Extra Innings

Monday, August 30, 2021
Facebook Live Video from 2021/08/30 - Acting and Casting with Victoria Ric & Juliet Lamond

Facebook Live Video from 2021/08/30 - Acting and Casting with Victoria Ric & Juliet Lamond


2021/08/30 - Acting and Casting with Victoria Ric & Juliet Lamond

[NEW EPISODE] Acting and Casting with Victoria Ric & Juliet Lamond

Victoria Ric is a Bolivian actress based in New York City. She started her acting career in Barcelona, Spain, 16 years ago in the Nancy Tuñón-Jordi Olivé Studio. She continued her education with teachers like Nickolay Mijailovich Kirichenko, from the Kupala Theatre in Minsk amongst other great names. Back in Bolivia she explored different contemporary dance techniques, writing poetry and combining them with her acting background in order to explore new expression languages while she kept working in films and theater. Over the last 4 years, she works and lives in New York City. In 2016 she published a poetry book called “Pequeñas Fábulas Insomnes”. She also has degrees in filmmaking, scriptwriting and philosophy. Her body of work is tainted with a great subjectivity, that expresses a feminine universe, rebellious and melancholic, which makes her voice always recognizable.

Juliet Lamond works at the indie film distribution company First Run Features in NYC. A short film she wrote and directed, “Puppetry,” is currently in the post-production process. She recently received her yoga teacher training certification. Her latest hobbies include learning about different spiritual traditions, all things gardening, and herbalism. Having lost a close loved one to suicide, she is very passionate about the film “Extra Innings” and the awareness it brings about the importance of mental health in today’s modern world.

Tune in for this important conversation at or watch the Facebook Livestream by Clicking Here.

Show Notes

Segment 1

Starting off tonight’s show, Albert introduces his two guests Victoria Ric and Juliet Lamond. Albert starts the conversation with Juliet and how they met at NYU. Juliet speaks on her first meeting with Albert. She was in search of an internship in her field which is film. Juliet was interested in the opportunity to work with Albert on his film Extra Innings and was attracted to the topic about mental health and suicide being someone who was goint through some hardships. Albert credits Juliet for helping him with the casting process and starting off filming. Albert then switches to Victoria who came in later in the process of working on the film. He enjoyed her great ability to express herself and communicate. Victoria studied acting in Spain and moved to New York a couple of months before meeting Albert. She came from a home where she did not have much and where the women from Bolivia, where she was born, were known for mostly taking care of people and kids.

Segment 2

Albert asks Juliet about how she felt about starting the casting process. Juliet felt overwhelmed since it was only herself and Albert at first. It became easier once they had more interns and found many amazing actors. Albert praises Juliet for her work and says that he also credited her as a producer. He asks Victoria about scenes that she was a part of and how she felt about working with another actor, Robert. When focusing on her scenes, she talks about the emotional connections that people have when it comes to their upbringings and with the people that they connect with. Albert goes into talking about the mental health part of the film and being there for someone who is struggling, comparing these real life situations to a scene Victoria was in. Victoria relates to this topic, mentioning that she has gone to therapy for many years. But when she first tried to start that journey, she struggled because her parents didn’t understand therapy and psychotherapy the way she did.

Segment 3

Coming back from the break, Juliet and Victoria talk about what they have been up to more recently. Juliet is currently travelling and has been to Mexico, exploring the culture as well as spiritual and herbal traditions such as Ayahuasca. Juliet is also currently working with a film production in New York. Juliet mentions how doing Ayahuasca may not be for everyone as it will bring up many things from one’s past so not everyone may be prepared for this kind of experience. Victoria has also done this ritual as well. She mentions how it is a difficult experience but it was also helpful for her and her mental health. They also say that the experience can also be affected by the person helping with the ritual.

Segment 4

After the final break, Albert asks Victoria about what she did before acting. She also discussed more about what she has been up to recently. Victoria also dances and also mentioned that recently she has been recovering from COVID but is overall doing very well. Albert asks Juliet about casting people who could play baseball and how funny it was that she was able to cast a whole group when Albert only got a couple of hands up to volunteer since it was a low budget film. Albert also announces that Extra Innings will be screened in Australia as well as possibly other places. Before closing the show, he asks if there’s anything else they are currently working on. Juliet will continue working with First Run Features in New York. Victoria has some filmings planned for television and she has written a play in Spanish. To end the show, Albert reminds listeners about mental health awareness and hopes that his film can help make a difference for people to reach out to loved ones and encourage openness in these tough situations.


00:02:57.030 --> 00:03:09.120 Albert Dabah: hi there, welcome to extra innings covering all the bases, my name is Albert dabba I am a filmmaker a therapist and a life coach and.

00:03:10.200 --> 00:03:14.490 Albert Dabah: As i've been doing this program I find myself being a mental health advocate.

00:03:16.470 --> 00:03:17.610 Albert Dabah: Extra innings.

00:03:18.780 --> 00:03:28.050 Albert Dabah: covering all the bases deals with subjects such as mental wellness bipolar disorder anxiety disorder depression.

00:03:29.490 --> 00:03:40.140 Albert Dabah: People all kinds of challenges, including suicide suicide attempts i've talked to many different people from all kinds of professions.

00:03:40.710 --> 00:03:51.780 Albert Dabah: Since January, when we started the show, and it really has enlightened me on having all these different guests we've had writers artists we've have and tonight we have.

00:03:52.500 --> 00:04:05.400 Albert Dabah: Two wonderful people from the film one a cast Member one a producer and I also can say casting director on the film and.

00:04:06.480 --> 00:04:14.280 Albert Dabah: In these discussions we've talked a lot about the stigma of mental illness which I believe is.

00:04:15.840 --> 00:04:26.730 Albert Dabah: Really ramp it, even though maybe it's less than two bit, but I and it's a universal problem we're not just talking about this country we're talking about all over the world.

00:04:27.270 --> 00:04:39.120 Albert Dabah: We had the good fortune to work with a company called save a Suicide Prevention agency with Dr Dan rosenberg who's the director he became a fiscal partner of the film.

00:04:39.540 --> 00:04:48.450 Albert Dabah: Because the film that I wrote extra innings he felt was really authentic and we'll get to that a little later in the show.

00:04:49.470 --> 00:04:50.130 Albert Dabah: So.

00:04:51.270 --> 00:04:58.470 Albert Dabah: Again, the name extra innings comes from a film I made, I wrote the film produced it directed it and acted in it.

00:04:59.070 --> 00:05:07.260 Albert Dabah: And it is now playing on about seven different platforms and just included two different platforms, including.

00:05:07.770 --> 00:05:23.250 Albert Dabah: peacock it's been on Amazon for quite a while and now we're selling it right off our website as well symbol movies that calm so let's begin the show tonight by introducing Juliet Lamont and Victoria rick.

00:05:24.450 --> 00:05:47.310 Albert Dabah: let's start with Juliet Juliet uh we met under circumstances that are a little bit different from the norm, and I remember, I believe you were in your last year at nyu when you came to my office and why don't you tell the audience a little bit about our first meeting.

00:05:51.000 --> 00:05:53.490 Albert Dabah: And unmute unmute can't hear you.

