rational and we like to think that we're making rational decisions all day long, I am a rational human being, I am rational i've got this amazing brain that can make rational decisions.

00:21:41.340 --> 00:21:51.210 Rowshanak: And yet the vast majority of our decisions are emotional while we do have the capacity to make rational decisions, we often make emotional decisions.

00:21:51.750 --> 00:22:11.550 Rowshanak: And so, and and no matter how far along we come technologically we are still at the mercy of the Foundation, which is our brain and the brain is amazing, insofar as it can learn learn learn learn learn, it is highly adaptable, but its greatest strength is also its greatest weakness and.

00:22:12.840 --> 00:22:17.520 Rowshanak: And if we're not paying attention to that if we don't know how to use that or.

00:22:17.970 --> 00:22:30.720 Rowshanak: If we allow others to use it intentionally, while we are being unconscious then we're going to have a problem so number one, the answer to your question is that emotions are extremely relevant to decision making.

00:22:31.980 --> 00:22:50.700 Rowshanak: number two is that emotions actually guide decisions, there are those who have all their cognitive function intellect and everything intact and have damage to the areas that are responsible for emotion and and find themselves unable, although they've got all the.

00:22:52.410 --> 00:23:06.690 Rowshanak: The mechanisms in place to make a good decision or decision at all, they find themselves struggling to make a decision, because they need that emotion top guided and so when we aren't taught as most people aren't, especially in the West.

00:23:07.800 --> 00:23:16.440 Rowshanak: How to handle our emotions, then we try to barrel, through them, we try to ignore them we like push them down under.

00:23:16.710 --> 00:23:25.890 Rowshanak: You know, we go around them, you know we pat ourselves on the back for you know, for being like Captain Kirk with the kobayashi Maru right let's just reprogram the computer I got away with that on.

00:23:26.250 --> 00:23:44.310 Rowshanak: You know and but what happens is that you then like anything um fail to number one fail to learn how to handle your emotions and, as time goes on, it gets more and more difficult, but also this sort of piles on there are layers and layers it's much more difficult to get through.

00:23:45.720 --> 00:23:58.920 Rowshanak: With respect to the fact that there's all this information, and yet if I to understand what you said, why are we still making bad decisions or why is it, I mean it's so clear that this, and this, and yet Why do people believe that and that.

00:24:00.240 --> 00:24:11.940 Rowshanak: That gets into a more complicated equation that includes things like Where are you getting your information, so if you're on Facebook and you're getting all your information from one place according to an algorithm.

00:24:12.810 --> 00:24:24.330 Rowshanak: Then you're just going to be continually confirming your bias that's what these algorithms do right So if you and I did a Google search right now, for the same term we'd have very different answers.

00:24:25.710 --> 00:24:35.610 Rowshanak: We Google would would would respond to us differently right and so that's one thing, the second thing is people don't want to admit that they're wrong.

00:24:36.780 --> 00:24:46.800 Rowshanak: um there's this fear that I won't be accepted there's a sphere that i'll lose my tribe, the people who are around me, I may have come to the realization.

00:24:47.130 --> 00:24:51.480 Rowshanak: That what we've been believing isn't right, but I still want to be with my social circle.

00:24:51.930 --> 00:24:59.640 Rowshanak: Right this social interaction is incredibly fundamental and important to us as human beings for our longevity for our health.

00:25:00.240 --> 00:25:08.520 Rowshanak: For happiness and there's a slew of other things, so I think that that just even starting with those basic things it starts to become rather clear.

00:25:08.820 --> 00:25:17.160 Rowshanak: That it's not a simple equation, and that human behaviors is important and complicated, and this is exactly why we need more information on it.

00:25:18.210 --> 00:25:25.200 Graham Dobbin: And this may be really simplistic but kind of I wrote down confirmation bias earlier just we were talking about this.

00:25:27.270 --> 00:25:37.140 Graham Dobbin: At the very beginning, but just wondering if if, when emotions are so are so important to us, and we see that in buying decisions every single day we see how we're marketing to.

00:25:39.120 --> 00:25:46.830 Graham Dobbin: it's always emotional connection, you know, while work with sales teams is all you know the old adage is sell the sizzle not the steak.

