The Conscious Consultant Hour

Thursday, April 27, 2023
Facebook Live Video from 2023/04/27 - Connecting with Meaningful Coincidences

Facebook Live Video from 2023/04/27 - Connecting with Meaningful Coincidences


2023/04/27 - Connecting with Meaningful Coincidences

[NEW EPISODE] Connecting with Meaningful Coincidences

Thursdays 12:00pm - 1:00pm (EDT)


This week, on The Conscious Consultant Hour, Sam welcomes Founding Director, Psychiatrist, and Author, Bernard Beitman MD.


Bernard Beitman, M.D., is Founding Director of The Coincidence Project which encourages people to tell their synchronicity and serendipity stories. His book, Meaningful Coincidences: How and Why Serendipity and Synchronicity Happen describes their wide range of uses and explanations. The book serves both as a personal guide to using synchronicities and serendipities as well an introduction to the new discipline of Coincidence Studies.


He is the former chair of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia and has a private practice in Charlottesville, Virginia.

His manual Learning Psychotherapy received two national awards for its unique interactive training program for psychiatric residents. He is internationally known for research in panic disorder and chest pain and has edited several books about how to integrate pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy.


The stories in his first book Connecting with Coincidence illustrate how meaningful coincidences can be useful in most aspects of life. 


Join Sam and Dr. Beitman as they discuss the importance and magic of paying attention to coincidences.

Tune in for this enlightening conversation at

Show Notes

Segment 1

Sam opens today's episode with a section from his book Everyday Awakening available at The segment is titled “Discernment is about feeling it out.” Sam highlights that discernment goes beyond logical decision-making and emphasizes the importance of following our intuition. Often there is not enough evidence to go in a single overt direction, the deciding factor is a gut feeling. He advises listeners not to doubt themselves and to trust their gut feelings. Sam welcomes psychiatrist, and author, Bernard Beitman MD. Dr. Beitman is Founding Director of The Coincidence Project which encourages people to tell their synchronicity and serendipity stories. Dr. Beitman draws a comparison between the segment from Sam’s book to a passage from his own book. 

Segment 2

Dr. Beitman has devoted his life to educating people about the significance of meaningful coincidences. He recounts personal anecdotes from his youth that shaped his interest in this field. To gather data for his research, Dr. Beitman created "The Weird Coincidence Survey," which confirmed his hypothesis that these coincidences are both common and normal. He expresses gratitude for the support he received from his colleagues. His book provides individuals with an opportunity to connect their isolated experiences to a larger framework. Additionally, Dr. Beitman has established The Coincidence Cafe, an online platform for individuals to share their coincidences with others. His podcast, "Connecting with Coincidence," further expands on his research. Sam also shares his own encounters with meaningful coincidences.

Segment 3

Dr. Beitman delves deeper into the concepts explored in his book, "Meaningful Coincidences.” He then highlighted the distinction between meaningful coincidences and ordinary ones, emphasizing that meaningful coincidences guide us in making intuitive decisions that resolve conflicts. Dr. Beitman shares instances where he relied on his gut to make difficult choices.  Sam and Dr. Beitman explore the concept that our intuition can lead us to make seemingly unfavorable decisions, which surprisingly turn out to be beneficial in the broader perspective. Dr. Beitman talks about the differences between both of his books. 

Segment 4

Dr. Beitman shares his personal interpretation of serendipities and synchronicities, viewing them as glimpses into an incomprehensible reality and indicators of the invisible connections that bind us. He aims to foster unity among individuals to tackle global challenges, particularly climate change. Sam and Dr. Beitman explore the role of psychedelics in enhancing a sense of interconnectedness. To learn more about Dr. Beitman's work, you can search his name to find his blog and website, or reach out to him via email for access to The Coincidence Cafe.


00:00:35.940 --> 00:00:55.450 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Good afternoon, my conscious co-creators. Welcome to another episode of the conscious consultant hour. Awakening humanity. I am very, very pleased that you are all here with me today. We've got another wonderful show with an extraordinary guest.

00:00:55.450 --> 00:00:58.660 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Well, i'm looking forward to introducing to you shortly

00:00:58.870 --> 00:01:00.760 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: First, Of course.

00:01:00.780 --> 00:01:25.080 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: as always, we start off with our little section from my book Everyday Awakening, which of course, you can find it Everyday Awakening, and we're getting pretty far through it. I think we're probably gonna finish up the whole book, I would guess in about 4 more months, maybe 5. But we'll definitely be done before the end of the year.

00:01:25.080 --> 00:01:32.520 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Then I have to figure out how i'm going to start my show after all that. Okay. So let's get to it. So this section of my book is entitled

00:01:32.950 --> 00:01:49.870 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Discernment is about feeling it out. Most people think discernment is making the right choice. We use our logical minds to weigh the pros and cons, and come up with the best choice.

00:01:50.250 --> 00:02:01.060 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yet to sermon is much more than making rational decisions. It is making decisions on how we feel about a given situation.

00:02:01.950 --> 00:02:16.040 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Often there is not enough overt evidence to go in a particular direction. Let's say we just met someone, and we think they should be a good person, because other people have said good things about them

00:02:16.320 --> 00:02:18.580 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: get our impression

00:02:18.610 --> 00:02:22.810 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: for no good reason is that they are not trustworthy.

00:02:23.290 --> 00:02:30.990 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Something just doesn't feel right. Maybe, when we shook their hand we got a chill

00:02:32.060 --> 00:02:44.120 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: based on this discerning feeling. We think we should walk away. The trouble happens when we second-guess ourselves, and start thinking that we shouldn't be judgmental.

00:02:44.150 --> 00:02:55.910 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: but should give the person a chance if we do what happens. The person turns out to be the creep we felt they were, yet had no backup evidence to prove

00:02:56.550 --> 00:03:07.430 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: discernment means. Listening to the feeling. Our intuitive way of understanding that something is off. and taking it seriously.

00:03:07.870 --> 00:03:14.060 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we don't have to know what what is off just that something feels off.

00:03:15.060 --> 00:03:20.310 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Sometimes it can be as subtle as an inflection in a person's voice

00:03:20.420 --> 00:03:26.090 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: or a look in their eye. Or maybe it's just an energetic hunch.

00:03:26.770 --> 00:03:37.990 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: trusting our feelings is the surest way to improve our discernment. How can you use your feelings to improve your discernment

00:03:38.190 --> 00:03:55.600 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: now? It yeah. I I wrote this a long time ago, and and I kind of used, and I probably would switch it up if I wrote this today, and I use sort of a negative case of of the idea of using just sermon, but the opposite is completely true. And this just happened to me this week.

00:03:56.100 --> 00:04:04.360 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: where I had a a virtual one on one with someone who I just briefly seen at a networking event.

00:04:04.540 --> 00:04:19.130 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and I just knew, like she was a therapist. And and and you know, with the work we do, you know, with my wife being a therapist and the other stuff I just felt like. Well, we should, we should, you know, have a one on one we should talk, and

00:04:19.240 --> 00:04:25.850 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in chatting with her I found out that we had a whole slew of things in common.

00:04:26.100 --> 00:04:30.690 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it turned out to be one of my most

00:04:31.210 --> 00:04:38.480 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: enjoyable, enlightening. connected kind of calls. I've had all week.