00:05:54.690 --> 00:05:57.990 Juliet Lamond: I remember I first read the synopsis.

00:05:59.100 --> 00:06:12.120 Juliet Lamond: For I was looking for an internship and I read the synopsis for extra innings and I just got really excited because you know I.

00:06:12.840 --> 00:06:31.650 Juliet Lamond: In my personal life was really focusing on my own mental health and I have lost someone close to me to suicide, you know, maybe two years prior to that, and so I thought I really just wanted to meet with Albert and just to.

00:06:32.790 --> 00:06:50.970 Juliet Lamond: You know I wanted to meet with you and just talk about the film and I wanted to help in any way that I could, and since I was about to graduate and I thought it would be a really good opportunity, and so we met and that was the beginning.

00:06:53.310 --> 00:06:56.790 Albert Dabah: yeah no I remember that very well.

00:06:58.020 --> 00:07:06.990 Albert Dabah: I think when you first met with me, you were you were still in school is that right, I think you were still yeah and you when you graduated in May, but I remember.

00:07:08.310 --> 00:07:09.000 Albert Dabah: correctly.

00:07:10.350 --> 00:07:13.680 Albert Dabah: That you came to me, and you said so, are we doing the film.

00:07:14.850 --> 00:07:17.160 Albert Dabah: And my response was.

00:07:18.420 --> 00:07:37.380 Albert Dabah: I just had someone who I hired to raise money to make the film and it didn't work out at all, and I was very frustrated and it was that summer that I really wanted to make the film and the summer, before I wanted to as well, but and I, we tried all kinds of ways to raise money.

00:07:38.460 --> 00:07:48.150 Albert Dabah: But at this particular time we made a connection with Dr Ryan work which helped a great bit because we were able being fiscal partner, we were able to raise some money.

00:07:48.570 --> 00:07:57.750 Albert Dabah: And it was all the donations that people gave were all tax deductible, and it went through save they got a certain percentage from it as well and.

00:07:59.220 --> 00:08:07.680 Albert Dabah: But I still wasn't sure I still didn't have the enough money to make the film I was working with all kinds of budgets, and all this and it was many years that I was trying to make the film.

00:08:09.000 --> 00:08:12.510 Albert Dabah: And I think you said something why don't we just try casting it.

00:08:13.530 --> 00:08:32.850 Albert Dabah: Now I said Okay, however, I knew that I was getting into something that I was going to say Albert don't regret this, but if you start casting the film and see people you like you're in and that's exactly what happened so Juliet.

00:08:34.830 --> 00:08:43.410 Albert Dabah: really was an incredible help on starting the film going by doing the casting and at that point.

00:08:44.910 --> 00:08:54.150 Albert Dabah: We have one character, who plays the young, David, so we did use the casting director for that, because young kids like 1112 don't have a lot.

00:08:55.950 --> 00:08:59.310 Albert Dabah: And that's how we found a lot of our people was by looking at.

00:09:00.630 --> 00:09:10.290 Albert Dabah: On different websites and they came in addition, and it became really exciting and we had interns working and they all that.

00:09:11.400 --> 00:09:11.970 Albert Dabah: and

00:09:13.980 --> 00:09:30.720 Albert Dabah: The casting process to me was something that was really exciting because I spent many years and Simba productions which produced the money, a lot of the movie along with ocean parkway productions and I spent a lot of time shooting casting sessions for major movies.

00:09:32.100 --> 00:09:52.020 Albert Dabah: All kinds of independent films commercials we work with all kinds of directors, you know the top the top 10 top 10 actors and all that and I got to read a lot of scripts for that time and, as we were casting it, you are my right hand person there.

00:09:52.410 --> 00:09:52.980 Albert Dabah: And we're.

00:09:53.880 --> 00:09:57.810 Albert Dabah: helping out, and I believe we ended up getting a wonderful cast.

00:09:59.610 --> 00:10:00.030 Albert Dabah: Now.

00:10:00.660 --> 00:10:11.640 Albert Dabah: we're Mario because Victoria on every day that the day that you came in and we were casting and I you wanted the later ones in the days to come.

00:10:12.360 --> 00:10:25.860 Albert Dabah: And we were seeing excellent women, for your art I don't know if you remember that Juliet but I remember saying well she's really good at each point game out she's really good you know she's really good and you came in.

00:10:27.420 --> 00:10:32.070 Albert Dabah: And I think we usually began the casting session by tell us about yourself.

00:10:33.600 --> 00:10:43.680 Albert Dabah: And boy, you can talk, I thought I could talk, but you could talk and you went on, you described yourself, but you were so it was so much expression.

00:10:44.850 --> 00:11:04.830 Albert Dabah: That I was like wow we didn't even talk to the audition I was very to give you the part and then we we we did it and I remember, I think I think there was a call back with the character of Mars that you guys played together.

00:11:05.910 --> 00:11:11.760 Albert Dabah: Am I right on that you remember that, and it was it was amazing.

00:11:13.380 --> 00:11:27.840 Albert Dabah: Because every word meant something so tell us a little bit about yourself Victoria because you're not from this country and tell us about how you got into extra innings how you got involved in the film and where were you before that.

00:11:32.430 --> 00:11:35.610 Albert Dabah: You have to unmute here Victoria.

00:11:37.140 --> 00:11:37.920 Victoria Ric - New York: I know.

00:11:38.040 --> 00:11:45.030 Victoria Ric - New York: i'm you know Hello everybody well i'm i'm from Bolivia i've been doing i've been acting.

00:11:46.560 --> 00:11:48.180 Victoria Ric - New York: I studied acting spam.

00:11:49.290 --> 00:11:54.870 Victoria Ric - New York: After doing I also studied direct speech writing, and when I cetera I love.

00:11:58.080 --> 00:12:03.450 Victoria Ric - New York: And I moved to New York, it was like four months before I met you oh.

00:12:04.770 --> 00:12:06.300 Victoria Ric - New York: It was my first.

00:12:07.440 --> 00:12:14.220 Victoria Ric - New York: One of my first audition side data York I got my papers I working papers and it was it.

00:12:16.380 --> 00:12:20.970 Victoria Ric - New York: was full of accent still i'm still on i'm getting better.

00:12:22.140 --> 00:12:22.830 Victoria Ric - New York: and

00:12:26.430 --> 00:12:29.430 Victoria Ric - New York: The thing is that I come from a poor country even.

00:12:30.840 --> 00:12:31.890 Victoria Ric - New York: middle class.

00:12:32.940 --> 00:12:48.690 Victoria Ric - New York: i'm very lucky in that respect that I know many people that have gone through situations like that they were middle class in my country, there was a huge crisis in 2008 like you know, the response of the clients in the United States.

00:12:48.720 --> 00:12:49.560 Juliet Lamond: It was a global thing.

00:12:50.430 --> 00:12:57.000 Victoria Ric - New York: And before 97 was another another very huge one, and many people.

00:12:58.470 --> 00:13:01.860 Victoria Ric - New York: From under little cutter cutter hated the word.

00:13:03.000 --> 00:13:06.570 Victoria Ric - New York: Objective very ugly but I don't know how to say the word.

