Frank About Health

Thursday, February 1, 2024
Facebook Live Video from 2024/02/01 - Cardiac Health Awareness Month

Facebook Live Video from 2024/02/01 - Cardiac Health Awareness Month


2024/02/01 - Cardiac Health Awareness Month

[NEW EPISODE] Cardiac Health Awareness Month

Thursdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm (EDT)


The audience will get a summary of Heart Health Awareness Month in addition to correspondence from those who have experienced symptoms and have dealt with them medically either through surgery or other treatment.

Karen Ross and I discuss February being Heart Health Awareness Month with appearances from 1 or 2 individuals that have dealt with symptoms that are either reflective of heart health or something that mimics heart health yet reflects another condition.

Tune in for this healthy conversation at

Show Notes

Segment 1

Frank is joined by his monthly correspondent, Karen Ross, and his two guests, Donna Hepfinger and Reatha Grey. They will discuss how heart disease in women is completely different from what it is in men. Karen Ross talks about Dr. Steven Sinartra and suggests checking out his website Karen Ross says heart failure is the leading cause of hospitalization in women over the age of 65 years of age. Before the first break, Frank summarizes Reatha’s health history from last year. Reatha shares how her symptoms had nothing to do with her heart. She touches on the misinterpretation of her symptoms and the importance of advocating for yourself when in health situations like she was last year. 

Segment 2

Reatha tells Frank and his guest about how her doctors told her she had a clogged artery, and it was something she had to watch closely. She explains that her symptoms had nothing to do with her heart and everything to do with the plaque in her arteries. Karen Ross breaks down the symptoms for women dealing with heart disease. Women can feel discomfort or pain in their chest or back and tingling in their jaw. Women can also experience fatigue and shortness of breath. You can listen to the many other symptoms Karen lists in the episode. Donna talks about her health journey and the treatment she had to take. One of the tests her doctors had her take was a stress test that she ultimately failed miserably. Within the last six months, Donna was told her micro valve was failing. She was told that she might have to have open heart surgery again. Until then, Donna asked her doctors what symptoms to look for while she waited for updates on her health. 

Segment 3

Frank asks the million-dollar question, why are specialists overlooking female cardiac symptoms compared to how they treat male symptoms? Donna continues to discuss her heart disease and the treatment that she is going through. Karen wants to clarify that you can live with these conditions once you learn how to care for yourself. Dr. Sinatra says emotional turmoil has far more effects on a woman's heart than a male. It is important to keep your stress down as a woman. Donna shares how she stays active as a way to keep herself healthy. It is important to remember that as a woman, especially with a heart condition, you must be your own advocate. Dr. Sinatra used a more mental health approach to understand heart disease in women. 

Segment 4

Reatha and Donna have both been advocates for their heart health and got the treatment they needed because they spoke up. The takeaway from the episode is that Reatha and Donna both had a voice in their fight, which is uncommon. Reatha and Donna share their suggestions on further fighting for your health and symptoms to be on the lookout for as a woman. Reatha takes advantage of the internet and how it can be a valuable source. Donna hopes that people listen to their gut and go to the doctor. Karen Ross, as a hypnotherapist, suggests using hypnotherapy as a treatment for someone dealing with heart disease. You can find more on Karen Ross at 


00:00:36.100 --> 00:00:59.170 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: hey, everybody. It is February first, 2024. Welcome to cardiac. Health awareness month right here on Frank about health. That's what this episode is gonna dedicate the next hour to I'm with my correspondent, my monthly correspondent, Karen Ross, where we did the hundredth show together right here at the Hilton Doubletree, Chicago. Magnificent mile!

00:00:59.170 --> 00:01:12.619 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: And I just thought this would be the perfect place for us to start our month long. Well, not month long, but monthly tribute for each month, starting with this one cardiac awareness month.

00:01:12.770 --> 00:01:25.620 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: I don't know if I'll always be in Chicago each month, but we definitely will use Hilton in some form or fashion, but the 2 of us will kick it off, and then what I intend to do throughout the rest of the month is other shows, will touch upon

00:01:25.620 --> 00:01:50.499 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: cardiac care while they also talk about their corresponding health issue. The reason why I'm reformatting the show in this way is to create a continual thread, a continual narrative on how the viewers and listeners are frank about health will continue to use the information that we share on the show as a way to continue self advocacy, self monitoring self care, and working with the right professionals that are taking care of

00:01:50.500 --> 00:01:57.259 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: their particular illness. But again. This is cardiac care, awareness month. I will first issue my disclaimer.

00:01:57.260 --> 00:02:12.689 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Please keep in mind these are not the views of talk radio, dot Nyc or of Frank about health, but rather the conversation that we're gonna have today with our 2 lovely guests sitting here in the wings with us, while Karen and I also will give an overview of what the month means.

00:02:12.720 --> 00:02:23.219 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: At the same time, any information that you do gather from this show. If it is useful in consultation with your primary care physician, or your cardiologist. In this case.

00:02:23.340 --> 00:02:41.890 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: please hope that we please know that we are doing our best to give you more information than you probably already have. If you, however, do not feel that these views mirror your situation. That is fine. We're not meant to dissuade you from your ongoing treatment. We're just here to provide food for thought.

00:02:41.960 --> 00:02:44.550 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: That being said, I'm going to introduce

00:02:44.670 --> 00:03:03.909 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Aretha Gray a continuing regular here on Frank about health, and then Karen will interview our extra special guest afterwards. Everyone knows Ruth Gray just by her name alone, or if you're watching Retirement house on tick, Tock. Keep that in mind. It is right now 5.4 million viewers and

00:03:03.950 --> 00:03:26.340 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: growing, I believe, but at the same time we just came back from a project in New York. She was doing some tik tok stuff, and I was doing some stuff for talk radio, Dot, Nyc and Hilton hotels, and we were able to really gather literally in the rain and in the cold. But at least really, I understand that we're doing our best to continue our own advocacy work.

00:03:26.830 --> 00:03:33.540 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Now, Karen, I'd like to first again welcome you to as always, but I'd like you to introduce your guests.

00:03:33.660 --> 00:03:56.790 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Thank you, and I'd like to introduce a good friend of mine. She's been a friend for many, many years, Donna Heppinger, and she hails from Hill, and here in Illinois, in a far West Northwestern suburb. But Donna has had some heart issues over the years and interesting developments around that condition that

00:03:56.790 --> 00:04:16.449 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: I think it will be very beneficial for our listeners to hear. So we'll we'll get her story and reef the story and a little bit, and I think all of the listeners will benefit from this, and I also want to make everyone aware. If you were here last February, when I did a 3 episode summary of heart health, awareness.

00:04:16.709 --> 00:04:20.750 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: we were looking at Aretha Gray's presumed heart attack.