00:25:47.250 --> 00:26:01.980 Graham Dobbin: So you know you to sell the emotion with it not natural product, and I wonder if it's just that emotional comfort with somebody else unless we're right or something else, confirming will write that we don't explore any further none of us too simplistic.

00:26:03.330 --> 00:26:04.980 Rowshanak: And so what was the.

00:26:05.310 --> 00:26:08.820 Graham Dobbin: So i'm just wondering when we are looking for information and we're looking.

00:26:08.820 --> 00:26:18.840 Graham Dobbin: For it we get that confirmation bias, we get that we got we entered into confirmation bias, we see something that's familiar to us that confirms what we think so we just stopped looking.

00:26:20.010 --> 00:26:23.400 Rowshanak: So yeah familiarity is a wonderful thing, the brain doesn't like uncertainty.

00:26:23.670 --> 00:26:35.430 Rowshanak: yeah in multiple ways one is that you know you have up to 60,000 thoughts a day and millions of bits of information are being processed by the brain per second.

00:26:35.850 --> 00:26:45.330 Rowshanak: And so the brain really needs to optimize it's 2% of your body weight and uses a minimum of 20% of your energy which can actually go up to 50% depending on how hard to taxing yourself.

00:26:45.870 --> 00:26:53.130 Rowshanak: And so the brain really needs to optimize and certainty is a good thing stability is a good thing, because it's number one.

00:26:55.530 --> 00:27:09.300 Rowshanak: place on that it's number one directive is your survival and unknown is a threat to survival, there could be something dangerous that could threaten you and your life so you know, this is why we often stay in situations that are not not.

00:27:10.410 --> 00:27:19.560 Rowshanak: ideal let's just say, and you know we like to stay in things that are comfortable, we like to stay in what is known energetically that's.

00:27:20.070 --> 00:27:32.820 Rowshanak: optimized and also with respect to the idea that it's better to be in a thing that I know how to handle however uncomfortable and maybe and i'm comfortable in that discomfort so that is a truth yeah.

00:27:33.510 --> 00:27:38.640 Graham Dobbin: it's not painful enough for me to move and make another decision yeah yeah yeah so.

00:27:39.780 --> 00:27:39.930 Graham Dobbin: we're.

00:27:41.220 --> 00:27:47.850 Graham Dobbin: Working with a leadership team last last week and we were talking about influence, I came across a study of trying to find it during the break.

00:27:48.120 --> 00:27:54.930 Graham Dobbin: came across a study that showed that we were trying to influence people we do irrationally we kind of put all that rational thought that everything behind it.

00:27:55.290 --> 00:28:04.410 Graham Dobbin: Yet, the more successful ways when we engage emotionally every when we inspire people to change with evidence, rather than just the rational thought, so this is all tying in.

00:28:04.740 --> 00:28:18.210 Graham Dobbin: an acute what i'm just just really quickly we're going to go to a break in a couple of minutes i'm sure connect what's your relationship with social media then considering you know what we said earlier, how do you use it, if at all.

00:28:19.140 --> 00:28:19.830 Rowshanak: I didn't.

00:28:20.940 --> 00:28:36.930 Rowshanak: I was never on social media, in fact I wouldn't even put my picture on the I was the chief of the brain became a laboratory, and so I really needed to put my face up on the hospital website for the department and I wouldn't do it even that.

00:28:37.770 --> 00:28:46.680 Rowshanak: Okay, and then but it's only now that I am just getting onto social media, but because I have to it's with purpose i'm doing purposefully i'm doing it purposefully.

00:28:48.390 --> 00:28:49.500 Rowshanak: yeah and conscious.

00:28:54.450 --> 00:29:00.540 Graham Dobbin: So so good we've got some get to control our own this nice we're gonna go to break and.

00:29:01.080 --> 00:29:14.100 Graham Dobbin: When we come back from the break and one of the things that you said you know it's about something you really cared about you said, your family really cared about others really curious about how that how that showed up and let's look at what we've been talking about this conscious.

00:29:15.420 --> 00:29:24.390 Graham Dobbin: Conscious awareness of what's going on around us and emotions and everything how that translates into business and how leaders can use that.

00:29:25.980 --> 00:29:33.990 Graham Dobbin: you're listening to the mind behind leadership we're speaking with Dr Raj and I actually median and we'll be right back after these.