00:13:07.620 --> 00:13:09.930 Victoria Ric - New York: They went to two.

00:13:11.220 --> 00:13:26.190 Victoria Ric - New York: Countries and I hate the word to find a better future and many of those of those most of those were women because for women is easier time jocks are you gonna have papers, or something bigger is like.

00:13:27.540 --> 00:13:30.480 Victoria Ric - New York: Orleans women are very famous for taking care of people.

00:13:31.740 --> 00:13:43.470 Victoria Ric - New York: Working with old people they're very, very end with children, we are full of love and many of these women that end up cleaning houses were engineers doctors have.

00:13:44.580 --> 00:13:52.680 Victoria Ric - New York: it's a whole phenomenon of integration with middle class you arrive to your country like this, you have to.

00:13:54.030 --> 00:13:57.330 Victoria Ric - New York: Have a life that is very different to what you were.

00:13:57.330 --> 00:14:03.360 Victoria Ric - New York: Just very sad away from your family or for your kids or you will see this phenomena.

00:14:04.590 --> 00:14:06.480 Victoria Ric - New York: they're all separated.

00:14:09.060 --> 00:14:09.240 All.

00:14:10.410 --> 00:14:15.420 Albert Dabah: Right, let me ask you what was it like we're gonna have a commercial in two minutes What was it like.

00:14:15.600 --> 00:14:16.710 Juliet Lamond: On the audition for.

00:14:16.710 --> 00:14:16.890 You.

00:14:19.170 --> 00:14:20.100 Albert Dabah: How did you feel about it.

00:14:22.530 --> 00:14:24.180 Victoria Ric - New York: Well, I remember, there was not.

00:14:24.480 --> 00:14:26.790 Victoria Ric - New York: A normal alicia understands that there was.

00:14:26.910 --> 00:14:28.770 Victoria Ric - New York: There was a camera of order but it wasn't so far.

00:14:31.230 --> 00:14:36.510 Victoria Ric - New York: But I already knew the connected with line so for me was pretty.

00:14:38.190 --> 00:14:45.780 Victoria Ric - New York: It was pretty crazy and when I met Thomas mores what's the name of the actor I come on Ramos.

00:14:46.800 --> 00:14:49.680 Victoria Ric - New York: Ramos he's fantastic Robert plastic.

00:14:49.890 --> 00:14:51.570 Victoria Ric - New York: yeah so you know.

00:14:52.710 --> 00:15:04.230 Victoria Ric - New York: When you you're performing he said it's a dance between two people and when the other actor is good job your job easier and he he thought he said.

00:15:05.880 --> 00:15:06.090 Albert Dabah: yeah.

00:15:06.270 --> 00:15:06.780 Victoria Ric - New York: Very good.

00:15:07.500 --> 00:15:08.040 yeah.

00:15:09.570 --> 00:15:15.450 Albert Dabah: i'll just say real quickly yeah rob is having a nice job right now and.

00:15:16.680 --> 00:15:23.010 Albert Dabah: When I saw him in a play how we cast him was he was in the play and I knew the director and I asked her the director of intermission.

00:15:24.150 --> 00:15:31.590 Albert Dabah: Can I meet with him, because it was towards the end of the bread for admission, I said oh my God this guy would be a perfect older brother of the film.

00:15:32.130 --> 00:15:40.050 Albert Dabah: And he can I, so I auditioned them a week later, it came by and we weren't even auditioning at the time and i'll get back to that audition later.

00:15:41.340 --> 00:15:59.160 Albert Dabah: But when you guys met and did your scene together, it was it was like I mean i'm talking before we filmed it was just fantastic so we'll come back in a minute with Juliet and Victoria and we'll talk with Juliet about maybe some of the casting and then what happened after that the.

00:15:59.280 --> 00:16:00.150 Albert Dabah: How we approached it.

00:16:01.380 --> 00:16:06.900 Albert Dabah: All right, we'll be right back with Juliet and Victoria in just about a minute, thank you.

00:18:23.520 --> 00:18:23.700 hi.

00:18:24.990 --> 00:18:33.630 Albert Dabah: we're back with Juliet and Victoria here at extra innings covering all the bases so Juliet when we started casting the film.

00:18:34.590 --> 00:18:48.690 Albert Dabah: Had it What was your how did you feel about it, what was your first impression when we actually started the casting because I know you, you were directly involved What was it like for you, your experience.

00:18:49.050 --> 00:18:53.640 Juliet Lamond: I remember, starting in this very quickly getting overwhelmed.

00:18:54.780 --> 00:18:58.680 Juliet Lamond: Because I think first we were just casting just the two of us.

00:18:59.100 --> 00:19:10.980 Juliet Lamond: But we didn't have any other help we just we just started looking online we started putting some postings and I remember, at one point I came up to you, I said, you know I need some help.

00:19:12.210 --> 00:19:26.670 Juliet Lamond: Because it was a lot, it was a lot of people interested, there are a lot of really talented actors out there and I just need help, like going through the different people who are applying for parts and.

00:19:28.020 --> 00:19:40.620 Juliet Lamond: So, once we got some interns in it became much easier and we just had so many talented actors come in, really, I was really hard to remember, we were really close.

00:19:41.160 --> 00:19:53.550 Juliet Lamond: Between like some actors for some parts, we really were going back and forth discussing each this because there's so much amazing people that came in to audition.

00:19:54.030 --> 00:20:07.470 Albert Dabah: yeah yeah you remember the time that lever trying to decide on the younger David, I think I called him six or seven people to watch the auditions of both the younger david's and one of them was supposed to hurt.

00:20:08.520 --> 00:20:09.270 Albert Dabah: us.

00:20:10.500 --> 00:20:25.920 Albert Dabah: And we were going to have rehearsal time during that week and I said well forget about the fact that he's going away this is who's who delete thing would be the best job for this and you know you don't really know for sure you, you know the way I felt that the time was.

00:20:27.600 --> 00:20:42.840 Albert Dabah: A couple of things, the characters that were cast for the family members, for the most part, then there was the character of Maria with Victoria played, which is a crucial part in the film and.

00:20:44.310 --> 00:20:47.790 Albert Dabah: We had the best friend and.

00:20:50.220 --> 00:20:53.190 Albert Dabah: Every character was important to girlfriend Simone.

00:20:55.080 --> 00:21:01.050 Albert Dabah: She was actually on the show last week with Alex will play the older brother and.

00:21:03.090 --> 00:21:13.260 Albert Dabah: There were three scenes that had to do with the family sitting down at dinner, and I felt that all these scenes had to really work together.

00:21:13.800 --> 00:21:22.530 Albert Dabah: And that we had to have a good connection, but most of all, I felt that not just the actors, but the crew had to have an understanding.

00:21:22.920 --> 00:21:44.070 Albert Dabah: Of what this film was about that it was based on a true story that it was based on a family that had these major challenges to deal with and me, being the writer and director, you know I wanted to make it as I guess as as easy as possible and he's not the word, but just as.

00:21:45.780 --> 00:21:52.890 Albert Dabah: flexible as possible for everyone, and I remember saying to all the actors, if you think this line doesn't work for you, let me know.