00:04:41.230 --> 00:04:42.530 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and I had it

00:04:43.060 --> 00:04:57.240 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: because I just got that feeling I should connect with her, and I listen to it so the same way we should listen to our feelings when something feels off. We should also listen to our feelings when something feels right.

00:04:58.720 --> 00:05:02.550 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and that's really the key to discernment.

00:05:03.600 --> 00:05:15.900 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And it's being able to feel, and most of the time the feeling is in our bodies to feel in our bodies when something is right or something isn't.

00:05:18.070 --> 00:05:28.030 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and it's so funny, because in the past it's it's gotten me in trouble when I didn't listen to that feeling. When I ended up

00:05:28.810 --> 00:05:39.930 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: going into business with someone who ended up being completely untrustworthy. Yet, you know. Oh, we seem so successful. They seems like such a great guy. What? Why, Shouldn't, I trust him.

00:05:41.640 --> 00:05:46.600 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and it's really that discernment.

00:05:47.220 --> 00:05:48.850 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But that

00:05:48.970 --> 00:05:50.990 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: being able to tell

00:05:52.540 --> 00:06:06.910 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: without knowing. And and this is the thing that always gets us in trouble, because our society is so focused on facts and rationality and using our minds

00:06:07.470 --> 00:06:10.720 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that we forget we're more than just a mind.

00:06:11.100 --> 00:06:13.880 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: We're a body where a heart where spirit

00:06:14.880 --> 00:06:23.630 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: we have so access to, so much more than just our logical mind.

00:06:25.690 --> 00:06:27.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and our discernment

00:06:28.820 --> 00:06:31.060 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: is using all of that

00:06:32.810 --> 00:06:39.800 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and guess i'm not saying we should ignore our minds, i'm not saying like we shouldn't be rational.

00:06:42.900 --> 00:06:48.480 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: yet being rational does not mean we cannot also be intuitive.

00:06:48.980 --> 00:06:52.440 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: does not mean we cannot also show up

00:06:52.460 --> 00:06:54.100 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and pay attention.

00:06:54.230 --> 00:06:56.320 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and really feel

00:06:56.750 --> 00:06:59.710 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: when something feels right for us or not.

00:07:01.710 --> 00:07:10.920 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And again, that feeling can completely go against what everyone else has said. I cannot tell you how many times

00:07:11.130 --> 00:07:18.700 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: people have said, oh, Sam, you got to meet this person. They're wonderful, They this they're that. And and I hear this from multiple people.

00:07:19.430 --> 00:07:34.260 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and and I meet them and and something doesn't feel quite right, but because all these people said such wonderful things about them. I'm like, okay. I got to give this person a chance. and then the person ended up. You know it's something being off about them.

00:07:35.350 --> 00:07:43.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It's happened so many times. so I I guess this section of my book is all about

00:07:45.350 --> 00:07:49.030 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: honoring yourself. trusting yourself.

00:07:50.600 --> 00:07:59.400 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: even when the evidence quote unquote might contradict the way you feel. Trust your feelings.

00:08:00.650 --> 00:08:06.680 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and indeed. you might just find that the more you trust

00:08:06.960 --> 00:08:14.060 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: what you feel. And i'm not talking about emotions. I'm talking about feelings in the body. Is it contractive? Is it expansive?

00:08:14.630 --> 00:08:21.360 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Just paying attention to that. But the more we pay attention to it, and the more we actually act on it

00:08:22.140 --> 00:08:27.250 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that's really the key, because by acting on it. We're reinforcing that we trust it

00:08:28.170 --> 00:08:38.770 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: inevitably. In my experience it just gets stronger, it gets better. and then, when we use it, it, it's more accurate.

00:08:40.360 --> 00:08:52.330 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So that's my section of my book, Everyday Awakening, which of course, you can get it every day. Awakening That section is called Discernment is about feeling

00:08:52.610 --> 00:08:53.620 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it out.

00:08:54.080 --> 00:09:09.260 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so I hope you enjoyed it, if you did please. You know, if you've gotten the book already. Thank you. If you haven't gotten it yet, or if you have gotten it like, maybe you should get a copy for a friend. You know it could be a very nice gift for people.

00:09:09.260 --> 00:09:23.650 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And and again we're in major book distributors, so you can go to any bookstore, whether they have it on the shelf or not, and say, hey, can you get that book every day awakening for me by Sam Leibowitz? Make sure you use my name, and they they can order it and get it in.

00:09:24.180 --> 00:09:30.470 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: so I hope you enjoyed that. Thank you. And now it is my pleasure

00:09:30.510 --> 00:09:32.490 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to welcome to the show

00:09:33.430 --> 00:09:49.900 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: founding director, psychiatrist, and author, Dr. Bernard Biden Bernard is a founding director of the Coincidence project which encourages people to tell their synchronicity and Serendipity stories.

00:09:50.050 --> 00:10:01.060 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: his book meaningful coincidences, how and why Serendipity and synchronicity happen, describe their wide range of uses and explanations.

00:10:01.440 --> 00:10:09.910 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: The book serves both as a personal guide to using synchronicities and serendipities, as well as an introduction to the new discipline of

00:10:09.910 --> 00:10:34.180 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: coincidence studies. Oh, that's and this is the first time i'm really hearing about the idea of coincidence studies. But of course it makes sense. He's a former chair of psychiatry at the University of Missouri and Columbia, and has a private practice in Charlottesville, Virginia. His manual learning psychotherapy received 2 national awards for its unique interactive training program for psych psychiatric residents.

00:10:34.180 --> 00:10:47.780 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: He's internationally known for research and panic disorder and chest pain, and has edited several books on how to integrate psycho. integrate pharma, pharmacose, therapy and psychotherapy.

00:10:48.230 --> 00:10:58.420 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: The stories in his first book connecting with coincidence illustrate how meaningful coincidence can be used most in can be useful in most aspects of life.

00:10:58.450 --> 00:11:01.530 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Welcome to the conscious. Consult now, or Dr. Biden.

00:11:01.880 --> 00:11:14.980 Bernard Beitman: Thank you very much, Sam. I pleasure to be here and to listen to your introduction because you, you're almost paraphrasing a section from my book about how to do rationality and intuition.

00:11:15.140 --> 00:11:19.020 Bernard Beitman: I and what I. What I would apply.

00:11:19.320 --> 00:11:36.060 Bernard Beitman: What you were saying to synchronicities, to meaningful to coincidences, is to be able to use rationality and intuition, to decide whether or not to act on what that synchronicity is suggesting. The synchronicities are not commands.

00:11:36.060 --> 00:11:51.760 Bernard Beitman: like somebody telling you to go. Meet this person which you're describing about. That's the suggestion that you don't have to really take when you meet that person. Similarly, with synchronicities and meaningful coincidences sometimes stuff happens, and

00:11:51.850 --> 00:11:54.780 Bernard Beitman: it seems like a good idea. But if you

00:11:54.900 --> 00:12:05.310 Bernard Beitman: learn to trust your intuition, which includes the feelings that you're talking about, which are to me, gut, heart and mind. Still small voice.

00:12:05.430 --> 00:12:08.300 Bernard Beitman: a feeling of love, compassion.

00:12:08.300 --> 00:12:27.360 Bernard Beitman: and the kind of like your feeling you get from your gut. Those are 3 different aspects of what you're talking about. But you need to learn. You learn how which ones to pay attention to, and rationality helps refine which ones of those sound right at the moment to respond to yes or no.