00:04:21.079 --> 00:04:49.750 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: She did not have one. That's what we learned after the fact, while I understand that Donna has had an incident with her heart and and some intervention with it, whether surgical or yes, she had open heart surgery. And well, let her tell the story. But yeah, it. It's pretty fascinating. So in the next, throughout the show and the remaining 45 min, we're gonna compare and contrast the 2 stories and show that while the symptoms mirrored each other.

00:04:50.020 --> 00:05:04.359 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: one was heart related, and one was not. Which brings us to the theme of this episode, which is to show the difference between females with heart symptoms versus males. And we've discussed how a lot of

00:05:04.360 --> 00:05:28.760 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: male diagnosis, or rather doctors, are using the clinical diagnosis that was originally just on men absolutely. So we wanna be able to diffuse that bring some more awareness. And I know both Rita and Donna, I'm sure, can even shed more light based on their own individual circumstances. So that's that's basically what this show will be about. First of all, Rita, welcome back.

00:05:28.760 --> 00:05:53.159 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: And nice meeting you, Donna. I'm looking forward to hear all about your story. Did you? Wanna first give some information, or should we just go into discussion? Well, I'll give a little bit of information because this brought up a you remember, I had a radio show for a number of years here in Chicago, and one of my early guests was Dr. Steven Sinatra.

00:05:53.160 --> 00:06:16.220 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: I always think, Frank, when I when I think of them, but he was really the first doctor to really acknowledge and get the information out there that hey, heart disease and women is completely different than it is in men. All of the statistics have been made based on research with men. And it's very different for women.

00:06:16.220 --> 00:06:35.290 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: So I'm gonna be just kinda interspersing some information from Dr. Steven Sinatra over the over the 45 min or so, and just to give you a little idea of where he comes from. He is a board certified cardiologist and a certified psychotherapist.

00:06:35.290 --> 00:06:55.339 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: and he unfortunately passed away. And 2022, which I just discovered in doing this this research, and I was hoping that, wouldn't it be cool if I could even get him on the show. Well, it's not gonna happen but any. Anyway, he just passed around passed away. In 2022. He wrote a number of books. He has a

00:06:55.340 --> 00:07:20.459 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: there is still a website in his honor with all of his work, and it's called Heart Institute. Heart. I'm sorry heart. Md, if anyone in wants to take a look at his work. But anyway, he's written all these books and so we'll reference some of his information as time goes on. But just is kind of an overview

00:07:20.650 --> 00:07:28.500 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: heart failure is the leading cause of hospitalization in women over the age of 65.

00:07:28.520 --> 00:07:51.349 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Now, I think that is a surprise to most people I really do, and that somebody didn't just make that up. That's according to the American College of Cardiology, and it's actually often overlooked in women's health issues as a women's health issue. The symptoms are different than men, and yet the ratio of men to women

00:07:51.350 --> 00:08:11.699 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: is closer to 50 50 these days. So one would think the research would go in that direction also. So in a little bit we'll talk about the symptoms, and I'm sure that Rita and Donna will, reference what they experienced from that perspective. But one of the natural disadvantages of that women have

00:08:11.700 --> 00:08:20.770 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: is our our arteries are smaller than men's. So, therefore, the blood circulation just is not often as

00:08:20.900 --> 00:08:23.710 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: dynamic as it is in a man

00:08:23.730 --> 00:08:40.749 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: leaving room for a lot of misdiagnosis. Absolutely, absolutely. But just a couple of statistics one person dies every 33 s in the United States from cardiovascular disease. That's one in 5 people.

00:08:40.780 --> 00:08:46.189 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: one in 5 deaths overall. And with women it's one in 4.

00:08:46.240 --> 00:08:53.099 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: It is the top killer of both men and women, claiming one in 4 women every year.

00:08:53.130 --> 00:09:02.660 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Women constitute more than half of cardiovascular deaths. yet they represent only one third of diagnosed heart disease.

00:09:02.750 --> 00:09:25.150 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: So there's a real real problem there. And yet it's diagnosed in 70% of men. So yeah, it it really is. So yeah, let's move to the stories and find out what these women experience, and I think some of our listeners may relate to one or both of them, or have, have. I think our goal, Frank.

00:09:25.150 --> 00:09:49.859 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: is that a woman's gonna be listen, or a man is gonna be listening. And they're going to say, you know what I haven't been paying attention to something. And now, after I've heard this show, I am, I'm I'm gonna take some action. So I think that's one of the things that could be a result of the show today. No, I agree. And other than the fact that we're both wearing red. Yes, yes, that's the color heart. But

00:09:49.860 --> 00:10:02.150 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: and II told Frank a good friend of mine bought me these glasses, and I thought this might be overdoing it just a little our our red

00:10:02.170 --> 00:10:04.509 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: tops, and and

00:10:04.570 --> 00:10:20.900 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Frank just happened to bring his jacket with him. So so we're dressed to honor the month, and and II think some other organizations are doing that. But it is the color of American cardiologists. But

00:10:21.100 --> 00:10:47.630 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: yeah, and and for the tribute of the month and the charities, II guess, because I think we'll be headed for commercial break in about 3 or 4 min. Let's do a recap on Rita from last year, and then get the fresh perspective when we return, and then, of course, learn about Donna, and see how they both compare. So, Rita, welcome back to Frank about help. This is your tenth show. Yes, I remember all the numbers. You pointed that out to me many times.

00:10:47.630 --> 00:11:03.290 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: But, when you're ready. Explain what happened last year for those that did see the shows that we brought down about your symptoms, and we were learning about plaque removal. It really was irrelevant for what you went through. So why don't you explain your story from last year?

00:11:04.500 --> 00:11:06.860 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Oh, unmute first.

00:11:10.110 --> 00:11:17.670 Reatha: Okay, yeah. Now I'm unmuted. My adventure last year had nothing to do with my heart.

00:11:18.230 --> 00:11:20.870 Reatha: No one diagnosed me with anything

00:11:21.310 --> 00:11:31.140 Reatha: about my heart except for people who knew me, who made an assumption, because I passed out that I had had a heart attack because I had had an event

00:11:31.990 --> 00:11:37.700 Reatha: and several events between 2,009. That's the only remit the only

00:11:38.210 --> 00:11:44.379 Reatha: date I actually remember when I did actually have a cardiovascular

00:11:44.630 --> 00:11:50.160 Reatha: episode. So last year. I basically passed out

00:11:50.570 --> 00:12:02.990 Reatha: through people calling each other and realizing I was not answering my phone, I could be dead, and I would answer my phone. So they assume that I something horrible. It happened.