00:21:53.760 --> 00:22:05.640 Albert Dabah: I wanted to come from the heart and what i've heard from many people from showing the film live before coven about 20 times doing talk backs and Q and a's.

00:22:06.180 --> 00:22:14.670 Albert Dabah: That for the majority of the people that the film really hit personally with a lot of people, and I still you know here that till this day.

00:22:15.120 --> 00:22:23.760 Albert Dabah: And i'm very proud of that, and i'm proud of the crew that we had all the way through of all the extras we had, and I remember you were very.

00:22:24.660 --> 00:22:33.180 Albert Dabah: URL going out getting extra is besides the casting and I believe we gave you as a credit as a producer system producer as well because.

00:22:33.540 --> 00:22:44.790 Albert Dabah: You were there from the beginning and you did a lot of work, and also, it was something personal to you by you losing your friend a couple of years beforehand and.

00:22:46.110 --> 00:22:59.820 Albert Dabah: That that's a tough place to be in, and I believe that there are other people on working on the crew and cast that had some connections to mental illness from family, friends or whatever.

00:23:01.110 --> 00:23:13.800 Albert Dabah: So Victoria What was it like for you, I mean you were in the scenes, mostly with MARS and the family, and there were emotional scenes they were.

00:23:14.910 --> 00:23:19.680 Albert Dabah: Also very sweet scenes those their scenes that i'll never forget.

00:23:21.060 --> 00:23:33.390 Albert Dabah: When you're sitting because those scenes that you're in our scenes that I never really saw I wrote them up being what I felt was happening.

00:23:33.900 --> 00:23:48.900 Albert Dabah: over her, but I wasn't in the room watching them and I knew there was a great affection, that my brother had to housekeeper That was a living housekeeper for a couple of years or a year I don't remember how long.

00:23:49.980 --> 00:23:50.520 Albert Dabah: and

00:23:51.900 --> 00:23:54.420 Albert Dabah: So, how did it feel to you to be.

00:23:55.440 --> 00:24:02.160 Albert Dabah: And what one of the great scenes with you, I remember, is when you're walking up the stairs with Gertrude who plays a mother.

00:24:03.210 --> 00:24:14.280 Albert Dabah: And she's just talking the way my mother talk just learning out this and that and, yes, you this is your room and I have a son and he's sick and.

00:24:14.820 --> 00:24:29.130 Albert Dabah: They say he's the press that they say is this gets a frantic and and there's the long pause and you say i'm sorry, and it was so came out to me so meaningful.

00:24:30.180 --> 00:24:47.250 Albert Dabah: and her reaction was like oh Okay, you know, and then the scene when you're with him in the room and talking him and said right just right and he goes on stuck What was it like for you to be on the other end of that of those scenes working with Robert who plays Mars.

00:24:48.390 --> 00:25:04.380 Victoria Ric - New York: I think that what I did was to find the points of connection between their life of mores and my own my own life my life in the sense of loneliness is connection pain.

00:25:05.160 --> 00:25:17.280 Victoria Ric - New York: emotional pain, the same so there weren't these points that US human beings for for this person these people that had different from different upbringings or different.

00:25:18.840 --> 00:25:24.150 Victoria Ric - New York: realities on together understand each other as a very intimate way.

00:25:25.710 --> 00:25:28.080 Victoria Ric - New York: And I found that that's the way you wrote it.

00:25:30.030 --> 00:25:34.110 Victoria Ric - New York: that's why they can see each other, they really see each other.

00:25:35.970 --> 00:25:36.870 Albert Dabah: There is a.

00:25:38.160 --> 00:25:44.100 Albert Dabah: There is a good friend of mine and watch the film who knew about the film who read the script and one night.

00:25:46.110 --> 00:25:57.090 Albert Dabah: She wrote me a text and said she was I didn't know she was in that much pain at the time, and she said to me this is after she saw the film.

00:25:57.780 --> 00:26:08.430 Albert Dabah: She said I feel like your brother when he says i'm stuck you could have there's a point where you say you know why don't you just write and he goes i'm stuck.

00:26:09.090 --> 00:26:16.050 Albert Dabah: And she felt like it in our own life that that she wanted to write but suck in her life of where does she want to go.

00:26:16.650 --> 00:26:30.420 Albert Dabah: And in that feeling, you can feel extremely lonely like you're the only one, and I listened to a great podcast the other day of this rabbi I just happened to find it somewhere and.

00:26:31.530 --> 00:26:41.070 Albert Dabah: He lost his daughter to suicide a 17 year old daughter, and he was very open about it, one of the things he said that really made sense to me was.

00:26:42.090 --> 00:26:52.170 Albert Dabah: You know, he says something like we live in a broken world there's all kinds of tragedies all kinds of stuff everyone feels something at some point that's extremely painful.

00:26:53.250 --> 00:27:14.160 Albert Dabah: You know, could you know there's grief from loss of life or whatever it is, and he said it's important in life, to have an attachment to have someone that you can talk to, and it could be a therapist it can be your lover it could be your husband your wife best friend.

00:27:16.260 --> 00:27:28.200 Albert Dabah: But someone that for you to help feel that you're not alone with this and and the big word that came out in that and with other therapists that I spoke to was having empathy.

00:27:28.980 --> 00:27:47.310 Albert Dabah: And I think that is easier said than done, what is empathy really mean, but I think it's to me it's really like being there with that person he the way you work with Mars exactly in that scene being there listening and.

00:27:48.420 --> 00:27:51.060 Albert Dabah: You know, saying what you feel and trying to help.

00:27:52.560 --> 00:27:57.390 Albert Dabah: And I think that's, you know as a society, we need to do more of that.

00:27:58.740 --> 00:28:13.980 Albert Dabah: We need to not be afraid to say, what can I do for you, how can I help and it doesn't always end up the way you'd like it to end up, but like there are people I spoke to and said oh yeah I went to a therapist once and they were the worst.

00:28:14.490 --> 00:28:18.840 Albert Dabah: yeah and well it's like you can go to any doctor and.

00:28:19.530 --> 00:28:20.610 Victoria Ric - New York: Change therapy.

00:28:22.710 --> 00:28:30.270 Albert Dabah: Right you go to a doctor and you're going there for a problem your foot and he does nothing, and so, what do you do, you should go to another doctor.

00:28:30.750 --> 00:28:42.990 Albert Dabah: You know if the if the pain still there, then and he's not the right doctor for you it's the same thing for our therapists and I think I believe there's still is a stigma of you know, talking about going with therapists.

00:28:45.330 --> 00:28:49.440 Victoria Ric - New York: yeah i've gone to therapy, like my teen years of my life.

00:28:49.920 --> 00:28:50.370 Okay.

00:28:52.470 --> 00:29:02.550 Victoria Ric - New York: When I was a teenager I was very depressed and sad, I was very different to my peers felt my life is very different than my peers my.

00:29:03.510 --> 00:29:13.710 Victoria Ric - New York: way of being very different, so I feel very isolated and I asked my thought my parents to proclaim the doctor I wanted to go to the psychologist.

00:29:14.580 --> 00:29:27.060 Victoria Ric - New York: On Tennessee and he did it a board, because for them was a by I don't know did something weird or fight with them, or something hey you didn't you go to the therapy today.