00:12:27.510 --> 00:12:30.140 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah. Beautiful, beautiful.

00:12:30.270 --> 00:12:53.630 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So i'm just curious, because I always like to get a little bit of sort of background information. How did you go from sort of someone who was an expert in in panic disorders and chest pain and and and and psychopharmacology to to somebody who who's like dedicating his life to studying serendipity and synchronicities.

00:12:53.960 --> 00:13:10.160 Bernard Beitman: I I've had a lot of meaningful coincidences in my life, and as you know, and what you just wrote about all this stuff we do comes from our own experience, and we try to generalize to other people. So I've had a lot of a lot of meaningful coincidence as well

00:13:10.550 --> 00:13:20.800 Bernard Beitman: on the football field, playing baseball and developing the coincidence project and many, many other things. So I've had a lot of experiences with them.

00:13:20.800 --> 00:13:35.000 Bernard Beitman: and the panic, disorder, chest, pain thing gave me a research basis for doing research and coincidences. I learned how to do academic research, having 40 papers on just pain and panic disorder.

00:13:35.000 --> 00:13:50.660 Bernard Beitman: The pharmacology helped me understand the mind and brain relationship. Psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. Help me understand the process of interpersonal relationships which are so critical a part of synchronicity.

00:13:50.850 --> 00:14:03.810 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Absolutely. Absolutely. Okay, wonderful. So I I want to dive into that a little bit more your background, and maybe you can tell us some of the synchron, the the

00:14:04.230 --> 00:14:21.860 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in more impactful, synchronous events that happen to you. That kind of led you down this path, and then we'll get into actually what the books is about and and how to recognize, interpret, and act upon the these kind of synchronistic events. Okay.

00:14:22.190 --> 00:14:51.560 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: wonderful. So everyone. Please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consult now awakening humanity. We do this every Thursday. 12 noon to one Pm. Eastern time right here on talk radio that Nyc. All over social media, and you can hear us on Kmt. And Palm Springs, California, 1490 on the am. Dial 10 am. On Wednesday mornings, so everyone, please stay tuned. We'll be right back with our guest, Dr. Bernard Bitman, in just a moment.

00:14:55.260 --> 00:15:14.660 Are you a business owner? Do you want to be a business owner. Do you work with business owners? Hi! I'm, Stephen Fry your small and medium-sized business or Smb Guide, and i'm the host of the new show. Always Friday. While I love to have fun on my show, we take those Friday feelings of freedom and clarity to discuss popular topics on the minds of Smbs today.

00:15:14.820 --> 00:15:21.020 Please join me at my various special guests on Friday at 11 am. On talk radio and Nyc

00:15:23.480 --> 00:15:53.770 Are you a conscious Co-creator, are you on a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness? I'm. Sam leibowitz your conscious consultant. and on my show, the conscious consultant hour? Awakening humanity, we will touch upon all these topics and more. Listen. Live at our new time on Thursdays, at 12, noon, Eastern time. That's the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. Thursday's 12 noon on talk. Radio Nyc.

00:15:59.010 --> 00:16:27.560 Are you on edge, hey? We live in challenging Edgy Times. So let's lean in. I'm Sandra Bardman, the host of the edge of every day, which airs each Monday at 7 P. M. Eastern time on talk, radio and Nyc. Tune in, Live with me and my friends and colleagues, as we share stories and perspectives about pushing boundaries and exploring our rough edges. That's the edge of every day on Mondays, at 7 Pm. Eastern time on top radio and Nyc.

00:16:27.670 --> 00:16:28.570 Russia.

00:16:29.180 --> 00:16:30.300 And

00:16:30.480 --> 00:16:38.400 you're listening to talk radio, Nyc: uplift, educate and power the

00:16:54.650 --> 00:16:58.430 you Okay.

00:16:59.490 --> 00:17:00.390 you

00:17:09.270 --> 00:17:30.930 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and welcome back to the conscious consult now awakening humanity. We're speaking this hour to Dr. Bernard Biteman, author of the book, meaningful coincidences. So so, Dr. Biden, you you mentioned before the break. How you know, as with most things, this this sort of passion for studying synchronicities and serendipities

00:17:30.930 --> 00:17:37.150 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: kind of came out of your own personal experience. So i'm wondering if you might be willing to relate to us.

00:17:37.210 --> 00:17:52.470 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: You know what kind of things started to happen. That sort of made you pay attention and say, oh, maybe I should pay attention to this because it's not something that that most people normally pay attention to or or make it a focus of their life's work.

00:17:52.660 --> 00:17:58.560 Bernard Beitman: and that's precisely why I wrote. The book is to encourage people to pay attention to them

00:17:58.880 --> 00:18:10.630 Bernard Beitman: and T. I. I intend to help people see that meaningful coincidences are normal. They're really much more common than you think. But we're not taught to look for them. So

00:18:11.370 --> 00:18:26.970 Bernard Beitman: somebody's gotta tell you, or an event has to happen to you, as you're implying it. So the events that happened to me started with when I was 8 or 9, and my dog got lost. I came home, I said, hey, ma, we're snapper! And she said.

00:18:27.150 --> 00:18:37.160 Bernard Beitman: I don't know. Once you go to the police station. Maybe they know and what a thing to say, and I keep wondering why she said it. When I went to the police station they

00:18:37.450 --> 00:18:45.800 Bernard Beitman: rode my bike, and they didn't know where he was, and I started crying when I left the police station. Instead of going back

00:18:45.940 --> 00:18:51.500 Bernard Beitman: the usual way. I went some other way, because there was tears in my eyes, and I look up.

00:18:53.310 --> 00:18:57.430 Bernard Beitman: and there is a dog walking towards me the way Snaper walks, and

00:18:57.500 --> 00:19:15.280 Bernard Beitman: it was him, and he jumped up on my leg, and, as if to say, what took you so long? He had to make 4 different turns to get where we met each other. I just had to make one turn to get there, so I I it's just. I was a boy who needed his dog and boy. Did I need my dog, and

00:19:15.280 --> 00:19:19.210 Bernard Beitman: that was one of them, and my father bought me

00:19:19.220 --> 00:19:29.860 Bernard Beitman: Rock Snapper home for me because he knew I needed one. So my the next big one for me was San Francisco, 1,973.

00:19:29.880 --> 00:19:32.110 Bernard Beitman: I was standing over a sink

00:19:32.600 --> 00:19:38.280 Bernard Beitman: at 11 am. 11 Pm. San Francisco time, and I was choking, and I couldn't stop it.

00:19:38.600 --> 00:19:45.510 Bernard Beitman: I I never choked like that before. Something was in my but I didn't need anything. Something is in my throat, and

00:19:45.790 --> 00:19:52.480 Bernard Beitman: my my my brother called the next day it was February 20, seventh, 1,973,

00:19:53.050 --> 00:20:04.620 Bernard Beitman: and said that our father had died 3,000 miles away in Wilmington, Delaware, and he had died choking on his own blood at at 2 am.

00:20:05.080 --> 00:20:14.580 Bernard Beitman: Wilmington, Delaware time. So 11 Pm. 2 am the same time I was choking. He was dying choking to death.