00:32:10.980 --> 00:32:22.590 Graham Dobbin: I won't come back the main buying leadership we're lucky enough to be speaking with Dr rush and act as she me going she's calling in tonight this afternoon despoiling from Cologne and always late there.

00:32:24.270 --> 00:32:41.430 Graham Dobbin: You mentioned that this was something you got involved with kind of exploring things started off with realizing what Adam was etc, but you did this from a very early age, one of the comments you made earlier was the your family really cared about others that show up.

00:32:43.020 --> 00:32:51.990 Rowshanak: So um I come from a medical family my family's a doctor my nuclear family my mother's a registered nurse, among other things.

00:32:52.500 --> 00:33:01.440 Rowshanak: And, and so they weren't healthcare professionals just by trade, you know you looked at my dad was like looking at Marcus welby md you knew he was a doctor.

00:33:02.070 --> 00:33:16.830 Rowshanak: And, and both my parents just really both my parents really cared very much about people, and so I grew up understanding the importance of being kind of serving of being a leader servant.

00:33:18.600 --> 00:33:26.970 Rowshanak: From the time that I was a child, not because they told me that which they did, but because I saw it all the time and it's only now that i'm an adult and I mean you know.

00:33:28.110 --> 00:33:31.950 Rowshanak: i've had a few years on i've got a few years on me and I like.

00:33:33.390 --> 00:33:49.710 Rowshanak: That, I see the differences and i'm so grateful to have had parents who really lead by example, they were extremely decent I mean I would find out acts of kindness that they did look through other people, not even through them there was an amazing example once.

00:33:50.850 --> 00:33:53.610 Rowshanak: That really, if I may share with you.

00:33:55.320 --> 00:33:59.910 Rowshanak: So um you know my dad was a physician and physicians always have a hard time getting paid.

00:34:02.070 --> 00:34:13.050 Rowshanak: it's true, believe it or not, and so he had a billing service and and one day we were you know get we all had dinner together every night my mom would make all you know homemade food was amazing.

00:34:13.590 --> 00:34:20.820 Rowshanak: And, and while we were all sort of milling about in shuffling about and getting ready, my father was talking to my mother and then he was saying.

00:34:21.210 --> 00:34:27.690 Rowshanak: that he was going to tell toby not to charge this one page, so this one patient and send them a check for like $20 or something.

00:34:28.050 --> 00:34:32.490 Rowshanak: And he's like oh so on, so I sent me a check for $20 i'm going to call toby and Tom to stop charging this guy.

00:34:33.330 --> 00:34:43.560 Rowshanak: And I was like what you're always trying to get a hit so hard to get paid somebody finally paying you what died this was completed made no sense to me, and so my father turned around to me.

00:34:44.850 --> 00:34:46.350 Rowshanak: he's amazing and he said.

00:34:48.900 --> 00:34:56.580 Rowshanak: If you sending me $20 a month you can't afford to pay me i'm not going to put bread on my table by taking it all somebody else's.

00:34:57.720 --> 00:34:59.220 Rowshanak: was very important lesson.

00:35:03.540 --> 00:35:11.010 Graham Dobbin: Well that's a big one, and it's it's it's kind of obvious when you think about if somebody's paying At that rate yeah you're right, it is big.

00:35:12.210 --> 00:35:16.770 Rowshanak: And that's just thinking that's going through life when you're conscious sitting.

00:35:17.010 --> 00:35:21.810 Graham Dobbin: Right yeah yeah so for certain for you, that how's that how's that impacted you.

00:35:25.530 --> 00:35:37.410 Rowshanak: Well, I mean every fiber of my being is about being good and doing good I mean i'm flawed i'm human like everybody else, but my intentions and my focus.

00:35:37.950 --> 00:35:58.170 Rowshanak: is continually towards, how can I elevate others, how can I share my blessings my gifts, just like my dad did you know, and so there are so many patients that he helped so many things that I found out that he did as a physician and just with whatever you know.

00:35:59.550 --> 00:36:07.410 Rowshanak: blessings and gifts and skills that he had you know wealth in every way, whether it's your skill, whether it's your money, whether it's your time, whatever words.