00:12:03.240 --> 00:12:16.319 Reatha: They were able to get in, and I had passed out. I was taken to the hospital. They told the hospital that they thought that I had had a heart attack. I had not had a heart attack. I had recovered

00:12:16.340 --> 00:12:24.499 Reatha: and was screaming bloody murder by the time we got to the hospital. Don't take me in there. I want to go to my hospital. I don't want to go there.

00:12:24.870 --> 00:12:26.500 Reatha: At any rate, it

00:12:26.680 --> 00:12:31.290 Reatha: resulted in 3 or 4 days of me being suspected of having heart.

00:12:31.450 --> 00:12:33.180 Reatha: some type of heart attack.

00:12:33.560 --> 00:12:47.360 Reatha: and they wanted to do the thing where they stick the scope up your veins and look and see if you have anything close. It's like I'm not having that here. I'm not having a heart. If you can't realize I'm not having a heart attack.

00:12:47.540 --> 00:12:50.010 Reatha: I don't want you looking for one.

00:12:50.560 --> 00:12:55.310 Reatha: So ultimately they transferred me to my regular hospital.

00:12:55.820 --> 00:13:02.090 Reatha: I told them what it was. All through this I had. They had tested me for sepsis.

00:13:02.420 --> 00:13:04.620 Reatha: and they knew I had sepsis.

00:13:05.230 --> 00:13:13.280 Reatha: But they, the other hospital, kept playing the other scenario. My hospital said, you're right. We don't think it's a heart attack either.

00:13:13.560 --> 00:13:21.320 Reatha: But to get more on the subject of what we are going to be talking about is my first part.

00:13:22.070 --> 00:13:27.590 Reatha: They call almost anything that stops the regular working of your heart, a heart attack

00:13:28.060 --> 00:13:31.290 Reatha: which I get now. So

00:13:31.390 --> 00:13:33.380 Reatha: I had

00:13:33.480 --> 00:13:35.389 Reatha: a burning in my chest.

00:13:36.710 --> 00:13:41.740 Reatha: and it was unbelievable burning in my chest. So I

00:13:41.790 --> 00:13:44.670 Reatha: call 9 1 one myself.

00:13:45.300 --> 00:13:49.550 Reatha: and had them come and get me, and then they took me back to the hospital.

00:13:49.900 --> 00:13:52.859 Reatha: I had a fine ekg.

00:13:53.360 --> 00:13:57.770 Reatha: I was perfectly acting perfectly normal.

00:13:58.100 --> 00:14:02.460 Reatha: I didn't feel sick anything other than the burning in my chest.

00:14:02.710 --> 00:14:06.580 Reatha: and so they said, well, we can't figure out what it is. And I said.

00:14:06.810 --> 00:14:13.009 Reatha: Okay, and they said, Well, you can go home. And I said, Nope, I can't. I'm I am too sick

00:14:13.090 --> 00:14:21.830 Reatha: to go home, so I will sit in the lobby. I will sit in the hall wherever you would like me to sit, but I'm sitting in the hospital.

00:14:22.320 --> 00:14:28.970 Reatha: And they said, Okay, so they did, and I forget the name of the test. But they test for a

00:14:29.390 --> 00:14:31.650 element that's in your urine.

00:14:32.420 --> 00:14:35.850 Reatha: That shows whether or not your heart had been in stress

00:14:36.230 --> 00:14:39.529 Reatha: anytime in the recent past.

00:14:39.900 --> 00:14:42.969 Reatha: And that's how they discovered I was having a heart attack.

00:14:43.730 --> 00:14:56.239 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: We're about to take our first break. But I wanna hear more about that particular hospital. Because this is an example of where they looked at symptoms made an assumption based on your history. But we're not really looking to

00:14:56.290 --> 00:15:18.830 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: get forward until you advocated for yourself. So this is a pivotal moment. We'll be back right here on this episode of Frank about health. Karen and I are celebrating cardiac awareness month right here in Chicago. We'll be back a conscious co-creator. Are you on a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness?

00:17:23.410 --> 00:17:44.560 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: welcome back. We were just hearing from Rutha about the misinterpretation of the symptoms of a heart attack, and I wanted her to recap what she described, and I know you went to a particular hospital that has an excellent reputation. Do you wanna mention it? And then, of course, point out how they were able to see the difference versus the original hospital you went to.

00:17:44.560 --> 00:17:55.740 Reatha: Well again. We're talking about 2 different episodes, the first one in 2,009, where I'm saying there's something wrong, and the doctors are saying there's nothing wrong with you. And

00:17:55.760 --> 00:18:03.659 Reatha: the last episode from 2,003 when they were saying, You're having a heart attack, and I'm saying, no, I'm not

00:18:03.990 --> 00:18:16.269 Reatha: right now. What's wrong with me? But that's not what I'm doing right now. So the reason I was aware, even the first time for 2,009 is. I had gone to a independent company who goes into the neighborhoods.

00:18:16.320 --> 00:18:24.909 Reatha: charges you lessen what a a doctor would charge you to do. Scans of different parts of your body.

00:18:25.050 --> 00:18:41.939 Reatha: Yeah, because I had issues.

00:18:42.200 --> 00:18:48.900 Reatha: My mother had cancer E issues. My father cat it cat can't cardiac issues.

00:18:49.310 --> 00:18:57.399 Reatha: I was constantly on the lookout for cancer. And I, it occurred to me I never even thought about my heart.

00:18:57.780 --> 00:19:08.800 Reatha: My father died at 48. Why would I not be thinking about checking out my heart. So I went to this private thing, and they said. You're

00:19:08.830 --> 00:19:18.320 Reatha: artery here is clogged, but it's not clogged enough that they're going to do anything about it yet, but you need to keep an eye on this artery.

00:19:19.070 --> 00:19:22.800 Reatha: so I would go in every couple of years and

00:19:24.320 --> 00:19:25.650 Reatha: have them

00:19:26.000 --> 00:19:28.080 Reatha: check the artery.

00:19:28.550 --> 00:19:29.630 Reatha: Well.

00:19:29.830 --> 00:19:33.499 Reatha: this time I had the burning in my chest.

00:19:33.830 --> 00:19:40.789 Reatha: and finally said, I'm not leaving, and they took the test to see that my heart was under stress.

00:19:41.890 --> 00:19:48.070 Reatha: And then they did the ultrasound on my neck. And they said, There it is. It was 99% close.

00:19:48.450 --> 00:19:54.729 Reatha: So they said, well, we gotta take you to the emergency room in our emergency surgery.

00:19:55.040 --> 00:20:01.439 Reatha: Well, I had been there for like 24 h at that point and had not eaten except I had just eaten.

00:20:01.470 --> 00:20:16.819 Reatha: The biggest juicy is Fat Burger you've ever seen in your life, and they're talking about taking me to surgery, and I'm saying, hold on! Everything that's in me has heard that you don't have surgery on a full stomach.