00:20:14.740 --> 00:20:18.200 Bernard Beitman: and I tell the story to as a

00:20:18.210 --> 00:20:34.060 Bernard Beitman: because of memorial to my father as well as it got me. Very curious does this happen to other people? And indeed it does. And this is a not uncommon human experience to feel the pain of a loved one at a distance.

00:20:34.060 --> 00:20:43.290 Bernard Beitman: and so I gave it a name simultaneously, and those are the 2 of the many experiences that got me into studying meaningful coincidences.

00:20:43.290 --> 00:21:02.220 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: At what point, though, did you actually decide? Because obviously you've You've done many things over your career. What what point did you decide like. Oh, i'm! I'm really going to make this the focus of my work like not just something i'm looking at on the side, but something that's like this is going to be the main area that I want to really look at.

00:21:02.260 --> 00:21:08.340 Bernard Beitman: Well, it it it happened that I also was Chairman of psychiatry at the University of Missouri.

00:21:08.410 --> 00:21:10.950 Bernard Beitman: and I had enough of being

00:21:11.500 --> 00:21:23.480 Bernard Beitman: what I've been studying chest, pain and panic their psychotherapy. I wanted to study what I had experienced so many times since my dog got lost and we found each other.

00:21:23.570 --> 00:21:35.490 Bernard Beitman: I wanted to study it. And the simple way a science, this study something is saying, okay, what happened? A lot to you? And you hear other people. Does it happen to other people a lot?

00:21:35.750 --> 00:21:41.150 Bernard Beitman: So I develop a a valid and reliable scale, a survey

00:21:41.390 --> 00:22:01.310 Bernard Beitman: called the Weird Coincidence Survey, and gave it to more than a 1,000 people at the University of Missouri, Columbia, to see if they experience the any of these 10 coincidences on a regular basis, like from no to very frequently to yes, sometimes, and sometimes a lot.

00:22:01.460 --> 00:22:02.670 Bernard Beitman: And

00:22:02.740 --> 00:22:16.440 Bernard Beitman: we got a lot of people telling us they experience this timopathy, this experience of the pain of a loved one at a distance, as well as several others; and I can, and some of the more common ones are.

00:22:16.800 --> 00:22:22.100 Bernard Beitman: and you probably happens to you. I hear it all the time. Now I think of someone, and they call me

00:22:22.250 --> 00:22:23.740 Bernard Beitman: they contact me.

00:22:23.900 --> 00:22:25.060 Bernard Beitman: That is like

00:22:25.450 --> 00:22:41.100 Bernard Beitman: that's happening More, I think i'm hearing that more often than I had did 10 years ago. It's not. Oh, yeah, that happens to me regularly. Another one is being in the right place at the right time to further my educational goals or my job.

00:22:41.170 --> 00:22:46.530 Bernard Beitman: and that's a very common one, too, and the third common one is.

00:22:46.630 --> 00:22:51.410 Bernard Beitman: I think, of an idea. and I have it answered by

00:22:51.470 --> 00:23:04.290 Bernard Beitman: the media, or I hear somebody saying it over there, or I read it in some random book, and these are common, meaningful coincidence. So so from that basis

00:23:04.380 --> 00:23:10.120 Bernard Beitman: I got more confident that I could study meaningful coincidence in a scientific way.

00:23:10.640 --> 00:23:24.210 Bernard Beitman: I I imagine at the time this was about how long ago that you'd that this you started in 2,006 is when I first put together the merit Coincidence Survey first papers came out in 2,009 and 2,011.

00:23:24.740 --> 00:23:34.200 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: I imagine, at the time you, your your colleagues, might not have looked upon it quite so favorably.

00:23:34.490 --> 00:23:46.370 Bernard Beitman: You know that that's been a surprise. After I published the the first one, the first I I was editor of a particular edition of a journal called Psychiatric Annals.

00:23:46.370 --> 00:24:03.470 Bernard Beitman: I got 3 psychiatrists wanting to use the weird coincidence survey to study people in their populations, so that was surprised. And one of them was like a guy who studies near death experiences, and he asks people

00:24:03.990 --> 00:24:22.450 Bernard Beitman: before and after your near death, Experience? What was the frequency of your experiences of these coincidences, and they all reported that after the near death experience. They saw many more weird coincidence. So I've been surprised that the the the most critical

00:24:22.590 --> 00:24:42.460 Bernard Beitman: stuff I get is from by using one of the the AI chat bots on you, you you, and and they get gets kind of critical of this. But but colleagues, I've I've got to be doing a course.

00:24:42.460 --> 00:25:01.930 Bernard Beitman: and it for Integrator Medicine Group from Andrew. We you probably have heard of him. He's got a big program in Tucson, and next month i'm going to be doing synchronicity in medicine with his alumni a webinar, so i'm trying to get it out into medicine. And i'm not.

00:25:02.140 --> 00:25:11.440 Bernard Beitman: I'm not getting as much criticism as you might think. I just get people who just don't want to hear about it, and if you start asking doctors

00:25:11.640 --> 00:25:27.580 Bernard Beitman: as well as many other people to tell you coincidence stories, and I bet you got a couple of yourself, Sam, a lot we we all experience them, but they don't get the chance to talk about it together, and my book, meaningful coincidences makes this

00:25:27.580 --> 00:25:37.480 Bernard Beitman: whole murky area clearer, so that when people experience them they can see the science beginning to grow behind it.

00:25:37.950 --> 00:25:40.260 Bernard Beitman: There's something to them.

00:25:40.540 --> 00:25:48.560 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, it it it's kind of funny. It actually just just had this conversation the other day with someone that you know. We tend to

00:25:48.880 --> 00:26:12.830 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: be a little shy about sharing strange experiences that happen to us, because we think other people will think we're crazy. But then, once we do then like, oh, wow, like I have this weird experience, too, and it's sort of like, Once you make it. Okay to talk about. Then suddenly, all kinds of people start to tell you things, and and it's so funny. I was just talking about this the other day with someone.

00:26:12.830 --> 00:26:26.240 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But but I find that it's really true that actually, if you ask most people, most people have had some kind of coincidence, some kind of synchronicity. Something that's happened in their life that at the time they were like, why.

00:26:26.240 --> 00:26:44.610 Bernard Beitman: but they don't want to say anything to anybody, because they think other people are going to think they're crazy for talking about it, and I get to say i'm a psychiatrist. So I get to decide what's crazy and what's not. And that's the way I start off my book. And with that, Sam, there's still a lot of people who are isolated

00:26:44.610 --> 00:26:55.450 Bernard Beitman: in their experiences. So I've created the we. I've created the coincidence cafe. And if this coincidence cafe is an online

00:26:55.780 --> 00:27:11.570 Bernard Beitman: every third Saturday of the month 11 am. Eastern time on zoom where we tell each other coincidence stories. So people are just so happy to find us. And I think that will happen with people listening to us. If they want to

00:27:11.570 --> 00:27:21.640 Bernard Beitman: find the coincidence cafe, they can go to my website, c. O. I N. C. I d e

00:27:21.680 --> 00:27:31.290 Bernard Beitman: or put my name in the search engine. Bernard Bitman and I'll send me an email, and I will connect you to the coincidence cafe.

00:27:31.460 --> 00:27:41.890 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: You wonderful, wonderful. Yeah, and we'll make sure that you You give that out again at the end of the show for for everyone listening. We just got about a minute or 2 before our next break.