00:36:08.070 --> 00:36:26.820 Rowshanak: And so I I seek very much to do that, and in my heart, you know which I think is so important because it's the one Oregon that if it's in trouble, so are you and if it's healthy you're going to be okay, and so my heart is always focused on.

00:36:28.320 --> 00:36:42.630 Rowshanak: How can I lift somebody up today, how can I give them the tools, so that they can fish, you know how can I get because, because the way to help people are very smart most of the time they've got the answer.

00:36:43.020 --> 00:36:52.260 Rowshanak: You know, need a little bit of support and space they just need someone to say it's Okay, you know you got this or you know just to give them.

00:36:53.130 --> 00:37:04.680 Rowshanak: we're all getting beaten down all day long every day and to just lift someone up a little bit, and I know there's so many studies that for decades have shown that, when a person.

00:37:05.580 --> 00:37:15.060 Rowshanak: is in a good state, in other words let's say they you know there's this one example of an experiment is you know the experiment, or has the subjects and tells them.

00:37:15.300 --> 00:37:25.560 Rowshanak: This is an old one right and tells them that the experiment is whatever it is, but in fact it's something else, and what it is, is to see how they're going to respond, based on their their state.

00:37:26.220 --> 00:37:31.380 Rowshanak: they're active state are they are they having also they're in a phone booth yes it's a very old.

00:37:32.760 --> 00:37:41.400 Rowshanak: Study there in a phone booth in there they're supposed to they're instructed to do something that is somewhat time dependent and half this the people find a $10 bill.

00:37:42.030 --> 00:37:46.320 Rowshanak: And so they're happy, you know wow I thought $10 they don't know that it was planted there.

00:37:46.800 --> 00:37:54.480 Rowshanak: And then, all of them have a pastor by coming by and asking for directions and the ones that found the money we're always more helpful and kinder to the pastor by.

00:37:55.020 --> 00:38:02.010 Rowshanak: And this sort of experiment in different ways shapes and forms have been repeated and it is very well known thing that we're all like.

00:38:02.580 --> 00:38:18.150 Rowshanak: rocks and upon you know there's that ripple effect when someone smiles at you and you've had something good happened to you you're going to be very different in the way that you interact with the world than if not if you're neutral, or if you're in a negative state right.

00:38:18.420 --> 00:38:18.720 yep.

00:38:20.010 --> 00:38:26.970 Rowshanak: And this is it's based it's not just you know observational or conjecture, you know there's a real biology to it.

00:38:28.470 --> 00:38:34.740 Graham Dobbin: And this where we're talking about emotional This is logical, this is, we know this intellectually, we know it.

00:38:35.730 --> 00:38:47.220 Graham Dobbin: We know that what we what we should be doing that we should be caring for others, that we should be smiling, we should be that what we put out comes back, most people actually get that whether whether they've ever verbalize it or not.

00:38:48.660 --> 00:39:03.240 Graham Dobbin: what's the challenge with doing it, then we know this and we know that the positive that it brings us why do we think that it's it's such a, it is an unusual thing that people going around killing fiddler's deliberately creating.

00:39:04.650 --> 00:39:10.680 Rowshanak: Well, I think most people are first of all you've made that mistake again of thinking that we're rational.

00:39:12.600 --> 00:39:15.030 Graham Dobbin: I mean lots of mistakes you're okay with it.

00:39:16.920 --> 00:39:17.910 Rowshanak: I do it all the time.

00:39:18.420 --> 00:39:19.950 Graham Dobbin: Okay do, and after the show as well.

00:39:22.530 --> 00:39:23.040 Rowshanak: me too.

00:39:24.810 --> 00:39:28.830 Rowshanak: So so that's, the first thing and then the other thing is that.

00:39:29.820 --> 00:39:41.280 Rowshanak: Even though we know this we're so busy trying to, as I said, sort of keep up with our own lives and and constantly under the the.

00:39:41.670 --> 00:39:47.910 Rowshanak: The heavy weight of judgment and, ultimately, shame and shame is a toxic emotion, it really gets at the.

00:39:48.570 --> 00:39:57.720 Rowshanak: heart of people their sense of identity, their ego their self worth and most people will make decisions will be reactive based on.