00:29:28.140 --> 00:29:28.410 Victoria Ric - New York: Like.

00:29:29.520 --> 00:29:35.430 Victoria Ric - New York: Your magical till I got so angry that I had to like quit because it was like.

00:29:36.810 --> 00:29:42.180 Victoria Ric - New York: This idea of what therapy was so wrong, really, really wrong.

00:29:43.260 --> 00:29:43.620 Albert Dabah: yeah it.

00:29:43.800 --> 00:29:48.240 Victoria Ric - New York: took me many years to to find the upper some that helped me many, many years.

00:29:48.960 --> 00:30:00.180 Albert Dabah: yeah that's an excellent point because you know when you're younger and you're not feeling like you're feeling alone like you're not fitting in something's not you know clicking.

00:30:00.780 --> 00:30:11.670 Albert Dabah: And I know my father didn't believe in therapy at all, and he thought it was a waste of time he didn't see the results he wanted to see.

00:30:12.210 --> 00:30:25.020 Albert Dabah: And he thought it was like you know, like you said, taking a pill okay you don't feel it take an advil you know you'll feel better it's not that kind of pain so i'm in on the show we talked a lot about that.

00:30:26.370 --> 00:30:34.290 Albert Dabah: How did you how do you deal with that you know these are you know important challenges that again i'll say it again, that are universal.

00:30:35.070 --> 00:30:46.470 Albert Dabah: Anyway, when we come back we'll talk more about you know what's going on presently with Juliet and Victoria, as we stopped for another commercial alright See you in a little bit Thank you again.

00:33:22.500 --> 00:33:27.330 Albert Dabah: hi we're back with Victoria and Juliet on an extra innings covering all the bases.

00:33:28.470 --> 00:33:32.940 Albert Dabah: Julia when I spoke to you the other day, you said you were in Mexico is that, where you are right now.

00:33:33.900 --> 00:33:36.870 Juliet Lamond: Yes, i'm in San cristobal Dallas Texas.

00:33:38.010 --> 00:33:43.080 Albert Dabah: So, how did you get there, what you are, you want to trip you there for a while you study.

00:33:43.590 --> 00:33:46.440 Juliet Lamond: pilgrimage of sorts i've been traveling Mexico.

00:33:47.940 --> 00:33:53.010 Juliet Lamond: For the past three months and going back in a week to the US.

00:33:54.000 --> 00:33:55.080 Albert Dabah: So what's that been like.

00:33:56.340 --> 00:34:07.770 Juliet Lamond: it's been really interesting just to see the difference of culture and just to see you know other people who are traveling and.

00:34:09.570 --> 00:34:21.030 Juliet Lamond: You know I think getting really into different spiritual traditions at herbal ISM recently so i've been learning a lot about that obviously there's a very happy.

00:34:22.470 --> 00:34:29.430 Juliet Lamond: tradition here at using herbal medicines, and you know, including plant medicines like ayahuasca.

00:34:32.670 --> 00:34:37.020 Juliet Lamond: You know just normal everyday non psychoactive medicines as well, but.

00:34:38.100 --> 00:34:53.430 Juliet Lamond: So i've been really delving into that recently how the energetic component of health is any you know and there's like the mental the physical, emotional and then the spiritual so just sort of exploring that.

00:34:54.780 --> 00:35:00.300 Albert Dabah: Well, you know it's really interesting because a woman, we had on a few weeks ago, a friend of mine named Terry.

00:35:01.740 --> 00:35:12.960 Albert Dabah: talked about different ios to about seven or eight different times, and when I was listening to this rabbi talking about having attachments and you know doing things that you need to help yourself.

00:35:13.590 --> 00:35:17.820 Albert Dabah: He was an Orthodox rabbi and I was really surprised that he mentioned, I was good, as well.

00:35:18.720 --> 00:35:37.530 Albert Dabah: I never tried it and never been but I I I keep here it's coming up in my life I keep hearing other people's talking about I was good, but I think all forms of doing different kind of spiritual herbal whatever whatever it is that can help to get you to a level that.

00:35:38.550 --> 00:35:42.210 Albert Dabah: You just feel more comfortable with yourself, even if it is tough but.

00:35:43.140 --> 00:35:54.090 Juliet Lamond: yeah and I have to say I don't think I will ask us for everyone, my really good friend did it recently and she was not was confronted with things he was not ready to see.

00:35:54.660 --> 00:36:10.380 Juliet Lamond: The thing with I lost it will show you whether you are ready or not, it will bring up traumas that maybe you've suppressed in your past for reason for protection and then sometimes will bring things up you're not ready to process and it can cause some mental.

00:36:11.790 --> 00:36:23.130 Juliet Lamond: Problems so in his case it didn't help him i've met other people that it really helped them I know it has helped cases of depression so it's it's one of those things where.

00:36:24.210 --> 00:36:34.890 Juliet Lamond: You know, it can be helpful for a lot of people but it's definitely to be used with caution and preparation and maybe therapy before and after all that.

00:36:36.690 --> 00:36:38.220 Victoria Ric - New York: i've done ayahuasca.

00:36:38.250 --> 00:36:52.710 Victoria Ric - New York: And in my experience they have the person who goes with you in the journey like shaman or the therapies it's incredibly important because can help you not go into very dark places if you're going.

00:36:53.970 --> 00:36:56.040 Victoria Ric - New York: And and people think that even.

00:36:57.060 --> 00:36:58.620 Victoria Ric - New York: enjoy attainable.

00:37:00.210 --> 00:37:08.520 Victoria Ric - New York: and luckily, not a hard hard thing if you i've done it twice and I got it with three years apart and I loved it.

00:37:10.620 --> 00:37:13.380 Albert Dabah: And you had like a shaman or leader oh.

00:37:13.410 --> 00:37:13.800 Albert Dabah: yeah.

00:37:14.010 --> 00:37:21.810 Victoria Ric - New York: Someone to die, and was was like very good, and the second one was not that good and I had more problems, the second time.

00:37:23.700 --> 00:37:27.300 Victoria Ric - New York: was not the person or the person was not that that you know.

00:37:27.840 --> 00:37:28.710 Victoria Ric - New York: Fear with you.

00:37:29.430 --> 00:37:36.330 Juliet Lamond: Right yeah you have to be careful with some of these shama to say sometimes they'll just throw people into a ceremony, who are not ready.

00:37:36.990 --> 00:37:44.820 Victoria Ric - New York: yeah all my country faces is it's legal it's part of my culture, it is something so.

00:37:45.900 --> 00:37:54.000 Victoria Ric - New York: You can find some kind of I don't you know things kind of not really lately has been like getting more.

00:37:55.080 --> 00:38:07.680 Victoria Ric - New York: There is this media thing, so there is a new, they are more demands and people so it's more difficult to know, right now, which is trust and who, not to trust when I did was take.

00:38:08.760 --> 00:38:14.910 Victoria Ric - New York: As a thing to do so, you know that that person that that I went once we view was kind of the real thing.

00:38:17.430 --> 00:38:18.540 Albert Dabah: So i'm.

00:38:19.680 --> 00:38:29.760 Albert Dabah: i'm in talking about you know different ways to heal um I was just wondering, in terms of.