00:20:16.980 --> 00:20:19.530 Reatha: Have a very cold stomach.

00:20:20.010 --> 00:20:31.149 Reatha: Can we wait until in the morning to do that once it's it's late at night. You don't have a full anything here. Can't we wait until in the morning. So we did.

00:20:31.720 --> 00:20:42.580 Reatha: and it wasn't an issue. I still have a little scar to remind me. And they went in. And speaking of women's veins being smaller.

00:20:42.660 --> 00:20:43.710 Reatha: My

00:20:44.020 --> 00:20:48.550 Reatha: ivory there was so small they couldn't put a stint in it.

00:20:49.050 --> 00:20:54.579 Reatha: so they had to just scrape it clean and sew it back up

00:20:55.250 --> 00:21:12.040 Reatha: so between then and now, I've had different issues problems, but never anything where they had to do. Because it's not my heart. Really, this is the problem. It's the plaque on everything that connects to my heart.

00:21:12.350 --> 00:21:13.989 Reatha: That's the problem.

00:21:14.140 --> 00:21:15.290 Reatha: So

00:21:16.140 --> 00:21:21.829 I've been very fortunate. They caught that one I've had. I've had a total of 6 stents

00:21:21.950 --> 00:21:23.080 Reatha: put in

00:21:23.140 --> 00:21:36.000 Reatha: always without the regular symptoms of I've never had an elephant sitting on my chest. I've never, you know, done any of the things that they claim that you will do. But I have 6 tents that show that my

00:21:36.220 --> 00:21:39.000 Reatha: arteries are not pumping correctly

00:21:39.100 --> 00:21:41.910 Reatha: or letting it flow correctly.

00:21:42.810 --> 00:22:04.339 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Well, maybe this would be a good time for me to run through some of the symptoms that are different for women, and then we'll talk to Donna, and she'll tell us her experience with symptoms. But you know, we think of like rita was talking about the elephant on your chest and men talk about

00:22:04.380 --> 00:22:19.800 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: But in, you see, heart attacks that men depicted on TV or in movies with a woman, there could be discomfort, pressure, or pain in the chest that could happen, and their back

00:22:20.370 --> 00:22:34.829 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: tingling or pain in the jaw. I've heard that about women never heard about men, elbow or arm. Now both men and women tend to feel pain in the left elbow or arm when having a heart attack

00:22:34.960 --> 00:22:43.880 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: but with women it could be sudden, profound fatigue. shortness of breath. tightness in the throat.

00:22:43.930 --> 00:22:47.640 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: dizziness or vertigo, indigestion.

00:22:48.150 --> 00:22:50.490 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Nausea or vomiting.

00:22:50.710 --> 00:23:01.019 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: disproportionate, sweating with anxiety, so some of these things, just never show up in a man, and when they show up in a woman they don't even think heart attack.

00:23:01.100 --> 00:23:09.469 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: So I'd love to hear Donna's story tell us what happened with you, and what were the subsequent treatments

00:23:11.250 --> 00:23:13.629 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: and unmute you have to unmute? Yes.

00:23:18.300 --> 00:23:20.789 donnahepfinger: okay. So

00:23:21.000 --> 00:23:26.179 donnahepfinger: over the years, I knew I could possibly have a problem because I had

00:23:26.310 --> 00:23:27.980 donnahepfinger: had gone to the

00:23:28.280 --> 00:23:37.089 donnahepfinger: emergency a few times, but it was never anything dramatic enough to tell me. I really had a heart heart condition.

00:23:37.480 --> 00:23:48.270 donnahepfinger: But this time I woke up early in the morning, and I was doing Chagung of all things, and I

00:23:48.870 --> 00:23:50.840 donnahepfinger: all of a sudden, I just

00:23:50.920 --> 00:23:53.840 donnahepfinger: you know how you know, you just know.

00:23:54.330 --> 00:24:03.340 donnahepfinger: And so I woke my husband up and I said, You gotta take me to the hospital. I didn't know why. I just knew.

00:24:03.590 --> 00:24:10.329 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Well, what did you feel? What did you feel? You knew? But what what did you feel, and what did you feel you knew

00:24:10.650 --> 00:24:15.250 donnahepfinger: it. It wasn't chest pain. It wasn't dizziness.

00:24:15.340 --> 00:24:26.950 donnahepfinger: it was. It was weakness, but it was all in my abdomen. It I felt yeah, just kinda queasy.

00:24:27.560 --> 00:24:33.289 donnahepfinger: And I knew something was I just knew something was wrong, so kind of a premonition.

00:24:33.730 --> 00:24:49.739 donnahepfinger: So when I get there they did all the tests that they could think of that would go with your gut and and then I was about ready to be sent home because they couldn't find anything

00:24:49.860 --> 00:24:51.480 donnahepfinger: that indicated

00:24:52.150 --> 00:24:53.530 donnahepfinger: a problem.

00:24:53.540 --> 00:25:05.060 donnahepfinger: And so, my doctor, my primary doctor, they called him. and he said, Well, before you send her home. do a stress test.

00:25:05.840 --> 00:25:10.590 donnahepfinger: Well, when they did the stress test, I failed

00:25:10.960 --> 00:25:12.300 donnahepfinger: miserably.

00:25:12.480 --> 00:25:18.360 donnahepfinger: And so then they scheduled a the

00:25:18.890 --> 00:25:21.770 donnahepfinger: A test where you go up through the

00:25:22.060 --> 00:25:38.409 donnahepfinger: yeah, II had it on the tip of my tongue so I had that test. And of course that was a problem. They said that.

00:25:38.940 --> 00:25:47.820 donnahepfinger: I needed to have open heart surgery. So that was a shock, because, you know, I was that

00:25:48.490 --> 00:25:58.260 donnahepfinger: I wasn't being medicated. I wasn't anything, and they were going to send me home, and would have but didn't

00:25:58.640 --> 00:26:10.750 donnahepfinger: So they did the open heart surgery, and they said that I ultimately had a triple bypass, because the arteries were

00:26:11.330 --> 00:26:14.749 donnahepfinger: pretty close to a hundred percent blocked.

00:26:15.260 --> 00:26:18.180 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: No chest pain

00:26:18.250 --> 00:26:24.139 donnahepfinger: you know not the symptoms you hear about men having.

00:26:24.680 --> 00:26:26.280 donnahepfinger: and

00:26:26.360 --> 00:26:29.930 donnahepfinger: and then, you know, since then

00:26:29.960 --> 00:26:31.440 donnahepfinger: I've had

00:26:31.860 --> 00:26:35.080 donnahepfinger: well, you mentioned the small

00:26:35.250 --> 00:26:37.370 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: arteries. Well.