00:39:58.590 --> 00:40:12.780 Rowshanak: A perceived judgment based on whatever story is connected to the events that are happening because the events themselves are neutral, we give value to everything so people are good, you know, otherwise, then it wouldn't make a difference when something happened to them right.

00:40:13.110 --> 00:40:13.800 Graham Dobbin: You know it.

00:40:14.310 --> 00:40:23.280 Rowshanak: As you said, they are happy to be kind to others, and so on and so forth, but it really depends on where they're coming from it's also something that I had conferences on this, you know brain states.

00:40:23.580 --> 00:40:35.250 Rowshanak: The preceding brain state will affect how your brain will process, the next input that's coming in, so you're not it's not like every moment is a sort of a an equal blank.

00:40:35.820 --> 00:40:44.010 Rowshanak: neutral starting no you're not like that at all there's there's the sort of undulations and changes and each of those will prime.

00:40:44.400 --> 00:40:56.700 Rowshanak: The brain for the next thing that's coming, and so it will be interpreted through that, in fact, our memories are very fluid in the bar every time you remember a memory you change it, so your memories are never the same.

00:40:57.960 --> 00:41:05.220 Graham Dobbin: it's interesting there's certain stories I tell just kind of trying to bring things to life and i've got groups and i'm really aware of that, I don't have.

00:41:05.820 --> 00:41:14.070 Graham Dobbin: never told us the story, the same way twice, I remember something slightly different orders got slightly different color to bring it to life in a different way.

00:41:15.030 --> 00:41:28.200 Graham Dobbin: Every time has changed again and it's still my story and it's still real and it's still true and everything like that there's nothing made up about it, but I do tell it in a different way and kind of point two different things in it so.

00:41:29.640 --> 00:41:35.790 Graham Dobbin: So we made the mistake we tried to be rational we do all this and conscious leadership, then when we think about it.

00:41:36.840 --> 00:41:45.780 Graham Dobbin: And when we talk about emotional, for some reason it's still regarded as fluffy rather than practical at times we're talking or emotional reactions to things, etc.

00:41:46.290 --> 00:42:04.170 Graham Dobbin: And how does that play out in in in the workplace have in your opinion on what you've seen how the leaders pull that together when when emotional again there's a there's a logic to it that evokes it all works, but not everybody can do it.

00:42:06.870 --> 00:42:08.430 Rowshanak: So everybody can do it.

00:42:10.410 --> 00:42:21.180 Rowshanak: But in particular it's important for leaders to have emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence and I would like to take a moment to say that spiritual doesn't mean religious a lot of people confuse the two.

00:42:21.750 --> 00:42:32.340 Rowshanak: And something like meditation is a spiritual practice, and that this is really important for both people who are in the workplace, as well as the leaders why because it offers stability.

00:42:34.140 --> 00:42:40.080 Rowshanak: So so leaders who are so emotional intelligence is the bridge between the heart and the mind.

00:42:40.380 --> 00:42:53.520 Rowshanak: emotional intelligence ties together, as we were saying before, how do I what how do I make the next move in what way, shape and form when I say yes or even when I say no, how am I saying it, how will that person receive it.

00:42:53.910 --> 00:43:03.420 Rowshanak: You know, you can say sit down, please be seated or sit your butt down, you know and i'm kind of saying, for them, they mean very different things, or you can even say sit down with different inclinations right.

00:43:03.840 --> 00:43:09.600 Rowshanak: So this is really relevant and when you are practicing emotional intelligence, you are aware of.

00:43:10.260 --> 00:43:16.290 Rowshanak: The place that the other person is when you're giving them, so you understand that they're also not this neutral blank canvas right.

00:43:16.650 --> 00:43:23.940 Rowshanak: And so you might say, it's like when people go, this is not a good time to talk to that person were to ask that person, something you know or, this is a good time.

00:43:24.960 --> 00:43:30.060 Rowshanak: And and doing things like we you know leading leading should be from the front and the back, you know.

00:43:30.750 --> 00:43:39.780 Rowshanak: And when you or and or your workers are are practicing things like meditation that gives them a stability meditation is known.

00:43:40.080 --> 00:43:49.020 Rowshanak: To change the structure and function of the brain and, in particular, and acts on what's known as the default mode network which is active when you are in a resting state, but not focused on a task.