00:27:42.480 --> 00:27:50.480 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: At what point did you decide you should write your first book connecting with coincidence like, what was it that made you say I, I've got to publish

00:27:51.250 --> 00:27:54.270 Bernard Beitman: because I've accumulated so many stories.

00:27:54.340 --> 00:28:10.380 Bernard Beitman: and that book was really an a a kind of preliminary to coincidence studies. I wanted to see the stories myself, and see where I could, how I could gather them in an organized fashion, and get some idea about why they might happen.

00:28:10.390 --> 00:28:32.390 Bernard Beitman: So it was a a series of case studies that allowed me then to do this next one meaningful coincidences where I could organize my experience of writing it and hearing more stories. I have a podcast to where I interview people about their own story, so I accumulated a lot more information

00:28:32.600 --> 00:28:48.560 Bernard Beitman: and got a lot more input from different people and created the coincidence project with a board. We're a nonprofit, so that I knew what I knew. I had it down. I could now describe the new field of coincidence studies

00:28:48.560 --> 00:28:54.030 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: cool, cool, and and what's the name of your podcast? Just in case any of our listeners are interested

00:28:54.300 --> 00:28:56.170 Bernard Beitman: connecting with coincidence

00:28:56.180 --> 00:29:25.000 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: connecting with coincidence. Okay, we'll make sure that that gets into the show notes today. All right. Wonderful. So so we'll take a quick break, and then let's come back and talk really about. You know the the heart of your work. You know. How do we use these synchronistic events? And how do we determine whether to listen to the synchronistic events or not? Because that's really the key right? We don't have to listen to all of them, and if we listen to the wrong ones it could get us in trouble.

00:29:25.390 --> 00:29:31.460 Bernard Beitman: As you said right from the beginning, Sam, you were on my way back. I was on your what with what you read today.

00:29:31.480 --> 00:29:43.550 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: it it it, and to me this is the biggest coincidence of all. I'm just going through reading these little sections of my book one by one, since I started, probably over a year ago.

00:29:43.600 --> 00:30:00.340 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and somehow the section I read is always so perfect for whoever the guest happens to be that week, and every single one of them always says, oh, I loved what you read at the beginning of the show it's so. Apropos for what we're talking about today. So to me that's that's a

00:30:00.400 --> 00:30:14.990 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you you could go back over my shows, and it's like almost every single one. That that's one of my biggest coincidences, all right. So so we're gonna come right back in just a moment with with Dr. Bitman, and we're gonna really get into.

00:30:15.290 --> 00:30:30.380 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: You know how to really listen and determine what kinds of synchronicities and and serendipities we should really be paying attention to. So everyone. Please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consultant now awakening humanity, and we'll be right back

00:30:30.480 --> 00:30:32.180 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: in just a moment.

00:30:34.040 --> 00:30:48.350 Are you passionate about the conversation around racism. Hi! I'm! Reverend Dr. Tlc. Host of the Dismantle Racism show which airs every Thursday at 11 a. M. Eastern on talk Radio and Nyc.

00:30:48.350 --> 00:31:00.920 Join me and my amazing guest as we discussed ways to uncover, dismantle and eradicate racism. That's Thursdays at 110'clock a. M. On talk radio and Nyc.

00:31:03.530 --> 00:31:31.330 get up close to you. You may have many unanswered questions regarding your health. Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you have a desire to learn more about mental health, and enhance your quality of life, or do you just want to participate in self-understanding and awareness? I'm. Frank R. Harrison, host of Frank about health, and each Thursday I will tackle these questions and work to enlighten you. Tune in every 3, 35 P. M. On talk radio and Nyc and I will be frank about how to advocate for all of us.

00:31:36.600 --> 00:32:00.710 Hey, Buddy, it's Tommy D. The non-profit sector Connector coming at you from my attic each week here on talk, radio and Nyc: I host the program for the lamp of game focus nonprofits in cocktails each and every day, and it's my focus to help them amplify their message and tell their story. Listen: Each week at 10 a. M. Eastern standard time until 11 a. M. Is from standing time right here on talk radio, Dot: Nyc.

00:32:01.720 --> 00:32:12.160 You're listening to talk radio and Yc: at Www: talk, radio and live. C. Now broadcasting 24 h a day.

00:32:22.550 --> 00:32:26.350 you okay.

00:32:27.370 --> 00:32:28.290 you

00:32:37.210 --> 00:32:52.330 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and welcome back. I I was just checking the live streams. I see. Loyal listener, Paddy, checking in on the Youtube live, and I see my good friend Natan checking in on the Facebook, live. Thank you all for joining us. I'm sure there's many more of you out there.

00:32:52.330 --> 00:33:21.770 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: please, please, please, in case I Haven't said it recently. If you're listening, whether it's on a podcasting platform to the recording, or you're listening, Live, please, like, and share the the the episode, and make sure you subscribe to our channels. It will really help us to raise the visibility of the show overall and and get it out there to more people. So Dr. Biden let's talk about the the heart of really what the book is about, meaningful coincidences.

00:33:21.940 --> 00:33:29.910 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: How do we know when something is a a meaningful coincidence to a let's say, not so meaningful coincidence.

00:33:31.150 --> 00:33:46.040 Bernard Beitman: It's the way you started, Sam, and has something to do with your emotional response. Do a meaningful coincidence with, let's define a meaningful coincidence, and a medical coincidence is the coming together of

00:33:46.270 --> 00:33:52.170 Bernard Beitman: 2 or more events, usually 2 that do not appear to be causally related.

00:33:52.380 --> 00:33:55.740 Bernard Beitman: and we can't really create an explanation. So

00:33:55.860 --> 00:34:06.600 Bernard Beitman: your introduction, and being a paraphrase of my book is an example of that we don't have a way. We don't have a way of explaining it.

00:34:06.660 --> 00:34:24.600 Bernard Beitman: but in Tai tells us that you and what you're doing with reading your book have me as an example of being in the flow. and being in the flow is a is marked by having lots of coincidences. So what you're doing

00:34:25.159 --> 00:34:35.520 Bernard Beitman: with your reading and with the people who your guess tells you you're in the flow, so you can almost guess there's going to be something that the person you're interviewing has

00:34:35.630 --> 00:34:45.389 Bernard Beitman: some relationship to what you were just describing. So when you're in the flow and level of the coincidences, you then you can say, Well, this next one is probably a decent one.

00:34:45.480 --> 00:34:48.929 Bernard Beitman: but the ones that can't come out of like nowhere

00:34:49.340 --> 00:34:53.170 Bernard Beitman: that appear out of nowhere. Sometimes you can just really tell

00:34:53.260 --> 00:34:59.800 Bernard Beitman: like I needed to have some cash for the coincidence project

00:35:00.210 --> 00:35:03.040 Bernard Beitman: we just got. We just got the

00:35:04.050 --> 00:35:10.750 Bernard Beitman: we we just got instituted at the University at the in Virginia as a nonprofit incorporated.

00:35:12.000 --> 00:35:22.640 Bernard Beitman: and there I go to my mailbox, and there's a 1,000 bucks in the mailbox for the coincidence. Project. and I I find out the the woman's address and call her and and

00:35:22.810 --> 00:35:36.900 Bernard Beitman: and email, and we call her, and she gives us another 25 and for us. That was a big start, because that's all we that's about what we had, and that gives us a year's worth, and sometimes they are obvious.