00:26:37.480 --> 00:26:45.410 donnahepfinger: during the surgery they would have done a couple of more bypasses, except they said it was.

00:26:45.460 --> 00:26:53.130 donnahepfinger: They were just so tiny. and they didn't wanna keep me on the table any longer than they had.

00:26:53.590 --> 00:26:55.430 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: So

00:26:55.500 --> 00:26:57.750 donnahepfinger: then a few.

00:26:58.520 --> 00:27:01.419 donnahepfinger: I would say. 3 years after that I

00:27:01.480 --> 00:27:06.680 donnahepfinger: had another episode. But again no chest, pain.

00:27:07.220 --> 00:27:08.740 donnahepfinger: Just

00:27:08.810 --> 00:27:12.799 donnahepfinger: more of that queasiness, the weakness.

00:27:12.850 --> 00:27:19.480 donnahepfinger: and they determined, after doing another test through the groin that

00:27:19.650 --> 00:27:28.500 donnahepfinger: they needed to put 2 more stems in, and those probably were the ones that they didn't do when I had the first surgery.

00:27:29.410 --> 00:27:37.949 donnahepfinger: But I'm I'm truly a part patient, I guess, because now, just in this last 6 months, they've told me that

00:27:38.250 --> 00:27:43.750 donnahepfinger: my mitral valve is failing.

00:27:44.060 --> 00:27:50.629 donnahepfinger: So it's like halfway to having to have a replacement.

00:27:51.270 --> 00:27:55.839 donnahepfinger: And they told me that I might have to have open heart surgery again.

00:27:56.350 --> 00:27:59.480 donnahepfinger: Oh, dear! And I said, Oh.

00:27:59.900 --> 00:28:01.090 donnahepfinger: really!

00:28:01.450 --> 00:28:07.409 donnahepfinger: Because you know, you get your chest cut one time you think that's about enough.

00:28:07.590 --> 00:28:18.369 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: But but they said, no sometimes they can go up through the groin and go all the way to the heart and fix the valve. But

00:28:18.770 --> 00:28:19.880 donnahepfinger: the

00:28:20.150 --> 00:28:30.939 donnahepfinger: it it depends on how bad it looks, you know. So, for right now I'm on hold and you know.

00:28:30.980 --> 00:28:35.870 donnahepfinger: he, I said. But what symptoms should I look for because he sent me home

00:28:36.410 --> 00:28:42.860 donnahepfinger: and cause I don't get chest pain. So what do I look for? How do I know I'm worse?

00:28:43.410 --> 00:28:46.770 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: He said, well, you could get dizzy.

00:28:47.850 --> 00:28:53.300 donnahepfinger: Which I've had. I've had episodes like that. and

00:28:53.890 --> 00:28:58.150 donnahepfinger: and of course, weakness. And

00:28:58.430 --> 00:29:00.940 donnahepfinger: I could have

00:29:00.950 --> 00:29:05.250 donnahepfinger: you know that funny feeling in your arm, or something like that?

00:29:05.480 --> 00:29:10.180 donnahepfinger:  but and shortness of breath.

00:29:10.250 --> 00:29:14.320 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: So do we need to break? Yeah, we do. Okay. We come back

00:29:14.590 --> 00:29:43.820 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: a in some ways. I'm just amazed that there are similarities between you and Rita, but also it seems as though it's probably something that I wanna explore in the third segment about why there seems to be a I don't know if the word is laziness, but a tendency or resistance to find the diagnosis as quick as they should, or, in my view, as they should. That being said, we're gonna be back right here at a couple of minutes right here on talk radio, dot, Nyc and on our Youtube, Facebook linkedin channels and twitch.

00:29:43.930 --> 00:29:45.829 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Please stay tuned. We'll be back in a few.

00:31:46.040 --> 00:32:07.450 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: hey, everybody! And welcome back just hearing Donna's story right now, I mean, as I was talking during the break with Karen. I'm I'm stunned, but I think that Karen will now put some light into what Donna was talking about, and probably also answer, why is the healthcare system overlooking female cardiac symptoms.

00:32:07.450 --> 00:32:33.719 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Not as easily as they, I mean, not as easily as they treat mail, and so II guess I'm looking for more coherence. I wish I had the answer as to why, Doc, but hopefully, we're getting closer to that. I really do hope so. And I wanna hear the rest of Donna's story. But just going through my notes, here's another comment by Dr. Sinatra. Sometimes women's symptoms are mild enough for them to think they just have the flu.

00:32:33.720 --> 00:33:02.160 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: or doctors may misdiagnose signs of heart disease, and women, as others, less serious conditions, like hypoglycemia, indigestion, muscle, strain, or something, just anxiety or stress. And before we close today, II have to give you more information on stress and some of the things that doctors Sinatra Sinatra talks about in avoiding health issues or heart issues. But but donna do complete your story, please.

00:33:02.170 --> 00:33:02.920 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Umhm.

00:33:02.950 --> 00:33:06.030 donnahepfinger:  So

00:33:06.660 --> 00:33:07.839 donnahepfinger: where was I?

00:33:07.950 --> 00:33:23.709 donnahepfinger: I was at the point. Have to go back this valve, May, but you just don't know that you're kind of on. Wait now to find out if this other place, and when I first went to the this cardiologist

00:33:23.890 --> 00:33:34.760 donnahepfinger:  he wasn't willing to. He had done a a excuse me an echo cardiogram.

00:33:34.820 --> 00:33:36.130 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: And yeah.

00:33:36.450 --> 00:33:49.129 donnahepfinger: I I they usually give a a my chart report. but he didn't do that, and I got a little suspicious. So when I went back in to see him. I

00:33:49.180 --> 00:33:54.589 donnahepfinger: I understood, because when he came in he sat down and just kind of looked at me.

00:33:54.780 --> 00:33:56.740 donnahepfinger: and he said, Well.

00:33:56.930 --> 00:34:00.590 donnahepfinger: he said, there's a problem. And he said.

00:34:01.210 --> 00:34:03.550 donnahepfinger: probably because of my history.

00:34:03.850 --> 00:34:09.739 donnahepfinger: he said, ordinarily based on your echo, I would probably

00:34:09.840 --> 00:34:14.749 donnahepfinger: encourage you to have another open heart surgery now.

00:34:15.190 --> 00:34:17.029 donnahepfinger: But you look too good.

00:34:17.340 --> 00:34:22.400 donnahepfinger: So he said, because you don't look like

00:34:23.170 --> 00:34:27.409 donnahepfinger: I'm 80. So he said, you look more like 60.