00:43:49.440 --> 00:43:55.500 Rowshanak: And what it does, is it actually changed the changes the activation of certain so it's an entire network.

00:43:55.980 --> 00:44:10.350 Rowshanak: and has different parts of the brain involved, and you will end up changing the activation of some of those regions in response to painful stimuli and so in one experiment they show that people who were.

00:44:11.670 --> 00:44:18.660 Rowshanak: disposition to be mindful had a different sensitivity to physical pain, they had 120 to be.

00:44:20.430 --> 00:44:28.050 Rowshanak: Keep probe and they didn't have the same responses people who did not bad, and also they had a 44% lower an effective response to the pain.

00:44:28.500 --> 00:44:32.970 Rowshanak: So their emotions are different and that resting state dynamics can very.

00:44:33.360 --> 00:44:46.080 Rowshanak: reliably predict how you will emotionally respond to things so things like meditation, which is a spiritual practice can come in very handy in the workplace right you're not looking for drama and when it does happen, you pretty even see me.

00:44:47.010 --> 00:44:55.680 Graham Dobbin: i'm going to go to final break and when we come back i'd like to explore that more about meditation because it's quite interesting if you read books about.

00:44:57.270 --> 00:45:05.910 Graham Dobbin: Famous people successful people successful business owners, the amount of people that get up early they meditate at all this is part of their daily routine.

00:45:06.960 --> 00:45:12.600 Graham Dobbin: And yet it's not practice and it's not necessarily taking into the workplace have taken seriously in the workplace, so.

00:45:13.140 --> 00:45:29.400 Graham Dobbin: let's explore that a little bit further, and maybe think about to some of the things that anybody is listening, that they can do the teams very quickly to bring that that consciousness there and open it up we're speaking with Dr Russia neck hashimi you and we'll be back after these.

00:48:06.390 --> 00:48:17.490 Graham Dobbin: Welcome back you're listening to the mind by leadership life here on talk radio dot nyc we can we, we can have that music play a little bit longer if you if you still need to.

00:48:17.490 --> 00:48:17.730 dance.

00:48:18.810 --> 00:48:21.420 Graham Dobbin: Very good, with that we're good i'm.

00:48:23.130 --> 00:48:33.060 Graham Dobbin: Taking all this taken all this into mind, then we know how important emotions are how they drive us what happens, what happens if we're not conscious of what we do.

00:48:33.660 --> 00:48:48.090 Graham Dobbin: And what can leaders practically do with the teams, how can we take it in, how can we influence others like me open us up to tell others what have you seen, I know that you're working you work with businesses for have you seen this work really well.

00:48:49.800 --> 00:48:59.310 Rowshanak: So I mean there are different approaches that that you can take but um you know, first of all, right now, everybody is very much concerned about workplace mental health.

00:48:59.850 --> 00:49:11.880 Rowshanak: And that education that knowledge that we talked about is really important, as people start to understand how their brains and bodies work and and also start to understand the idea of emotional intelligence and how.

00:49:13.140 --> 00:49:18.240 Rowshanak: It is applicable, then you know you can have number one the knowledge.

00:49:18.720 --> 00:49:31.950 Rowshanak: So there's the education, but then also to their these you know practices and evaluations, but not in the old school way because that doesn't work that just makes people nervous and feel judged and they're still trying to perform so that that's all good.

00:49:33.000 --> 00:49:40.920 Rowshanak: But, most importantly, it comes from the top down leadership is very, very important when you know it started like how I learned from my parents.

00:49:41.610 --> 00:49:54.510 Rowshanak: When when there's a disconnect between what is being said and what is being done it just really messes everything up, so the most important thing is to educate the leaders and to have.

00:49:55.680 --> 00:50:01.890 Rowshanak: You know it's how they say the fish rots from the head down and when the leaders become.

00:50:03.000 --> 00:50:09.600 Rowshanak: Really stabilized when they become very much aware of the when they practice emotional and spiritual intelligence when they understand.

00:50:11.070 --> 00:50:11.820 Rowshanak: That.

00:50:13.560 --> 00:50:20.310 Rowshanak: How they are, and that they become okay when they become okay with themselves by practicing different.

00:50:22.800 --> 00:50:27.060 Rowshanak: than us sorry I heard something, then.