00:35:37.100 --> 00:35:38.760 Bernard Beitman: You have a need.

00:35:38.770 --> 00:35:43.100 Bernard Beitman: and it it gets filled. So you don't have to like, guarantee your intuition.

00:35:43.430 --> 00:35:57.690 Bernard Beitman: But there are some that are are questionable, and there, and should I take this path or not? Take this path, or where? What you started off talking about is important to be able to know

00:35:57.840 --> 00:35:58.650 Bernard Beitman: I

00:35:59.220 --> 00:36:09.080 Bernard Beitman: I should. So a person comes to my door on canvassing for a a local senator who's trying to get elected again.

00:36:09.680 --> 00:36:11.740 Bernard Beitman: and I start talking with her.

00:36:11.880 --> 00:36:18.820 Bernard Beitman: and I tell her about the coincidence project after we start talking about global warming.

00:36:18.840 --> 00:36:21.990 Bernard Beitman: and it feels like a good connection.

00:36:23.280 --> 00:36:26.230 Bernard Beitman: But I don't know if it is.

00:36:26.360 --> 00:36:33.230 Bernard Beitman: And so. What I what I had to do was wait to see if she responds. I I didn't know whether to respond.

00:36:33.550 --> 00:36:42.370 Bernard Beitman: I find myself sitting next to ex-president of Randolph, make a university at a lunch randomly.

00:36:42.600 --> 00:36:44.690 Bernard Beitman: and we have a great conversation.

00:36:44.950 --> 00:36:56.560 Bernard Beitman: But should that some should we go someplace with what has just started there, and sometimes you just have to leave it alone and see what develops.

00:36:56.690 --> 00:37:08.880 Bernard Beitman: But there are definite times when you meet somebody, and much like what you have described where it's just amazing that you have this feeling of connection with somebody.

00:37:09.120 --> 00:37:18.080 Bernard Beitman: and I've had this on the dance floor. I said. I like to dance, and had this amazing connection. We were like on the same vibrational level.

00:37:18.360 --> 00:37:25.260 Bernard Beitman: It was the same thing we would love, and hugging each other. We could just stand there hugging each other for quite a long time.

00:37:25.560 --> 00:37:32.350 Bernard Beitman: But when when her uncle suggested that she lived with me because she needed a place to stay.

00:37:32.880 --> 00:37:35.310 Bernard Beitman: My intuition was.

00:37:35.760 --> 00:37:54.450 Bernard Beitman: I don't think so. I don't think so. No, it's hard to turn down a good vibe with somebody, and then say no. But the the strong feeling of my body as you were describing was like No, this, and my mind was all like no. So

00:37:54.570 --> 00:37:57.080 Bernard Beitman: learning to trust yourself

00:37:57.340 --> 00:38:07.280 Bernard Beitman: is an easy thing to say. It really is an easy thing to say. It's important. It's a first step, but learning what to listen to from yourself.

00:38:07.520 --> 00:38:15.270 Bernard Beitman: what to it, which voice is a good one to listen to. Which voice is not

00:38:15.310 --> 00:38:19.300 Bernard Beitman: so. I'm. By the river here in Charlottesville, and

00:38:21.050 --> 00:38:23.730 Bernard Beitman: should I a certain Here, Thunder!

00:38:24.060 --> 00:38:31.920 Bernard Beitman: And I said, should I go back to the parking lot, or should I go back to where there might be some action or something?

00:38:31.980 --> 00:38:36.380 Bernard Beitman: I was to continue on, so I heard a voice in my head.

00:38:36.440 --> 00:38:37.440 Bernard Beitman: a voice

00:38:37.850 --> 00:38:48.450 Bernard Beitman: it was. It was a voice that still, small voice saying, Go left! Which was away from the parking lot towards something else. And I said, Why?

00:38:48.750 --> 00:38:50.990 Bernard Beitman: And the voice said, you'll see.

00:38:51.630 --> 00:38:54.930 Bernard Beitman: and it's amazing what happened after that?

00:38:55.130 --> 00:39:10.720 Bernard Beitman: I'm standing there listening to a musician I wanted to hear for a long time, but Hadn't seen her, and had heard about her. A woman comes over to me, and says I, here you don't have a ticket. I've got a ticket I can give you. Come on in

00:39:10.720 --> 00:39:19.480 Bernard Beitman: we I go in. I start talking to this guy, she says, what are you doing? Talking to him? He's my husband. There are a lot of people there. I pick his husband out.

00:39:19.520 --> 00:39:35.680 Bernard Beitman: and They say we have dinner together, and they say, let's have a book launch party for you. Each of them come up with that by themselves, and that's that's to say, deciding to listen to the voice and taking a chance. Sometimes

00:39:35.700 --> 00:39:38.260 Bernard Beitman: you just take a chance on a chance.

00:39:38.280 --> 00:39:58.030 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: It's a chanty thing to take a chance on a chance. But the voice was so funny, saying, you'll see I had to go see? I'm curious. Yeah, yeah, Absolutely absolutely. I I i'm curious, because I've heard about this. I wonder how much it may have shown up or not shown up in your studies of

00:39:58.030 --> 00:40:10.400 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: some kind of synchronicity or coincidence happened, and the person listened to it, but it actually led them into something very difficult challenging, you know, not something they would have chosen on their own

00:40:10.950 --> 00:40:14.190 Bernard Beitman: right. Some people, some people take

00:40:15.320 --> 00:40:22.360 Bernard Beitman: really low probability, amazing coincidences as commands. They're not assigned posts.

00:40:22.460 --> 00:40:26.320 Bernard Beitman: But even then. even then.

00:40:27.030 --> 00:40:31.270 Bernard Beitman: if you wait long enough, sometimes that awful thing.

00:40:32.120 --> 00:40:43.290 Bernard Beitman: that awful event, that awful decision you made turns out to have been a really good thing to have done so You can't tell in the moment.

00:40:43.660 --> 00:40:49.250 Bernard Beitman: Sometimes it's awful now, sometimes it's really good later.

00:40:49.290 --> 00:40:55.380 Bernard Beitman: and involving 2 people. Sometimes it's good for one person and bad for the other person.

00:40:55.460 --> 00:41:08.440 Bernard Beitman: and sometimes it's, and that reverse that can reverse. So you don't know at the moment. Sometimes those awful ones can just be playing awful. You lead you down the wrong path.

00:41:08.490 --> 00:41:28.360 Bernard Beitman: But sometimes, like these awful ones, do turn out to be much better than you think.

00:41:28.530 --> 00:41:30.370 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah.

00:41:30.740 --> 00:41:36.200 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And and so with this new book, meaningful coincidence. When did it come out?

00:41:36.600 --> 00:41:43.300 Bernard Beitman: It came out of September 2,022 last year

00:41:43.410 --> 00:41:51.100 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and and so what was the real impetus behind this one compared to the first book like, what was what is this one really focused on?

00:41:51.450 --> 00:42:01.420 Bernard Beitman: I thought I understood the subject better. The first one was more collection of stories that I was trying to be able to understand the subject. Now

00:42:01.690 --> 00:42:20.680 Bernard Beitman: I probably have. This book is probably the most comprehensive book on Meaningful coincidence is ever written, and it's a continuation of what Carl Young wrote in his monograph came in, and it came out in the early 70 S. And wrote it in the fifth, 1950 S.