00:34:27.760 --> 00:34:31.890 donnahepfinger: So he said, I'm scratching my head

00:34:32.139 --> 00:34:37.489 donnahepfinger: because your tests look kinda bad. And so

00:34:37.889 --> 00:34:42.850 donnahepfinger: and so he was gonna talk to people in his group.

00:34:43.230 --> 00:34:54.709 donnahepfinger: And so we talked over the phone like we're doing now. And he said, well, we'll wait another 6 months.

00:34:54.989 --> 00:35:04.459 donnahepfinger: So so I get to continue with my beds. But I guess if you have a history

00:35:05.250 --> 00:35:18.269 donnahepfinger: of cardiac, they do pay attention, you know. Like, if you go to the emergency room, they pretty much they're not gonna send you home, especially if you just have stomach issues.

00:35:18.380 --> 00:35:34.439 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Alright. Well, 1 point I'd really like to make is we're talking to 2 women who've had some pretty serious conditions and treatments and look at them. They're both healthy, vital. I frankly don't know your age. I don't know if you want to share that with us.

00:35:34.510 --> 00:35:36.509 Reatha: I'm 74,

00:35:36.690 --> 00:35:49.199 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: okay? And Donna is 80 and both vital and involved. And so one of them other messages that we wanna get across is that

00:35:49.250 --> 00:35:57.570 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: you could live with conditions once you know what's going on, and and know you know how to take care of yourself.

00:35:57.800 --> 00:36:13.190 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: One of the other things that I was looking at with Dr. Sinatra's work was, you know. What did he recommend? And I'm sure many other cardiologists to take care of our health and with women stress.

00:36:13.280 --> 00:36:18.420 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: and what was the phrase he used? Emotional turmoil

00:36:18.680 --> 00:36:25.829 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: tends to have a much more far-reaching impact on a woman's physical heart than on a man's.

00:36:25.970 --> 00:36:48.379 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: And so stress and emotional upset really have to be taken care of, and we have to keep our stress down. Beyond that, he said, that often lifestyle changes have more of an impact sometimes than medication, and we should avoid. Unfortunately, I know sugars on the list. Darn it.

00:36:48.380 --> 00:37:14.980 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: that's that's the rough one. But processed foods and alcohol kind of stay away from alcohol process foods, and then sugar. And I go. Oh, no. But yeah, they they really really stress lifestyle changes. And that's really important, Karen. The thing that I'm drawing from this is that it looks as though that from women's cardiac issues

00:37:15.710 --> 00:37:21.319 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: I correct me if I'm wrong and please acknowledge the disclaimer, I said at the beginning of the show.

00:37:21.750 --> 00:37:23.940 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Are doctors treating

00:37:24.000 --> 00:37:37.270 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: women's cardiac issues as a mental health issue, or are they overlooking it? Oh, that's an interesting thought. Maybe they're looking to make the make it a mental health rather than

00:37:37.350 --> 00:37:56.699 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: well. No, II think if they see the comparison of it being more motivated by mental health issues, then it could be a more holistic type of approach towards dealing with the symptoms, instead of rushing to surgery, or like in Donna's case, being told, wait and see until you're ready for surgery or Rita's case when you knew

00:37:56.830 --> 00:38:03.149 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: that they wanted to test you for surgery, and you had your hamburger. I mean, it's like they were.

00:38:03.310 --> 00:38:18.040 Reatha: I feel like I was watching an episode of grace anatomy where there were. They're looking out cut, you know. What I understand is, is it just a disconnect. They're looking 1 one of the things that one of the doctors said to me, because after

00:38:18.650 --> 00:38:22.870 Reatha: because I've had, I think, 3 hospitalizations to put stents in.

00:38:22.950 --> 00:38:37.329 Reatha: So after the first one they were saying, well, you know your arteries. Probably you've got their cholesterol hanging onto your arteries, I said. Well, let's do a full scam, and let's go in and put plugs everywhere.

00:38:37.410 --> 00:38:40.450 Reatha: And they and they said, It doesn't work that way.

00:38:40.530 --> 00:38:47.970 Reatha: And it their reasoning behind that is, if we look for bad arteries we will find them.

00:38:48.160 --> 00:38:52.169 Reatha: You may have lived another 50 years with that bad artery.

00:38:52.260 --> 00:38:59.400 Reatha: but because we find it, and we tell you we find it. You're gonna insist that we go in there and fix it

00:38:59.710 --> 00:39:14.879 Reatha: it. We can't. We can't do that. Well, everybody's got bad arteries. Your body can heal itself. It's when it gives a problem. So that's the only time they'll really even talk to me. Is that, are you having a problem. No? Then in 6 months I'll see you.

00:39:15.070 --> 00:39:31.380 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: So is it fair to say, then, that in women's cases, especially when you're having symptoms that could be or might not be a heart attack, that you better be your best advocate, because that appears to be where you're gonna get the most treatment when the truth is out there.

00:39:31.390 --> 00:39:38.760 Reatha: and I think it's universally true about women and male doctors across the board. It's not I don't.

00:39:38.860 --> 00:39:44.919 Reatha: But my uncle and my grandfather were both doctors, my grandfather told me.

00:39:45.160 --> 00:39:49.990 Reatha: Don't let them cut on you unless they absolutely have to. And he was a surgeon.

00:39:50.050 --> 00:39:55.890 Reatha: and because, he said, We're practicing medicine.

00:39:56.110 --> 00:40:01.640 Reatha: We don't always know what we're doing. We're practicing. And I think with women.

00:40:01.710 --> 00:40:13.179 Reatha: men look at women as being more hysterical and histrionics. And so they think that, you know you're exaggerating the pain or whatever.

00:40:13.460 --> 00:40:19.969 Reatha: And II think that's still universally true. I think it's been through true all through the ages. They just

00:40:20.620 --> 00:40:26.090 Reatha: don't take us as seriously, or they blame it on the stress that we're under. And

00:40:27.270 --> 00:40:56.270 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: I don't know if that's ever gonna change. But I know I have a woman, doctor. I think that helps. What do you think, Donna? Have you had a sense of? And I'll just say that's one of the things I like about Dr. Sinatra's work is the fact that he's a cardiologist and a psychotherapist. So he's in touch with the psychology of the person and and I'm glad he chose women to really focus on. But donna, did you find some of that?

00:40:56.310 --> 00:41:02.080 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: I don't know if I want to call it a conflict. But what did you find in in your medical treatment?

00:41:02.090 --> 00:41:05.140 donnahepfinger:  I would say that.

00:41:06.420 --> 00:41:16.529 donnahepfinger: Yeah. When I went to the hospital and they ended up doing open heart surgery. Yeah, I mean, they weren't looking at

00:41:17.670 --> 00:41:24.270 donnahepfinger: they weren't looking at me as a patient that was in a

00:41:24.660 --> 00:41:38.429 donnahepfinger: in a big problem until I had the stress. And most of it was. I mean, my doctors have all been my heart. Doctors have been men.