00:38:31.200 --> 00:38:38.160 Albert Dabah: Juliet in terms of the film you you after after the film you started working.

00:38:39.690 --> 00:38:43.230 Albert Dabah: With a distribution company right for a first run is that with every call.

00:38:43.770 --> 00:38:45.180 Juliet Lamond: Yes, first from features.

00:38:45.570 --> 00:38:48.210 Albert Dabah: Right, are you still working with them or.

00:38:48.540 --> 00:38:52.860 Juliet Lamond: I, yes, I am currently still working with them okay.

00:38:54.030 --> 00:38:58.830 Albert Dabah: So they're in New York City right you want to tell us a little bit about them and now.

00:38:59.790 --> 00:39:10.140 Juliet Lamond: yeah sure they're independent film distribution company lots of documentaries educational films and foreign films as well.

00:39:11.940 --> 00:39:20.280 Juliet Lamond: And we have about 400 titles and you know we work with movie theaters to.

00:39:21.660 --> 00:39:23.580 Juliet Lamond: Just have screenings and.

00:39:25.200 --> 00:39:38.460 Juliet Lamond: Work with streaming platforms like canopy, which is a library streaming APP for the different universities, who want to screen or films for educational purposes and.

00:39:39.870 --> 00:39:46.110 Juliet Lamond: yeah so i've been working with them for the past couple years and i'm back to New York actually to work.

00:39:47.340 --> 00:39:50.820 Juliet Lamond: In person with them again in about a week.

00:39:51.330 --> 00:39:56.700 Albert Dabah: So, like on religion well you've been in Mexico have you been working as well, or no.

00:39:57.480 --> 00:40:00.090 Juliet Lamond: I have been working remotely as well.

00:40:00.870 --> 00:40:01.290 hmm.

00:40:03.840 --> 00:40:04.740 Albert Dabah: So um.

00:40:05.400 --> 00:40:07.710 Albert Dabah: Have you Maria when we.

00:40:09.420 --> 00:40:14.310 Albert Dabah: When you finally saw the film of extra innings on the screen What was your first impression.

00:40:17.250 --> 00:40:18.480 Victoria Ric - New York: It was too long.

00:40:18.930 --> 00:40:20.400 Albert Dabah: too long okay.

00:40:22.230 --> 00:40:30.300 Victoria Ric - New York: I love it to the beginning I love it it felt like so first of all that was what was extremely know week have it fail.

00:40:32.550 --> 00:40:48.600 Victoria Ric - New York: it's it's full of heart, I know it was always fall fall apart and and if you don't find that many so many films like that, with that level of honesty and I, this is honest to you.

00:40:53.340 --> 00:40:56.700 Victoria Ric - New York: And I think a lot of people who worked in the in the film was like that.

00:40:58.020 --> 00:41:03.660 Victoria Ric - New York: You know it's you're drawn to that at the end projects find you like you are.

00:41:04.470 --> 00:41:09.480 Albert Dabah: yeah that's kind of what I felt from talking to a lot of people afterwards.

00:41:10.560 --> 00:41:29.910 Albert Dabah: That you know they had a personal feel for the film or just actually from reading the script there was something so about it, which and honestly I love pictures that are that make you feel something that you know, like Peter Travers Rolling Stone.

00:41:31.410 --> 00:41:46.530 Albert Dabah: critic wrote he interviewed me and we took a bunch of his what he said in the review and one was something like a film that really matters, and you know in one sense, I think that's a lot about it.

00:41:48.180 --> 00:42:08.610 Albert Dabah: I find that as time goes on, from the time we like I cannot believe it was already it's already been four years since we shot the film and I just don't know what happened to the time, four years ago and, but what I found myself doing is besides, you know I had worked as a therapist before.

00:42:09.930 --> 00:42:18.360 Albert Dabah: And took a live coaching course because you need a license now and I never knew you didn't need it, then, and so i've done some coaching but i'm.

00:42:19.080 --> 00:42:29.130 Albert Dabah: Also, thinking about doing some talking maybe some writing maybe writing about the people i've been interviewing on this show because i've really talked to so many people.

00:42:29.940 --> 00:42:48.660 Albert Dabah: Several of them at least four or five than I know i've written books and send me their books to read and all of them were afflicted some kind of a malady mental health problem that it was losing their child to suicide, whether it was dealing with their own.

00:42:49.770 --> 00:42:58.980 Albert Dabah: attempted suicide and going out there now into the world and letting people know about it through books and also speaking.

00:43:00.300 --> 00:43:09.480 Albert Dabah: seminars and stuff like that we had a guy great guy who's a police officer became a sergeant and.

00:43:10.710 --> 00:43:11.310 Albert Dabah: He tried to.

00:43:12.450 --> 00:43:20.130 Albert Dabah: Take his life several times, and he would tell his his it wasn't a sergeant yeah he became a sergeant put told his boss that.

00:43:20.580 --> 00:43:32.160 Albert Dabah: He was having back problems and that's why he had to take off and finally told him the truth and he said he wanted to tell this as to me very revealing he told the sergeant that I want to have a meeting.

00:43:32.820 --> 00:43:44.220 Albert Dabah: With all the officers in the precinct and let them know no I wasn't out because of a bad back, I was out because I, I have a mental health problem and I tried to take my life.

00:43:44.970 --> 00:43:55.770 Albert Dabah: And the sergeant said you can't do that what will they think and he goes that's exactly the problem, what will they think we're afraid of what people will think.

00:43:56.400 --> 00:44:13.830 Albert Dabah: If we do something like that or feel a certain way or make an attempt, like that, because I totally believe that no one really wants to take their life, but the pain, the people that do the pain is so severe of what they're going through that.

00:44:15.510 --> 00:44:23.850 Albert Dabah: They just don't know any other way out and it's sad and it can be very lonely and that's why I think it's really important to talk about it.

00:44:24.900 --> 00:44:33.450 Albert Dabah: it's so important, I mean and and yet we're not as Dr weinberg said in talking to him many times on the show, he said.

00:44:33.810 --> 00:44:48.390 Albert Dabah: we're not going to eradicate suicide, but you know, like we're not you know, but we can lessen the amount of suicide, to education through letting people know it's okay to talk about it, and you can do this, and you can do that and there's so many organizations that are out there to help.

00:44:49.500 --> 00:44:57.210 Albert Dabah: And incoming September, I want to before this next commercial I just want to say it's called.

00:44:58.830 --> 00:45:06.480 Albert Dabah: i've heard different things, but it's mental health awareness month in September, but is also one of the weeks is closed Suicide Prevention month.

00:45:06.840 --> 00:45:20.610 Albert Dabah: Week Suicide Prevention Week so we're we really want to let people know more about the movie more than we ever have because I, we think that this opens up people to talk about situations like that and challenges that come up.

00:45:22.050 --> 00:45:38.460 Albert Dabah: So we will come back in about another minute and anything you guys want to talk about what your plans are, what do you want to do what you've been doing, let us know people tune in alright thanks so much we'll be right back.

00:47:41.940 --> 00:47:56.670 Albert Dabah: hi we're back with Victoria rick and Juliet lamond so both of them were working on the film extra innings and we are the near the end of our podcast of extra innings covering all the bases.