00:42:21.580 --> 00:42:28.700 Bernard Beitman: This is what this is. His was the nucleus of what I've got now, because I've systematized

00:42:28.750 --> 00:42:34.350 Bernard Beitman: and expanded on many of his observations. If this is a statement

00:42:34.770 --> 00:42:46.610 Bernard Beitman: practical as you read earlier, for each person to know these things happen, but also a roadmap for how to teach and learn and study meaningful coincidences.

00:42:47.900 --> 00:43:07.600 Bernard Beitman: Is there a way to cultivate meaningful coincidences, or the things we can do to help to foster that? Or is it just either they happen or they don't

00:43:07.990 --> 00:43:24.450 Bernard Beitman: my and my dog. You start with my dog. You gotta hit. Get hit in the face with it first before you believe in, or you read a book like mine, or you tear other people's stories. But the fundamental thing to cultivate them. Sam.

00:43:24.500 --> 00:43:28.010 Bernard Beitman: is to believe they exist.

00:43:28.220 --> 00:43:34.840 Bernard Beitman: Hmm. You have to believe they exist and believe that they can be useful for you.

00:43:35.090 --> 00:43:38.290 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, yeah, and pay attention to them

00:43:38.500 --> 00:43:50.180 Bernard Beitman: and pay it, and that means pay attention to the things that you might not have paid attention to. Around. You. Pay attention. They're out there, and they're talking to you.

00:43:50.200 --> 00:44:08.390 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, yeah, awesome, awesome. All right. Time for us. Take our last break on the show goes so quick when I have such a fascinating guest like yourself when we come back. I really want to talk about the meaning. What does all this mean? What does it indicate to you personally?

00:44:08.460 --> 00:44:27.710 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: So everyone, please stay tuned. You're listening to the conscious consult now awakening humanity. We've been speaking this hour with Dr. Bernard Biteman, author of the book, Meaningful coincidences, how and Why, serendipity and synchronicity happen, and we'll be right back in just a moment. To wrap it all up.

00:44:28.050 --> 00:44:29.150 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: stay tuned

00:44:32.640 --> 00:44:56.740 everybody. It's Tommy deed a non-profit sector connector coming at you from my attic each week here on talk radio, that and Y. Z. I hosted program for a lamb of main focus. Nonprofits in cocktails each and every day, and it's my focus to help them amplify their message and tell their story. Listen: each week at 10 a. M. Eastern standard time until 11. A. M. Is from standard time. Right here on talk radio, Dot Nyc.

00:44:57.400 --> 00:45:25.320 In that horns come in world. You may have many unanswered questions regarding your health. Are you looking to live a healthier lifestyle? Do you have a desire to learn more about mental health, and enhance your quality of life? Or do you just want to participate in self-understanding and awareness? I'm. Frank R. Harrison, host of frank about health, and each Thursday I will tackle these questions and work to enlighten you. Tune in everyday 5 P. M. On talk radio, and Nyc and I will be frank about help to advocate for all of us.

00:45:28.880 --> 00:45:59.170 Are you a conscious co-creator? Are you on a quest to raise your vibration and your consciousness? I'm Sam Leibowitz, your conscious consultant, and on my show the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity, we will touch upon all these topics and more. Listen. Live at our new time on Thursdays, at 12 noon Eastern time that's the conscious consultant hour awakening humanity. Thursday's 12 noon on talk, Radio and Nyc.

00:46:03.550 --> 00:46:13.490 You're listening to talk radio. now broadcasting 24 h a day.

00:46:23.060 --> 00:46:26.820 Okay. okay.

00:46:27.880 --> 00:46:28.790 you

00:46:37.390 --> 00:46:47.630 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and welcome back. So, Dr. Biteman. it's There's so much around this topic. I I could talk to you about this for hours.

00:46:48.120 --> 00:47:03.060 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But one of the things I'm always keenly aware of is that we, as human beings, love to make meaning out of stuff, even necessarily meaning that doesn't always make sense, or or isn't necessarily there.

00:47:03.290 --> 00:47:12.130 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: But i'm just curious you You've been studying this for years. Now I think you said you started in like 2,006. It's like, you know, over 16 years.

00:47:13.340 --> 00:47:19.180 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What do you think all of these synchronicities and these these serendipity?

00:47:19.280 --> 00:47:22.480 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: What do they indicate for you personally?

00:47:23.180 --> 00:47:25.870 Bernard Beitman: Well, i'm a I'm. A practical guy.

00:47:26.610 --> 00:47:31.890 Bernard Beitman: and I was finding my dog. It's nothing more practical than finding

00:47:32.000 --> 00:47:39.950 Bernard Beitman: my dog, and that that they are continuing to be practical. But i'm also curious about how the world works, because

00:47:40.060 --> 00:47:47.310 Bernard Beitman: I know I I went to some fancy institutions for education, and they didn't tell me something.

00:47:47.440 --> 00:47:49.620 Bernard Beitman: I knew there was something going on here.

00:47:49.740 --> 00:47:58.450 Bernard Beitman: and I learned more about that being a part time hippie on Hate street that there is a take psychedelics, and you can see the world in a different way.

00:47:58.480 --> 00:48:06.460 Bernard Beitman: And I saw a lot of synchronicities there so that they they're happening, and they tell us about the nature of reality.

00:48:06.780 --> 00:48:09.610 Bernard Beitman: Not there, not just personally meaningful.

00:48:10.420 --> 00:48:15.160 Bernard Beitman: But they're telling us that there's reality out there that we have not really

00:48:15.320 --> 00:48:29.570 Bernard Beitman: fully comprehend, probably never will. But there's a mystery that I mix. That meaningful coincidences help clarify. I call, I say, that meaningful coincidences are the mysterious hiding in plain sight.

00:48:29.890 --> 00:48:41.740 Bernard Beitman: And we gotta look at these mysterious things hiding in plain sight. and try to see what's going on behind them, and what's going on behind them is what a lot of people say

00:48:41.870 --> 00:48:46.850 Bernard Beitman: that we're all connected but meaningful coincidence is, Show

00:48:47.210 --> 00:48:55.220 Bernard Beitman: us how we are connected. They illuminate the invisible currents that connect and unite us

00:48:55.510 --> 00:49:00.290 Bernard Beitman: not only with each other. but with the plants and animals

00:49:00.450 --> 00:49:04.440 Bernard Beitman: of this world, as well as to the earth itself.

00:49:04.690 --> 00:49:17.230 Bernard Beitman: Meaningful coincidences connect us to what's around us. For example, the microbiome in our soil is the almost the same as the microbiome in our gi track.

00:49:17.540 --> 00:49:34.480 Bernard Beitman: Same, Michael. You know that, and that's a connection that looks like a coincidence, and we can't explain it, but it shows that we can make some guesses, but shows how we are connected to literally the earth. So what I'm trying to do.

00:49:34.560 --> 00:49:49.840 Bernard Beitman: and what you're helping me be able to do, Sam, and so appreciate being on your show is being is is taking this idea of connection through meaningful coincidence is serendipity, synchronicity

00:49:50.170 --> 00:49:51.100 Bernard Beitman: and

00:49:52.200 --> 00:49:54.210 Bernard Beitman: connect humanity.