00:41:38.740 --> 00:41:41.770 donnahepfinger: and for the most part I

00:41:41.960 --> 00:41:43.949 donnahepfinger: thought they did a good job

00:41:44.320 --> 00:41:46.770 donnahepfinger: but

00:41:46.850 --> 00:41:49.349 donnahepfinger: If I look back on my life

00:41:49.510 --> 00:41:59.409 donnahepfinger: I probably had stuff going on with my heart for years. and I was a psychiatric patient years ago.

00:41:59.840 --> 00:42:09.300 donnahepfinger: and yes E. Everything I came in with, they said was in my head. and it was a lot of gut stuff.

00:42:09.660 --> 00:42:16.020 donnahepfinger: So I have a feeling, you know, that I had it all along, and I just didn't know it.

00:42:16.240 --> 00:42:22.259 donnahepfinger: And the stress that led up to that surgery my husband was in had

00:42:22.880 --> 00:42:35.429 donnahepfinger:  II think he had had a stroke by then, and so I was taking care of him. So you know. Yes, probably stress led to the crisis.

00:42:35.730 --> 00:42:41.010 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: sure. But since what I wanna say is, since

00:42:41.050 --> 00:42:45.150 donnahepfinger: since you mentioned things we can do for ourselves.

00:42:45.450 --> 00:42:53.020 donnahepfinger: I think the reason I do so well is cause I walk every single day, even if I walk in the house.

00:42:53.250 --> 00:42:57.649 donnahepfinger: I walk, I walk. I set the timer, and I walk in every room.

00:42:57.850 --> 00:43:11.400 donnahepfinger: and my diet is probably not as good as it used to be, because I figured oh, since I had a Oh, had to have open heart surgery all those years that I denied myself.

00:43:11.880 --> 00:43:18.699 donnahepfinger: So that's not okay. So I do treat myself occasionally

00:43:18.860 --> 00:43:40.610 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: good. Well, that we're about to take our final break. But 2 talking points that I want the listeners and viewers to have out there is. Remember that if you are a female with a heart condition, whether it's mild or whether it's extreme, be your own best advocate. Number one. This is one of those conditions that you have to be a fighter.

00:43:40.740 --> 00:43:45.050 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Second. it's just my view. But I think what

00:43:45.100 --> 00:44:10.129 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: another Frank, although his name isn't Frank. No, it's Steven, Doctor Sinatra he was basically using the the mental health angle to really understand and shed light on what things that probably in both Rita and Donna's case the doctor did not see, or they were more focused on the end. Go the end result, which is some surgical intervention. So that that takeaway is

00:44:10.200 --> 00:44:37.629 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: maybe one way to easily diagnose it. Whether you are the patient or if you are, the medical professional is to look at the mental profile of the individual and their history, because both Rita and Donna said it. They were based. They were diagnosed, based on their history, not based on the moment. So it is up to, and this is just my take away. It is up to those individual women with cardiac arrest

00:44:37.640 --> 00:44:39.090 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: to

00:44:39.230 --> 00:44:58.230 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: be a fighter and bring to light the mental aspects of what probably led to the ongoing circumstance. So please stay tuned as we wrap up the beginning of cardiac awareness month right here on Frank about health, both on talk radio, dot, Nyc and on Facebook, Youtube, Linkedin and Twitch. We'll be back in a few.

00:46:56.310 --> 00:46:59.240 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: hey, everybody, and welcome back to our final segment.

00:46:59.280 --> 00:47:07.380 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: I have to say to both you, Donna, and you, Rita, you have already shown to be advocates in with your heart health.

00:47:07.430 --> 00:47:28.440 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: especially you with Rifa, and knowing it wasn't a heart attack, and yet they were insisting that it was, and you stayed and stayed and stayed until they treated you for the very instance you had. And you, Donna, to be dealing with the stress of your husband's stroke, and to also already be having your own symptoms from other stress related issues, whatever they may have been.

00:47:28.750 --> 00:47:40.629 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: I'm I'm glad you were able to S survive that first open heart procedure. But at the same time, when I listened to your story about you're you're waiting to find out if you need another one

00:47:41.260 --> 00:48:08.070 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: to me. That doesn't, to be frank, Wash, you know. So I think, whatever you know from your own research, your own professional background, your own treatment care definitely. I hope. While you're waiting, you're at the same time doing whatever necessary research there is to see if there is another alternative to the to the valve issue other than just getting it replaced. But I'm sure you're using your best judgment. II think.

00:48:08.070 --> 00:48:16.190 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: takeaway. And tell me if you agree, Karen, is that both of them are here being vital because they still had a voice.

00:48:16.190 --> 00:48:38.859 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: No, that's true, that's true. They just follow blindly and don't do their own research. An interesting point Donna mentioned taking care of her husband. I knew her husband, and I knew when he had the stroke. And there's another aspect of heart disease called broken heart syndrome.

00:48:38.980 --> 00:48:53.520 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: and that's been alluded to, and I think a lot of people have kind of poo-pooed it. Well, Dr. Sinatra says that it is. Let's see, it's a recognized phenomenon.

00:48:53.530 --> 00:49:00.619 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: It's also called stress induced cardiomyopathy in medical circles, and often strikes

00:49:00.700 --> 00:49:12.260 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: after times of extreme stress, such as the sudden loss of a loved one. When the rapid and intense release of stress home was literally stunned the heart.

00:49:12.600 --> 00:49:17.890 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Well, I listen to that, and I know what Donna went through, and not only

00:49:17.900 --> 00:49:21.519 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: taking care of her husband, but then losing him

00:49:21.640 --> 00:49:33.600 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: and I mean, there's there's no question. I believe that she's has suffered from broken heart syndrome, and, thank God, she's taking care of herself and come back from that.

00:49:33.760 --> 00:49:40.600 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: So I think I'd like to hear from both of them before we close the show out how they'd like to

00:49:40.710 --> 00:50:02.419 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: leave the audience with what message? Absolutely, I mean, I just like to add, if if they always, you know, Valentine's day is coming up February fourteenth, and they say that sometimes dark chocolate is good for the heart, because there's less sugar, so may maybe when when feeling blue, take a lot of dark chocolate, it can help. Of course, I'm just talking from

00:50:02.890 --> 00:50:18.369 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: my head, whatever you know II really, aside from my own little simplistic solutions, I definitely would like to hear from both of you as to what you can recommend other women to be on the lookout for, and how to further fight for their for their heart health

00:50:18.540 --> 00:50:26.999 Reatha: definitely well, I heard they had a meeting at some government this morning condemning the bad things that

00:50:27.010 --> 00:50:29.359 Reatha: I connected with social media.