00:50:28.080 --> 00:50:29.880 Rowshanak: Then I lost my train of thought.

00:50:30.090 --> 00:50:30.810 Rowshanak: Okay, so so.

00:50:31.320 --> 00:50:33.450 Graham Dobbin: we're going to go find it where does it.

00:50:34.140 --> 00:50:34.710 Rowshanak: fit there.

00:50:35.880 --> 00:50:43.470 Rowshanak: Also it's really important to start with the leaders, because when you start to stabilize the leaders when they now can come out of the equation, they can.

00:50:44.640 --> 00:50:58.890 Rowshanak: Judge better they can eat better and that that whole way of being what you think of it as as energy, you know and we've all experienced this you walk into the room and you're like something just went down here, you know, and you.

00:50:59.850 --> 00:51:03.090 Rowshanak: know so there's first of all that energetics that you can feel.

00:51:03.360 --> 00:51:10.740 Rowshanak: But it's also something very practical and tractable when you're not putting yourself in the equation because you're not worried about how you're being viewed how you're being perceived.

00:51:11.010 --> 00:51:18.270 Rowshanak: and your judgments and your shame and you're all that stuff and you are practicing emotional intelligence, of course, with the skills that you've learned.

00:51:18.690 --> 00:51:33.960 Rowshanak: Then you're really well positioned to support your team individually to be able to optimize them in stabilizing them themselves so that they can bring forth their best product.

00:51:34.440 --> 00:51:40.770 Rowshanak: Because for any company your your most important asset is your employees.

00:51:41.370 --> 00:51:50.790 Rowshanak: You know, other than that it's just theory right it's like a house is just a bunch of walls and some maybe some wood and some nails and pipes and so.

00:51:51.360 --> 00:52:02.490 Rowshanak: It becomes a home under different circumstances right, so a company, you really need to take care of your employees, because they are the face of your brand they're your productivity.

00:52:02.790 --> 00:52:10.500 Rowshanak: And when they feel good, then you have things like flow and motivation so, for example, using the word together, this is one of the things that you can teach.

00:52:11.130 --> 00:52:26.460 Rowshanak: In teams causes people to actually work longer harder and more happily so it they actually move into what is called an intrinsic motivation state which is flow state and everybody wants to be in flow.

00:52:26.940 --> 00:52:31.320 Rowshanak: And so, people can be in teams and say the word teamwork and team all day long.

00:52:31.890 --> 00:52:41.190 Rowshanak: But it doesn't have the same effect as even if you and I are in different parts of the world, and you say hey let's do this together that work together actually trigger something.

00:52:41.610 --> 00:52:53.400 Rowshanak: And now, I feel that we are connected and that connection changes everything I actually feel better right, so all wherever trying to do all day long is connect connection is really the Holy Grail.

00:52:53.910 --> 00:53:10.410 Rowshanak: And so, in this way, for example, like a one little hack you can actually get your teams to put in the work that they need to put in, but also be really much more satisfied with it and to work better together or together, for example.

00:53:11.160 --> 00:53:18.840 Graham Dobbin: Essentially you know i've used to work teams and it was really, really interesting because what I was asking the question it didn't kind of fit for some reason.

00:53:19.290 --> 00:53:31.380 Graham Dobbin: And I know that a lot of the lot of the things that we speak about know within business with so it's all about Community they had to be build this Community, the Community seems to have more of an emotional connection that a team does, for some reason.

00:53:32.730 --> 00:53:33.060 Graham Dobbin: And then.

00:53:34.800 --> 00:53:35.310 Graham Dobbin: Excuse me.

00:53:35.940 --> 00:53:37.950 Rowshanak: into also communities you.

00:53:37.980 --> 00:53:50.370 Graham Dobbin: know I get i'm talking about the connection to the word and then people people seem to be kind of more connected there's more of a personal emotional connection with the Community than the necessarily is with a team, a team can be.

00:53:51.660 --> 00:53:57.060 Graham Dobbin: From from the discussions i've had with people in our team can be seen as to do a function.

00:53:57.540 --> 00:54:00.150 Rowshanak: Or to get a result army.

00:54:00.870 --> 00:54:07.590 Graham Dobbin: serenity, I can get community is more based their own personality your own people, about being about values and beliefs.