00:49:54.580 --> 00:50:01.140 Bernard Beitman: Help People find the kinds of coincidences that they share with other people

00:50:01.240 --> 00:50:11.370 Bernard Beitman: by developing an app that categorizes coincidence patterns and putting people together with the kinds of coincidences they experience because we're all unique

00:50:11.370 --> 00:50:24.910 Bernard Beitman: in the way we experiencing them and younger people right there at Columbia University, right around the block from you. Some place are studying synchronicity, and they know it. And what they also know

00:50:25.110 --> 00:50:43.500 Bernard Beitman: is that us older people are giving them a planet that's in distress. We are the ones responsible for it. But the older people are not as driven as the younger people to do something about it, because they're inherited what we're doing. So i'm trying to get

00:50:43.500 --> 00:50:50.960 Bernard Beitman: to younger people as well as older people who want to do this to unite as a collective human organism.

00:50:51.110 --> 00:50:57.360 Bernard Beitman: because we can be part of one in an organized way and start to mitigate

00:50:57.430 --> 00:51:13.350 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: the global warming that we are creating for our next generations

00:51:13.400 --> 00:51:21.120 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: these days. And and a lot of deep thinkers that I follow. Talk about it a lot.

00:51:21.200 --> 00:51:34.890 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: and there's almost a in a way, this kind of insanity of humanity where we're not taking it seriously enough. And we're not doing enough to to mitigate what's happening with our environment.

00:51:35.050 --> 00:51:43.540 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: And it just it's it just doesn't make sense. It's just so like a a self destructive.

00:51:43.700 --> 00:51:45.790 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: because

00:51:45.930 --> 00:52:05.760 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: whether you believe climate change is caused by humans or not, the kinds of things we need to do that science is telling us we need to be doing. We should be doing anyway, whether you believe who the cause or not it doesn't matter. These are still things of of of.

00:52:05.760 --> 00:52:25.090 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: you know, recycling, reusing, coming up with sustainable technologies and regenerative energy generation and and stop using so much plastic and and stop polluting the air. I mean it just makes the world a healthier world for all of us. Why not?

00:52:26.020 --> 00:52:40.580 Bernard Beitman: Because we don't like changing our patterns of behavior, and what I and all those things you list, including the insect Apocalypse, going on right now, too, and then other things

00:52:40.720 --> 00:52:42.390 Bernard Beitman: good. I want

00:52:42.420 --> 00:53:02.270 Bernard Beitman: us to see that we truly are part of this this world that we are. That meaningful coincidence is that connect my mind to your mind. Show us that my mind is not so separate from yours, that my mind is not so separate from the trees that I can communicate with

00:53:02.310 --> 00:53:17.260 Bernard Beitman: when we start to not just know what to do and not just know we're connected, but we experience the connection with other people and plants and animals. We feel they are part of us, and they are part of us.

00:53:17.380 --> 00:53:22.840 Bernard Beitman: Synchronicity helps us experience those things. So that's why I am trying

00:53:23.220 --> 00:53:36.390 Bernard Beitman: to put the idea of meaningful coincidences into global consciousness by having people experience them and talk about them with each other, so they can know

00:53:36.390 --> 00:53:52.620 Bernard Beitman: that our minds are connected to our environments; that we are not just by ourselves, that we can be functioning together as organs in a collective human organism of people working together with what we can do

00:53:52.700 --> 00:54:01.050 Bernard Beitman: to make so many people trying to make things better so we could do it in an organized fashion by recognizing yes.

00:54:01.540 --> 00:54:23.340 Bernard Beitman: how we're connected to each other, and that we are connected with each other, and we each have different capacities and purposes that we can unite synergistically, and synchronicity can help us see how those patterns can develop among in between us that help do the things that you are talking about.

00:54:23.340 --> 00:54:45.980 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Absolutely absolutely. And I I just want to briefly mention before we end the show. You know you brought up the the idea of psychedelics before, and how that helps to open us to it, and it's been one of the things i'm extremely passionate about we've I've had many guests have talked about a lot on the show. The idea of using plant medicine and and what I like to call indigenous technologies

00:54:45.980 --> 00:55:02.500 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: that that help to open this up and show us that. Yes, we we. We have the the sensational experience of what it means to be connected to each other and connected to the earth, and and that's one of the for me. What I've seen happen when people engage in these ceremonies

00:55:02.500 --> 00:55:08.180 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: is almost always. They come out with a greater sense of connected in this.

00:55:08.180 --> 00:55:34.540 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to the environment, to the planet, and they do start to live with a little differently. They do start to change their behavior to be more sustainable. So that's one of the reasons why i'm so passionate about that that particular area. Because I feel it, it can support and feed into. You know the the same consciousness that that the idea of of seeing all these synchronicities and serendipity coming together also kind of feed.

00:55:34.590 --> 00:55:52.690 Bernard Beitman: They're very much related to each other, Sam and and and and not just doing it by ourselves, but which is very important and not keeping developing just our inner self because we have to do that, but also start doing things together

00:55:52.690 --> 00:56:05.280 Bernard Beitman: to organize. That's what the younger people are doing. They're they're organizing, and they use tik to to be able to organize, and they want to organize, connect, as you're describing.

00:56:05.310 --> 00:56:07.340 Bernard Beitman: But then do something.

00:56:07.580 --> 00:56:37.580 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Do something together from a higher state of consciousness. Right? Right? Absolutely, absolutely. And I just want to quickly acknowledge before we finish. I see Miriam commenting on on the linkedin livestream I've had. I've been having a ton of synchronicities this week, including a very funny one, Miriam, I'd love to hear about the funny one. So, Dr. Biden, I really want to thank you for your time. Where today to come onto the show one more time. If people want to learn more about your work and get in touch with you.

00:56:37.580 --> 00:56:39.790 They go online, how they find out more.

00:56:40.120 --> 00:56:53.220 Bernard Beitman: If they put my name Bernard Bitman, B. E. I. T. M. A. N. They're gonna come to my podcast to come to my psychology today, Blog: they'll come to my website and email me to

00:56:53.260 --> 00:57:12.000 Bernard Beitman: to get on to the, to the Coincidence cafe and order my book any way you want there it You can get it all kinds of ways, and learn about what you can do to think about integrating meaningful coincidences, serendipity and synchronicity into your life

00:57:12.000 --> 00:57:31.480 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: to help mitigate global warming and to feel much more connected with people. It's a lot more fun that way.

00:57:31.480 --> 00:57:46.950 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: How and why serendipity and synchronicity happen. Dr. Byman. Thank you so much. Thank you for the work that you do I really appreciate you? It's been a thrill having you come on the show today and let's keep in touch, and if you have a new book in the future we'll definitely have you back on.

00:57:47.390 --> 00:58:17.390 Bernard Beitman: Thanks, Sam and I Look, there's more for us to talk about. So I I say I could come back on here, and we could still have more conversations. So you think about that, too? I'd be glad to come back and join you. You're a very good interviewer, and I appreciate that very, very much. Thank you. Thank you so much. Yes, we'll get you back in. I'm. Booked up for the year already, so it'll be some time next year. But thank you so much.

00:58:17.390 --> 00:58:26.110 Sam Liebowitz | The Conscious Consultant: Please share, if you like this episode. Let other people know about it. Thank you all for tuning in. We will talk to you all next week.

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