00:50:29.640 --> 00:50:37.870 Reatha: But it also can be used for good. You can research things that you never could research before you can look up the

00:50:37.960 --> 00:50:40.550 Reatha: side effects of your medications.

00:50:40.570 --> 00:50:45.349 Reatha: If you're feeling side effects, don't let them tell you you're just getting old.

00:50:45.410 --> 00:50:55.759 Reatha: It could be something real, like mainly side effects from the statins that they give you. They don't tell you how horrific some of the side effects of statins are.

00:50:56.150 --> 00:51:02.550 Reatha: but they'll say, but you need this, and you take it mindlessly, and when you can't get out of bed.

00:51:02.570 --> 00:51:05.820 Reatha: you call the doctor and say, Oh, it might be the statins.

00:51:06.190 --> 00:51:09.519 Reatha: I've been in bed for 6 months already.

00:51:09.660 --> 00:51:13.089 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Yeah. So you you have to know your own body

00:51:13.680 --> 00:51:19.769 Reatha: like you said you have to eat. Well, I'm not the best person to talk to about that, but you should eat

00:51:19.850 --> 00:51:31.040 Reatha: wholesome foods, and you do need to exercise like you said. If you just walk around your house, stay active. If you lay in that bed, you will stay in that bed.

00:51:32.260 --> 00:51:39.939 Reatha: and and if you're in a hospital or a doctor. They do mo know more than you do, but they don't know more about your body.

00:51:39.980 --> 00:51:49.589 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Then you do, then you do so. They have to own their knowledge and share it with them while they're in the investigative process of the condition.

00:51:50.330 --> 00:51:54.710 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: Donna. What parting thoughts would you like to leave for our listeners.

00:51:55.070 --> 00:51:59.269 donnahepfinger: Well, I would probably encourage people to.

00:51:59.280 --> 00:52:05.460 donnahepfinger: I really call what I had when I had to have that surgery a gut feeling.

00:52:05.850 --> 00:52:18.399 donnahepfinger: and I just I mean it wasn't my gut. But if you know somehow, that there's something big going on that they're not seeing

00:52:18.580 --> 00:52:21.950 donnahepfinger: definitely speak up and

00:52:22.270 --> 00:52:25.999 donnahepfinger: and just ask a lot of questions. And

00:52:26.210 --> 00:52:30.400 donnahepfinger:  yeah, if the medications are bothering, you

00:52:30.650 --> 00:52:34.990 donnahepfinger: stand firm about it, find some but something else.

00:52:35.460 --> 00:52:36.300 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: So

00:52:36.650 --> 00:52:57.939 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: yeah. And Rita is correct. I was taking a I'm very anti medication. I really will fight a doctor if I'll take something. But I had to take something for a while, and all of a sudden I've looked down at my feet and my feet in my ankles, and my lower legs were swollen. You know. What is that about.

00:52:57.970 --> 00:53:11.930 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: and I didn't even initially connect it. I thought I'd eaten too much salt. I'd set up my desk too long. So on. And then I finally had a conversation with the cardiologist nurse, and she said, Oh, that's the medication.

00:53:11.940 --> 00:53:20.520 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: but just kind of walk around with these feet.

00:53:20.560 --> 00:53:45.290 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: So yeah, you gotta speak up, speak for yourself, and advocate for yourself, for sure. And speaking about Karen Ross. Now, what would you say about we were hypnotized with? But I'm just wondering. Would you say that hypnotherapy might be a solution for people with heart health on some level? Absolutely. Because

00:53:45.290 --> 00:54:00.509 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: what I do in hypno therapy is, I help people develop a sense of peace and calm. And so particularly those who are in a stressful situation or troubled by some physical

00:54:00.720 --> 00:54:12.929 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: condition that they're going through. We can either transform that sometimes we can totally relieve it in the case of chronic pain, but we can always always bring somebody a sense of peace

00:54:12.950 --> 00:54:31.220 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: and change the perspective about what they're going through. So I appreciate you, reminding me that I do have a business, and it is Karen Ross., and II welcome complimentary conversations with people to find out if it's the right thing for them.

00:54:31.220 --> 00:54:43.490 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: And then, if anybody's interested in following up on Dr. Steven Sinatra's work. As I mentioned, he's written a number of books. His first book was the Sinatra solution.

00:54:43.490 --> 00:54:58.979 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: and I think that's been rewritten a number of times and updated. But then he has one heart sense for women. So it's very specific. Most of his work is geared toward women, and you'd find that if you looked at his website

00:54:58.980 --> 00:55:23.439 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: so and then he talks about there's got another book lower your blood pressure in 8 weeks and some really good stuff. So I think if a woman has any sense about something going on with or not, you don't have to think you've got something going on. But to get some information to avoid having something go on with your heart. Yeah, II recommend him. I met him many, many years ago, when I did

00:55:23.440 --> 00:55:29.049 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: my show, and he immediately came to mind when I knew we were doing this show

00:55:29.370 --> 00:55:50.570 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: well, and speaking about shows. This is the end of this one. But I wanna thank both you, Rita, for returning, as you always do, and nice meeting you, Donna, and I really wish you the best in in your future, with whatever happens with your valve replacement again, I'm hoping you're not gonna be having surgery again. That's my own personal wish

00:55:50.570 --> 00:56:08.569 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: for you. Yes, yes, you know I guess, as they say. At least, Rita, we're not going to be starting to take any special drinks to remove plaque. We're just gonna take our brains and do the research

00:56:08.570 --> 00:56:13.899 Reatha: and hopefully follow the research's advice. Exactly.

00:56:13.900 --> 00:56:41.560 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: So, ladies and gentlemen, tomorrow. State of shows on Friday begins in the morning with Stephen, with philanthropy and focus with Tommy D. Stephen Fry, always Friday and Matthew as bells in tangify. And then next Tuesday you will hear the hard skills with Dr. Vira Branku, and after Sam Leibowitz on Thursday, with the conscious consultant hour, I will be back again from another Hilton in Cleveland, Ohio, and we're gonna be talking about artificial intelligence in healthcare with Maurice Zelkovich.

00:56:41.590 --> 00:57:08.830 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: That all being said, thank you for watching this episode with me and Karen. She and I will be together again at the beginning of March, with whatever tribute we're paying at that time, you know, indeed, exactly. And we will see you all next week. Thank you for watching right here on talk radio, dot, Nyc and all of our social media. Thank you, Logan, behind the scenes for all that you've done, literally before the show began. And

00:57:08.990 --> 00:57:17.030 Frank R. Harrison and Karen Ross: We'll see you all next week. Take care, bye, bye.

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