00:47:57.690 --> 00:48:07.710 Albert Dabah: Victoria, one of the things I read on your bio, you said that you studied script writing and philosophy um I guess that was before you came to New York is that right.

00:48:08.670 --> 00:48:12.630 Victoria Ric - New York: yeah yeah I before I before starting next week.

00:48:13.740 --> 00:48:15.450 Albert Dabah: Oh, before I got into acting okay.

00:48:15.630 --> 00:48:21.510 Victoria Ric - New York: I was a I was doing a short film with my classmates that in directing and.

00:48:22.620 --> 00:48:29.730 Victoria Ric - New York: And I found it putting myself in front of the camera i've never gone before i've never done theater acting I used to dance though a lot.

00:48:30.840 --> 00:48:39.000 Victoria Ric - New York: And I decided to take a class and that class turning to studio three years to do very serious study.

00:48:39.660 --> 00:48:55.260 Victoria Ric - New York: By graduate and, since then, I found that that doesn't mean that I haven't been all the things I do I work with a filter project for a while I want for the brand I never did I still think that I can, there is something I need in that.

00:48:56.280 --> 00:48:59.190 Victoria Ric - New York: script I think I know now what to put.

00:49:00.780 --> 00:49:08.250 Victoria Ric - New York: You know it's a whole it's a challenge when you go to write something like a script about or novel you know that your whole life.

00:49:09.720 --> 00:49:15.060 Victoria Ric - New York: it's not that little thing and then I used to dance a lot too and.

00:49:16.710 --> 00:49:28.200 Victoria Ric - New York: My team I broke my acl and then got covered and i've been recovering from them, which is not easy emotionally, I have to say.

00:49:29.880 --> 00:49:30.090 Victoria Ric - New York: Right.

00:49:32.160 --> 00:49:46.350 Victoria Ric - New York: But i'm acting i'm i'm represented I I, I have two more about shooting middle September I have you factor in another TV show my non Union face or over.

00:49:47.700 --> 00:49:48.990 Victoria Ric - New York: So i'm doing pretty well.

00:49:50.010 --> 00:49:51.660 Albert Dabah: Good well that's great I.

00:49:51.720 --> 00:49:55.410 Albert Dabah: Remember, you were at our offices one day and.

00:49:55.740 --> 00:49:59.340 Albert Dabah: I got tickets to see I don't remember his name, but do you remember, we went to.

00:50:00.720 --> 00:50:02.100 Albert Dabah: 42nd street.

00:50:03.300 --> 00:50:03.840 Albert Dabah: Was the name of.

00:50:07.230 --> 00:50:09.330 Albert Dabah: The blues club, there was a.

00:50:09.390 --> 00:50:11.100 Victoria Ric - New York: Oh, when we went to hear.

00:50:12.750 --> 00:50:13.260 Victoria Ric - New York: me.

00:50:13.620 --> 00:50:14.130 Yes.

00:50:15.720 --> 00:50:16.890 Victoria Ric - New York: We have fun, I was.

00:50:16.890 --> 00:50:17.010 I.

00:50:18.030 --> 00:50:27.480 Albert Dabah: was like my friend called me and said he had two extra tickets, he could go and and you were there and I had a feeling, you might know him and I know of him, but I never even knew his music and we went.

00:50:28.320 --> 00:50:31.620 Victoria Ric - New York: One of the biggest biggest biggest one is.

00:50:33.630 --> 00:50:35.190 Albert Dabah: what's his first name, which is a.

00:50:36.000 --> 00:50:36.660 Victoria Ric - New York: me at.

00:50:37.080 --> 00:50:37.530 Albert Dabah: home yeah.

00:50:40.830 --> 00:50:42.150 Victoria Ric - New York: i'm very bad with names.

00:50:42.780 --> 00:50:45.330 Victoria Ric - New York: If you haven't seen it i'm very, very bad with names.

00:50:45.690 --> 00:50:49.470 Albert Dabah: It was at bb kings I just remembered that's what he said yep.

00:50:49.770 --> 00:50:54.090 Victoria Ric - New York: I am oh my God beautiful Thank you Thank you so much i've never been to.

00:50:55.860 --> 00:50:58.140 Victoria Ric - New York: One that one was because for me.

00:50:59.070 --> 00:51:00.960 Victoria Ric - New York: I had all these friends that you know.

00:51:01.110 --> 00:51:17.070 Victoria Ric - New York: jazz and laughing goes very parallel because the music's that musicians were the same one at the beginning, and so I was into jazz and I have a lot of friends that way into Latin that's how I met him not true, not true, Latin America, but through josh.

00:51:17.340 --> 00:51:31.170 Albert Dabah: Right, it was fun the music was great Juliet I want to bring up an experience that happened that was really funny during the casting of extra innings and I don't know if you remember it why you will remember.

00:51:33.150 --> 00:51:34.380 Albert Dabah: We were casting.

00:51:37.200 --> 00:51:44.940 Albert Dabah: People that played baseball with the bodies which is the name of the team that's featured in the film and that's the team that I played with when I was younger.

00:51:45.510 --> 00:51:48.480 Albert Dabah: On the same fields where we shot the film where they still play.

00:51:49.110 --> 00:51:58.440 Albert Dabah: So the day before I went with Jerry kaspersky who's also been on the show who now heads the League and he was my coach when I was like 1716 years old.

00:51:58.950 --> 00:52:11.010 Albert Dabah: And I asked him if we could use some of his players for the film and I called him up, I told him I wrote the script read this I wrote the script and he read it, and he said yeah and then the next day.

00:52:12.300 --> 00:52:29.400 Albert Dabah: He said, did you do a documentary on the on the bond he's like a promotional piece more is what he wanted I said, you have any money and he goes now which I had a feeling there's an essay that so he gave me his list of kids and parents that are part of the organization, we did a.

00:52:31.500 --> 00:52:39.060 Albert Dabah: crowdfund funder and the indiegogo I believe we used and we raise maybe $5,000 and we did it for $5,000 and.

00:52:40.080 --> 00:52:51.210 Albert Dabah: It was a lot of fun so when we came to time to shoot the film I went one day met with cherry and asked by some of the kids that were there playing hey you guys, would you like to be in a film.

00:52:52.110 --> 00:52:59.700 Albert Dabah: This is what it's about briefly we told them you play baseball we would feed you and you know, we had maybe two or three hands come up.

00:53:00.240 --> 00:53:13.770 Albert Dabah: And I was really surprised, so I said Jerry that's crazy, I mean I thought they would all jump at it, because it's going to be a feature film, so we went back, maybe two days later, and I took Julia with me and.

00:53:15.240 --> 00:53:25.080 Albert Dabah: It was the summertime and she was wearing these really cute shorts and she went there and we went together and Jerry was there, and she said hey guys.

00:53:25.710 --> 00:53:45.300 Albert Dabah: What do you say, being a movie and she was being really expressive and you're going to have pizza you're going to play the game you love and i'll be there will be a lot of fun all these people and all of a sudden every hand went up and I was like wow isn't that something.