00:54:08.220 --> 00:54:13.380 Rowshanak: Community can become a harbor whereas a team can be just a unit, a very different things yeah.

00:54:14.850 --> 00:54:15.390 Graham Dobbin: um.

00:54:17.070 --> 00:54:24.240 Graham Dobbin: So, first the force in before we got a couple of minutes left this is this this I would have told you this would racing.

00:54:24.810 --> 00:54:38.760 Graham Dobbin: And what's what's, the first thing if you've you've got somebody that's curious about something like this what's the first bit of advice, and it may be pre quite practical you're a leader that's curious about how did he do this would you think the first step, so what would you say.

00:54:39.660 --> 00:54:41.640 Rowshanak: i'm sorry I missed something, how did they do what.

00:54:41.790 --> 00:54:43.650 Graham Dobbin: i'm saying, if we had a leader.

00:54:44.550 --> 00:54:45.120 Rowshanak: Yes.

00:54:45.300 --> 00:54:46.200 Graham Dobbin: In a business.

00:54:46.440 --> 00:54:52.710 Graham Dobbin: That was really curious about this and didn't know where to start What would you tell them to do what would your advice be.

00:54:53.340 --> 00:55:02.430 Rowshanak: Oh for somebody who wants to do this, the first thing they should do start to go about understanding well, the first thing I would recommend is find someone like me.

00:55:03.090 --> 00:55:11.100 Rowshanak: to transfer social advisor with someone who's really qualified, you know, because there are a lot of people out there neuroscience and the word neurons become very sexy.

00:55:11.580 --> 00:55:22.440 Rowshanak: i'm on clubhouse now to answer your social media question earlier, and you know I went through the spies when I first got there and everybody's got a brain and using the word neuro and like and and.

00:55:24.660 --> 00:55:33.870 Rowshanak: Nine out of 10 of 10 of them have nothing to do with neuro i'm like okay i'm looking for the neuro and there's nothing there, like the person's a marketer.

00:55:34.140 --> 00:55:40.320 Rowshanak: Or the person is you know what you know, an influencer and they're like i'm a neuro coach and i'm going.

00:55:40.770 --> 00:55:49.020 Rowshanak: How just because you said, the word, so you got to really be careful there's a lot of snake oil salesmen out there, so check someone and make sure they're credentialed.

00:55:49.980 --> 00:56:03.900 Rowshanak: But but educate yourself just very simply look up things, most people haven't heard the word spiritual intelligence look it up and find out what there is to it and understand and emotional intelligence and understand that.

00:56:04.920 --> 00:56:10.380 Rowshanak: And this is for everyone, the leader, the the teams, I gave a talk about this very recently again.

00:56:10.800 --> 00:56:19.320 Rowshanak: That hygiene, you know I started to talk saying hey who your brushes their teeth and of course everybody raises their I brush my teeth, you know twice a day you think that's non negotiable.

00:56:19.560 --> 00:56:28.290 Rowshanak: it's non negotiable, because you know you have to protect this physical aspect of you, in order for it to function for you properly and for as long as possible, and you don't think about that.

00:56:28.590 --> 00:56:36.600 Rowshanak: When it comes to your emotional hygiene or your spiritual hygiene, you know you think that that's an extra or treat or when I have time for that.

00:56:36.900 --> 00:56:45.390 Rowshanak: Well, the three parts and when you don't take care of each then you're showing up to your life and to your work, you know incomplete one third of you is missing.

00:56:45.930 --> 00:57:01.740 Rowshanak: So I would say, find you know and were there more of these everyday people who and companies who are you know, promoting conscious capitalism and teaching these sorts of skills in and start strategies.

00:57:02.400 --> 00:57:10.530 Graham Dobbin: i'm Dr Russian hack actually me, and thank you so much this hour has flown in we know where we can find you can find you and club posts.

00:57:11.070 --> 00:57:20.550 Graham Dobbin: And, and no doubt you're going to get a few more requests my, I believe, for your opinions and to be interviewed after this you'll be listening to the mind behind leadership.

00:57:20.790 --> 00:57:32.040 Graham Dobbin: we've been speaking with Dr Russia like hashimi and thank you so much to some leibovitz in the background, there for making sure everything runs smoothly, we will see you next Thursday again have a great day bye bye.

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