00:53:45.510 --> 00:53:50.010 Juliet Lamond: You gotta make it you got to make it sound fun Albert you got to make a view like this is gonna.

00:53:50.010 --> 00:53:50.400 Juliet Lamond: Be.

00:53:50.430 --> 00:53:51.450 Albert Dabah: Like a summer camp.

00:53:51.450 --> 00:53:54.240 Albert Dabah: or something Oh, I know, and it was you know.

00:53:56.220 --> 00:54:04.110 Albert Dabah: you're like hey guys, you know and it worked, and I was like you know it's just so funny how.

00:54:04.710 --> 00:54:12.180 Albert Dabah: The way you can come across on something and who does that you know it's like casting you know you get the right person to ask for a certain thing.

00:54:13.020 --> 00:54:28.950 Albert Dabah: It can make a big difference, so that helped us immensely by having and then, and then I remember, we were pulling in people for extras we having problems with the extras and we were pulling people from everywhere, you are pulling people from the other fields.

00:54:29.130 --> 00:54:38.730 Juliet Lamond: Well they're all they're all on paper extras so I was really like sending a lot of emails just trying to see who wanted to show up in a period caused.

00:54:39.360 --> 00:54:39.750 Albert Dabah: By.

00:54:39.870 --> 00:54:40.830 Juliet Lamond: Right now, any.

00:54:42.690 --> 00:54:55.800 Albert Dabah: yeah because we're on a low budget, and you know we shot I tell people we shot the film and 22 days they go really 22 days and amazes me that we did as much as we did in 22 days, and then we had that break at the end.

00:54:56.820 --> 00:55:12.870 Albert Dabah: I think it was about at least a week, maybe two weeks until we shot, the last few scenes so in montauk and because it was raining and everything so, but everything worked out well and then working with Luigi, who is a wonderful cinematographer.

00:55:13.980 --> 00:55:19.920 Albert Dabah: i'm trying to get him on the show but he's really busy right now, I want to have him and rob you on the show together and.

00:55:21.390 --> 00:55:30.660 Albert Dabah: it's fun seeing everyone together one of these days would be nice to have a reunion, maybe when all this covert stuff and you know get people together.

00:55:31.950 --> 00:55:33.990 Albert Dabah: Like i'd like to see it again in a theater.

00:55:35.190 --> 00:55:42.300 Albert Dabah: And we're still we're still getting people different film festivals asking to see it, by the way, we're going to be showing it in Australia.

00:55:42.750 --> 00:55:49.080 Albert Dabah: In March, it was supposed to be November, December, but it got pushed because of code, as a matter of fact.

00:55:49.920 --> 00:56:06.870 Albert Dabah: Australia is closed for anyone to go there until at least January 2022 but they might even made it further, because they changed the shooting schedule the screening schedule so that's excited they're going to show it at least three times, it could be more.

00:56:07.950 --> 00:56:10.740 Albert Dabah: And we showed it in London and.

00:56:11.910 --> 00:56:28.590 Albert Dabah: You know we've shown in a different state, you know, we had more theaters book be but then colby came in that block everything, so what we show diversity, a lot of times so anyway um so Julia you're coming back so and you'll be working with first run still yo continue with them.

00:56:29.760 --> 00:56:32.550 Juliet Lamond: Yes, yeah i'm going to be doing that stone.

00:56:35.070 --> 00:56:37.830 Albert Dabah: And Victoria, do you have any plans coming up now.

00:56:39.330 --> 00:56:52.500 Victoria Ric - New York: Tomorrow, I have a shooting a middle September have a Co starring in a new TV show um I wrote a play and I send it to some i'm sending you to do like workshops and.

00:56:53.700 --> 00:56:55.590 Victoria Ric - New York: You know this kind of thing to get more help.

00:56:56.250 --> 00:56:58.200 Albert Dabah: Oh cool wow that's good.

00:56:58.290 --> 00:57:01.500 Victoria Ric - New York: yeah Spanish though that's the problem.

00:57:02.580 --> 00:57:04.380 Victoria Ric - New York: Well, I know I am.

00:57:05.310 --> 00:57:08.790 Albert Dabah: Well, you can always have someone to interpret it, if you will, if it yeah.

00:57:08.910 --> 00:57:14.700 Victoria Ric - New York: Maybe yeah but I write poetry and it's very abstract and it's very difficult to.

00:57:16.140 --> 00:57:19.920 Victoria Ric - New York: isolate is not that easy I write quite weird.

00:57:20.940 --> 00:57:21.510 Albert Dabah: Well that's.

00:57:22.290 --> 00:57:31.020 Victoria Ric - New York: But I think that they could it could be made is just you need another layer of you know capacity.

00:57:31.380 --> 00:57:32.100 Albert Dabah: yeah no.

00:57:32.970 --> 00:57:33.570 Victoria Ric - New York: But it's fun.

00:57:34.140 --> 00:57:35.100 Albert Dabah: Well, listen.

00:57:35.220 --> 00:57:35.610 Albert Dabah: i'm.

00:57:35.640 --> 00:57:37.290 Victoria Ric - New York: Just i'm about to move to.

00:57:37.320 --> 00:57:38.940 Victoria Ric - New York: do harm and we're buying a house.

00:57:39.480 --> 00:57:41.010 Victoria Ric - New York: Oh, congratulations.

00:57:41.310 --> 00:57:41.940 Albert Dabah: For you.

00:57:42.570 --> 00:57:43.410 that's wonderful.

00:57:44.430 --> 00:57:54.720 Albert Dabah: Well, listen we're gonna summarize this by saying you know, good luck with both of you going forward hope to see you guys one day soon live.

00:57:56.940 --> 00:58:02.580 Albert Dabah: i'll say something last week was my birthday and I got it was so sweet about 1030 I got a.

00:58:03.690 --> 00:58:07.110 Albert Dabah: facetime call from Erica.

00:58:08.550 --> 00:58:10.350 Albert Dabah: Food and and.

00:58:11.460 --> 00:58:21.720 Albert Dabah: An Alex and Gertrude husband Robert and it was like 1030 at night and high and they knew it was my birthday Happy Birthday that was very sweet of them.

00:58:24.660 --> 00:58:32.130 Albert Dabah: So anyway, for everyone out there extra innings you have a chance to see the film again.

00:58:33.660 --> 00:58:34.500 Albert Dabah: Next.

00:58:36.270 --> 00:58:49.500 Albert Dabah: This coming month is mental health awareness month and when I say that I think that everyone should just be aware that there's a lot of people out there who have these challenges.

00:58:49.920 --> 00:59:00.090 Albert Dabah: If you know someone like that encourage them to get help or to talk to you talk to someone so they don't feel that alone and.

00:59:00.990 --> 00:59:14.280 Albert Dabah: and hopefully the film makes it a you know a bit of a difference, as well as people talking about it so good luck to everyone, as they see you soon and have a great night and thanks for being on the show tonight.

00:59:15.300 --> 00:59:16.710 Victoria Ric - New York: Thanks algorithm, why did you.

00:59:18.030 --> 00:59:19.260 Juliet Lamond: Thank you bye.

00:59:19.920 --> 00:59:21.630 Albert Dabah: good night bye.

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